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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Just Horsing Around

- 41 (Columbus)

Date: 2009-12-31, 2:14PM EST

I'm a 41 year old single mom of a teen girl. I'm currently pursuing the biggest dream in my life: working with horses. Some people are reluctant to follow a dream in midlife, but I'm not that kind of person. It's been a long time getting to the point of following this dream, but I will follow it to the end.

In addition to my love of horse, I also love dogs and cats. I own two dogs: a boxer and husky mix. I also have several cats. I love to be in the company of animals.

I live my lifestyle as a Christian. I believe being a Christian is not just religion, but based on a relationship with Jesus Christ through the acceptance of the sacrifice He made for us when He died on the cross.

I'm interested in meeting someone who shares the same love I have for horses and other animals. Someone who is interested in pursuing my dream with me. Someone who will be my lifelong friend and soul mate. If that's you, please respond to the email link above.

  • Location: Columbus
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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I thought adding pictures of horses was a nice touch...it really brings her love of horse to life.

* The Be Good Tanyas - 'Horses' MP3

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2009: One last time around - "Golden Teeth And Silver Medals"

2009 is fading fast. I am still trying to immortalize a few of my favorite songs from this year past by posting them again. Here is another song that would fit perfectly in to the movie that is constantly playing in my head. Maybe it's the boy/girl vocals, or maybe it's the way they call each other by name, I'm not sure, but something about this song just makes me smile. The band is A Camp - Nina Perrson of the Cardigans, and singer/songwriter Nicolai Dunger - and the song is perfect for some black and white scene in that movie of mine...

* A Camp - 'Golden Teeth And Silver Medals' MP3

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I wanna do right, but not right now

My day has been made, and it's not even noon...all thanks to this gorgeous Blind Pilot cover of a Gillian Welch classic that just happens to be one of my all time favorite songs.

Three cheers for small victories :-)

* Blind Pilot - 'Look At Ms Ohio' MP3

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Trick Pony

I think it's true, everything Beck touches turns into ear candy. The man is amazing. I am sitting here listening to the brand new Charlotte Gainsbourg album,, 'IRM, that Beck masterminded...the dude is a genius. I know, he always has been, but he still keeps blowing me away.

I am feeling even less wordy than I usually do...so just have a listen to this tune...great stuff.

* Charlotte Gainsbourg - 'Trick Pony' MP3

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Sounds Like Christmas

Hope everyone has a very Merry, very safe holiday....love the ones you're with :-)

* Okkervil River - 'Listening To Otis Redding At Home

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2009: One last time around - The Covers

Yes...my favorite covers of 2009...in all of their sonic glory, enjoy-

* The Hold Steady - 'Atlantic City' MP3

* Discovery - 'I Want You Back' MP3

* Lilly Allen - 'Straight To Hell' MP3

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2009: One last time around - "My Friend"

There are stretches of every year( maybe 2 days. ,maybe two weeks) that seemingly Bill Callahan/Smog will be all I listen to. This year was no exception. His excellent " Sometimes I Wish I Were An Eagle" record was the soundtrack to more than one contemplative night over here. And on this great record, I think this is the song I listened to the most.

* 'My Friend' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

To the one

that's posting MC's

with the motive

of sabotage - m4w - 22

(you can't stop me AC! FU)

Date: 2009-12-17, 4:51PM CST

who ever it is that's posting irrelavent listings in order to make someone else think its me bad mouthing, FU. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Its not that easy to make me look bad because I already have emailed my feelings towards the person I would like to be involved with and if that one special lady reads this "C" know that I'm not writing lashing posts towards you. Its some other "girl" that acts like she is someone else but on the inside she's the one that puts holes in her bedroom wall! I'm the good guy in this missed connection, so lil girl stop trying to ruin something that you want abolished so bad, and your greed is not acceptable. So lil girl the reason why I would like to carry on my days with the special lady is not because I want, andnot because I need, but because she is golden and I can tell she is real. I can sense the fake in you lil girl, so CK don't believe all the nonsense posted lashings. I do truly love you for the women you are, and I know you will contact me when the time is right, I don't change feelings like I do cars. Cars are just a material item that cannot compare to genuine attributes. I will be here patienlty waiting for your response. Until then you crazy lil girl that doesn't have the mindframe I want to share with... I have my two middle figers up with my mouth saying FU, go FK yourself, because that's all your going to get. Remember CK I'm will be here for you when your ready and have things figured out. I miss you and I know are connection isn't missed its just waiting to come alive at the right moment, just keep paying attention because I have here for you whatever you need, I'm here for you. Again the lil girl that's posting these ignorant fractions of crap!!! FU!! In big red letters!!!!!


This one actually made me feel bad for the English language...

* Rainer Maria - 'Catastrophe' MP3

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Speaking of the 'End Times'

Very few people have the skill of turning their gut-wrenching heartache into a three minute pop music masterpiece. Mark Oliver Everett - aka 'E' of the Eels - has this skill. Or maybe it's a burden, I'm not sure. Either way, most of my favorite Eels songs are the ones that everybody can relate to, but nobody ever wants to. The songs that rip your heart out, but leave you all the better for it. Songs like this one I am sharing, off of the soon to be released 'End Times' LP.

* 'Little Bird' MP3

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2009: One last time around - "Coast Of Carolina"

Another record that I listened to way too much, and talked about way too little in 2009 was the self titled debut from Telekenisis, aka awesomely musical guy Michael Benjamin Lerner. On a record full of catchy, heady pop songs...this was my favorite.

* Telekenisis - 'Coast Of Carolina' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Power by fifty cent - 26

(eastland macys)

Date: 2009-12-18, 4:58PM EST

you sold me the new fifty cent colon today. you are short with brown hair. you said your brother and sister was coming back into town today for the holidays. i was with a family member myself. you seemed really cool. i was wondering if you cared to chat some. i was really interested in you. get back to me if you can and tell me what you remember about me. if at all possible.


