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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

It was a depressingly bad day on the missed connections front. Very slim pickings...this one had just enough bitterness and just the right hint of desperation to make the cut. There seems to be a theme lately of people NOT being the one picked...


When will you be single? - m4w - 24

We use to work together, always had a great time. You made that place light up...

You always managed to have a boyfriend, somehow. Not that I'm suprised...just at who it was. Him? Really? How many chances did he deserve?

And now, I see you once and awhile. Always with a boyfriend. Unfortunately, he looks cooler than I...

I wish I could find that magic, however brief, window of opportunity. I think it could be great. Maybe I'm wrong.

pst.. I'm not

I hope you see this. I really do.


This song was actually playing as I read this...maybe not the best literal fit, but the overall tone seemed to work. Like I said, there just wasn't much to pick from today. Sorry...this is NOT a Jewel cover. I know, I was disappointed to.

Gnarls Barkley - 'Who's Gonna Save My Soul'

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Justin Townes Earle - 'The Good Life'

It's so strange when the offspring of some of your favorite artists start to release their own albums. Sign number 4,498 that I am getting old!

JT Earle's debut disc, 'The Good Life' is some mighty fine Americana. But what else would you expect from the son of Steve Earle, and from a man with Townes has his middle name...he has an amazing lineage on his side.

Here is the title track:

Justin Townes Earle - 'The Good Life'

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Primal Scream - 'Country Girl'

Speaking of people and bands that personify rock n'roll, how about Primal Scream. Man, when this album came out a couple of years ago I wore this song into the ground!

Primal Scream - 'Country Girl'

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Audio Nostalgia: "Star"

I love it when a beloved song from my past pops up unexpectedly on my shuffle(moments like that are the entire reason for this little audio nostalgia series).

I have my older brother to thank for my love of The Cult. He dragged me to a show when I was probably 16 or 17...the third show I had ever been to, the first two being Motorhead and Anthrax(White Zombie was the first show I ever paid to get into)...wow, I have mellowed drastically...but I digress. I remember being totally star struck by Ian Asbury of The Cult...the guy personified the term 'rock star' to me.

The Cult - 'Star'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

OK, you have to flip the genders around for this song to fit...but it was just too perfect to pass up.


Her??? Really?? - w4m - 29

You picked her instead of me. I should have known. I still can't believe it. She doesn't deserve you.


Joe Jackson - 'Is She Really Going Out With Him'

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Better music through television

Yet another song that I discovered via the glorious HBO series 'Six Feet Under.' I miss

I believe this is a cover of an old Styx song...a much, MUCH hipper take on the tune.

The Bad Examples - 'Not Dead Yet'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

I would HOPE that if some girl ever had this sort of affect on me I would have the guts to CALL her! C'mon man...go for it...life is too short, and your bad poetry('your laugh echoes through my soul') is getting you nowhere but my missed connections of the day dedication...and that is no place to be!


You still haunt my dreams...

I miss you... so badly. Your laugh echos through my soul, your smile shines the light at the end of the tunnel and of course.. the way you taste. Where are you? I know nice guys never finish first, but I will always be loyal to you, even if I cannot have you. You deserve the best and sadly, that may not be me. The years are flying by, where has the time gone? How is it that you are still haunting my dreams? I love you.


I think I just picked this post as an excuse to post one of my favorite all time songs...multiple versions even:

Everly Brothers - 'All I Have To Do Is Dream'

REM - 'Dream(All I Have To Do)

Linda Ronstadt - 'All I Have To Do Is Dream'

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Finally...a reason to BE EXCITED for the release of 'Chinese Democracy'

I am going to buy stock in Dr Pepper...this is the funniest music-related promotion idea I have ever heard...brilliant!

Read article here

But I do miss epic 9 minute rock videos that cost more than most movies to make...

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150 seconds of unfettered rock n'roll fun

I can think of a better way to describe 'The Kelly Affair' from the new Be Your Own Pet record 'Get Awkward.'

It's sex, drugs, and rock n'roll condensed into this one perfect little package.

