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A Song About Jewel

I don't watch a lot of television, and tonight I was reminded of exactly why that is. I was flipping aimlessly through the channels and found myself actually watching that show Nashville Star for a second. I have no idea why...I can't stand pop country or reality TV...this was a whole lot of both. Anyway, I noticed Jewel was one of the judges and it reminded me in a round about way of exactly why it is that I love singer/songwriter Eef Barzelay so much.

The only time I was lucky enough to catch Eef's old band Clem Snide live was back in 2002 or 2003 I think(the years are REALLY starting to bleed together in my mind). I will never forget his wonderful introduction to the song in this post. He said it wrote it one night because he couldn't turn around and NOT see Jewel somewhere. I think this must have been when she was a fledgling nu-folk singer singing bad new folk songs....you know, before she become a bad pop singer, and way before she became a judge on a bad American Idol rip off. And right around the time she released that ATROCIOUS book of poetry. So basically he wrote the song from Jewel's perspective...just to mock her. Do you see why I love this man?

Listen along...close your eyes...and BE Jewel for five minutes...don''t worry, I promise you will turn back into the much more talented you the second the music stops.

Clem Snide - 'Moment In The Sun' MP3

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Being Will Oldham

I think covering a Will Oldham song is sort of like rollerblading. It may look like a really good idea, but if you mess it up you can look REALLY stupid.

Oldham's songs are so incredible that it probably seems like they would just sing themselves, right? But that wonderfully off beat voice of his does an amazing job of bringing his dark, beautiful lyrics to life and if you don't get the song right, it could be a disaster.

I wish I had more evidence to back up my hypothesis, but alas the only other cover of an Oldham song that I can think of off the top of my head is Johnny Cash's gorgeous version of 'I See A Darkness' and it's Johnny Cash for God's sake, so of course he handles it perfectly.

The Frames version of 'Ohio Riverboat Song' that I have posted here also does Mr. Oldham more than proud. Glen Hansard channels his Irish soul and puts his own spin on the tune, making it his own but keeping it equally as beautiful.

Here is the Palace Brothers(Oldham's) version

And here is the Frames wonderful take on it:

The Frames - 'Ohio Riverboat Song' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Michelle Webb, you are a junkie lunatic piece of shit

Reply to: pers-737734351@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-30, 10:31AM EDT

Well, I tried to be nice about this, and get some closure the way normal adults do... you know, actually talking to someone when you break up, rather than sending an e-mail with no explanation. For literally months, I've tried to contact you and explain why it was important to me to have some kind of closure, and understanding of where you were coming from.

By your own admission, I was kind and supportive of you when you were going through a difficult time. That is what makes it all the more confusing and painful that you fucking dumped me over an e-mail with no explanation, you lunatic junkie cunt.

Anyways, time has clearly proved that my feelings are of absolutely no regard, and you have/had little or no respect for me as a human being. I've decided to write the meanest, cruelest thing I can think of.

Hopefully, you or someone you know will read it, and you will feel like shit. I know this is petty, but you are a total fucking cunt and you deserve it. I can not believe that just a handful of weeks before you dumped me over a fucking e-mail, I spent $300 bucks taking you on a weekend out of town. I can't believe that you refused to acknowledge that something like that is supposed to be the sort of thing that brings two people closer together. Even if you decided that being with me wasn't the right thing for you, you should have had the simple human decency to have dumped me to my face, and you should have given me a reason, rather than just leaving me to try and guess what the deal was. Ah... you are a junkie lunatic piece of shit, though... I should have expected it.

Here goes:

After some consideration, I shouldn't be so surprised that you acted so fucked up.

During the years that most of us learned how to treat other people, you were abusing or were addicted to a variety of drugs. You went from approximately a decade of substance abuse to being involved with a guy for three years, then dating another guy, and me.

You're not a bad person by any means. You're just broken after your psychosocial development was retarded by your years of drug addiction.

In other words, you can take the junk out of the junkie, but you can't make up for a decade of fucked-up psychosocial development.

Your new tattoo is ridiculously tacky. It would be more appropriate on a biker's whore. Then again, you probably sold yourself for smack at some point, so perhaps it isn't so far off base. I can't believe I fucked you without a condom. You are the first and last time I get involved with damaged goods.

Good luck getting your degree, if you can't even handle a remedial math class.

If any of this seems overly harsh, take a look back at the time we spent together, and look at everything I did to try and make you feel happier and alleviate at least some of the tension your work situation was causing you. Then compare it to the hateful way you ended our relationship. You're fucked up.

Scars from shooting up are sexy!

Wait a second... no, they are just gross.

In the future, I will regard such scars as the physical manifestation of how fucked up a junkie's psyche is. Sort of like the bright colors on a poisonous animal found in nature... it means stay the fuck away.

Oh, and your teeth? Good thing you don't smile very much, because they are grey, crooked, and disgusting.

You are a fucking miserable cunt. I hope you are lonely and sad all of the time... unfortunately, you are attractive, so there will always be some sucker out there (like me) who will try to see past the scars from the junk and the mental illness, and convince himself there is a worthwhile person underneath all of that.


Man! This one is going into the 'Angry Tirade' wing of the Craigslist Hall Of Fame FOR SURE!

The Dandy Warhols - 'Not If You Were The Last Junkie On Earth'

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Comfest 2008 - A quick musical look back

Another great Community Festival here in Columbus,Ohio has come and gone. Already counting down til next year.

Gillian Welch - 'Look At Ms Ohio' MP3

Megan Palmer - 'Forget Me Not' MP3

Michelle Shocked - 'Anchorage' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day (Comfest edition)

Multiple postings from the rock n' roll circus that is the Columbus, Ohio Community Festival.