WAIT - 50 Cent has a cologne??? And people are putting this on their body...on purpose...and paying money to do so?? The end times are nearly upon us I fear.

* The Thermals - 'Power Doesn't Run On Anything' MP3

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2009: One last time around - "All When We Were Young"

Another gem from this past year was this tune from the Felice Brothers. When I hear this song, I suddenly see an old 8mm, grainy black and white movie playing random scenes from my youth...now how many songs can do that?

* The Felice Brothers - 'All When We Were Young' MP3

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2009: One last time around - "Dylan's Hard Rain"

I am not going to do a long, windy post about my musical 2009. I am just feeling especially scattered these days, and the idea of putting ANY kind of list together seems like it would feel a bit forced. And besides, there are thousands of just such lists out there if that's what your looking for...go crazy!

Instead, I am just going to spend these precious remaining days of 2009 and dedicate them to some of the songs that made the last 365 days pretty outstanding. I have already listed 28 of my favorite in mix tape form, you can find that playlist on the sidebar of the blog, but these songs are most definitely worthy of a second listen.

The first one that comes to mind, Ryan Bingham's 'Dylan's Hard Rain' off of his
Roadhouse Sun album from '09.

* Ryan Bingham - 'Dylan's Hard Rain' MP3

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In the Midwest...there's nothing to do

Just passing along a brand new song from one of my favorite troubadours, Ohio's own Tim Easton. Enjoy.

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My science is waiting

I've had this song in my head for like three straight days. Midlake has an uncanny ability to do that to me...I think their song 'Roscoe' set some sort of record for floating around in my brain the longest. This is purely an estimate though, as I do not have the technology nor the wherewithal to prove or disprove the data involved in how long a song actually sticks in my head. But I digress, with the song which is from the bands 2008 release 'The Trials Of Van Occupanther'...new music coming from these guys very soon in 2010.

* ' Van Occupanther MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

You can make my

burrito any day -

w4m - 35 (Habanero Clifton)

Date: 2009-12-11, 5:39PM EST

You'll probably never see this, but I always like seeing you. I come in several times a week, I guess you could say I'm a regular.
I feel so immature: secretly hoping you're working, and if you are, trying to make sure you make my food.
Sometimes I pretend to look at the menu, so that you'll get me next in line.
I love your eyes and I want to know their story. They're so beautifully dark, like a thunderstorm.
I can see your hair peeking out from under your hat, it looks curly.
You are so polite and your smile (if I am lucky enough to see it) is so kind.
I'd love to ask you out, but it seems inappropriate to do so at your job.
Just know that you make me think of other things besides beans & rice...


Ah yes, the fourteen words EVERY girl waits a lifetime for..."Just know that you make me think of other things besides beans & rice"

* Pete Yorn - Burrito

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Say Yea

Yeasayer puts a beautiful spin on a timeless theme - the girl you can't get out of your head. Just a gorgeous song . You can find this one on the forthcoming 'Odd Blood' record.

* Yeasayer - 'I'll Remember' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

i know you cheated...

because now i have herpes.

- w4m (columbus)

Date: 2009-12-10, 11:24PM EST

i've had god knows how many blood tests this year for different reasons. yet this is the first
to come back positive for herpes, or any other STD for that matter. so yes, i know you cheated.
we never used condoms, so its not like i just got unlucky and caught you during an outbreak.
your a liar AND a cheater. wow. you're just the whole package, huh? oh and i know you stole
from them. probably stole from the last guy you roomed with too, maybe thats the reason he left.
you're just a total asshole and i can have you thrown in jail if i really wanted to. but i'll let you suffer
at your shitty job, while living in the most horrible part of town.

oh, and the herpes, i can live with it! because i have MEDICAL INSURANCE. i can get MEDICATION.
and i have. i also met a really great guy that isn't bothered by the herpes, because HE DOESN"T MIND

you know, you had it REALLY good. i bought you shit. gave you a family. listened to you when you
bitched and moaned about different things. i had sex with you whenever you wanted, shit, even while
i was on my damn period! i did just about everything i could for you. i hope you get shot and then suffer
a horrible, slow, painful death.

merry christmas! love yah!


* Local Natives - 'Warning Sign' MP3

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Audio Nostalgia: Fight Songs

It's brutally cold here in Ohio. Like, miserably cold. So I was just hanging out with some old records, you know, catching up and stuff when I got stuck on the Old 97's 'Fight Songs' album...hard to believe it's been 10yrs since its release.

So much truth in these songs, and especially in THIS song. No, nineteen is DEFINITELY not the age of reason.

* 'Nineteen' MP3

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Nothing To Fear Here

Another day, another Canadian band I am falling for. This time around it is the Prince Edward Island band The Danks. Their record 'Are You Afraid Of The Danks?' is a keeper. It reminds me a lot of the early Strokes records...lots of hooks, really great songs, but with a bit of angst bubbling up from beneath the surface.

* 'Die Young' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

You talked to me about


- m4w - 20 (Clifton)

Date: 2009-12-08, 5:08PM EST

You talked to me about Craigslist at a party on Friday. You lit my cigarettes. I want to know how hardcore you are about this site. Tell me what I wanted to put menthol in and what the dumb girl I was with kept wrapping herself in.


NOTE TO SELF: Never, EVER, go to Clifton,OH.

* Belle And Sebastian - 'Wrapped Up In Books' MP3

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A Record For The Mad Ones

Yet another cool collaboration that I have been listening to and forgetting to post about is the Jack Kerouac inspired pairing of Jay Farrar and Ben Gibbard. Two great songwriters, brought together by their love of the Kerouac's writing, recorded an album for the documentary One Fast Move or I'm Gone: Kerouac's Big Sur. Need I say more? It's an awesome project and one you should most definitely check out if you are a fan of either artist or Mr. Kerouac.