Be Your Own Pet - 'The Kelly Affair'

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Everybody loves break up songs: Episode 9

I apologize in advance to Silversun Pickups if 'Kissing Families' isn't actually a break up song, but the song found me at a time in my life rife with relationship drama.
One more than one occasion I cathartically screamed along to the lyric 'Thank GOD it's over.'

I just love the way this song builds and builds before finally erupting into that defiant statement...rock n roll brilliance.

Silversun Pickups - 'Kissing Families'

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Audio Nostalgia: "Daughters Of The Kaos"

Does anyone remember what it was like to be a music geek before the internet age? It meant having to be REALLY resourceful when it came to seeking out new music. Or if you were me, and not so resourceful it meant relying on MTV and 120 Minutes. I think that show was the first time I started to hear rumblings of this new all girl group signed to the Beastie Boys 'Grand Royal' label.

This band of course, was Luscious Jackson. As soon as I heard this song I went out and tracked down the "In Search Of Manny" EP. 'Daughters Of The Kaos' was one of those songs that I tortured ALL of my friends to by making them(any of them unfortunate to come into my path for the month or so after I got the Ep) listen to the track OVER and OVER again.

Luscious Jackson - 'Daughters Of The Kaos'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

This guy is ALL class! And he sets a Craigslist record...the most bad nautical metaphors ever packed into one missed connection. Hard to believe this guy is still single.

Why weren't you at the Boat Club???? - m4w - 38

Why weren't you there last night K.T.? I better see you there tonight.

Wear something low cut, I want to see some nipple poking out.

I'll be your bow, if you be my stern.

I want to set a nautical record, the more "knots" we can make, the better.

Don't throw me overboard.

You may want to bring some Dramamine for all the rocking, and a life jacket is always suggested.

Will i be lucky enough tonight to sink my anchor?


So many obvious musical choices on this one..I couldn't limit myself to one...or even two for that matter:

Cat Power - 'Sea Of Love'

Modest Mouse - 'Dramamine'

Sun Kil Moon - 'Dramamine'

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The Zombies

When I ever I get into a mood for older stuff(60's,70's) and I don't feel like listening to the Beatles for Otis Redding, the Zombies, specifically their album 'Odyssey And Oracle', is what I play. Such an underrated band. So many beautiful and timeless songs, they were really so far ahead of their time for pop music. Not as popular(or as great, don't get me wrong) as The Beatles, not as cool as the Velvet Underground, but definitely worth all the love as one of the true rock n roll originators. Here is my all time favorite Zombies tune, enjoy:

The Zombies - 'A Rose For Emily'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

(WARNING: Longest missed connection EVER)
This is the 'War And Peace' of missed connections!


eb jw

Miss you, miss everything about you! Your always on my mind and always in my heart.I hope one day you wont be my missed conection anymore.I dont like missing you.So lonely with out you, even at a distance you bring so much light into my world that it makes for a brighter day. But lately my days have been pitch black with without the slightest wisp of light.The Stars at night have been brighter than the Sun thrue my eyes.I dont think there is a sun anymore.I think it died,and left me freezing out in the cold. Will I be in this darkness forever? Besides God your the only other who knows. I think I will never see you again is what I think. I dont expect you to responde to this ,but would be thrilled if you did,I fucked up.I know this ok.Im sorry, really sorry! Please forgive me, please dont hate me atleast be my friend. I really like you as a person you are wonderful. I am forever in your debt. forever, I BEG OF YOU please. Im in so much pain right now, I dont even feel anything else other than my heart screming out your name repeatedly. Its constant. You are my world, You are my dream,I miss you Baby. I want to be with you forever. I offen wonder why, not to be mean, but I do. I dont understand this chemistry thing we share.I have lots of woman hit on me and could have any girl i want but I choose to see thrue them all and only see you and I dont know why.Just like you said you have never looked at another man the same as you look at me. Its gotta be for a reason. I cant be that strong of a conection for no reason. its not because God wanted to teach me a lesson or be mean to me, Its more like he put this in BOTH OF US because he wants us to be.and nothing you say or anybody else says is gonna tell me differant. I have never in my life felt such power and emotion and romance. I never knew romance until now.thought I did but I didnt!I bet you can probly say the same thing too.I guess if I dont ever get to be with you atleast I can live my life knowing that the most buitiful woman on the planet looks at me like she looks at no other man.And she has my name planted in her heart. I really hope to hear from you. i miss you lots n lots n lots. Will never be happy with out you. Never ever, its impossible.I feel as I am in hell without you, because I am!!!


