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Coachella Artist A Day: N.A.S.A....75 days to go

I am always humbled this time of year. No matter how much I think I know about pop music, the announcement of the Coachella lineup always reminds me just how little I know! Half the fun of going out to Indio every year is spending the couple of months before hand investigating all of the names on the bill that are foreign to me.

Today's Coachella act of the day is N.A.S.A(North America/South America). ....here is a snippet from their bio:

While N.A.S.A. stands for North America/South America and contains a number of superstar artists from both coasts of the U.S., it is about as far from a tension-building geographical showdown as a record can get. Rather, The Spirit of Apollo was born with the righteous goal of bringing people together through music and art, and that is exactly what masterminds Sam Spiegel (Squeak E. Clean) and Ze Gonzales (DJ Zegon) have done.

And the "superstar artist" cameos are awesome! Tom Waits, Kanye West, David Byrne, and in the track below, the Yeah Yeah Yeah's Karen O:(The album is called 'The Spirit Of Apollo')

* N.A.S.A. - 'Strange Enough' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

You Want Your Milk IN A BAG? (worthington)

Reply to: pers-1014748259@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-30, 10:46PM EST

as a cashier at a certain supermarket I say FUCK YOU !! to the shitty people that want their gallon of milk in a fucking plastic bag. you are such a shitty human being, this country has no room for motherfuckers that want to carry a gallon of 2% in a FUCKING plastic bag. its got a fucking handle, and in particular the men who want there milk in a bag look like the biggest fucking pussies walking around with a fucking bag of milk. all of you that do it, i want you to die.


Today's grocery store bag boy...tomorrow's serial killer.

* Kings Of Leon - 'Milk' MP3

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And so it begins...A Coachella Band A Day: Yeah Yeah Yeah's

Here we go...my initial post in a series of what I hope to be 76. I'll post a song a day from an artist playing at Coachella right up until I have to board the plane and head to Indio for my three favorite days of the year.

Here is the opening salvo...and I'll see you in the desert...this one just seems appropriate:

* Yeah Yeah Yeah's - 'Phenomena' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Dont wake up ! I am the man of your dreams - 46 (North Columbus)

Reply to: pers-1014491661@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-30, 6:43PM EST

When I look into your eyes I dont need to say a word because you will know how much I care. You will never have to be alone because I will always be there. You wont have to ask because you already know I will. What do I have to offer?
Honesty Love Passion Laughter for someone that finds us equally attractive and enjoyable with same chemistry. If you want to mix it up and bake it and see if we can take it. Then Why are you sitting there staring at your screen. Just send me a message.
Thank you


"If you want to mix it up and bake it and see if we can take it." SERIOUSLY Don't wake up! Guys this clever just don't exist in the real world!

* Arcade Fire - 'Wake Up' MP3

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Coachella 2009: First Impressions

Sooo...my picture didn't come out very well. If you still haven't seen the lineup, you can check it out here:


And I have to preface my comments with this little bit of full disclosure. I am 100% NOT OBJECTIVE when it comes to this festival. I love it with all of my heart. This will be my fifth year trekking out to California from Ohio, and I don't plan on missing one as long as I am upright and able. So, with that being said, I love this lineup. It's just a beautiful mesh of new and old.

Upon first glance, here are some moments I can't wait for:

- Seeing my favorite band, The Hold Steady, in my favorite place on earth!

- Beirut at Sunset on Friday night!

- Paul McCartney

- Public Enemy...i don't care how old Chuk D is or how many bat dating reality shows Flav does...I still love them.

- Leonard Cohen

- My Bloody Valentine and The Cure to close things out on Sunday night!

Only 77 long days away :-)

* The Hold Steady - 'Your Little Hoodrat Friend'

* Beirut - 'Nantes'

* The Beatles - 'Yesterday'

* Public Enemy - 'Don't Believe The Hype'

* Leonard Cohen - 'Hallelujah'

* The Cure - 'Pictures Of You'

* My Bloody Valentine - 'To Here Knows When'

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New Gadget: The Further Chronicling Of My Mental Illness

I have this thing that I do, that probably really annoys everyone, but most people are really sweet about it and don't say anything. EVERY TIME I hear a word or phrase that I think would make a great band name, I blurt out - almost reflexively - "Hey, that would make an AWESOME band name!"...then 45 minutes later, POOF...gone from my memory forever.

So...I am now combining this habit with my blog. Every time I hear something of imaginary band name worthiness, I will add it to the little widget you see to your right. Those all happened in like the last week. This list will be updated often. You have been warned.

* The Ting-Tings - 'That's Not My Name' MP3

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Coming Back Around Again

Do you ever get the feeling that some people were just fated to make music together? I sort of feel that way about former Jayhawks founders Mark Olson and Gary Louris. Their voices compliment each other so well...I have trouble listening to either one without the other. The Jayhawks formed in Minneapolis WAY back in 1985. Olson left the band in 1997, but not before he helped to record two of my all time favorite records with the band - 'Hollywood Town Hall' and 'Tomorrow The Green Grass.'

Fast forward to 2008, and Olson and Louris got together and recorded 'Ready For The Flood'....which I have been listening to all day. Those voices. Still sounding so great together. This record has a real lo-fi charm to it, almost like they just set up a 4 track, grabbed some guitars, some friends, and some beers and played music until the sun came up. For an old Jayhawks fan, this is a beautiful thing.

Here is one off of the new album, then one each off of those older classics.(OK...nostalgia wins again, I am actually posting two songs off of Hollywood Town Hall)

* Mark Olson & Gary Louris - 'Bicycle' MP3

* The Jayhawks - 'Take Me With You When You Go' MP3

* The Jayhawks - 'Settled Down Like Rain' MP3

* The Jayhawks - 'Blue' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

80 Knifes and 1 Sword For 100 Dollars.. Great Deal Low Price.. - $100 (East Columbus)

Reply to: sale-1011988912@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-28, 9:51PM EST

For Sale 79 knifes and One sword.... This is as low as I can go... Must sell need the money but the price is firm... Already taking a loss... Contact me 419-969-4374 ask for Shannon These are all new and in the package..


80 knives and a sword???? Unopened? Man, I have so many questions...

This one deserves two songs:

* The Knife - 'Heartbeats' MP3

* Apostle Of Hustle - 'My Sword Hand's Anger'

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Scenes from the shuffle

For me, this is the whole reason for having a blog. Moments like this. Put the Zune on shuffle...hear a great song you haven't heard in forever....share said song. The NOWNESS of the internet is truly an amazing thing if you ever take a step back and appreciate it.