Guy walking a boxer dog near Comfest on Sunday - w4m - 32 (near Comfest)

Reply to: pers-737362453@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-29, 10:22PM EDT

My friend and I were walking back from Comfest and saw you walking your boxer type dog. We were two 30-something women pulling my friend's 4 yr old daughter in a red wagon, and my friend who is single, thought you were cute. You looked back at us a few times, so we thought perhaps if we posted this, there is the off-chance you may read it and contact us. Amy, my single friend, is super cool and I am pretty sure she is 33 years old. Email me if you saw us. Thanks!

laurel the artist - m4w - 26 (comfest)

Reply to: pers-737001820@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-29, 3:59PM EDT

im trying to find you again .. you shared the concrete benches with my friend and i, it was you and annie, then your friends came over... you yellow dress..and so cute. wished id gotten your digits.


Reply to: pers-736777112@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-29, 12:28PM EDT

We had a nice conversation about music, I liked the flobots. We sat on a blanket and there was a baby with blue eyes next to us.

Are you going back tonight? Can we talk more?

A lot of art is boring - w4m - 34 (Bus stop at Comfest)

Reply to: pers-736431320@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-28, 11:45PM EDT

I was waiting at the bus stop when you walked by. Your T-shirt made me smile. When you passed by again I said, "I like your T-shirt." You said, "Thanks." You're cute too. Are you single?

C_ _ _ on Wheels - m4m - 38 (Frazeysburg)

Reply to: pers-736409918@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-28, 11:12PM EDT

You were there working the C _ _ _ on Wheels, I was there with the family. We had the same shoes and we glanced at each other several times. Would be happy to hear from you and we could get together for real.

COMFEST-2 guys attached at neck by chains - m4m - 27 (cmh/COMFEST)

Reply to: pers-736278565@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-28, 8:17PM EDT

You were two younger guys walking sometime around 12:30pm attached with a chain at the necks at Comfest. You were walking out and got stopped by security telling you, you could not leave with beer in your mugs. You also told your boy to cheer for me. Tell me what you were wearing. This is a SLIM chance, thought I would try tho. Both VGL younger guys, just looking to chat and maybe more.


Michelle Shocked - 'Anchorage'

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On Death And Dying

Did anyone else have to read that book by Elisabeth Kübler Ross in collge? Quite possibly the longest semester of my life...but I digress.

Death is such great topic for songs. Probably because it's one of the only things that EVERYONE in the universe has in common.

I just love a good dying song every now and then. And I am not goth at all, I swear. I don't have the fashion sense to be goth. Anyway, here are three of my favorites...actually onely one of them(the Natalie Merchant song) is about death..the other two just have dying references in the title, but I love the song.

10,000 Maniacs - 'Let The Mystery Be' MP3

The Avett Brothers - 'Die Die Die' MP3

Dr. Dog - 'Die Die Die' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

I want to be your human toilet - 31 (downtown)

Reply to: pers-733233111@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-26, 10:28AM EDT

I am looking for someone to use me as a human toilet. I am 34 years old, single, professional male with a smokin hot body. I am looking for someone that will administor both g/s and b/s. If you are interested, you must:
1. Send a pic of yourself to get mine
2. Enjoy humiliating me with your waste.


HOT,yeah? I guess it takes all kinds...ALL kinds. But that being said, I never, ever want to meet this guy! That is the weirdest thing about this missed connections...the anonymity of it all. This is probably somebody's dad...

Pearl Jam - 'Everyday People'

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"People round here don’t know what it means to suffer at the hands of our American dreams"

Are those not some of the best folk lyrics you have ever heard? Eliza Gilkyson's new record, 'Beautiful World' is full of wisdom like this...one of the best folk rock albums I have picked up in quite a while.

Eliza Gilkyson - 'Great Correction' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

You stole my bike.. I'll give you crack for it back. - 23 (15th and High)

Reply to: pers-731380149@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-24, 6:12PM EDT

On thursday morning you stole my bike from the racks at 15th and high. It's a blue g2 arette, and worth a pretty penny if you can sell it. I'd rather give you 100$ to go buy drugs with, rather than you needlessly going to a pawn shop and having to fill out paperwork, and then getting arrested.

There's a blue superman sticker on the front of it that i got from a quarter machine, because i'm poor and a quarter machine with stickers in it filled the void of not having beer one night.

There's little clippies on it for the lights i had to buy so i could ride it safely around town. Yeah. you don't have the lights. You're riding in the dark running into crap.

That's my bike.. and the reward will go to you if you bring it back to me with puppy dog eyes. I won't even call the cops.

I hope you can afford a computer and are reading this, and i hope you want 100$.


I used to live a couple blocks away from this intersection...and I can totally relate. After the THIRD time my car was broken into(the first time they got a radio...the next two times there was literally nothing in the car but some loose change in the beverage holder) I actually left a sign taped to my car - "DOORS OPEN...PLEASE DON'T BREAK THE GLASS...HELP YOURSELF TO MY CHANGE'...that seemed to help.

The Moldy Peaches - 'Whose Got The Crack?'

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So far, so so many listens...My Top 17 Songs Of 2008 Thus Far

Why 17? That is exactly how many songs I could cram into this drop:


I will probably never look at this playlist again, for fear that I have left off a song or two that I absolutely love. The conclusion I came to though after thinking about this for a bit...it's been a really, REALLY good six months for music.


Kathleen Edwards - 'I Make The Dough, You Get The Glory'

Isobell Campbell and Mark Lanegan - 'Sally Don't Cry'

The Kills - 'U R A Fever'

Mates Of State - 'The Re-arranger'

Bellafea - 'Telling The Hour'

She & Him ' 'Sweet Darling'

The Hold Steady - 'Slapped Actress'

Kate Nash - 'We Get On'

Ida Maria - 'Oh My God'

Micah P Hinson and The Red Empire Orchestra - 'When We Embrace'

Eef Barzelay - 'Lose Big'

Helio Sequence - 'Lately'

Foals - 'Balloons'

KaiserCartel - 'Okay'

Langhorne Slim - 'Colette'

Eliza Gilkyson - 'The Party's Over'

Drive By Truckers - 'Daddy Need's A Drink'

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Musical movie review: "Finding Amanda"

I wanted to love this movie. I really, really did...but alas, it just isn't a great film.