Ween - 'Ill Miss You'

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New Music....uh, Wednesday

I am a day late, as usual,but I did get to checking out some new music this week.

Mark Eitzel and his American Music Club have finally returned to the fold with an excellent LP full of more songs of San Fransisco and love gone wrong. Here is my favorite tune from the new record:

American Music Club - 'All My Love'

The other disc I listened to today and really liked was the David Brewis(from Field Music) side project School For Language. On 'Sea For Shore' Brewis and his band belt out an album full of experimental rockers...a relentless, full on slate of songs that never bores. Well worth checking out.

School For Language - 'Rockist Part 2'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Behold the amazing power that is seeing what you want to see, and all hail the magical ability to believe things really happened the way you perceived them to happen...for these are the things that keep the 'missed connections' section full every day!(and on a side note, these people who always append their posts with "please respond with 'FILL IN THE SPECIFIC' so that I know that it was you"...just how many replies are they expecting??)


To the flirty barrista chick - m4w - 35

Well it has been about 6 weeks now. It was a Sunday, Hampton Inn elevator, you were going up to your parents room with a couple of bags of coffee. We chatted a bit, then arrived at my floor.

I am in Monday night this week, want to grab a bite? Glass of wine? Let me know why your parents were in that weekend so I know it was you.



Today's musical selection is sort of a general anthem for ALL missed connections, but it works really well on this one.

Wolf Parade - 'I'll Believe In Anything'

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'Other peoples lives seem much more interesting cause they ain't mine'

I have always loved the way Isaac Brock has had with words. He has this amazing way to take the kind of thoughts that go through every body's heads and set them to these incredibly catch indie rock songs. Songs like 'Float On' and 'Polar Opposites' are nothing less than brilliant.

This one came up on shuffle earlier and I just felt like sharing it...and this refrain, truer words were never spoken...I find other people's lives infinitely more interesting than mine.


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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

I had to pick this one. The person posting was SO brave to admit to those songs as 'their songs'...God bless her.


Your Birthday 3/16, - 41

We always had so much fun together and thought I love would be 4ever, although you had it in your head what if with her, now are you wondering what if without me being in your life, since you are divorced. You are still in my head, obviously you are suppose to be that is why you are in there. Our songs: Whitney Houston I will always love you, Elton John something about the way you looked tonight, Atlantic Star Secret Lovers. I sure do miss you.....I hope life is treating you very well these days. Have you been back to Myrtle Beach looking at the moon and think of me like you did before, those days were some of the happiest days of my life spending them with you. I still have everything you ever gave me. I will be keeping them to the day I die. What about the log cabin, new built house, Jack's steakhouse, just to name a few, yes, I carry the list everyday in my purse. As I said years ago, you will always be in my heart.


'Certain Songs' really do get scratched into our souls...

The Hold Steady - 'Certain Songs'

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Everybody loves break up songs: Episode 8

This episode comes from on on the quintessential 'break up albums' of my lifetime, Beck's 'Sea Change'. A record with one heartbreaker after another...seriously, this thing should come with a warning label on it. Paired with a recent breakup, 'Sea Change' could be harmful to one's health.

Beck - 'Guess I'm Doing Fine'

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Elf Power - 'In A Cave'

Today has been all Elf Power, all day as I have been getting into their latest LP 'In A Cave.' I am a big EP fan, so my review is far from impartial, just so you know, but it really is a great record. More lo-fi goodness from this Athens,GA band.