Now, the obligatory quote,followed by a song from the record:

The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say commonplace things but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the centerlight pop and everybody goes "AWWWW!!! - Jack Kerouac

* 'Willamine' MP3

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Compilation Cassette

Note to all of you aspiring musicians out there who would like to reach my vast readership of...like 17 - write a song romanticizing the ritual of mix-tape making. I will surely post it. I am such a sucker for the nostalgia involved with the mix-tape and all of it's traditions. I assure you, I will post it.

But in this case, the song is truly fantastic, as is the artist, and if not this tune then I surely would have posted another. The band is Darren Hayman and the Secondary Modern. They are an outfit from the UK who play and record some mighty fine indie-pop.

The current record is called 'Pram Town' and you can find this song on that LP.

* 'Compilation Cassette' MP3

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December 8,1980

I was 5 when John Lennon was killed, and as I look back I think that was the first time that I can ever remember seeing my mom cry. Twenty nine years later and it's still so sad to think about how much he could have accomplished had he not been taken from us.

Just wanted to pass on some Lennon's timeless music today...

* John Lennon - 'Watching The Wheels' MP3

* Elliot Smith - 'Jealous Guy' MP3

* Flaming Lips - 'Nobody Told Me' MP3

* Screaming Trees - 'Working Class Hero' MP3

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I've been meaning to post a track from this Black Keys/heavyweights of hip-hop collaboration for a couple of weeks now, just haven't had time. It's really an awesome record. The bluesy rock that the Keys have made a good career out of serves as the perfect backdrop for raps by the likes of Mos Def, Pharoae Monch, Q Tip and many more. Even the late, great, and STILL prolific Ol' Dirty Bastard shows up!

The track below is one of my favorites on the album. This one features rapping by Noe and the hook is sung by Nicole Wray. Enjoy.

* 'Done Did It' MP3

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A Very Danish Christmas

It's not often - or ever - that you will find me posting Christmas music on here, but when said Christmas music comes from a dear friend who doubles as a talented singer/songwriter I bend the rules.

Checkout and please feel free to download my friend Henry's(aka Me And The Horse I Rode In On) newly recorded Xmas tune...it's a beautiful track. For more of his music, be sure to check out his myspace page too!

* 'Driving Home For Christmas' MP3

Super easy download link here!!

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Evening Hymns

Every year I put a list together of my favorite songs from the year that was, usually around Thanksgiving time, and every time some song slips in to my head in December that totally would have been on my 'best of' list.

This year's song of destiny is this one I am sharing from the Toronto band Evening Hymns. Their entire 'Spirit Guild' album is amazing, but this song is killer...although I am a bit concerned to make such a connection with a song that erupts into a refrain like '"lying there like a dead deer"...oh well, best to dwell on it I guess ;-)

Evening Hymns - 'Dead Deer' MP3

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The Best Is Yet To Come

Keep the great tribute albums coming - especially if they are this good. I am sitting here listening to 'The Best Is Yet To Come: The Songs Of Cy Coleman', and it's the perfect record for this time of year. Seriously, I would strongly suggest that you listen to this while in close proximity to a fireplace of some sort, but I digress. Mr. Coleman was a songwriter and composer, mostly making his magic on Broadway. Thankfully, a group of ultra talented women have gotten together to record this tribute album. Artists like Patti Griffin,, Missy Higgins, and Nikka Costa among others lend their talents to what is one awesome collection of torch songs.

* Fiona Apple - 'Walk A Little Faster' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

I Will Help You Teach Your

Cat to Walk On a Leash

Date: 2009-09-28, 3:27PM CDT

Well, there are no guarantees, but it can be done. I am a dog person by nature, but have slowly taught my cats to walk on a leash outdoors. So many people have stopped and said, "'I've always wanted to do that, how did you you do it?" that I figured I might try to pass on some knowledge for a minimal fee.

Walking your cat is great fun, and they love it. One of mine took to it right away and still sits meowing at the door to go out; the other, who I got when he was older, was terrified of the outdoors at first, but has come to love it. Most felines would love to be outdoors, smelling and feeling new things, even if they're scared at first. Most people just don't give them the chance.

Cats after three years old may not be able to acclimatize to the outdoors and all of its stimuli; some cats hate the harness; and others may just be housecats, pure and simple. Them's the breaks.

Teaching them how to walk takes time and patience, but it is rewarding. I should add that they rarely walk completely like a dog (i.e. your cat won't jog next to you), and will sometimes decide, "Hey, let's slow down and lay down here for a while, this bush smells good," you can train them to walk alongside you on a leash for long periods of time. Once they get that first taste, they love it.

And once you can do that, you can take your cat to the beach, to the park, to the lake, etc. A whole new world for them, and fun for you.

My fee for an hour or so of instruction is fifty dollars. I will bring one of mine over as a demonstration and talk to you about the various steps to take. I can't guarantee that your cat will learn to walk on a leash, but if it does your fifty will be well spent.

See, when life hands you an economic meltdown, make yourself into a cat whisperer and charge $50 a session.

* Cat Power - 'Dark End Of The Street' MP3

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For best results play at maximum volume while consuming large amounts of whiskey

I know it's been awhile since I have posted anything, but it's been awhile since anything interesting has found it's way to my ears. Deer Tick took care of that today with their forthcoming EP 'More Fuel To The Fire' and especially this track...

* 'Axe Is Forever' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

No, we didn't die.

we just never had a chance

to grow.