Matthew Broderick plays a television writer and a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, who is now clinging to his one last vice - gambling. Maura Tierny plays his wife, who is obviously exhausted from spending years married to an addict. When the couple finds out that their 20yr old niece, played by Brittany Snow has moved to Las Vegas and has taken 'work' as a prostitute, Broderick's character sees this as a last ditch effort to prove to his wife that he is not as selfish as she thinks he is. He embarks on an impromptu road trip to Vegas with the intention of bringing his niece back to a Malibu Rehab center.

If you just thought to yourself, 'Maybe Vegas ISN'T the best place for a gambling addict to be going'...you'd be right. Misadventure ensues. The premise here is so great. One broken person attempting to come to the rescue of another broken person...in the capital of broken people, Las Vegas. But the movie can't seem to decide on what it want's to be, and in the end it just seemed a bit muddled. Not horrible by any sense, just dissapointing. Final verdict? Wait for video.

Counting Crows - 'Another Horsedreamer's Blues' MP3

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Last Days At The Lodge

The first time I ever heard Amos Lee I was floored by the soulfulness in his voice. I swore I was hearing the second coming of Otis Redding. Ridiculously impossible expectations to live up to, I know. And while he may not be Otis version 2.0, Mr. Lee has still become one of my favorite singer/songwriters around.

His latest record, 'Last Days At The Lodge' came out today...and I am not the least bit disappointed. A great album.

Amos Lee - 'Street Corner Preacher' MP3

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Fire Songs

The Watson Twins are more than 'just those girls who sang on that Jenny Lewis record", and they prove it with their new LP 'Fire Songs.'

The album is full of gentle, sometimes ethereal songs that get better with each listen. My favorite tunes include the darker tunes 'Bar Woman Blues' and 'Sky Open Up' and this excellent take on a Cure classic.

The Watson Twins - 'Just Like Heaven' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

sensitive guy seeks soulmate - 55 (nw Cols/Dublin)

Reply to: pers-730808103@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-24, 11:07AM EDT

My life is constantly evolving. How about yours?

CL has helped me refine the parameters defining my quest
for a most special woman. Most of you reading this will
'click on' to another posting, and that's perfectly OK.
For the one individual this speaks to, I would love to
hear from you and open a dialogue -- perhaps we can
share much and help each other over time.

Are you very articulate, a woman who creatively assembles
thoughts, and is bothered when words are abused or misused?
Does seeing spelling or grammar errors in emails drive
you completely crazy?

Are you sensitive to emotions, valuing the ability to
carefully choose words, to express feelings and thoughts
with clarity? Do you love hearing words spoken,
understanding degrees of nuance and subtlety?
Perhaps poetry brings great joy for you... reading,
writing, being read to. Reflecting, absorbing,
describing the feelings drawn forth.

Is your life missing connection? Do you crave the the
sense that you are connected with another being so closely
that words become unnecessary, serving instead to enrich
the experience of being together?

Is there 'romance' missing, the warming of your spirit
and your heart from knowing a touch both gentle and caring?

Do circumstances hold you held captive, and you are
only now considering options leading to more freedom for
your spirit?

Do you love nature in all its wonderful diversity? Do you
value doing good for others without any thought of return?

The person described above is me (except, of course,
I am a male). It's safe to say that I'm not the stereotypical
'macho guy'. I am instead a creative and artistic individual
with extremely diverse interests, background and skills.

There are personal factors I need to share in a spirit of
honest disclosure:

I am a vintage individual (of sorts) 55 years old, in a
second marriage that began with much promise of a rich
and full relationship.

The marriage is now extremely constrained by my wife's chronic
illness. A lifetime of sublimated and extremely traumatic
abuse has now emerged, in part because we established a
'safe place' together. Wrestling with the wraiths from her
past from a secondhand viewpoint perspective has been
extremely draining, causing significant impacts to my own
health at times.

There has not been physical intimacy for years and it will
never be again -- even the most basic kind (kissing),
causes unbearably painful physical responses resulting
from chronic illnesses (nearly twenty 'one in a million' conditions).
In addition, cognitive impairment that has surfaced adds a
third component, as the woman I fell in love with now
grapples daily with functioning coherently for even a
few hours.

For the past 8 years, I have been the caregiver. This
resulted in internalized stress and some health issues
of my own. I am now on the mend, but realize that proceeding
along the path as it was will become progressively less
healthy. Significant changes are needed to sustain health,
personal growth, and restoration of life's joys.

I am committed at this point to supporting and staying with
my wife. She deserves nothing less. Perhaps at some future
time the literal support I provide will transition to
a form of managed care, or I will reach a state where
remaining in the situation would leave me unable to manage.
At that time, other options may enter the equation.

I am also finding renewed incentive to care for myself
due to this situation -- to fill the internal void normally
nourished by a healthy relationship, a merging of soul,
body and spirit with another.

It is my hope and belief that this alternative relationship
can help me survive, thrive, and strengthen me so I can
continue to support my wife without burning out.

I face a very real conundrum. What should I do?

If this reaches you and resonates on a very personal level,
please contact me and we can begin a conversation.
Perhaps you've even read an earlier posting about my
situation and held off on responding for some reason.
Maybe this time you will send an email my way.

I realize this will only touch a very few, perhaps even
one warm and caring individual who may be the
warp to my weft, the yin to my yang.

In keeping with the nature of my quest, your reply will
come from the email: soulfulquest

Are you out there somewhere?


Wow, this is like the "War And Peace" of missed connections. Very smart though...why wait til your wife actually dies from her illness before getting wife number 3 lined up. I appreciate his pro activeness.

Faith No More - 'Epic'

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The amazing coincidental happenings of the Itunes shuffle mode

Just sitting here listening to some music, minding my own business, when yet again the shuffle mode 'accidentally' played a two song set that was beyond coincidental. I have something like 20,000 songs on my Itunes, and these two came up side by side? Consider my mind blown( I know, it doesn't take much, but still.)