The gentle fuzz and melodic bliss of songs long 'Spiral Stairs' and the stripped down new folk songs like 'Midnight Crawls Out' and 'Softly Through The Void' are my favorites after a couple of times through. Here are a couple of those for you to check out, enjoy:



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All The Albums I've Loved Before: "Knock Knock"

I have loved about everything Bill Callahan has released, either under his own name or under the pseudonym 'Smog'. And of all of his records, 'Knock Knock' is by far my favorite. Such a beautiful record. I still try and spin it as often as I can...one of the finer rainy day records you will ever hear.

Smog - 'Cold Blooded Old Times'

'Teenage Spaceship'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

What is she thinking? Did she not get the memo, 'What happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas'?
I will bet anyone a million dollars that he doesn't even remember the conversation...and if he does, he wasn't enjoying Vegas the way it was meant to be enjoyed!

You were in Vegas this past weekend... - w4m

I met you in Vegas this weekend. You're an OSU Alum. I wish we had the chance to talk more an

d say good-bye before you left. I'm bummed that we didn't get to exchange numbers. If you happen to see this, drop me an e-mail. Let me know which bar we grabbed a drink at and which hotel you were at so I know this is the right person. I have no idea if you are with someone but I did feel we connected in the short time we spent together and would love to at least stay in touch


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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

I think this guy just blew what ever chance he had with this girl by accidentally insulting her occupation...not so smooth.


Lovely blond girl working at The Soldiery

I'm sure you get hit on all the time by the guys hanging out there. No worries. I'm not a regular, so please don't get creeped out.

My question is this: Seriously, you are smoking hot. Not just attractive, but jaw-droppingly gorgeous. What the hell are you doing working in a store that sells Dungeons and Dragons books?

Seeing you there was like finding a rose in the middle of a sewer. Not that there's anything wrong with Dungeons and Dragons or the people who play it, of course.

This mystery will haunt me until my dying day.


Smashing Pumpkins ' 'Geek USA'

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What Easter really sounds like

Happy Easter everyone...now I will sit here and wait patiently for the lightning bolt to obliterate me for posting this song...

The Hold Steady - 'How A Resurrection Really Feels'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

I think this guy's missed connections post pretty much speaks for itself. Stay classy.


Private Dancer friday night - m4w - 30

You were dancing at Private Dancer on Trabue on Friday night. You had short black hair, incredible body, a tattoo on your back and wore a black one peice. I talked to you briefly and you gave me a lapdance before you had to go on stage. I had a button up and baseball cap on. Your awesome!


I had to go with two songs on this one...one part rap, one part rock...it was just SO easy!



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Everybody loves break up songs: Episode 7

If classic country singers didn't invent the break up son, then they surely perfected them. And I think Ryan Adams agrees with me. Here he is taking a sad song and making it even sadder...bravo Mr. Adams, bravo.

Ryan Adams - 'I Still Miss Someone'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Now this is a perfect missed connection. If you could major in missed connections at college, this would have it's own lecture. It's got everything. Broken English, it's absurdly vague, plus it has that overall tone of general creepiness that would assuredly scared off any intended reader from actually replying.


brunette and red z-28

i see almost everyday driving through my neighborhood. seen kids in car,maybe you child goes to school in my development? i think your beautiful. i'm divorced and work at home so that how i alway see you driving by. wondering if you are single? or not. doesn't matter. like to get to know you. i'll treat you better than any other can or will. if your attached we can keep it on the DL some no one finds out i'll pick up where he leaves off. please let me know. you are so beautiful.


"I'll pick up where he left off.."


Today's soundtrack is courtesy of Rhett Miller and the Old 97's...

Old 97's - 'Designs On You'

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I can't seem to turn off this album...so here is one more track, this one featuring rhymes by Spank Rock

Neon Neon - 'Trick For Treat'

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The synth pop bliss of Neon Neon

Just in time for spring, Neon Neon has blessed us with an incredible record, 'Stainless Style'. NN is actually Super Furry Animal Gruff Rhys and sound scientist Boom Bip. They joined forces to record this brilliant synth pop concept album about the late great automobile innovator John Delorean. Not much else to say, I could hurl adjectives at you all day...but listen to these tracks and see what you think.