So while I was waiting in vain for the Coachella lineup announcement that is apparently never coming, I left my musical fate up to the shuffle. And I heard this Joseph Arthur tune for the first time in a long time...and had to share it.

* Josheph Arthur - 'Favorite Girl' MP3

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The Last Song I Will Write

Jason Isbell keeps on keeping on. Since leaving the Drive By Truckers, Mr. Isbell has been on the road for what seems like forever. Really. But for that I am thankful, I can't wait to see him March 6th here @ a place called the Basement. Should be the perfect fit for his bar room ballads and blues infused rockers.

And even with all of the touring, he and is band The 400 Unit have still managed to write and record a new album. The self titled disc will be out this spring. Here is a beautiful song form that record:

* Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit - 'The Last Song I Write' MP3

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Emerald Park

What did people do in snow emergencies pre-internet??? I shudder to think. I am snowed in here, it's a winter war zone out there. So I have been scouring the internet this morning for some new tunes and I stumbled across a really cool Swedish band called Emerald Park, a six piece that produce beautiful, and at times, anthemic pop sounds.

Here is a great track off of their latest LP 'For Tomorrow', it's incredibly simple, but so catchy.

* Emerald Park - 'Värnhem' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Mens Social Club- Only Join If U Love Naked Women (Northside Columbus)

Reply to: comm-1009935853@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-27, 2:15PM EST

The XXX Gentlemen's Club (GC) is an organized club of dedicated supporter’s of alternative lifestyles and international connoisseurs of the booty! We join together for camaraderie, strength of numbers, companionship, education, business/physical training, and socialization.


I am an erotic artist here in Columbus, and i can't help the love and/or lust that i have 4 beautiful women. Because of this i am starting a- lets say "support group" 4 like minded men, but not 2 kill the thoughts- 2 truly support our desires. A group of men AND women who support all alternative lifestyles and believe it is our constitutional right 2 do so, but with the dedication 2 one another of a brotherhood. This is not a simple dream- this is real and growing. Currently our office/club house is ran out of a Straight Up massage biz, and will soon have a meet and greet 4 possible members. Decorated with beautiful naked art- our club house has a soft drink stocked bar (no liq lic. so byob) pool table, multiple tv's with cable 4 sporting events, game system and big screen projector coming soon. Best of all sexy ass massage artist and erotic dancers will be on hand 7 days a week! Check our adult web site or contact me 4 more info~


How could I have NEVER heard of this before now? To think, I was idolizing strippers for all these years by myself when I could have been a part of the "brothahood"!

* Colour Revolt - 'Naked And Red' MP3

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Two For Tuesday

It's snowing...like crazy. Actually, I think its morphed from snow into freezing rain...yay!!

Just wanted to pass along two songs from two of my favorite singer/songwriter albums from last year, Samamidon's 'All Is Well' and Joshua Morrison's 'Home.'

* Samamidon - 'Sugar Baby' MP3

* Joshua Morrison - 'Alabaster' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

looking for help with my fantasy - m4w - 60 (columbus)

Reply to: pers-1007943137@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-26, 5:32AM EST

Some place is a woman that beleives her hubby is shooting blanks. Can not tell him, it will make him think his not a real man. My fantasy is for a woman to look at me and say now, today is my best time DO ME NOW!



* Land Of Talk - 'Give Me Back My Heart Attack' MP3

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Sunken Treasure

"Music is my savior
I was maimed by rock and roll
I was maimed by rock and roll
I was tamed by rock and roll
I got my name from rock and roll"

* Jeff Tweedy - 'Sunken Treasure' MP3

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Golden Hour

I love it when musicians make youtube infomercials about their albums! So much cooler than reading a boring bio...plus, the lazy blogger in me can just embed the clip here and stop attempting to dissect someone else's inner most intentions.

Firewater's 'Golden Hour' is a fantastic disc from last year that I just picked up over the weekend. Here is Firewater's main man Tod A explaining his motivation, process, and thoughts on the record. There is a song shared after the clip.

* "Feels Like The End Of The World' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

girl who dumped me over the phone at 1:30am - m4w

Reply to: pers-1007879174@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-26, 1:23AM EST

You called me at 1:30 AM to tell me over and over that you don't want to be with me any more. The problem is, I don't know who you are, and I tried to explain that.

In retrospect, it would have been more fun to play along, but I was a bit too groggy to think fast. Oh well, next time a wrong number breaks up with me, I'll be ready.

Give me a call if you want to practice dumping guys, I guess my number's probably in your phone now. Try to call before 10 though.


* Dear And The Headlights - 'Now It's Over' MP3

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Heartbroken, In Disrepair

I think it is official. I have been OVER fixating on the impending release of the 2009 Coachella lineup. I was totally scooped by my friend Jameson on a solo album from Dan Auerbach, lead man for one of Ohio's finest rock bands, The Black Keys.

'Keep It Hid' is more of the same gut-wrenching blues infused rock that the Keys play so well with a more fleshed out full band sound. At times it veers off into the realm of almost classic cork. Really good classic rock. I am digging it.

* Dan Auerbach - 'Heartbroken, In Disrepair' MP3

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Blue Lights On The Runway

You can keep King Bono and U2, I will gladly take the Irish soul of North County Kildare band Bell X1 ANY DAY of the week. Bell X1 formerly existed in the form of a band called Juniper, fronted by Damien Rice. When Rice left, Paul Noonan took on the singing and the bulk of the songwriting. And they haven't looked back. Their 2008 album 'Flock' was one of my favorites(it may have been available previously in Ireland, but it only made it stateside last year).

'Blue Lights On The Runway' is scheduled for a March release here in America I believe...and it is beautiful. Here is one of my favorite tracks off of it. Enjoy.