I guess I had never really noticed how similar these two songs were before, lyrically speaking, until I heard them back to back.

Lykke Li - 'Dance. Dance. Dance' MP3

T Rex - 'Cosmic Dancer' MP3

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New Earlimart - 'Hymn And Her'

Their is a new Earlimart record due out in early July. I am a huge fan of the Los Angeles band's 2004 release 'Treble & Tremble'...so I am really looking forward to this.

Here is a tune of the new one, a beautiful, slightly melancholy tune called...

'God Loves You The Best' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

The cow, the pig, impossible. - w4m (your porch)

Reply to: pers-726153027@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-20, 2:09AM EDT

I want to come over, and drink wine, and talk and record and get too tipsy and get to a line with you where we both stop breathing for a few seconds, like teenagers do. I don't know what I want to happen after that. I mean, on a base level of course I do, wow, but really? I don't know. That seems like a dangerous place.

I don't know if you look here; I doubt it. If you do - well, I wonder if you think about me the way I think about you.


Another REALLY slow weekend for missed connections apparently. I just read this one and thought immediately of this Neko Case song...

Neko Case - 'That Teenage Feeling'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Leah Noel Rugg (Granville)

Reply to: pers-725932964@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-19, 9:09PM EDT

you have devestated a 27 year marrage I loved my husband we drove down PCH and foun small places to call our own he wrote me hundreds of love letters that sound exactly like the ones he wrote you I am so neive that I would not have thought I would loose him to a whore Leah you have ruined an entire family children and grand children Maybe DCFS sould look into your activities with men
you are named in the divorce and i will sue you
but you need to know he does men too get tested I am because of you


As always on Craigslist, correct spelling and bone chilling bitterness are always optional, but always encouraged.

The Dexateens - 'Bitter Scene' MP3

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A musical movie review: "Be Kind Rewind"

I imagine that this film was Michel Gondry's idea of a vacation after making 'Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind' and 'The Science Of Sleep' back to back. And though the fair was lighter and the volume on the eye candy was turned down, the movie still has a ton of heart. Mos Def and Jack Black make the perfect off beat odd couple and Mia Farrow and Danny Glover are both excellent in smaller roles.

Ultimately the movie is a warm, funny, heartfelt tribute to the art of film making. A well spent two hours.

The A-Sides - 'Cinematic' MP3

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New Girl Talk available RIGHT NOW for whatever you feel like paying

Greg Gillis has released his latest Girl Talk album himself via his label, and you can go get it right now and pay whatever you want for it. Go here for details


Like most GT albums its meant to be listened to as one long track, but here is a sample for you...let's play "Name That Sample'...

Girl Talk - 'Shut Down The Club' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

i moved your truck.

Reply to: pers-718155200@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-13, 12:32AM EDT

Dear Owner of the Black F-150,

i drove your truck. really i just circled it around the block a few times trying to find it a new parking spot so you wouldn't get a ticket. so technically, i moved it.

but this was after i got your present. after i slept with your pillow and blanket. after i read the book, saw the bike and took it's picture. after i saw your gear. i moved your truck after i prayed for your happiness. after i went to the office, watched your work, heard your voice, and saw your hands. after i silently cursed the informal way you speak, i moved your truck.

the keys were placed in my hands. i remembered them. i remembered the last time i drove your truck. i walked out onto the cool night air with my note book under my arm. i inspected the bed, unlocked the door, climbed in, and started the engine. it made some new sounds.

i wish i knew your smell because your car has only adopted the scent of your lifestyle.

i drove it around the block a few times. i wanted to say a few things to the universe about you. i wanted your truck house me as i said them aloud. i wanted your truck to hold them for you.

i behaved myself. i wrote you a note comparing the stench of your car to roses. i asked you to drive safely, signed my name, and doodled a stick figure rendition of your truck equaling a bouquet of flowers.

i like driving your truck. i hold on to a lot of teenaged-movie concepts of what coupledom is really like. i imagine driving your truck to the store because i didn't feel like taking mine. or because you blocked me in. i imagine driving your truck to pick you up from an airport. perhaps i'm driving your truck through the night during a road trip because you've grown too tired to drive... or because you've become too overwhelmed in the midsts of telling me about your brother, your job, your personal struggles to drive.

what i really like to imagine is all the ways i could be in that truck with you. your driving me to work, to the airport, to dinner. we could run errands in it! get christmas presents for our friends. visit our parents. or even drive around the interstate and tell each other our first impressions. i'd like for you to tell me to climb in after a hard day and take me to the store to get vegan ice cream, to the nearest body of water, to no where in particular.

most of all, i just want you to take me home in that truck.

i am asking you to drive it safely, i have a lot invested in it,


I am a cold and detached person. After reading all of this the only thing I could think was what a bad, bad idea vegan ice cream is...seems like such a waste!

The Donnas - 'Drive My Car'

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Bellafea bring the noise

Bellafea are a post-punk band hailing from Wilmington,NC. They remind me at times of Sleater Kinney, Sonic Youth, and Blonde Redhead...good company to keep, I know.

Their first full length album 'Calvalcade' came out earlier this year. Here is one of the better cuts off of that, a track called 'Depart(I Never Knew You)

Bellafea - 'Depart(I Never Knew You)' MP3

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Music to roll the credits to...

I am always fascinated and intrigued by seeing what song a director picks to play as the credits roll in his movie. I have never written a screenplay, or even come close, but I have had the Sparklehorse song "Sick Of Goodbyes" pegged as tune I want playing when the movie I never make fades to black and those credits start rolling.

I watched 'The Diving Bell And The Butterfly' last night and the song attached to this post by the late great Joe Strummer was the fade to black song...great choice I thought.