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New Sun Kil Moon - 'April'

Gut-wrenching pain has never sounded so good. I almost feel guilty liking Mark Kozelek's music so much...I mean I can't even fathom some of the pain he has endured to write songs like he does. But I digress...and I am happy to share a couple of new tracks from the forthcoming Sun Kil Moon album 'April'...ah that voice...it's just like hearing from a great friend who you've lost touch with...once you hit PLAY it's like he never left.

sun kil moon - april - 05 heron blue.mp3

sun kil moon - april - 08 tonight the sky.mp3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

This more of a personal ad(actually it reads like a sad cry for help) but I did indeed find it in the missed connections section, so kit was in fair play. Plus I just loved this one. It's painfully obvious the guy doesn't use a computer much(Caps lock what?) and his short, choppy sentences made me laugh. So did his undying love of pool.


old poolplaying animal lover - w4m - 60



Heartless Bastards - 'Done Got Old'

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Happy Birthday Dude

Ten years ago this month the brothers Coen blessed the world with 'The Big Lebowski'

I think I speak for everyone when I say that Earth is a far better place for having 'The Dude' in it.

So in honor of this monumental anniversary, I give you my 5 favorite lines from 'The Big Lebowski:


Jesus Quintana: What's this day of rest shit? What's this bullshit? I don't fuckin' care! It don't matter to Jesus. But you're not foolin' me, man. You might fool the fucks in the league office, but you don't fool Jesus. This bush league psyche-out stuff. Laughable, man - ha ha! I would have fucked you in the ass Saturday. I fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead. Wooo! You got a date Wednesday, baby!

The Dude: That rug really tied the room together.

The Dude: Fuck sympathy! I don't need your fuckin' sympathy, man, I need my fucking johnson!

Stranger: I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there, the Dude, takin' her easy for all us sinners.

Walter: Smokey my friend, you're entering a world of pain.

OK, that was brutally hard...SO many classic lines in that movie...but those are five OF my favorites.

Captain Beefheart ' 'Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles'

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I Just Thought You Should Know

I love Steve Earle. Such an incredible songwriter. This bittersweet tune was 'hidden' on his mostly protest themed album, "The Revolution Starts Now" released a few years ago during the peak of the Bush incompetency.

I been watchin’ you watchin’ me
I could feel your eyes from way across the room
But now that I’m holdin’ you close I can see
Ain’t no way I’m gonna get around you
I won’t tell you I don’t need you tonight
I won’t pretend I ain’t burnin’ inside
Your skin glowin’ soft in the silver moonlight
The shadows where the promises hide
The bittersweet taste of your kiss
It’s all more than I can resist

If you’re thinkin’ ‘bout breakin’ my heart
You might as well just pick up your little black dress and go
Somebody else already tore it apart
And I thought you should know

Maybe this is all that you want
Maybe you’re just as lonesome as me
A shoulder that you can cry on
A warm safe place you can be
Someone to call in the middle of the night
When the ghosts in your bedroom won’t rest
Two arms to hold you tight
I promise that I’ll do my best
To give you everything I got to give

Steve Earle - 'I Thought You Should Know'

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Audio Nostalgia: "So. Central Rain"

"NO WAY! 'So Central Rain' is your favorite REM song too??"

And with these words a crush was born...a crush which eventually led to the first of many not so rewarding relationships. but the crush part is always flawless isn't it? At least in hindsight it is. I still think of her every time I hear this song. Every memory I have, at least the great ones and painful ones, all have a song attached to them. Music really is an amazing thing. I think I will post the Grant Lee Phillips version of the song, in the spirit of making old things new again.

So Central Rain

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Keren Ann - 'Hallelujah'

OK, this is now officially my second favorite version of the classic Leonard Cohen song...Jeff Buckley's version is still untouchable, but this is still great.