- w4m - 19

Date: 2009-11-28, 2:16AM EST

I don't know what to do anymore. I can't keep wishing, hoping, dreaming of the day you realize that I'm what you want. I think it's time I realize it's just not going to happen.
I fell in love with you. So fast. Trust me, that's not something I'm happy to admit..you got to me, unlike anyone else. I guess to you it was just a "summer fling," but to me..it was anything but that. I started off with the same mentality you did. I just wanted to have fun. Then YOU, not me, started the whole "relationship" conversations. Out of nowhere, we switched places. I was suddenly the one who wanted more and you were the one unable to give it. I feel like such an idiot for even thinking that your drunken words were true. I don't expect you to read this. and if you do, i sure as hell don't expect you to be able to understand this is for you. It seems random, out of the blue, right? Wrong. I've been silently holding everything in so that i don't "call you out," which is what led to us not seeing eachother in the first place. If you opened up a little and let yourself become just a little vulnerable, i wouldn't have to call you out. You hurt me. You don't even seem to notice you did. As much as it hurts, I have to let go and end this back-and-forth thing we have going on. You either love someone, or you don't. Clearly, you do not. Goodbye.


Nineteen...you're only 19 for God's sakes, you don't need a boyfriend.

* The Long Blondes - 'Once And Never Again' MP3

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Certain songs of 2009 that got so scratched into my soul...

It may be a bit early for 'year end' lists and things like that, but once they holidays hit all bets are off for how much free time I might have so I thought I better get this thing up while I could. I will leave the compiling of lists to people who are much better at it and much more thorough than I.

Here are my favorite 28 songs of the past year...in no particular order.

Some stats:

  • # of Animal Collective songs: 0
  • # of remixes: 0
  • # of new pornographers: 2
  • # of Ohio bands: 3
  • # of British bands: 5
  • # of songs I loved this year and probably forgot to include: Too many to count

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Too Quiet

Nothing. I have nothing to say. At all. Hence the lack of blog-tivity lately. But I did take a really nice, relaxing late Autumn walk last night and had three marvelous songs pop up via the shuffle mode. And since this space was going unused, i figured I'd fill it with those songs.

* Mike Doughty - 'Pleasure On Credit' MP3

* My Morning Jacket - 'Phone Went West' MP3

* Cloud Cult - 'Love You All' MP

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

need someone to sit on lap

Date: 2009-09-22, 5:45AM EDT

I have bad back problems, and need someone to sit on my lap for four hours a day ,it helps me straigten my, back I know it sound weird but it helps , willing to pay ten dollars and hour for four hours , twice a week , has to be in good shape and looking for a male to do it because they are stronger to do this sort of job, if you are interested e mail , this is not bs ,you could watch tv, use computer I will even give you food, please respond , just want to let you know that I am not gay or anything like that , just need the weight of you leaning on me , that is all, and sitting on me helps , trust me this is not what I wanted but it helps, thank you


* The Avett Brothers - 'The Weight Of Lies' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

"Dancing Box"

(Georgesville Road)

Date: 2009-11-11, 3:35PM EST
Reply to: job-7r6yt-1461610096@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

"Dancing Box" need to stand in front of our location holding sign and attracting attention. Fridays from 10am to 3pm, Saturdays from 10am to 3pm. Please apply if you can work every Friday and Saturday and are serious about this position


Serioulsy...don't waste their time unless you are serious about a career as a dancing box.

* Damien Jurado - 'Dancing' MP3

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And it's only gonna get old if you let it get old....

I love those lyrics...though they hit a little too close to home. I find myself getting bored with blogging...bored in general.

I gotta get out of this town, if it's the last thing I ever do.

* The Sun - 'So Long,Sundays' MP3

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Sounds Like November

Elliot Smith always sounded like November to me, God rest his soul. Just something about the bitter-sweetness of his voice that seemed to jive so well with this time of year in Ohio.

The reason I bring this up at all, is that the weird irony glitch in the Itunes shuffle mode seemed to kick in again this evening. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, returning a few emails when these two songs came on....back to back. Each one reminding me a lot of Mr. Smith...and thus, that November-esque sound. Had to pass them along...

* Liam Finn - 'Wide Awake On The Voyage Home' MP3

* The Dead Trees - 'My Friend Joan, She Never Asks' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

It kills me...

Date: 2009-11-12, 4:09PM EST

To think of us being pastence, I really don't think of us being pastence but it seems like you do and I have to respect that but if I can help it at all I want to try to win your confidence back because you meant the world to me and still do as far as I'm concerned. Sure, I lust for you but when I lust for you it is completely not just physically, I lust for everything about you and hopefully one day that will include your love again...


What I feel for you will never end even if you don't want to make up I will always have feelings for you...


It kills me too, because this has to be one of my favorite spelling/grammatical errors ever. I like his version better though, "pastence" is just so much easier on the eyes.

* Pearl Jam - 'Present Tense' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

shark head - m4m - 28 (ravari room)

Date: 2009-11-04, 6:12PM CST

There you were, sitting and sweating looking confused and alone. I wanted you but you didnt seem to notice me, last wednesday at the ravari room. You have an enormous shark tattooed on your head, and an attitude that screams i'm a fucking dipshit. If you are interested meet me for a drink friday night at the ravari room ill be wearing a deer tatttoo!


How could you NOT fall for a guy with a giant shark tattoo on his head??

* Herman Dune - 'My Baby Is Afraid Of Sharks' MP3

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File under: guilty pleasure...maybe

At heart, I am a pop music lover. Sure, the pop music I listen to maybe be just a little left of center, and a bit sad times, but it's basically the same formula - 4 minute songs where boys sing about girls, or vice versa...verse, chorus, verse...that sort of thing. So I am not really sure if the term "guilty pleasure" fits when I am talking about Kate Miller-Heidke or not. But I know that I am liking her music and it makes me feel a little weird.

It's just not the sort of thing I usually find myself listening to. Ms Miller-Heidke is a singer/songwriter from Australia who I sort of stumbled into this morning. She writes really witty, really infectious pop tunes that will stick with you long after listening. And, she is pretty adorable. Enough of my inner-dialouge rambling. Here is a tune off of her second album, fittingly titled 'Curioser.'