My other all time favorite is Steve Earle's "Pilgrim"(also attached) in the Laura Linney/Mark Ruffalo movie 'You Can Count On Me'...how about you? Any memorable credit rolling songs that you can think off? Or maybe a song that should be?

Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros - 'Ramshackle Day Parade' MP3

Steve Earle - 'Pilgrim' MP3

Sparklehorse - 'Sick Of Goodbyes' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

I will find you if it's the last thing I do - m4w - 43 (McDonalds)

Reply to: pers-724388960@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-18, 3:07PM EDT

you= cutie in an OSU sweatshirt, you got a salad and french fries.

me= stunning Black Man with flowing mane, I got three bacon cheeseburgers, two fries, some chicken nuggetz and icecream. and ranch

I was behind you in line breathing loud (atshma). You smelled good and I wanted to kiss your neck and touch your butt. you have a damn nice ass!!!!

Maybe I am wrong, but I really felt a connection. Let's get dinner, maybe cuddle, see what happens!


"me= stunning Black Man with flowing mane" - Are flowing manes back in? I am so stylistically challenged! And if I have said it once I have said it a million times...if you have to explain why you are breathing so loudly in the missed connections post, you probably aren't going to get a reply...chances are you freaked her out already.

I thought the pic of the kitty sitting on the bed of roses was a nice touch though...and NOT AT ALL CREEPY...Freak!

Screaming Trees - 'Bed Of Roses' MP3

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This new Dr. Dog album is really brilliant...really, really brilliant. I am sure that is no surprise to fans of the band...there seem to be certain artists who are just incapable of releasing a bad record, I think Dr. Dog need to be added to this short list.

Hopefully 'Fate' will bring these retro-rockers a little more commercial success...they so deserve it.
They do such a masterful job of paying homage to the classic pop of the 1960's while still managing to sound relevant and modern. Here is a tune off of the album, which drops in July I believe.

Dr. Dog - 'Hang On' MP3

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Shotgun Singer

'Shotgun Singer' is the fifth studio album already from Brooklyn singer/songwriter Kris Delmhorst. The record is full of beautiful spacey folk songs that will demand repeat listens...it is really just a gorgeous record.

Here is my favorite track from the album(today anyway)...enjoy:

Kris Delmhorst - 'Oleander' MP3

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A musical movie review: "The Diving Bell And The Butterfly"

A beautiful two hour love song to the power of memory, imagination, and the human spirit. The true story of the former editor of Elle Magazine, Jean-Dominique Bauby, who suffers a severe stroke and is left with a rare condition called 'locked in syndrome.' He retained vision and hearing, and his mind continued to function perfectly, but his body was almost completely paralyzed. He could not move or speak.

Through a painstakingly slow system of blinks he is able to dictate his memoirs through a translator. An incredible story that makes you want to get busy living and hug everyone you care about!

Tom Waits - 'The Diving Bell And The Butterfly' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Whistle stop Ansonia ohio 6-7-08 - m4w (Ansiona)

Reply to: pers-720881059@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-15, 6:12PM EDT

Hello I am looking for a lady who was in the parking lot of the Whistle stop in Ansiona around 4:45pm on 6-7-08. She is a very pretty lady and was pretty drunk asking me for help but at that time I was not able to help. I would really like to find her so we can talk. If you know her please ask her to reply to me.


Something tells me if she was that drunk at 4 in the afternoon...she probably doesn't remember you friend.

"We could be daytime drunks if we wanted
We'd never get anything done that way baby
And we'd still be ruled by our dueling perspectives
And I'm not my perspective
Or the lies I'll tell you every time"

Rilo Kiley - 'The Absence Of God'
The Absence Of God - Rilo Kiley

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New Tilly And The Wall

After one spin of 'O', the latest Tilly And The Wall rellease, I am decidedly undecided. I like it, don't get me wrong...it just sort of falls a little short of my expectations. I loved the last two records so much and I think I was sort of hoping for more here.

A worthwhile eleven song set, just didn't quite to get the band to where I'd hope they'd be...here are two of my favorites.

Tilly And The Wall - 'Dust Me Off' MP3

Tilly And The Wall - 'Pot Kettle Black' MP3

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The Silver Jews

David Berman and his Silver Jews are back with another collection of lovably offbeat songs. A little less rock, and a little more folk this time out, lyrically the songs are still as intelligent and as charming as ever.

Here is one from the new record, 'Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea'...good stuff.

The Silver Jews - 'What Is Not But Could Be If'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Mr. Paramedic Man (Nelsons Ledges)

Reply to: pers-721743873@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-16, 1:52PM EDT

I don't know you're name.
All I know is that you must be an angel.

I wandered into your medic-tent and you saved me.
I don't know what kind of maniac gives lsd to unkowing people but I would never have made it through without your kind and calming words. You kept me grounded and I am eternally grateful.

Thank you so much.
You rock at your job so keep doing it!



This guy really is an angel. I saw this happen the summer after I graduated high school...this kid got slipped acid unknowingly and i SWEAR he has never been the same since...he is that guy who walks around ALL the time with a helmet on and muttering things in German under his breath...its a bad scene.

The Beatles - 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds'

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The Swell Season @ Bonnaroo

Further video documentation of my Glen Hansard obsession - some killer covers here of Van Morrison and The Pixies:

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New Deerhunter

If you like your rock experimental and noisy, than you will love the Deerhunter...the new one, 'Microcastle' picks right up where there debut 'Cryptograms' left off...

bring the fuzz

Deerhunter - 'Never Stops' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

will u like 2 go 2 chicago? - m4w - 24 (westside)

Reply to: pers-718084148@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-12, 10:59PM EDT

ok this is the deal i will go 2 chicago tonight like 3 in the morning to be there like 9 am im goin alone i need some company i will pay 4 food and everything so if u interested send me a messege whit picture and number 2 call to be like 18 to 30 only and look good please .u u need


I have seen enough episodes of 'Cold Case Files' and 'Law And Order' to know that going to meet a complete stranger at 3 in the morning for a spur of the moment road trip to Chicago is not going to end well. We can only hope that the women of Columbus weren't rendered sensless by these HOT self portraits he included in his post.