03 Hallelujah.mp3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

A sort of reflective, almost deep missed connection this time around. Wow, this guy sounds like me. I spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about the road not taken, and what might have been. It's like the 'Sliding Doors' mindset(sorry to drop obscure Gweneth Paltrow movie references, but it seemed to fit). Anyway, I totally relate to the 'what ifs', but I am trying so hard to live in the present tense. Trying to.


maybe- - m4w

the stars will align tonight, and the person this is meant for will read this. Then again maybe not. So I have been thinkin, my timing is rather fucked up, don't you think? Reminiscing tonight, cannot for the life of me wonder what would have happened if I never sat there, if we never introduced ourselves, would we have met again later on? Under different circumstances, what would have happened? Its funny how things end up. Five years ago, I would have never thought I'd be in cbus, wonder where I'll be in five more? Let it be known that you left an impression on me.

I chose Fiona Apple's version of 'Across The Universe'...I think the words actually fit pretty well, and I love her haunted version of the song.

11 Across The Universe (Bonus).mp3

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Why? - 'Alopecia'

This genre-bending band from Berkeley,CA(they remind me a lot of Soul Coughing) features some of the weirdest, most wonderfully abstract lyrics I have heard in a long time. I just listened to this for the first time and I am hooked. I am passing along a couple of tunes for you listening pleasure, enjoy:

"Vowels Pt 2"

"These Few Presidents"

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Everybody loves break up songs: Episode 6

All of the heartache and despair of a break up song filtered through the bar room wisdom of Ben Nichols and Lucero. This one is an absolute soul crusher. Brief yet devastating.

she never says hi to me no more
and that's a pretty good way for her to even the score
things went bad, I guess it don't mean much
she used to say I was the only one
she never says hi to me no more
she never even looks my way no more
and I can hear her talking through the bedroom door
she's not here for me, cause we're all done
I know damn well I was the only one
I know damn well I was the only one
she never even looks my way no more
she never even looks my way no more
She never even looks my way no more
and I can hear her talking through the bedroom door

"The Only One"

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Ah, star crossed lovers...luckily for this pair one of them is in an open marriage. Something tells me he posts on craigslist A LOT!!! The musical portion of today's entry is the New Pornographers 'Challengers'...I read this on CL and my mind went right to the line "You live with someone, I live with somebody too..."


Frankenberry - m4w - 29

Yesterday we talked about your love of Frankenberry, while your hat kept falling over your eyes. I know you have a boyfriend, and you know I'm married, but I'm allowed to see other people, and would like to see you if you're interested at all...


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Yep, I am all in on Langhorne Slim

It's official. My interest in Langhorne Slim has morphed in like a month from passing curiosity to full blown obsession. I just can't hear enough of his smart, witty lyrics and that wavering, almost faltering voice. It's new folk gold I tell you.

Here is the title track from his last full length album, "By The Time The Sun's Gone Down" and the 'English Tea', a tune from his 2006 "Engine" EP.
New material coming later this year.

By The Time The Suns Gone Down

01 english tea.mp3

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Feelin' Minnesota

This gloomy weather today has me challenging myself to find just the right kind of music to set as its' soundtrack. I am not even attempting to ROCK my way out it. I have given in, now it's just a matter of just finding the right tunes to make the day as bearable as possible.

I think I have found a great record for just such a day. Lizz Wright's soulful voice is
echoing into the air right now, and it is doing the trick. Her new album 'Orchard' is brilliant. Itunes considers it 'modern jazz'...well whatever you call it, her voice is beautiful and her lyrics have a tendency to make your heart drop into the pit of your stomach. "When I Fall" is my favorite track at the moment, give it a spin:

06 - Lizz Wright - When I Fall.mp3

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Looking like an Iron & Wine sorta day

Upon waking up and glancing out the window, to the gray drizzle...it's looking like an Iron & Wine kinda day. Most definitely.

Here a couple of my favorite Sam Beam songs. A live cover of New Orders 'Love Vigilantes' and my favorite tune off the collaborative EP he released with Calexico a few yars ago.

iron&wine-love vigilantes.mp3

03 history of lovers.mp3

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St Patrick's Day Wrap Up...or some musical wisdom

It's true...no matter how rough you feel tomorrow morning after bonging double digit green beers today, a little drunk(and a lot hungover) is always better than dead.