* Bell X1 - 'Blows In' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

looking for my daughters father - w4m - 47 (centerburg)

Reply to: pers-1005980290@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-24, 2:16PM EST

Please bear with me as i try to explain my story...i'm doing this for my daughter she has no idea i'm trying to find her birth father and what is even worse the birth father doesn't even know she exsists. When i was 18 i was living/working at a nursing home in centerburg, Ohio. i would party hard and wild back then. Not at all proud of it but have to be honest about it. at age 19 i became pregnant and soon after finding out i just left and went back home to Indiana. i gave birth to a baby girl. on Dec. 16, 1981. meaning i conceived in march. i truly believe i know who the man is that is her father but it's been 27 yrs and i my memory isn't all that great anymore. i know we were at my friend Debbies house when it happened, he was in the reserves at the time. i think his name was greg. My name is Melinda but friends call me Lynn. we used to go to a bar in cernterburg called freddy farquars and there was also a little bar and restraunt place where debbies mom used to work we'd also visit. please if any of this sounds familiar and you would like to see if you may have fathered a daughter 27 yrs ago please contact me. you are missing out on a wonderful daughter and 2 great grandsons.

please as you read this do not judge me i know my past is terrible i'm just trying to make up for it for my daughters sake. so please if you remember any of this contact me. i'm not wanting to get back with you or want anything from you i just want you to know a piece of you. her name is Rachel Leanne Seitter Jordan. she's 27, born on Dec. 16, 1981, she has 2 sons, Jerry Wayne Jordan III. and Hayden Michale Jordan. she's been married 6 yrs to a wonderful man who's going through chemo for cancer so Rachel needs all the emotional support she can get. from her natural father too if i can find him.

any help in finding this man would be greatly appreciated. i remember there was a man by the name of rusty rogers in the group too. but hes not involved with Rachel just trying to give as much info as possible.


HELLO?? It's 2009. There is no need to go into the ultra personal, often humbling details of your youthful indiscretions in order to find your daughter's birth father on Craigslist...have you not heard or seen the modern miracle that IS the Maury show?

* REM - 'New Test Leper' MP3

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Salvador Sanchez

I love it when Mark Kozelek sings about other people...

* Sun Kil Moon - 'Salvador Sanchez' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Hot Male Escort for Anyone! - 25 (Columbus, OH)

Reply to: pers-1001521386@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-21, 10:25AM EST

Tired of showing up to places alone? Single or not, straight or gay, everyone needs some companionship, or at least someone to show off. Are you a gay man perhaps who wants to go out with a young tight-assed fresh out of college escort? A single woman who wants to go out dancing or clubbing and get her back rubbed and feet massaged? Maybe you are just looking for someone to go to a banquet with, or a friends party, whatever you need I got it. I can play the role of boyfriend, lover, friend, boy toy, cougar bait, you name it. Keep in mind, this is a professional escort service and not a prostitution service. Everything is kept strictly confidential, and prices are negotiated based on the services wanted.


Cougar Bait - wouldn't that make an awesome band name?? Oh, and this guy is a total hack....he doesn't look anything like the guy in the picture NOR did he come to my office party wearing the proper attire.....I mean at least that's what someone told me.

* Beirut - 'My Night With The Prostitute In Marseilles'

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A Mouthful

Olivia B.Merilahti and Dan Levy are the French duo The Dø. Do as in the musical note, here...I'll let them explain it:

The first note on the standard musical scale is "do" which is the last note also, representing what's new and what's old, giving the musicians and artist the latitude & longitude to re-invigorate any musical genre, from blues, rhythm & blues, jazz, bebop, doowop & hip-hop, not to mention rock & roll, and eitherway to sing or play you've got to do it with your heart & soul.

Got it? Good. Their debut record 'A Mouthful' is musically speaking, all over the map. And I love it for that reason. You'll hear bits of jazz, rock, whatever else they saw fit to make a song complete. A grand debut that I am loving more every day.

* 'On My Shoulders' MP3

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Clouded Staircase

Startling Electric remind a little bit(in all the best ways) of Guided By Voices, another Midwestern lo-fi power pop band. But SE's influences go much deeper. As I was hanging out listening to their recently re-issued 2006 release 'Clouded Staircase' last night, I heard the late 60's/early 70's pop influences(The Beach Boys and The Zombies sring to mind) all over the record. Even the cover art of the CD looks like it was plucked from that golden age of music.

I am gonna share two tracks...I love the record so much, and I think these two really showcase the varied influences that I was talking about. Enjoy.

* 'The St Valentine's Day Massacre' MP3

* 'Camp Fire' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

CALIFORNIA RAISINS- 4 Figures-COOL - $5 (cols./Hilliard)

Reply to: sale-1003986082@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-22, 11:23PM EST

Remember these guys? The California Raisins. There are 4 of them as pictured. 5.00 for all. Please email if you have any questions. Thanks


"Please email if you have any questions." OK...I have a question. Are you seriously selling statues of the California raisins?? And in reference to your ad's title, NO...these are not cool...they weren't cool in 1985 when they were at least topical. And it irks me that your vote counts just as much as mine in every single election. That is all.

Wow...those raisins really got my ire up!! I guess it's been a long week here :-)

* Mates Of State - 'California'(Phantom Planet cover) MP3

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The Shackletons

Pennsylvania's The Shackletons make the sort of music that reminds me of why it was I fell in love with rock n roll in the first place. They play songs that were probably written in a lonely bedroom, honed in one of the guy's garages, and perfected in dark, nearly empty bar rooms. Simple songs that still manage to pack a wallop. Rock n roll bliss.

Here is one of my favorites from their self-titled album that was released last year.

* The Shackletons - 'Your Movement' MP3

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All Is Well

Here is singer/songwriter Sam Amidon's bio:

"SAM was born in Brattleboro, Vermont, June 3, 1981. His parents are Peter and Mary Alice Amidon. His little brother is the great Stefan Amidon, who is a drummer. Sam currently lives in, he forgets, somewhere near New York City."

Sam's latest record is brilliant, it's called 'All Is Well.'

Here is Sam's music(I could dig out a thesaurus and use 7 or 8 synonyms for GREAT, but I will just play the song):

* Samamidon - 'Saro' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Rave: The Ultimate Guide to Breakups

Date: 2008-1-17, 3:00PM EST

You can smell it coming. Your paramour has left an ominous message on your voicemail. S/he wants to talk. Perhaps you have been invited to meet him somewhere public. Maybe she's cancelled a date, and is meeting you at your place instead. But you're not an idiot and you can anticipate what's next: your ass is about to get dumped. C'est la vie.

Here is your foolproof guide to navigating your breakup. Follow these simple directions and I can guarantee a minimum of stress and heartbreak. If you desire, this technique will ensure your probability of reconciliation is maximized. Want her back? Listen well:

1. On the day you get the news, listen very calmly. Say as little as possible. You will probably hear some BS like, "It's not you - it's me" or "I just need some space for a while" or "let's still be friends"... blah blah blah. Do not argue. Accept everything s/he says. S/he may become emotional. Make no move to comfort him or her. When s/he has finished, do not linger. Say goodbye and leave. If you are in your own home, show him or her the door. A chaste hug is OK, but under NO circumstances should you offer or accept a goodbye kiss, a final quickie, or any of that shit. If you're at a restaurant, do not hang around to split the tab: guys - pay the bill and leave. Ladies - just bail. There is no need to be sterile or brusque, by all means be courteous and kind. Understanding even. But wait until your (now) ex is out of earshot to cry like a bitch.