Wilco - 'Via Chicago'

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School Of Language

I think I have posted a song about this side project form Field Music's David Brewis before, but I honestly can't remember...my ramblings all tend to bleed together in my head and I am too lazy to check the archives.

But I digress. School Of Language's debut record 'Sea From Shore' is well worth checking out. It's a really interesting listen, experimental at times but it never seems to get to the point of inaccessibility.

School Of Language - 'Rockist Part 4' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Burgerking Girl - m4w (West Broad)

Reply to: pers-716606075@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-11, 7:16PM EDT

I come thru your drive in several times a week in the morning usually. You just had a birthday. You know me I'm either in the white car or the red truck. Are you interested?


This one just made met think of 'Mockingbird Girl'...a song which I haven't even thought of in years. Only a missed connection has the power to unlock my memory of some odd Scott Weiland side project. Also, it's only Thursday and i appear to be out of sarcasm.

The Magnificent Bastards - 'Mockingbird Girl'

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Albert Hammond has been working on his T Rex moves...

If I may paraphrase Michael Stipe.

Just sitting here listening to his new album and on some tracks I think he is actually channeling Marc Bolan.

Albert Hammond, Jr - 'You Won't Be Fooled By This' MP3

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When We Embraced

I heard Micha P. Hinson for the first time last week on one of the influential blogs...I honestly can't remember which one, but one of the ones that tells you what to listen to if you wanna be hip. So of course I listened.

And...I loved it. I am a sucker for a gravely voice troubadour anyway...mix in Mr. Hinson's penchant for dark, emotive lyrics and I really never stood a chance.

This one is off of his soon to be released album. 'Micah P. Hinson & The Red Empire Orchestra.

Micah P Hinson - 'When We Embraced' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

anyone ever hang out at carabar - m4m - 26 (German Village)

Reply to: pers-715659194@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-11, 1:04AM EDT

anyone else into music and pbr? I hang at Carabar a lot and looking for drinking buds, maybe more. i guess im not really gay, just love other dudes that like dudes. Im 6'2'' 174 wm. hit me up soonish if you are interested. pics get mine.


Confused about your sexuality? Well, alcohol and craigslist will surely help you to sort it out.

New Order - 'Confusion'

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There is a special place in Heaven for those artists that charge less than $10 for a show

Got my ticket today to see Langhorne next week for a mere 8 dollars. Eight dollars. That's it. The 'convenience' charge alone for the Raconteurs show I went to yesterday was over eight bucks.

Thank you Langhorne Slim...for playing for us poor people, you are loved. I am now posting a song from your new album in hopes of turning people on to your amazing music and this brilliant record...see you next weekend.

Langhorne Slim = 'Diamonds And Gold' MP3

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Audio Nostalgia: Archers Of Loaf

"You're not the one who let me down... but thanks for offering"

Man, I can't believe AOL 's 'Ickey Mettle' album came out 14yrs ago! Time flies when you are rocking out I guess.

I think the SECOND I heard this tune on the Mallrats soundtrack I ran to my local record store(remember those places? You could go in and actually buy records and stuff) and bought this LP.

Give this a spin, and forget your troubles for the next 2 minutes and 6 seconds.

Web In Front' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

I have profound feelings for her... - m4w (osu)

Reply to: pers-714437200@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-10, 2:26AM EDT

...feelings pearled with roses, with aroma, with freshness. Roses that explode smoothly on her cheeks when I touch inadvertently her shoulder, aroma of her neck caressed longly by my breath when I sit close enough from her, freshness that nightly waters endlessly my dreams of a kiss of her. Those feelings are those claiming with urgency the reflection of her eyes on my eyes, the sap of her lips on my lips, the heat of her body across my body, the claw of her nails in my skin, the flames of our most clandestine screams in a twisted burn against a silvered moonlight. Feelings that transform themselves from bright unicorns into carnivore plants, from musical mermaids into big mouth monsters, from seductress Amazons into unformed mutants, from tangible illusions into eternal phantoms. For her, feelings that profoundly I have.


I LOVE bad poetry. Unicorns, mermaids, carnivorous plants...this one has it all...so many wasted words.

Dean & Britta - 'Words You Used To Say'

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The Lodger

Infections indie-pop from Leeds in the UK...while not exactly reinventing the rock n roll wheel, The Lodger do know how to make some mighty fine pop songs. This tune is off of their latest album, one that I am currently playing into the groundm, 'Life is Swet'

The Lodger - 'Nothing Left To Say' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Jack Kerouac "On the Road" - w4w (Greyhound Station)

Reply to: pers-713046855@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-09, 2:16AM EDT

We had a lovely chat about the book you were reading. You were an oasis among the mess of humanity at the station. I gave you my number and you said you would call me tonight. What happened?


She didn't call you because she met you at the freaking bus station! Have any of you ever been to the bus station? Every time I have been I am just happy to escape with my life...and on principal, I would never call anyone who gave me their number there...ever!

10,000 Maniacs - 'Hey Jack Kerouac'

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New Sigur Ros

More beautiful and ethereal sound from Iceland...and I can even pronounce the name of this song...the album? Not so much.

Sigur Ros - 'All Alright' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Cute Hippie Girl in Whole Foods Buffet Area - m4w - 30 (Cleveland Heights)

Reply to: pers-710395958@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-06, 6:05PM EDT

I was there late this afternoon after a long day at work, planning to get some dinner from one of the many self-serve trays. It was around 4:30. I noticed you, thin with an oval shaped face, somewhere in your early 20's, with your cute, messy blonde hair and one ear studded with several earrings. You were wearing sandals and a white camisole top. And you were with a brunette who looked similar.