I am saving money for Coachella, so i stayed in...the first time in YEARS that I didn't go out for St Patrick's Day...and I am ok with it. It fell on a Monday and it is totally amateurs night anyway...it's never good to be on the roads on one of the holidays when people who never drink think they HAVE to...bad business.

So may your recovery be smooth, and your hangover be quickly cured. Now here is that musical wisdom from Boston band The Push Stars. I think the highlight of their career was playing on the Jenny Jones show. I wish I were making that up...I really do.


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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

This one has everything you could want in a missed connection! Ridiculously long periods of time passed in between meetings, a person desperately clinging to what was probably a one time thing to the other person involved, floor buffing, and even a romantic rendezvous planned for Wal-Mart!


Looking for M.P. - w4m - 29

I met you 10 years ago at your work and again 10 years later at your work. I was buffing floors. We almost got into trouble over our "relationship". We agreed to meet sometime at WalMart. I haven't made it down there yet but I will eventually. The thought of you still excites me. I can't help but wonder what it would be like. I'm sorry I hit you in the face with the wad of tape.....


And in sticking with today's Irish music theme, I think I will go with Snow Patrol's "Make This Go On Forever"...seems to fit quite nicely.

Snow Patrol-Eyes Open-07-Make This Go On Forever.mp3

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Cheers Darlin'

I couldn't let a St Patrick's Day go by without a mention of Damien Rice. The album 'O' was the soundtrack for a less than great year for me, and I am not sure I can imagine dealing with all of the the things that were going on there with that record.

This a special dedication to anyone out there who has ever had somebody leave their life, and even though it didn't seem like it at the time, you were much better off for it.

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Audio Nostalgia: St Patrick's Day Edition

The first time that I can remember actually listening to the music of Van Morrison was back in high school while at a friend's party. OK, maybe I am exaggerating a bit by using the word 'party'...in reality it was like 5 guys sitting around, listening to records and passing a bottle of sloe gin back and forth. Ah yes, it is all coming back to me...one of the very first times I got wasted coincided perfectly with one of the first times I heard Van Morrison...and a drinker was born.

Shows you how uncool we were. Sloe gin? We had limited options at 16yrs old and beggars can't be choosers, so it was sloe gin and 7-up. That night ended up with me(usually a pacifist I swear) taking a swing at the mounted deer head on my friend's parents wall. Really. And the next morning I was SO hurting. I think that was the first of about 800 times in which I swore off drinking forever...and by forever I meant until next weekend.

15 into the mystic.mp3

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Everybody loves break up songs: St Patrick's Day Edition

Again, Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone...it's all Irish, all day here today. This edition of great break up music is brought to you by Sinead O'Connor. I actually had a former girlfriend put this on a mix cd for me once...as the first song no less! Shockingly, it didn't last much longer...music never lies.

One of the true classic break up songs right here, enjoy...

09 - last day of our Aquaintance.mp3

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Irish music, it's not just for St. Patrick's day anymore

I had THE most original idea EVER. Post nothing but music from Irish artists today. I am sure only me and 2,000 other bloggers have come up with this concept. But I never claimed to be a trend setter, if anything I catch on to trends just as they are dying...hipness is not a strong suit of mine. But I digress...so for the next 24hrs or so all of my posts will be somehow tied into an Irish tune. I am brilliant.

To me, the only logical place to start would be with my favorite Irish band, The Frames. Anyone who has had the pleasure to see Glen Hansard and the band live knows the feeling of utter bliss that hits you when the entire venue begins to sing along with the refrain on this track, "We have all the time in the world...to get it right"

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone...may this song find you in close proximity to green beer.


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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

This was by far the EASIEST Craigslist missed connections post to put a soundtrack too...I mean the second I read "half Japanese girl" I heard Rivers Cuomo singing in my head. Hey it's been a long week, I am taking the literal way out.


looking for a half japanese girl i met at worst bar in columbus - m4w - 22

This is a long shot but about a year ago I met a half japanese girl at the worst bar in columbus We talked we danced we kissed. I'm tall and tan with long black hair. I lost your number and forgot your name but i remember we had a good time. If you read this hopefully we can do it again.



