On Death And Dying
Did anyone else have to read that book by Elisabeth Kübler Ross in collge? Quite possibly the longest semester of my life...but I digress.
Death is such great topic for songs. Probably because it's one of the only things that EVERYONE in the universe has in common.
I just love a good dying song every now and then. And I am not goth at all, I swear. I don't have the fashion sense to be goth. Anyway, here are three of my favorites...actually onely one of them(the Natalie Merchant song) is about death..the other two just have dying references in the title, but I love the song.
10,000 Maniacs - 'Let The Mystery Be' MP3
Damien Jurado's "Tonight I'll Retire" is right up there.
This blog is awesome. The post is very useful. I have a similar post at the-death-and-dying.blogspot.com. Please read that too!