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(Don't) Tremble

Yet another addition to the "Lyrics I Wish I Wrote" file...yep, it's a big file. This one is courtesy of the Low Anthem and it's on their stellar 'Oh My God, Charlie Darwin' record.

"You have got the looks my dear to make a mountain shake...imagine me"

* '(Don't) Tremble' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

looking 4 sugarmama - m4w - 51 (marion,ohio)

Date: 2009-07-30, 2:33PM EDT

spent years taking care of women now it's my turn to kick back and enjoy some fun


I bet his inbox has been FLOODED with potential takers.

* The Gaslight Anthem - 'Red At Night' MP3

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Sounds Like Ohio: The Haynes Boys

Before Tim Easton was one of my favorite singer/songwriter's he was fronting a really great, sadly underheard rock band here in Columbus,Ohio called the Haynes Boys. I just wanted to take a second and to post a few of my favorite HB tracks, which have held up incredibly well over the years.

* 'Bitters Past' MP3

* 'Kathleen'(Pere Ubu cover) MP3

* 'Guardian Angel' MP3

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Eskimo Snow

Jonathan "Yoni" Wolf continues evolving his Berkely,CA based musical adventure, otherwise known as Why?, further away from its hip hop roots. Fear not, however, the hyper-literate lyrics and clever couplets still abound on this, the band's fourth full length studio record.

The CD hits stores in September, here is a little sneak preview for you...enjoy.

* 'Against Me' MP3

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Black River Killer

Portland band(and one of my biggest Coachella regrets - totally missed em) Blitzen Trapper are back with a brand new EP to hold us over until they finish up their next proper album. The disc features seven brand new songs. Here is one that to me any way, sounds like it would have sounded right at home on the rollicking 2007 release 'Wild Mountain Nation'...enjoy.

* 'Big Black Bird' MP3

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Our Temperance Movement

It's not that I HATE cats, it's just that I am a dog person. That being said, I fully admit to laughing out loud when seeing the name of this Finnish band - Cats On Fire. Since said laughter came in the middle of a long, tedious day at work, it seemed like the least I could do was to check out their music...and I am so glad i did.

The band's new record is called 'Our Temperance Movement' and full of pure indie pop glee, one song after another will just leave you wanting to hear more. And any songwriter who can turn the phrase "“I don’t believe in happy ever after / A pyramid scheme I keep telling you" is awesome in my book.

* 'Horoscope' MP3

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Of the Cathmawr Yards

I will give any band who culls both it's name and the name of their debut record from a Dylan Thomas short story the benefit of the doubt. But such an advantage was never needed here. The slightly weird, but always wonderful 'Of The Cathmawr Yards' from Chicago band The Horse' Ha is one of the most distinct, and one of the best, albums I have heard all year.

* 'Map Of Stars' MP3

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Let It Be

I am often times guilty of over analyzing things, I am the first to admit. So in the spirit of sheer admiration...I am posting this Warpaint song. It's just easy on the ears, borrowing from pop music's past in a most beautiful way.

* Warpaint - 'Billie Holiday' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Poet in search of Muse! - 47 (Galloway)

Date: 2009-07-27, 1:01AM EDT

Darkness falls upon a lonely soul
Fatigue is conquered by thoughts of sweet love
Shadows on the wall dance away silently
like remnants of chlorine dreams on a clear bright morning
Gather unto me my squires and bathe me in scented oils
Dress me in fine linens of scarlet, purple, and gold
Tonight I enter the house of my lover
I shall once again occupy the Temple of Love
I claim the Priestess of Love contained therein
Salvation lays within those sacred walls

I am home.....

Are you the Muse that I am looking for?
Could I be the Clown for your circus of Love?

Please respond with pic and I will return same...


The "clown for your circus of love"? Straight up Chaucer!

* Joe Purdy - 'Sad Clown' MP3

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Diamonds In The Ditch

I was reading a blurb over the weekend about the Montreal band Yesterday's Ring and it referred to the band as "a Canadian version of the Pogues...with equal amounts of Lucero mixed in." I was sold instantly. I am such a sucker for a great bar band, especially one who can write such great songs about nights involving too much liquor and not getting the girl.