* 'Caught In The Crowd' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

To the Music Department Frat Guy

Date: 2009-11-06, 4:58PM EST

To the Music Department Frat Guy:

I just want you to know that I find you incredibly attractive in every single way. I know that you will never read this, but I still think you ought to know. I see you every day, because, well, I am a music major, too. You sit at the piano next to mine in Class Piano, and I see you glance at me out of the corner of my eye every now and again. I watch you play out of the corner of mine, and I must say, you have beautiful hands.

That night at the talent show, backstage in the dark, when you stood a mere two inches from me and whispered, "Good luck," I think I almost died. You smelled so good and I could feel the heat from your body, and even though I couldn't see you, I knew it was you. I am not looking for a wild and crazy night of sex, although, let's face it, if that's all you wanted, I would certainly give it a go, I would much prefer to be in a relationship with you.

When you play your guitar and sing, oh my. If you sang to me I would simply melt into the carpet. That day in choir, when he had us face each other to sing, and I just so happened to turn to you, and you just so happened to turn to me, and we sang to each other, oh if I could go back and replay that moment forever in time, I would do so in an instant. When I see you in the lobby of our music building, my heart speeds up and I most likely begin to sweat embarrassingly in your presence. I occasionally become tongue-tied and I wonder if you can tell that I like you, but even if you can, you will never go for me.

Why? Because you're about five-foot-ten, one-seventy-five to one-eighty lbs, curly auburn hair, soft brown eyes, muscles to die for, and I? I am five-foot-four, about one-sixty-five lbs, shoulder-length brown hair, greenish eyes. Now, perhaps that doesn't sound too bad, but add in very light acne around my period, glasses, some extra chunk I wish would just go away, and the fact that I am a single mother, well, not exactly a good catch for anyone. That might sound as though I am only putting myself down, and in some ways, I am. And yet these are the bullshit excuses that I get when a guy finds out I like him.

I work my ass off to make sure things go well academically. I had a kid in high school by a guy I'd much prefer to not talk about. I still managed to graduate with a four-point-oh and the title of Valedictorian, and I still managed to snag the lead in the musical. But finding love? You may as well just ask me to surgically remove my right arm myself. That might actually be possible. You, Music Department Frat Guy, are such a good person, so nice, so easy-going, you are more my type than anyone else in the music department, not that there are many to choose from, but you...you will never notice me like that. Because on top of being in the music department, you also bear the title of "Frat Guy." And what does that mean?

Girls. Coming and going from the frat house at all hours of the day and night. Plenty of opportunities for you, even though you strike me as the type to not do anything with them. I personally find it very hard to believe that you are single. Why? What the hell is wrong with all these beautiful girls that hang all over you? If I looked like them, I would have asked you out a long time ago, kid or not. But I am just a timid freshman in college, hiding from you my true feelings because I think that you might just deserve better than me. I think that every guy I really truly like in a more than sexual way deserves to find someone who is beautiful and with whom they can start their very own family together, instead of having to inherit some other guy's child. Which, oddly enough, is the opposite of why some guys won't date me. They think I expect them to become "Daddy," which is utterly ridiculous.

I feel as though I ought to just give up on you, Music Department Frat Guy, because I will never make a move. I feel as though I should just stoop to the guys I really have no attraction to just so I don't have to be lonely any longer. Perhaps I should just continue to watch you from afar, but I don't really know what the point is, because one day you will get a girlfriend, and I will feel as though my heart has been ripped out and shattered into a multitude of variously sized and shaped pieces. Maybe you will read this one day, and realize that I am talking about you, and maybe you'll figure out who I am, and maybe you'll laugh every time you see me, but maybe, just maybe, you'll look at me differently and realize that I, too, am only human, and maybe, just maybe, you'll want to know more.


Music Department Girl


Whoa...did anyone manage to finish this one? If you didn't, no hard feelings. It started out as a missed connection, then sort of transformed into a journal entry, and by the end it was like a giant cry for help...i love the random moments of peoples consciousness that craigslist captures.

* Stars - 'What I'm Trying To Say' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Re - Queensryche Concert - w4m

Date: 2009-11-02, 11:50AM EST

I was at that concert. I was on the floor. I did get poked. What did I look like?


Wow, I can't believe someone responded to this! We are looking at would could very well be the first successful connection ever made via the CL missed connections section...and it happened over an eye-poking at a Queensyrche show. A sign of the apocalypse? Maybe.

* Elvis Perkins In Dearland - 'Doomsday' MP3

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Long name, great song

Sitting here listening to the new record from Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson...yep, four names. Still sort of on the fence about the entire record as a whole, but this song I am sharing is a keeper for sure...makes most excellent use of his rather unique voice.

* 'Trap Door' MP3

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People Eating People

People Eating People is the solo project of Nouela Johnston(formerly of the band Mon Frere). It's hard to listen to this self-titled debut record and not immediately think of artists like Regina Spektor and Tori Amos - you know, other talented girls who rock the piano. Not that is a bad thing, I am just thinking out loud here. This is an album that is definitely worthy of standing on it's own two legs though. Excellent, intelligent, and at times darkly humorous songwriting abounds. And her voice has a more soulful tinge to it I think. Enough of my babbling...it's a great record...enjoy the song.

* 'All The Hospitals' MP3

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Because listing stuff is what music geekdom is all about

The beautiful and really smart people over at NPR's All Songs Considered have taken on one hell of an ambitious list and they are leaving it up to us to decide how it shakes out. All of the details are right here. Yep. The 50 greatest voices of all time.

This was a brutal vote...and one that I probably could have done about 17 different ways. See, I am - at heart - an over-analyzer. First of all, I think there could probably be a completely separate post about the 126 "finalists" they picked, but what's done is done. So how do you interpret "greatest voices"? Most recognizable, most technically sound, most emotional, most socially impactful, etc etc etc. I could have spent all night agonizing over these, or I could do what I did, which is to just pick the five voices in the list that have had the most impact in my life. Still incredibly hard, but by doing this at least I didn't catch myself voting for Nusrat Fateh Ali Kahn in some lame attempt to garner hipster cred from people I don't even know. Oh, I've caught myself doing it before. I am human after all, and sometimes I choose poorly in an ill-fated attempt at being cool...but I am working on that.