If you get the news over the phone (ouch), the same rules apply. Just hang up.

If you get a voice/email message, DO NOT respond. Chances are a relationship that ends electronically can't be salvaged, but don't make things worse by taking the bait.

2. The bad news is, this is the hard part. The good news is, this is the part of the Ultimate Guide to Breakups over which you have the most control. It is the centerpiece of the method, and your stamina during this phase will determine your success later on. Want the secret? Here is is:


At first you will be sad. Possibly very sad. Get out of the house. Distract yourself. Hang out with your friends - preferably the ones your ex doesn't know too well, because s/he will be checking up on you. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you contact your ex. For anything.

Chances are after a few days s/he will contact you, "just to see how you're doing." Do not respond. Let it go to voicemail. Don't call back. Delete the email. It's that simple. It'll be hard, but hang in there. Don't let your curiosity get the best of you. You are under no obligation to respond to someone who has kicked you to the curb.

Maybe you've been together for a while and s/he has left personal items in your home. This is the only circumstance under which it's ok to respond. Wait at least 24 hours before you reply. Tell your ex that you will FedEx his/her stuff. Pay for the fastest method you can afford. If s/he insists upon picking it up, leave it someplace safe and make sure you're NOT there when s/he arrives. Make your interaction courteous and brief. Get off the phone as quickly as possible.

If you do not receive a call within a month, you probably won't get a call until s/he drunk dials you many years from now. Move on.

The sooner s/he calls you after dumping you, however, the better your chances are for reconciliation. Again, do not call back. Stay tough. You are now in control of the situation.

3. The sooner the first post-breakup call comes, the more calls/texts/emails you will likely receive. DO NOT RESPOND to any of them... yet. In these modern times you may also be privy to his/her evocative facebook updates, blog posts, reality TV show episodes, whathaveyou. Make no contact. If you absolutely must be in the same place at the same time, try to look fit and happy and surrounded yourself with people s/he doesn't know.

Right around this time (unless you were dumped for someone else) your ex is beginning to experience the downside of singleness. S/he may be feeling lonely and horny, and start wondering if s/he made the right choice. That is exactly what you want. Let him/her fucking stew in it. Your patience will be rewarded.

4. By now, your ex is curious about you. Maybe s/he's even been seeing some new people. But the fact that you have made a clean break with such poise will be a blow to the ego. Remember, the opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference. S/he will be thinking, "Was I really so easy to get over?" and "Gee - maybe it really WAS me." If you've done this right, you will receive a call (or email) inviting you to "hang out." Perhaps the tone will be casual, perhaps it will be desperate. Either way, congratulations for getting this far. The ball is now in your court.

5. Proceed carefully from here. Eagerness could lead to a booty call, but little more. Ask yourself: what do I want? If you want to resume a relationship, wait 48-72 hours before responding. Say you're unavailable at the time your ex suggests, but recommend another meeting time at least a week in the future. You name the place. From here on out, everything is on your terms.

6. Let nature take its course. If your ex is ready to give it another shot, s/he will be dressed like it's a first date. If the sexual tension is palpable, you may choose to knock boots and sort out the details in the sticky afterglow. If you can contain yourself, feign trepidation and ask him/her to meet you again - also in a place you select. Build anticipation. Make him/her work for it. If executed correctly, your ex will be so grateful to have you back s/he will be on his/her very best behavior, possibly for years to come.

7. Repeat as necessary.


* Fiona Apple - 'Parting Gift' MP3

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Don't Be A Stranger

The Moondoggies are a band I put off listening to for WAY too long, probably just because of the name. Yeah, shameful I know. But for some reason I heard the name and thought instantly of some really, REALLY bad jammy psychedelic type of band. And per usual, I was wrong. They are from Seattle after all, I should have given them the benefit of the doubt.

The Moondoggies are actually more of a straight ahead rock n roll band. Lots of things I like about this band...harmonicas and fuzzy guitars being the first two that come to mind. Here is tune off of their sadly underheard 2008 disc 'Don't Be A Stranger'

* The Moondoggies - 'Changing' MP3

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You're Not Broken

Blame it on the digital age or blame it on my ever diminishing attention span. I just know that I probably don't listen to new records like most people. I have this habit of checking out an album, and clicking on the most intriguing song title first instead of starting with the first track and listening in order...you know, how the artist intended.

It's just that most of the music I buy now is in the digital format and that may have something to with it. Or I may just be a glutton for emotional punishment, as I am always drawn to the saddest sounding titles possible. It's true. I am rambling on about this because I did it again today, when listening to this Sera Cahoone album 'Only As The Day Is Long.' Great record by the way, yet another immensely talented Seattle musician. I get the album, and without even thinking I clicked straight away on 'You're Not Broken'...great choice as it turned out.

* Sera Cahoone - 'You're Not Broken' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

mr wonderful t-shirt - $4 (OSU)

Reply to: sale-994821719@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-16, 1:21AM EST

Large men’s t-shirt says Mr. wonderful on it. This would definitely be a cool shirt to wear out and it’s guaranteed to attract the ladies. Shirt is new without tags. Well new as that I never wore it but actually it’s pretty old. Cash only you pickup



"guaranteed to attract the ladies"...this will be the best four dollars I ever spend.

* Flight Of The Conchords - 'Ladies Of The World' MP3

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Light Poles And Pines

Are Whales replacing Bears as THE hip musical animals? I think maybe so. Whereas Bears have dominated the indie rock band naming scene(surpassing the Wolf a couple of years ago), we now appear to be in the era of the Whale.

The latest example? San Fransisco based country tinged rock outfit Or, The Whale. They may be more country than rock actually, but good music is good music, right? Beautiful songs abound on their 'Light Poles And Pines' LP.

* Or, The Whale - 'Gonna Have To' MP3

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A Book Like This

"Life's not a happy ending"

Sad words have never sounded so pretty as they do on 'Hollywood' from Angus and Julia Stone. The Stones are a brother and sister folk duo hailing from Sydney, Australia I have been listening to their beautiful 'A Book Like This Record' all day. Just wanted to pass a tune along.

* Angus And Julia Stone - 'Hollywood' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day


Date: 2008-1-19, 11:14AM EST

I need to get rid of this rat that has been in my car for weeks now.
it's cheweed through wiring for my gas gage and other things

Please let me know if you know how to get a critter out of a car
I've set up snap traps and glue pads down and even the Rat Zapper 2000 and

This rat is smart enough to avoid getting trapped.
rat inside a Tahoe
about a week with snap traps out
enjoys cheese and peanut butter


* The Walkmen - 'The Rat' MP3

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The quirky cool Songsmith technology from Microsoft.