For just a moment, I thought you were this adorable girl. I would have said hello. Really, I would have. But then I watched you for at least ten minutes while you went to every single self-serve tray, of which there must be at least 40-50, in total awe...as you sampled each tray, licked your fingers, and then continued to scoop even more portions into your container. I swear, you touched every ladle in the entire place, and sucked drippings from your fingers from each of the said ladles. I stood there, frozen, exchanging glances with some random woman, who was also in awe of your primal lack of manners.

It was all I could do not to punch you in the face. I was so grossed out and angry that I couldn't even stay in the store long enough to complain to an employee or ask the other woman to do it. Were I able to bear it, I would have taken out my cell phone and taken a few photos and videos. Suffice it to say, I have no intentions of getting dinner there any time remotely soon. Thank you for ruining what is always my favorite shopping experience.

May you catch E-Coli...


"May you catch E-Coli" has just become my favorite all time missed connections quote!

Bad Religion - 'Infected'

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From Russia With Love

"Birds on the pillow
And paper lanterns hangin'
from the ceiling
Sticky stars aglow
Mappin' out some constellation
I'm tired of standing in the light
outside her window
For her I would row to the ends
of my imagination"

- Someone Still Loves You Boris Yelstin - 'Some Constellation' MP3

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Thanks Dad

Flashback to the early 80's with me if you will. To one of the many 'Griswald-like' vacations my family took. Imagine four boys a dog, and way too much luggage all crammed into one of those awesome old station wagons with the sweet wood paneling on the side.

Every summer we'd set sail for some tourist trap of my dad's choosing. Disneyworld in Orlando. The Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. And the epic of all epic adventures, our trek to Gettysburg and Hershey in Pennsylvania, then up to the baseball hall of fame in Cooperstown, then ending the excursion in Niagra Falls in Canada.

The planned destinations were by no means the highlight of these trips though. No, the best parts, although I doubt that I realized it in the moment, were the bizarre, random attractions that my Dad loved so much. It only took one flashy billboard and we were off on a detour to see the world's oldest standing house of mud, or some place with supposedly the planet's only three headed snake. More often than not, these side trips were always disappointing. To everyone but my dad of course,his spirit of adventure(though sometimes misguided) never wained...he was perpetually in a good mood and his enthusiasm was infectious.

His love of music was infectious too, although much like with the side adventures he took us on, I don't think I appreciated this until MUCH later. I can remember dad busting out his Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly, and Roy Orbison cassettes for these trips and thinking that he was punishing us by making us listen to this stuff.

Flash forward to right this second, and my Itunes has HUNDREDS of tracks by all of these artists, and more that he loved. The Everly Brothers, The Righteous Brothers...and most of all Elvis. Dad was an Elvis man til the day he died. Actually, even longer than that. At his funeral we had an album of hymns by the King playing on a constant loop. Very cool way to go.

It is actually amazing HOW much of what i listen to know is rooted in what he used to listen to. I think my pops would be pleasantly shocked to see my music collection...and to see his imprint all over it.

Here is a little mix tape inspired by him, the greatest dad a guy could have.

Happy Father's Day everyone!

And...something a little more modern...

The Streets - 'Never Went To Church' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

on the freeway home - m4w - 44 (west columbus)

Reply to: pers-710536657@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-06, 8:09PM EDT

You were a MWF and we saw each other driving home today on the freeway. I looked at you and you looked so tired after a long week of work. You were probably going home to your hubby and kids, you know, the same things you've been doing for the past 15 years or so, and no one seems to appreciate it. When our eyes met ever so briefly we sort of looked into each others minds and saw that the other was struggling with the same issues and needed some different companionship. NOt necessarily physical, but just someone you could talk to and vent with. If the physical happened..cool...if not...that's cool too. You were about 35-45.. .Height/Weight proportionate. I couldn't see your whole body but you looked like you kept in decent shape. Good genetics maybe, or you work at it. If this is you and you want to get in touch with me, drop me a line.


This guy has the most AMAZING powers of perception! I mean to be able to know that much about a lady after one brief glance while on the freeway. Makes you wonder how somebody SO perceptive, and obviously SO smart is still so single.

Eddie Lovette - 'Just One Look'

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Television? Has most definitely changed the world. Airplanes? Truly amazing, they've made the world SO much smaller. Computers? Can you even imagine your life without them?

But hands down, AIR CONDITIONING is THE single greatest invention in the history of civilization. I just took the dog outside and it's still 80 degrees and humid...at 1AM! Gonna be a long, long summer.

The Like - 'June Gloom' MP3

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Understand Your Swede

"Oh, I still remember "Regulate" with Warren G.
Could that have been back in the sweet summer of 1993?
It was a sweet summer's night on Hammer Hill"

- Jens Lekman

Jens Lekman - 'A Sweet Summer's Night On Hammer Hill' MP3

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'And though my history of dreams is a scandal of back-assward schemes and romantic disasters'

I know exactly what you mean Jim...EXACTLY!

This is just a gorgeous song about unrequited love. But aren't most of all the really great songs about love that goes unrequited?

This can be found on Jim White's 'Drill a Hole in That Substrate and Tell Me What You See' album.

Jim White - 'That Girl From Brownsville Texas' MP3

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'This elevator, it only takes one down'

This is currently the number one most requested song in my head...

And. it is another reason why you should all check out the new Adem album full of covers, 'Takes'...great stuff. This one is a dEUS cover. Enjoy.

Adem - 'Hotellounge' MP3

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The Beautiful Lie

Over the last week or so I have read several stellar reviews of the recent reissue of Ed Harcourt's 2006 album 'The Beautiful Lie', and still I never got around to checking it out.

Then, when I saw that he was opening up for the Gutter Twins show here on July 31, my curiosity got the better of me and I finally took the plunge. A smart move.

Heartbreakingly dark lyrics recited over beautiful piano led arrangements abound on this modern classic. I haven't been able to stop listening to these songs for a week now. I catch myself singing his words WAY too often. Just a must listen. Really.