So, here are my top five...sort of a gut response...if you do vote, and feel like sharing, I'd love to read see your picks....just post them in the comments section here.

Van Morrison
Johnny Cash
Tom Waits
Otis Redding
Nina Simone

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

queesryche concert 10/28 -

m4w - 42 (pickerington)

Date: 2009-11-02, 8:00AM EST

I was standing by you on the floor of the concert.towards the end of the show...some drunk poked you in the eye. Give me an email if you see this..


Chivalry really is dead. This guy sees a girl get poked in the eye by a drunk dude, says nothing, but makes a mental note to write a missed connection when he gets home. Obviously, he could not turn away from the awesomeness that WAS Queensryche.

* Frightened Rabbit - 'Poke' MP3

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Best Crisis Ever

If I haven't mentioned it already, ApSci's 'Best Crisis Ever' is one of the funnest records of the year. There is so much happening musically on this album, I hear something new almost every time I spin it.

Today I am digging their version of one of my favorite vintage R.E.M. songs, 'Swan Swan H.' I am going to post both versions...give em a listen...talk about making a song your own!

* R.E.M. - 'Swan Swan H' MP3

*ApSci - 'Swan Swan H' MP3

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Where the cross beats aren't so slow

I am sitting here, fighting with the undeniable fact that it is already November. Too soon, too soon. I am not ready for the rush of capitalism that is unleashed this time of year. But, as always, I will power through with the help of music.

And speaking of music, I am listening to NYC's Freelance Whales at the moment. Their debut LP 'Weathervanes' is a stellar set of the sort of indie rock/folk sound perfected by bands like the Decemberists, etc.

Here is a tune for you...good stuff.

* Freelance Whales - 'Broken Horse' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Trauma - m4w (Columbus)

Date: 2009-10-30, 4:29PM EDT

You, the blonde with the large red collar, who had the sweetest lips I've ever tasted. I was the young guy, in all black, with short hair in the grope room (not one of the overly aggressive mexicans). I wanted to ask to buy you a drink but never had the chance. Let me know, if you'd like to talk.


I LOVE the ones that I don't even have to comment on!

* Massive Attack - 'Collar Stays On' MP3

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A Match Made In My Musical Heaven

Sitting here, watching the clock, waiting for 5 o'clock to come...but at this very second, I am totally distracted by the audio bliss trickling into my ears in the from of the new record from Jason Molina(Magnolia Electric Co., Songs: Ohia) and Will Johnson(Centro-matic).

I love both of these bands, so I was counting on loving this album, but I am happy to report it is totally exceeding my expectations! It's the most beautiful sort of melancholy. Just gorgeous stuff..there is a sample for you below. The 'Molina And Johnson' record is available everywhere on November 3.

* Molina And Johnson - 'Lilly And The Brakeman' MP3

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The Best Kind Of Insomnia

There are points in every man's life where he must pause, assess where he is, and plan accordingly. Tonight was one of those nights. And the moment of truth came to me all at once and out of nowhere. It came as I was live blogging my local trick or treat night here in suburban Columbus,Ohio. I know, so ridiculous,right? This is not at all how I imagined my Thursday nights would be...ever.

At the same time, I was having an ongoing facebook conversation with an old friend...re-hashing some of our past adventures, which, when re-hashed, sound incredibly reckless! Ah, my 20's....how fun you were, but I am so glad you are over and I often wonder how I survived you.

All of this nostalgia and self-loathing led me to some soul searching, after which I arrived at this conclusion. I am TOTALLY OK with live blogging trick or treat night as a 34yr old guy. While all of this was going on, many friends were making plans and talking about going out on twitter and facebook...and for about half a second I was jealous. Then I wasn't. Honestly, the last place I would ever want to go at this point in my life is a night club. Or any other place with really loud obnoxious drunk people in costumes...I know! I was THOSE people for ten years! I survived, thereby earning my right to live blog neighborhood events on a Thursday night!

Wait, wait, wait...this is my music blog, not my therapy session. Sorry! I digress. In an attempt to tie this all in to music, this Jason Anderson song came up via the shuffle mode tonight. It is absolutely the sort of song that the 20yr old Blair would not have at all appreciated. The lyrics are WAY too pointed, way too brutally honest. In other words, the kind of song that the nearly middle-aged Blair adores.

* Jason Anderson - 'The Post Office' MP3

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Trick (f)Or Treat

It's Beggars Night here...the one night a year where it is totally socially acceptable to take candy from strangers...as long as you are wearing some sort of demonic costume! Go crazy kids...you will absolutely miss this when you get older!!!

* Neon Neon - 'Trick For Treat' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Guy with chainsaw at haunted

hoochie oct 23

- w4m - 18 (palakstan)

Date: 2009-10-26, 11:42PM EDT

Hi im brittany, i went down to the haunted hoochie on friday october 23,2009and im looking for a guy who works at the haunted hoochie and had a chainsaw on the in side that i told who had his chainsaw on my leg and i told him not to do that to much cause it might turn me on....... please contact me at duckie_the_swimmer_8 for yahoo sn or britduckie for aim sn or my myspace is lil_swimmin_country_girl8...... please find me!!! my number is four one nie six six zero three one zero six eight


This girl is probably already dead. Not a real good idea to include the phrase "don't use the chainsaw to much, it may turn me on" followed by the sharing of your phone number . I mourn her death, but man, I would still LOVE to hear some of those voice mail messages!

* Hole -'Jennifer's Body' MP3

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Get up, get out

The other record that has been in my ear all week is the latest one from Toronto's Elliot Brood. EB are my kind of Canadians, as they make music with plenty of banjo, ukulele, and alt-country angst.

'Mountain Meadows' is the name of the record, and I recommend it highly...whiskey sold separately unfortunately.