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Everybody loves break up songs: Episode 5

Behind that veneer of synthed out sounds, bad eye makeup, and worse hairstyles the New Wavers still had feelings. And from seminal New Wave outfit Soft Cell comes one of my favorite break up songs from the 80's. The wonderfully bitter 'Say Hello Wave Goodbye'...the song may be 20yrs old, but the sentiment behind it is timeless - love is hell.


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Audio Nostalgia: "Devil's Diary"

I can actually remember buying this record JUST because I thought the band name was so cool, The Caulfields. My reasoning was that if they lifted their band name from 'A Catcher In The Rye' they would have to be great. I was wrong. But I have always liked this one song and finally tracked it down this morning. Give it a listen and be magically transported back to 1995.


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It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine

...because Michael Stipe will be the DJ! Listening to the new REM here and I am loving every note. It sounds to me like a return to classic from, like 'Life's Rich Pageant' era REM.

Let's all listen:


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Audio Nostalgia: "Level On The Inside"

I am fascinated by one hit wonders. I know, I am using the term 'hit' quite liberally, but you know what I mean. When completely unremarkable bands capture lighning in a bottle and release the right song at the right time and it actually catches on. I mean for the 3 minutes on that one track, they were rock gods. Then they just sort of fade into the background.

Here is one of those bands with one of those songs. I can remember these guys headlining a local radio station gig at the time 'Level On The Inside' was out, and it was a semi-big deal, by Columbus rock standards. Enough babbling, here is the song, by the not so legendary Dovetail Joint...


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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Anyone who has EVER been in Ohio knows that ALL of the best missed connections happen at the Waffle House...after the bars let out.


waffle house - m4w - 46

You asked me why i didn't sit in your section Melissa...
Let's chat more. I'm single and wanting you very much !


"I Want Someone Badly" was an easy choice for this one...


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Everybody loves break up songs: Episode 4

Bitter, resentful, and beautiful. That's what I hear when I listen to Elliot Smith break up songs. He had an amazing knack for turning his angst into these incredible pop songs. I miss him.



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That thing I do

Just thinking out loud here. I have this thing that I do. It concerns correspondence. Be it correspondence with friends, family, girlfriends, potential girlfriends...anyone. I have this horrible habit of ALWAYS sending ONE too many emails or text messages. You know when you have like a brief email or text exchange with someone, and the last post seems to conclude the conversation? I compulsively send one last email or text. And it usually makes no sense, like I was just trying in vain to keep the conversation alive. Why? Is it some juvenile thing about having the last word? I have no idea...but I do it constantly. Note to self: fix this.

As I was typing this the words and music of Jason Molina were filling my room...feels like a good time to post a couple of my favorites.



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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day - Bonus Edition

Can somebody please explain to me why this guy is still single? Wow...what a winner. If I have said it once, I have said it a THOUSAND times...thank God for Craigslist and all of its' users who never fail to boos my self esteeem.



Why are most women afraid to show their faces with a picture??? Especially these fat ones. Do you think we wont notice? If you really think you're big and beautiful , show your dam face. And another thing,,,, go Dutch you cheap bitch!


I had to take the literal meaning with this one...it was just SO easy. Plus I love the Old 97's and this song.


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Keepin' it real

Bobby Bare, Jr is rock n roll. And this is the best 'rock as a lifestyle' song I have ever heard...I love this man. And this way of living still sounds better than any day job I can think of :-)


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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Nephew...suuuuuuuuuuure. I really hope the nephew story is legit and he doesn't actually hang out at Chuck E Cheese to meet women.

Chuck E Cheese - m4w

i doubt you will read this, but what the hell. i was in Chuck e cheese (hamilton rd) last night for my nephews b-day. i had a dark blue shirt on and was sitting in the corner by the roller coaster game. you are a beautiful, tall, slim blonde. you had a yellow shirt on and jeans that made your butt look so good. if you read this and are interested in meeting up sometime, email me and tell me what your shirt said.

This song fits like a glove.