Thanks to my Friend Mark for bringing this to my attention...I think he found the original piece on Pitchfork:(cut and pasted below)

If you follow internet memes, you've probably heard about a new computer application called Microsoft Songsmith, which, according to its maker, "generates musical accompaniment to match a singer's voice. Just choose a musical style, sing into your PC's microphone, and Songsmith will create backing music for you." You present it with a vocal, and the software analyzes the voice and adds chords, dinky-sounding digital instrumentation, and a beat. Microsoft launched this project in the last couple of weeks with this fabulously weird and dorky viral video/infomercial, which is the kind of thing you can watch over and over, losing yourself in its "Is this for real?" strangeness. One of the richest people in the world founded the company that put this out.

The beauty of Songsmith is that it comes close to producing something that almost, kinda, sorta, works, but winds up falling short, and thus coats everything it touches a with a thick layer of queasy surreality. Enterprising people with YouTube accounts have been applying it to a cappellas of well known songs.

Here is my personal favorite

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Ohio ROCKS(every once in a great while)

I am absolutely not objective when it comes to the music of Dayton band Heartless Bastards. I love almost everything they have recorded, and their soon to be released album 'The Mountain' is no exception. They have blistered my ears(in the best way possible) on multiple occasions with their roof shaking live shows. And I think this album more than first two captures more of that energy on record.

Here is one of the new ones for you...a killer track.

* Heartless Bastards - 'Hold Your Head High' MP3

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Girl Talk

Girl Talk shows are like 90 minute love songs to music freaks. In other words, SO MUCH FUN! Greg Gillis is my hero. The guy is making a living doing what he loves...basically playing other people's music as loudly as he can. Not that I don't think he is talented, because I think he is a mad genius. But to get to do what you love...and get paid for it? Such a beautiful thing.

I had to endure what had to be two of THE worst opening bands in the history of live music. The first was a horrible rap duo out of Cleveland. Two frat looking guys who rapped over really bad 80's like synth beats. The 'highlight' of their set was the witty stage banter. Before leaving the stage one of the guys said "Girl Talk is coming on later and he is going to blow this place up like Al Qaeda. " What? But as bad as they were, Hearts Of Darknesses were worse. That is no typo. There name is really Hearts of DarknessES. And they hurt my ears. Awful. After that was Grand Buffet from Pittsburgh. Two more rapping white guys, but these white guys were great. I had seen them before a couple of times and they are always a blast. I was happy to see them win over a crowd who had been worn down by the previous two acts and JUST wanted Girl Talk to start.

Girl Talk was just brilliant. It's like the world's coolest mix tape springing to life right in front of you. Just a beautiful collage of sound...so many awesome tracks laid down on top of so many awesome tracks. And the people watching was off of the charts. One third rave kids, one third affected hipsters, and one third hard core music junkies...all losing themselves in one hell of a party.

* Girl Talk - 'Smash Your Head' MP3

* Grand Buffet - 'Benjamin Franklin Music' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Celine Dion tribute band (Columbus)

Reply to: comm-997605356@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-18, 11:56AM EST

Hey guys, I'm looking to form a Celine Dion tribute band. We'll play all her hits. But to make ourselves different from the other Celine Dion tribute bands out there, here's my idea... we'll all DRESS up like Celine--long blonde wigs, high heels, dresses (the drummer can tight leather pants if it's easier). People will dig it.

After we practice our act and get it tight, and once the restraining order is lifted in a few months, I plan to contact Celine about opening for her.

Even if you don't have a great voice but love Celine, drop me a line. If you do,"Your Heart Will Go On".


* Los Straitjackets - 'My Heart Will Go On(Love Theme From Titanic)' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

To all the fine people who frequent adult arcades...

Date: 2009-01-02, 8:45PM EST

I have logged 10 ,count em, 10 years working for an adult bookstore and I think I am more than qualified to offer some helpful tips to make your visit to these shops just a little more enjoyable. Please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors.

1) It is a complete wast of time to become upset when I refuse to shake your hand after you exit the arcade. You just had anonymous sex with a man, woman, tranny, or you just got finished masturbating. Had you grabbed the key to the restroom and washed your hands I might just have considered it, otherwise I have no interest in touching you. You really have no reason to be offended at this one, just think about it for a moment.

2) I'm sorry if you have only limited time to have gay sex with a stranger during your lunch break. If the only customers I have in the arcade are so old you are wondering how they remain upright, much less get it up, I simply can't waive a magic wand and fill the arcade with an all gay swim team. It really doesn't matter how horny you are, complaining incessantly about it changes nothing. Along that same line, I am not a resident fall back option and I'm sorry, but offering me cash for sex will not change my mind on this one (ever).

3) We offer the options of entering a booth with a window, a glory hole, or a private booth. If you enter a booth with a window, please don't be surprised if you look up and find someone watching you, coming to the counter and demanding that I throw whomever out because they were peeking at your willy will honestly accomplish little. If you enter a booth with a gloryhole, please don't be surprised if at some point a penis comes through it. Also don't be surprised if a voice comes through it asking for you to stick your penis through the hole, it's what it's there for. These traumatic events can all be avoided by entering a private booth where you can masturbate to your hearts content in relative privacy.

4) You enter a booth, insert a 1, 5, 10, or 20 dollar bill into the bill acceptor, and have a seat. The movie will play until the time limit for the amount of money you put into the machine runs out. If at that time you have not managed to relieve yourself you have still received what you paid for. Screaming at me will not get you more time in the arcade, it will just get you thrown the fuck out. Sitting in a booth with no money in the machine while you desperately try to grunt out a quick one is just not acceptable. If I knock on the door offering to get you change and you come out all grumpy saying something like "I just spent 7000 dollars here" or "do you know how much I spend here in a month" we now have a problem. You see, the concept really is simple yet I feel the need to break it down for you. If I go to McDonalds, order a cheese burger and eat it, I would not be allowed to sit there and eat unlimited cheese burgers all fucking day because I paid for the first one. Duh!! same thing here, once that TV screen goes black YOU GOT WHAT YOU PAID FOR! If you want to continue, fish out another bill or if you are broke GO THE FUCK HOME AND FINISH THERE.

4) This one is important, so pay it some fucking attention. If you happen to be a horny gay man (nothing wrong with that) and inappropriately proposition another man in the parking lot and he punches you in the mouth, YOU HAD IT COMING. I want to reiterate for the slow among us, YOU ASKED FOR IT!!! Please wait until you are in the arcade to cruise for dick. We offer a wide range of products that straight people need, so don't assume because someone is going to the adult bookstore they are gay. That is just fucking stupid you moron.