* 'Without Again' MP3

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When the stars are shining on you...

File this one under debut albums I am looking forward to. Free Energy are a band out of Pennsylvania that love their guitars. And I love them for it. The sound is pure power pop bliss.

Their debut LP will be out in 2010 on James Murphy's(LCD Soundstyem) label. I will definitely pass along more details and tunes as they become available!

* Free Energy - 'Dream City' MP3

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What Will We Be

Been on a bit of a blogging hiatus, just because nothing really interesting had crossed my ears in the last few days. Leave it to Devendra Banhart and his freak folk to change all of that. His brand new record 'What Will We Be' is nothing if not interesting.

I've been listening to it all day, and I am still finding little nuggets of sonic gold hidden in the collage of his songs that I must have missed on the first or second listen. It's really a brilliant album...here is one of my favorite tunes, enjoy.

* '16th And Valencia Roxy Music' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Hopeless Romantic

- 39 (Columbus)

Date: 2009-10-24, 5:50PM EDT

I am 39 years old 6FT tall 200 pounds . Christian, Looking for faithful woman 30 to 45 who would enjoy a very romantic man who enjoys a LOT of holding each other, giving her candle light bubble baths , opening doors for her, flowers, movies walks in the park holding hands or just out walking holding hands . I am extremely loving of the woman I would be with. even years later I would still be doing these things each day and I would not get out of bed before softly kissing her and whispering "I LOVE YOU" softly in her ears. I prefer women 5ft1 to 5 ft 7 and not heavy because I enjoy carrying her in my arms. If you wear it well send a pic, I'm not to picky if she's loving and faithful. I'm not looking for people with kids that are not grown. My kids are grown and not living with me so I'm alone and just single. I don't mind jealous or possessive women as long as your open with me and it don't cause problems between us. I do enjoy a woman who is not afraid to say I belong to her. I'm not looking for one night stands but as far as sex, If I love you what ever pleases you go's in the bed room as long as it between the two of us, I am very active in the bed room with who I'm with and I try hard to please the one I love in bed and out. I won't deal with an unfaithful person and I don't want ex's mine or yours in our life. I will NEVER cheat and feel free to test me on this when ever you feel like it. I Love the out doors and as much I love just being with you holding you. I want a woman who always wants to be held at home or out in public. I just went through a breakup and a layoff and I'm looking to hook up quick.. Send pics and tell me about your self. If I'm not interested I just won't respond. If you forget the pic I won't reply.
if your pic is to large to send thru this site reply and request my email and i'll send it to you .


I love that this "hopeless romantic" writes a heart wrenching manifesto about how badly he wants to hold somebody...and then concludes it with "I just went through a breakup and a layoff and I'm looking to hook up quick."

* Guided By Voices -'Hold On Hope' MP3

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Even MORE Boston Spaceships

I know that I say something like this every time I post a Robert Pollard related tune, but I can't help it, I am genuinely in awe of his prolificness - and I am not even sure that prolificness is a word - that's how in awe I am.

'Zero To 99' marks the 3rd released recording for his new outfit, Boston Spaceships, in less than a year. The man must literally have songs running through his head 24 hrs a day, and to record and produce them must keep him sane on some level. Whatever the reason for his high output, I am grateful...especially when it's as good as the stuff on this record. This is probably his best post Guided By Voices album yet..rock on Robert, rock on!

* 'Let It Rest For A Little While' MP3

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Oh, to live on sugar mountain

I need to post more and more of Bobby Bare, Jr. I love his voice, I mean it's just perfect for the sort of barroom songs he sings so well. I also love his version of this Neil Young song. I can remember loving song as a little kid, my brother would always be blaring this on his record player and I would make him repeat it over and over. In hindsight, I was probably in love with the idea that there was an actual mountain made out of sugar out there somewhere in the world, as my 8yr old musical tastes were not so refined.

* Bobby Bare Jr - 'Sugar Mountain' MP3

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Normal As Blueberry Pie

I honestly never dreamed that his little bit of cyberspace would ever cross paths with Doris Day...and as usual, I was wrong. Turns out the new Nellie McKay album is a Doris Day covers record. Normally, I woulnd't even give any Doris Day themed material a second look, but I am such a big fan of Ms. Mckay and her playful, witty piano songs that I thought I better give it a listen. And while it's not really the sort of thing I am going to listen to all the time, it is quirky and kind of cool in a way that only Nellie could pull off and definitely worth having in any collection.

* 'Sentimental Journey' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Looking for a real redneck


(ohio,wv area)

Date: 2009-10-20, 7:11PM EDT

My name is Terry AKA Redneck BigT. I live in ohio,i am a very hard working man, and i am looking for a real redneck women. This is what i am looking for in a woman: Country girl, kids or no kids,short but good looking,long hair,likes to go hunting and fishing,mud running,drag racing,tracter pulls. I want a woman that is straight forword,that works and has a licence,and that is not scared to get dirty with trucks,and that likes Big trucks,FORD,INTERNATIONAL,ONLY!!!!!!! If u r interested and real u have to go through my Good friend b/c she nows what i like and dont like. You have to be between the ages of 21-30

  • Location: ohio,wv area
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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You see what we are dealing with here in Ohio? The internet has spread to the most rural parts of Appalachia...technology has never been more wasted.

* Frightened Rabbit - 'My Backwards Walk' MP3

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A picture says a thousand words...

This is one case, where you can probably safely judge a book, err, an album by its' cover. That creepy, surreal looking, blurry bunny is a pretty good metaphor for the music contained on Georgia's Horse 'Mammoth Session' record.

The band, centered around Texas singer/songwriter Teresa Maldanado makes sparse, haunting sounds that even verge on experimental sometimes, without ever getting in their own way. It's a really beautiful album...very dark in places, but very beautiful.

