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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

I will find you if it's the last thing I do - m4w - 43 (McDonalds)

Reply to: pers-724388960@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-18, 3:07PM EDT

you= cutie in an OSU sweatshirt, you got a salad and french fries.

me= stunning Black Man with flowing mane, I got three bacon cheeseburgers, two fries, some chicken nuggetz and icecream. and ranch

I was behind you in line breathing loud (atshma). You smelled good and I wanted to kiss your neck and touch your butt. you have a damn nice ass!!!!

Maybe I am wrong, but I really felt a connection. Let's get dinner, maybe cuddle, see what happens!


"me= stunning Black Man with flowing mane" - Are flowing manes back in? I am so stylistically challenged! And if I have said it once I have said it a million times...if you have to explain why you are breathing so loudly in the missed connections post, you probably aren't going to get a reply...chances are you freaked her out already.

I thought the pic of the kitty sitting on the bed of roses was a nice touch though...and NOT AT ALL CREEPY...Freak!

Screaming Trees - 'Bed Of Roses' MP3

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