5) My job is to police the arcade and sell shit. That is all I get paid to do and it's all I care about. I could care less if you have a wedding ring on as you suck off 12 dudes, I don't care if you are cheating on your wife with a woman of "questionable standards", I don't care if you enjoy dressing in your little sisters cloths and putting on a show for strangers in a window booth, I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU ARE DOING IN THERE. I do not need a play by play description of what you were just doing. Keep it to yourself or write it in your journal or whatever. Just leave me out of it, I will not be impressed, seriously.

6) If you pee in the trashcans and I catch you you will be cleaning that booth and I will be berating you the entire time it takes you. You sick fucker what the fuck did your mother teach you when you were little. I will then take your fucking picture and show it to every one who works here. You will never be allowed back in, EVER!!!!!!

7) I understand that sex creates wet spots on clothing, etc...but if you come walking out of the arcade with cum in your beard, on your shirt, pants, whatever, I reserve the right to point and laugh. We thoughtfully provide paper towels just for that situation. If you choose not to use them then I choose to laugh and call you a douche bag.

8) We have janitors clean the arcade 3 times a day, every day. I can do little for you if the booth you so desperately need to whack off in has a load of cum dripping down the monitor. I will not be rushing back there to clean that up real quick for you. If the little present left by the previous occupant offends you so much you have 2 options,
1) Walk your ass to another, cleaner, booth.
2) reach up and grab a paper towel from the dispenser and clean it up your fucking self.
That's it, throw the biggest tantrum you can and you will still be left with the same 2 options.

I do hope you find this little piece of information helpful. Have a wonderful day!


* Smog - 'Strayed' MP3

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Rock n roll crush # 216

Nina Perrson of The Cardigans and A Camp.

Here is my all time favorite Cardigans song. Yes, I realize that by being male and having an 'all time favorite Cardigans' song that I am jeopardizing all of my masculine credibility, but whatever...I have lived as a guy with the name Blair for 30 some years, I can deal. The A Camp song is from the band's soon to be released 'Colonia' album.

* The Cardigans - 'I Need Some Fine Wine And You, You Need To Be Nicer' MP3

* A Camp - 'My America' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

You made my new years - m4w

Date: 2009-01-02, 3:23PM EST

You: Tall blonde wearing a halter top. You were the one kissing me and doing something crazy to my neck while we watched the fireworks downtown.

Me: Guy forced to leave the party in a hurry because your boyfriend had a gun.

Look. Normally I don’t go for girls in relationships, but when you told me how soft my lips were in that playful sexy voice, I’ve never been so turned on in my entire life. If for whatever reason you and your boyfriend don’t last or he donates his gun to charity, come find me.


* Felice Brothers - 'Frankies Gun' MP3

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People Got A Lot Of Nerve

This made a frigid Saturday morning a whole lot warmer. This is the first track I have heard off of the new Neko Case record, 'Middle Cyclone', which hits stores in March. She's a maneater, and I love her.

* Neko Case - 'People Got A Lot Of Nerve' MP3

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High Lonesome

Hi, my name is Blair and I love music. I also love musicians who love music.

And I love it when musicians love a certain song/band/album/lyric enough to name check it in one of their very own songs...I can think of no greater compliment. So this is a fine example of that. One of my favorite new bands, The Gaslight Anthem, giving a lyrical shout out to one of the seminal albums of my life, Counting Crows 'August And Everything After.'

* The Gaslight Anthem - 'High Lonesome' MP3

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An aside...with a soundtrack

Anyone else been following the stranger than fiction story of Marcus Schrenker, the Indiana investment banker who attempted to fake his own death? Crazy stuff man...


It's amazing to me that people with this much intelligence and creativity use it for stuff like this! Human nature I guess...anyway, this whole debacle reminds me of not one, but TWO songs...which I will of course share. Yeah, so...basically I am bored to death on a Friday night...too cold to go out, so there may be some boredom inspired blogging...I apologize in advance.

* Stars - 'He Lied About Death' MP3

* The Avett Brothers - 'Weight Of Lies' MP3

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Sweet Eviction

Chatham County Line are another great band that i totally neglected to mention last year. I listened to their record 'IV' a ton. I sort of had my own little bluegrass revival towards the end of 2008 with the new Avett Brother's EP, the latest Crooked Still album, and CCL.

Here is a beuutiful song off of the album, maybe my favorite...enjoy.

* Chatham County Line - 'Sweet Eviction' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

missing girlfriend - m4w (ohio city)

Reply to: pers-988564372@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-11, 11:54AM EST

last seen on december 20th

miss you more than my beer bong


* Ween - 'Ill Miss You' MP3

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Rave On

I think I have rambled on before about what a huge Buddy Holly fan I am...so while listening to the forthcoming M Ward album, 'Hold Time', I was pleasantly surprised to hear this cool cover of one of my all time favorite Buddy songs.

* M. Ward - 'Rave On' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day


Reply to: serv-994055269@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-15, 1:33PM EST

I need original cell phone statements scanned and numbers changed then reprinted front and back!, if this is something you can do well and do in a very quick manner I need to speak with you asap... There are three to four bills that need to adjusted with numbers on pages, front and back.

I am dealing with a jealous boyfriend that wants to see my statements asap.

I am willing to compensate with a nice sum of cash!

I will come to your location and wait to have them done, must have a a nicer printer, I will supply the paper.


* Elliot Smith - 'Jealous Guy(John Lennon cover)' MP3

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My Musical Passport

Sitting here, watching the snow fall in buckets, I am officially ready for spring. Ohio, however, is not. The dog days of winter still lie ahead. Sigh.

But, at least I can find momentary windows of respite in the form of song. That much appreciated respite came in the form of the new Vetiver album I got to hear today, 'Tightly Knit.' Such warm sounds. Especially in this song. Never underestimate the transportive powers of music.

* Vetiver - 'Rolling Sea' MP3

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Ryan Adams...Done?