* 'Bloom' MP3

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This post will self destruct in 48hrs

So you have probably heard that the soundtrack to the sequel for a certain emo vampire love story has hit the shelves. Yeah, you know the one. I don't have many rules for my blog, but mentioning the title of that particular film or any of it's sequels is,in fact, expressly forbidden by the Certain Songs by-laws.

However, I am a huge supporter of some of the bands on that soundtrack, most recently and passionately Band Of Skulls. So, I definitely wanted to pass this tune along...haven't heard the full record yet, but the lineup is pretty amazing...which made me a little sad at first, but then if tween girls can get turned on to some really incredible bands via the movie that shall not be named, then that has to be a good thing.

* Band Of Skulls - 'Friends' MP3

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Introducing Shane Lee...the next big thing

I don't post too many videos on my blog, but every now and then some clip so unforgettable comes across my computer that I feel obligated to share it, and friends, this video of the immensely talented vocal virtuoso Shane Lee is just one of those clips.

The first time I watched this, I was laughing so hard I think I missed like the last five "notes." Man, videos like this are the reason youtube exists...thank God this dude had a forum like youtube to share his brilliant post PBR bender, impromptu webcam vocal wizardry...my life is all the richer for it!

All credit due to Jen for finding this gem...she is London's number one talent scout, lest no one have any doubt!

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Audio Nostalgia: All Hands On The Bad One

I was just hanging out last night, listening to some older records that I hadn't heard in awhile and I totally got stuck on Sleater-Kinney's 'All Hands On The Bad One.' I have so many awesome memories that are forever tethered to this album. I remember sneaking into Little Brothers with my friend Carrie to see SK on this tour, and then buying what to this day may be my all time favorite show t-shirt - a light blue T with a cat on it with "All Hands On The Bad One" in plain text above. I miss that shirt. And I think I fell in love with Corin Tucker for about 90 minutes that night...an absolute rock goddess!

Good times, good times...

* 'Male Model' MP3

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I just have to pass ONE more song along from this new Beaten Awake record. It's like everything that is great and pure about rock n roll has been balled up and stuffed into this one tune. (Hyperbole much? OK, that was a bit dramatic...but you gotta love the local heroes. They are all doing it for the love of the ROCK). Featuring underdog lyrics like “Up from the bottom is where I shine” and then building up to a fist pumping fever pitch, just play this one really, REALLY loud - for me.

For these four minutes...Ohio does indeed rock!

* Beaten Awake - 'Halo V' MP3

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Sad Man Happy Man

I am so happy that Mike Doughty is as prolific as he is. Just a year after releasing 'Golden Delicious' he is back with a great new record, the stripped down sounding 'Sad Man Happy Man.' I love the way MD sees the world and the way he spins his stories into song. He has one of the more original voices in all of pop music I would say, and has since the Soul Coughing days. And by voice I mean what he has to say and how he says it...although I DO dig his actual voice and that cool spoken word style delivery too. Oh,and he has written a song with what has to be one of my all time favorite titles...

* 'How To Fuck A Republican' MP3

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Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova will probably never be able to catch the lightning in the bottle that was the success of their film 'Once' and it's soundtrack again...and I am totally ok with that. I just hope they keep making music together(as long as it doesn't mean we have to wait TOO long for the next Frames album.)

Their new Swell Season record is a beautiful effort of stripped down songs. Gorgeous sunset music indeed.

Here is one of my favorites...enjoy.

* 'Paper Cup' MP3

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30 Century Man

Seems like some of my favorite musical moments this year have come via a handful of stellar tribute albums. Moments like this song by Peter Broderick which appears on the tribute record to Scott Walker, '30 Century Man.'

* Peter Broderick - 'Duchess' MP3

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Take me home!!

Oooh, I was just witness to an epic couples fight!! You know the kind that ends with the girl screaming "take me home!" ? It was one of those. I stopped in at the store on my way home to pick up a few things, but suddenly got sucked into this classic drama in the bread aisle. Best I could tell, they had plans to go out with her friends who were in town this weekend from Indiana, and he selfishly scheduled a night out for himself with some coworkers. She was not happy.

It erupted into an expletive laced free for all, right there in the middle of the store...and it was not pretty. After the heated exchange, they both sat there looking sort of battered and punched out, no doubt exhausted from their verbal bashing of one another...and the girl looked so defeated. She just sighed a long, sad sigh...thought for what seemed like an eternity and said to him..."you suck!" and stormed out.

The reason I tell you this, is because in my music obsessed mind I was reminded of this song I am posting. Don't we all with we could come up with something cinematic when faced with a moment like that?

* The A-Sides - 'Cinematic' MP3

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Sounds Like Ohio: Beaten Awake

If there is one Ohio band that I would really love to see break through to some sort of commercial success, it would Kent's Beaten Awake. These guys play an infectious, melodoic sort of garage rock that is so easy on the ears. And if you ever get a chance to see them live, go for it...such a great bar band!

Here is one of my favorites off of their brand new record - which I am currently playing into the ground - 'Thunder$troke.'

* 'I Shot The Mayor, Not The Deputy Mayor' MP3

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Hundreds Of Lions

Today's soundtrack is the new Erin Mckeown record, 'Hundreds Of Lions.' It's one of the most playful folk records you will ever listen to. Ms McKeown writes incredibly clever songs that you will find yourself singing to yourself long after listening.

* 'To A Hammer' MP3

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Candy Says

One of my all time favorite covers. I love the Velvet Underground original....but something about this version just makes me all warm and fuzzy...

* Blind Melon - 'Candy Says' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Man with red hair and cape - w4m 22

Date: 2009-10-12, 7:41PM EDT


you had me take this picture for you in bicentennial park and I didn’t have the nerve to talk to you.

Please find me you are my night in shining armor


* Breahe Owl Breathe - 'Your Cape' MP3

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Be Set Free

This new Langhorne Slim album is incredible. I've been listening to it a ton over the last few weeks and just wanted to take a second and pass along the title track.

* 'Be Set Free' MP3