Ed Harcourt - 'Until Tomorrow Then' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Ode To Mickey Tettleton - m4w

Reply to: pers-690396939@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-05-22, 2:04AM EDT

You are somewhere out there, I know it, maybe having thoughts of our dear friend Mickey.
The catcher with the perpetual wad of chew in his lip.
I bet in his retirement he still chews it...and maybe you think of him still
Yes my memory sometimes scares me, the details I do remember.
I even remember that I never realized I would miss you - miss seeing you everyday.
Is that possible? To have a memory of something you should have felt but only did when it was too late?
When random events flipped what we had, forcing me to relive every moment I didn't say anything.
Of course, the events were not random to you - a marriage proposal only appears that way to an injured party.
I wish I had known you were seeing someone else, philosophizing about the world with him like you would with me.
I wish I had known before he became your soulmate. Maybe I could have sabotaged it.
But probably not. I was confused, shy and full of love that I wasn't ready to share with anyone.
He was not.
I tried to hate him, tried to feel upset but he was everything you would ever want.
I could see that
I held out hope that maybe it wouldn't work out. Maybe you would come back.
For a while I wasn't ready to share my love with anyone even more.
Because, you made it clear, it could have been me.
Those words stung more than you will ever know.
I still remember how the room when you called became one big background to your words
I remember it like I remember when I learned Princess Diane had died - the symptoms are the same
But I know you aren't leaving the OH state
And though you may not be specifically in Athens, I would not think of posting anywhere else.
I only did because I saw the 'Athens' as I floated by on CL
I guess you could say I am still a little shy.
No one will read this, least of all you.
And that is fine with me......but sometimes, I miss the thought of you.
I used to miss you.
Then I missed hearing from you.
Now, it is the thought of you I miss having.
I know you are happy and please know I am as well
I have learned to share my love.
And I learned because of you - because I didn't want to lose someone again before they had become something more to me.
Before they became special.
And I didn't lose her. And I am thankful I have her.
She has a lot of love to give and so do I.

I have a feeling we shall see each other again.
But maybe not.
Until then.......


That Fool Stanley


Admittedly, it was a slow day for missed connections. This one just reminded my of this Ryan Adams song, specifically the part where he remembers out loud the some of the thins she does...

' See how she moves through the door
How she loses her keys
How she loses her cool
Watching blackbirds scatter through the trees
How she flips from the back to the front
Reading magazines
Oh, my God, I miss those things'

Ryan Adams - 'Hard Way To Fall' MP3

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An ode to hot librarians everywhere

How do I love Jim James? Let me count the ways...

Nah, to many to count...but how can you not love a guy who is able to name check Karen Carpenter in the same song in which he waxes romantic about his local librarian. The man is a certifiable genius in my book.

My Morning Jacket - 'Librarian'

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Top Gun Connection - m4w (King's Island)

Reply to: pers-708018050@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-04, 9:27PM EDT

This was a year ago. Yes, a year, what a loser I hear you say, but I couldn't get you out of my mind. You were in front of me in the line for "Top Gun" at the end of a treacherously hot day. We talked about the university where I worked. I think it safe to say we would have exchanged numbers but we each had our kid with us which stopped us giving contact information. You are petite, articulate, intelligent and you made me laugh (I think I did the same for you).


Lameness has a new name, and it is THIS GUY. Pining over a girl he had one brief conversation with in line at an amusement park..a year ago! Might be time to start playing the field again my friend....

Berlin - 'Take My Breath Away'

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There Were Wolves

'There Were Wolves' is the debut record from The Accidental, a collective of UK indie-folk musicians who all have day jobs in other bands.

Slightly melancholy, but never dull, the lyrics have this beautiful dream like quality that make them hard to forget. Beautiful music to watch the rain fall to...

The Accidental - 'Jaw Of A Whale'

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Covering PJ Harvey...and others

London singer/songwriter Adem put's his nu-folk spin on a set full of covers on his latest album, 'Takes'.

Along with this KILLER version of a PJ Harvey song that I have posted, he offers up versions of artists like dEUS, Yo La Tengo, The Breeders,Low, Aphex Twin, and more. A great record, check it out.

Adem - 'Oh My Lover' MP3

Track Listing:

01 "Bedside Table" - Bedhead
02 "Oh My Lover" - PJ Harvey
03 "Slide" - Lisa Germano
04 "Loro" - Pinback - Pinback
05 "Hotellounge" - dEUS
06 "To Cure A Weakling Child" + "Boy/Girl Song" - Aphex Twin
07 "Tears Are In Your Eyes" - Yo La Tengo
08 "Starla" - Smashing Pumpkins
09 "Gamera" - Tortoise
10 "Unravel" - Björk
11 "Invisible Man" - The Breeders
12 "Laser Beam" - Low

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Hey Mr Oblivious to Life - w4m - 20 (Wherever)

Reply to: pers-699861416@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-05-29, 2:23PM EDT

Dear Oblivious to Life,

We went out...you said wonderful things about how much you liked me blah blah blah and what not....and then we've talked since then.

Buuut you have been mysteriously "busy" all the time (okay guy excue #1 but hey whatever you were still contacting me)

Then you sent me that one very specific message "we should just fuck"

annnd guess what?! I didn't deny it I mean I said when and where (cause its been a hell of a long time) and you just said "lol" now I'm sitting her wondering what the fuck are you thinking cause you coudlve gotten some p in the v and I couldve gotten my kicks....


do explain yourself to me cause really I'm impatient and you are about to loose out on a good lay.


Aztec Camera - 'Oblivious'

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March Forth

I finally got my hands, and more importantly - my ears, on the new KaiserCartel full length album, 'March Forth.'

KaiserCartel, the duo of Courtney Kaiser and Benjamin Cartel, hail from Brooklyn, NY and craft gorgeous songs that bask in sweet vocals and simple arrangements. It's just a great summer soundtrack. Here is the video for the first single and one other song from the record.

KaiserCartel - 'Okay'

'Favorite Song' MP3