I just read this over on Ryan Adams blog...the overall tone of it is just so sad. His music, especially his albums 'Heartbeaker' and 'Jacksonville City Nights', has been a HUGE part of my life. I hope he finds clarity...much love Mr. Adams...and thank you for the endless hours of inspiration/motivation/and beautiful distraction. See ya when the muse kicks back in :-)



me- 34- a non smoker and happy, for the first time in my life.. i am excited to finish this wonderful time i have had with the cardinals and whatever new adventures may come after march. atlanta will be my last venture with the band and i am grateful for the time we have had and maybe someday we will have more stories to tell together. i am however ready for quieter times as i think it is very evident i am struggling with some balance and hearing issues.

also, no drama or anything but i am okay to step back from all of this right now and i think i did enough manic blogging when i felt alone and isolated during the last few years of travel. these last few years were the hardest i can remember and the most rewarding but i have loved ones to care for now and i am lucky i have been given a chance to turn around and see just what i am capable of as a friend and as someone who is not gone forever every year- it rendered me incapable of things i needed to be to myself and others- and my schedule sometimes never ended when the shows did- and some of that was my doing. and i lost someone i loved, and i lost myself.

that changed. i got to know just who i am in this little spell of time here recently. and change is the nature of the world and i naturally embrace that.

i won’t be blogging here anymore either- but not for effect- it just is not being kind to myself- i need a life that is mine- i need to grow up and grow in to who i have subtly been working back towards since i stopped all that nonsense and i know also no matter what i choose to do in the music world, because i chose to do things my way and never lie i will always be viewed as an “asshole” ( i hear and have seen things in the past) and i am not, and i know the truth and i know who i am.

also it is kind of ridiculous to blog as i am a musician and anything i say here just gets reprinted at some point out of context. i say NOT FAIR but it doesn’t matter what i say anymore or what is fair anymore really does it- the 21st century media has it’s own rules about what is true and what is not. it is not a life- not one i want to live anyway and i don’t really care to participate in narcissistic over-indulgent behavior anymore- that was never my intention- i just wanted to fight for my right to make music and to be given the benefit of the doubt. now, because i have stood up for myself and fought for myself i am labeled all kinds of awful things. well, i will walk away now and it will not matter what anyone say’s. there are other things i can do in this life, other ways to be creative and to try and help others and be expressive without being demonized for attempting to gain the same things any other human being desires- love- friendship- understanding- and being able to express yourself without constant fear of being mistreated for speaking up

i have friends to make, brand new books coming (two of em’ not counting that one already printed and on it’s way out there and i LOVE writing….yay!) and a whole lot of living and learning to do.

i am excited to step away. i lost more than anyone will ever know (hearing, someone i loved, my sense of dignity, a never ending losing battle with stage fright and now my hearing and balance due to an inner ear issue- people accusing me of not being sober when i am suffering tremendous pain and nausea from my inner ear symptoms- people accusing me of theft (THEFT- ….awful) and this is not much of a life, not glamorous like those ridiculous video’s a long time ago television played and no it is not monetarily as rewarding as people would like you to believe and yes, it is soul destroying. especially when you spend your life trying to write about the really difficult stuff and you stand there losing your way and people yell at you like you were in a circus. when it was your dream to matter and you realize one day, it never mattered- i mean, i am a punch-line and a footnote in what is worse to yell at someone besides “free-bird”. i mean, i lost. and it’s okay because i seriously snuck some pretty neat idea’s in there in the work when i was making those mistakes or they were being made by others. this business is no science.

andf you know, whatever this is- it’s not my dream. and it is a punishing thing to endure when you are getting worse and worse- it’s not my dream, my dream was to try and tap into that energy i saw watching Minutemen vcr tapes when i was just a little shit in NC of mike watt’s crazy shaking leg and his electric fingers- or how sonic youth droned into beautiful clouds those guitars shaking, kim and steve rattling the pulsing lines into feverish thudding imaginary subway cars racing through my heart- and how it felt to just let go and static up a riff and find the sweet spot- but getting yelled at for just being a songwriter- to be called so many horrid things because i chose to love music so much, and also to look for peace and balance in my life- that is not kindness and just not my thing. at least not now.

quitting smoking was a good step and i am happy i also am just now beginning to understand how important it is i take better care of myself in every way right now.

anyway, enjoy these shows and know that i am not abandoning anyone and that i loved playing music in the cardinals and hell, even before i was in a place to try and learn to be well, music was my life source-

maybe i will play again sometime but this is the time for me to step back now, and i wish everyone peace and happiness and if music is your dream, or if just dreaming is your dream, may you find your way through the rough patch with ease and i hope you let go and it takes you all the way there-

loving kindness to all.



* Ryan Adams - 'Why Do They Leave?' MP3

* Ryan Adams - 'The End' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

great guy looking - 18 (cloumbus)

Reply to: pers-990790844@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-12, 11:42PM EST

hi my name is joe and i am 18 i am looking for a girl that i can spen time with because i am a roofer in the summer and have alot of off time in the winter so if you thank you are intrested just email me thanks


Best of luck to you Joe, really... but maybe you could spend some of that free time this winter learning to master the English language...just an idea.

* Nico - 'Winter Song' MP3

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Hell Hath No Fury

I am not sure what ended the marriage between former Mendoza Line members Timothy Bracy and Shannon McArdle, but the title of McArdle's first solo album tells me that it may have not be so amicable. The record is called 'Summer Of The Whore.'

It's a really great record, although almost brutal to listen to at times. It reminds me a lot of Beck's 'Sea Change'...you get that almost uncomfortable feeling sitting there, listening to how a love dissolved.

Here is one of the more upbeat tunes, still pretty acidic, and no words are minced.

* Shannon McArdle - 'Leave Me For Dead' MP3

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Now for something completely different...Katzenjammer

There is no way my words could do this four piece, all girl band from Oslo, justice...so here is a snippet of their bio, Katzenjammer on Katzenjammer:

About Katzenjammer Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce the queens of sultry noise, the sisters of mercy, the saints of damaged souls, high society’s hangover and the hen night for Calamity Jane. The latter day’s eminent, prominent and decadent ladies: Katzenjammer. Drink dear rebels, and drink again. Katzenjammer’s musical underground cult is carried forward by the sound of instruments such as accordion, mandolin, guitar, piano, balalaika bass, glockenspiel, trumpet, kazoo, melodica, drums and banjo to just name some. They play these instruments with fire in their bellies, fever in their fingers and their hearts in their throats. And the vocals, the vocals of this band dear audience are the broad paint strokes on the colourful night sky where you dance your wildest dance in your finest clothes.

So I read that, and I HAD to listen. Listen I did, and I loved it. Really cool stuff. Here are a couple of my favorite tracks of their 2008 release, 'Le Pop'...enjoy.

* Katzenjammer - 'A Bar In Amsterdam' MP3

* Katzenjammer - 'Play, My Darling Play' MP3

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Flashbulb Moments

The way I see it, the word is made up of two kinds of people. People who get the euphoric bliss that comes along with experiencing the really amazing live musical moments...and those who don't. Those who don't aren't bad people, they just aren't my people. I want to spend as much time as I possibly can while I am here with the people who get it.

Remember the time I fell off the stage at the Girl Talk show? Remember the time that guy fell trying to climb a fence after the REM show? Remember when Pearl Jam covered Elvis in Vegas? Remember when Evan Dando was so hammered that he dropped his guitar and ran up the stairs of the Troubador , mid song? Remember that Hold Steady show on St Patrick's day when the guitar player played that killer solo from on top of the stacked amps? Remember that insane Teddybears set at Coachella? Remember standing too close to the speaker at the Afghan Whigs show and not being able to hear for a week? Or how about the time we snuck into Little Brothers to see Sleater-Kinney? I do.

This Benji Hughes song is like a love song to people like us.

* Benji Hughes - 'I Went With Some Friends To See The Flaming Lips' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day


Reply to: pers-989186955@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-11, 8:29PM EST

As I sit here on the couch with you on the other I really get sick to my stomach. I can't stand the sight of you, when you try to touch me it makes me cringe. I can't wait for the day that we are divorced!


Hey, no matter how bad your relationship is - or if its the lack of a relationship that is getting you down - this proves it could always be worse...you could be in this one.

* Liz Phair - 'Divorce Song' MP3

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We Brave Bee Stings And All....again

You know an album REALLY has you in it's clutches when you find yourself singing lyrics from said album in completely random situations. Like today, I am sitting in a morning staff meeting...and somebody is talking about something...new year, new goals, blah blah blah...the only thing I hear is "We don't dive, we cannonball" over and over again...it was then that I realized that this Thao album is absolutely perfect.

* Thao - 'Geography' MP3

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Scenes from the shuffle

After what may have been the longest Monday in the history of Mondays, I took my beloved dog and my beloved Zune out for a head-clearing walk in the snow...I left my musical fate up to mystical powers of the shuffle mode. Here are the three tracks that served as my soundtrack...yeah, it was cold....short walk.

* Beck - 'True Love Will Find You In The End' MP3

* Drive By Truckers - 'Wallace' MP3

* Sparklehorse - 'King Of Nails' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

When things go "bump" in the night.

Reply to: comm-969948806@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-12-26, 10:35AM EST

Greater Haunted Ohio Spirit Trackers. We are a paranormal research team with 16 years of experience in the field. If you are experiencing unexplained activity in your home or business please respond to this posting. We also have an expert in the field of cryptozoology(sasquatch, bigfoot, chupacabra) and we will happily investigate any sighting in the Central Ohio area.Our service is free of charge and are here to help. We will set up a first consultation to hear your claims and give you information on what we do and how the process works. We then set up a time to investigate and then another to show our findings. We believe when no one else will.


If I've said it once, I've said it a million times...GOD BLESS craigslist! Where else can you find a job, sell your car, and report your Yetti sighting ALL at one site? One stop web shopping at it's absolute finest!

* Cloud Cult - 'The Ghost Inside Our House' MP3

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Sunday night coming down

It seems to be a universal truth, the longer your work week felt, the shorter you weekend will feel. I swear I blinked and this weekend was history...so depressing. But with music, we shall overcome. I have been listening to a ton of Omaha band Son, Ambulance lately...mostly their latest album 'Someone Else's Deja Vu' but some of the older stuff too.

This tune sounds to me like a beautiful ode to T Rex. I love it. It can be found on the 2004 release 'Key.'

Weekend out.

* Son, Ambulance - 'Glitter Angel'

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Two girls trying to start Acoustic band (columbus)

Reply to: heavenlyxbrokenx@hotmail.com [?]
Date: 2009-01-10, 1:33PM EST

Okay, so there are two of us.
Candy and Hayley.
We want to start an acoustic alternative sort of band.
We'd be the vocals.
Pretty much we only want a guitarist for now.
We write our own lyrics, it's just we can't write music.
So we need a guitarist who would be able to write music.

So if you're interested, email me asap. =]


27 year old frontman, the looks with the hooks (Columbus, Ohio)

Reply to: comm-988337622@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-11, 2:53AM EST

I didn't see a whole lot going on the musicians section on here, but what the hell. I am relocating with my company from Los Angeles, CA to Columbus, OH, and my music life cannot stop. I am a professional, male tenor, 10+ years experience. Heavily influenced by electronic music, indie rock, pop and rock. I am looking to collaborate with other artists on a new project. Not sure exactly what sound I am going for... My vocal influences are: Bono, David Gahan, Billy Corgan, Thom Yorke, Robert Smith, Jay Gordon, Chester Bennington, and many, many more. I almost want to create something dreamy like The Album Leaf, but with hard trip hoppy beats like Portishead, all with extremely melodic and infectious vocals, a little dark, but catchier than syphillis. Please tell me there are some rad songwriters/artists out there that want to work on real music!!! Check out some tunage at myspace.com/wesleystefan


My career as a big shot music mogul starts NOW! Both of these ads were in the 'Musicians' section of Craigslist today. I am going to introduce Candy and Haley to the guy with 'the hooks and the looks'...they will combine their musical powers and I will be calling the shots from behind the curtain. This supergroup will be called Indigo Girls On Meth...and they will rock your face off!

* Rocky Votolato - 'People To Impress' MP3

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Thinking Out Loud

I am totally iced in tonight. I mean I guess I could go out, but since I am freakishly tall and naturally clumsy, I don't do so well with the ice. So tonight became a night of nostalgia. Listening to some of the seminal albums of my life, cover to cover. I got to the Verve's 'Urban Hymns' a second ago and felt obligated to share my inner dialogue.

Such a killer album. And it found me at the most opportune time. I swear EVERY track on that record has some sort of anecdote attached to it... as I listen there is a virtual slideshow going on in my head. Then I started thinking about last year's Coachella and the utter bliss that I felt when 50,000 people were all singing along to the chorus of 'Bittersweet Symphony'....chills on top of chills on top of chills. Those moments, those snapshots of perfection are what make all of the day to day drudgery worth while....amen.

The Verve - 'Bittersweet Symphony' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Wrestling Buddy (Columbus)

Reply to: opaczman@yahoo.com [?]
Date: 2009-01-09, 1:34PM EST

At the end of February I am coming down to see the State Wrestling tournament, and while there I would like to workout at Tuttle Park by the University, and I am looking for someone to workout with. I am 34, I am 5 feet 4 inches, and I weigh 205. Please call me at 419-297-7419 or email me if interested.


I dream of the day when it is ok in our society for 34yr men to be able to look for dates with other guys without having to resort to the guise of 'wrestling buddy'

* Hot Chip - 'Wrestlers' MP3