The aptly titled record, 'Diamonds In The Ditch' brings the angst and it brings the rock. Thank you Canada...

* ' Sad Songs' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedications

Skully's: home of the fake - w4m - 21

Date: 2009-07-25, 1:20AM EDT

You were at Skully’s last night; Tattoos, piercing, dyed hair, wearing 2nd hand clothing, You have rich, OSU alumni parents who still pay you an allowance at age 32. I think we would make a cute couple. I too am fake as plastic, we can spend the rest of our lives together pathetically practicing being cool so that we impress every stranger that sees us!


* Radiohead - 'Fake Plastic Trees' MP3

amber is the color of your energy - m4w (in my head )

Date: 2009-07-25, 6:36AM EDT

Your eyes are most magnificent believe me I know I look at them all the time. My insecurities keep me from knowing much about you .You are unbelievably fun to look at and are somewhat of an enigma a perfect balance of not too much and not enough. I’m not sure where this is heading but I’m enjoying the ride.
Keep it up chick


Can anyone tell me exactly what this means: "...a perfect balance of not too much and not enough" ANYONE??

* Black Keys - 'Midnight In Her Eyes' MP3

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Scott Walker's Fault

The ever evolving, ever changing, ever enjoyable musical collective that is The Minus 5 are back with a brand new record, 'Killingsworth.'At the center of the project, as always, is Seattles' Scott McCaughey. The lineup seems to shape and shift with each release. This time around REM's Peter Buck is back in the fray, as are most of the Decemberists.

I really hate writing reviews, but the album plays out like a beautiful tip of the cap to bands like The Byrds and Big Star. In other words really, really great stuff. Here is one of the standout tracks, featuring Colin Meloy on vocals.

* 'Scott Walker's Fault' MP3

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The National Mitten Registry

There is something so very Smiths-esque about this beautifully sad Lucksmiths song. I always thougth of Australia as such a happy place too...

* The National Mitten Registry' MP3

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We Lift That Boombox Parts A & B

I believe I posted about this Red Heart The Ticker album when I first got it back in June, but it is STILL in heavy rotation here so I feel like posting another favorite tune from it.

The ablum is 'Oh My! Mountains Below'...enjoy the tune.

* 'We Lift That Boombox Parts A & B' MP3

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We Build Bridges

Happy Friday everyone...I have made a conscious effort this week to spend as little time on the internet as possible in order to catch up with some real life stuff. It's been nice actually. It's gonna be a long, slow work day here though...which could result in a blogging spree as I attempt to pass the time while keeping my sanity.

First up is one of my favorite female songwriters, Liz Durrett. She is based out of Athens,GA and is the niece of the amazing Vic Chestnutt. Here is my favorite tune of hers off of her 2008 release 'Outside Out Gates.'

* 'We Build Bridges' MP3

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File Under "F" For Fun

Do we need a SECOND volume of covers from 90's power popper Matthew Sweet and former Bangle Susanna Hoffs? Probably not. But since I didn't have a say in the matter and the record is already out,I will enjoy it for what it is - fun.

Sure you know what's coming with every single song...but that's ok. I like to think of it as the musical equivalent of a mindless Wil Smith movie. You know in one of those lots of stuff will blow up and in the end, Mr. Smith will save the world. And on one of these records, some great old songs are going to get the sugary sweet power pop treatment from Sweet and Hoffs...just sit back and enjoy...just don't think too deeply on it - no need to.

Plus, EVERY generation deserves an update on this bitter classic:

* 'You're So Vain' MP3

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Song Up In Her Head

When I was 17, my usual work day consisted of asking the question "paper or plastic" to whoever I was bagging groceries for at the local supermarket. As for Sarah Jarosz, at 17 she was writing and recording an incredible debut album. Obviously the coolest 17yr old around, as the Decemberists and Tom Waits covers on her debut album. 'Song Up In Her Head' display.

But it's the original tunes that will win you over and make you forget your are listening to such a young woman. She writes and sings with a wisdom and confidence way beyond her years. It's really a gorgeous bluegrass album...been listening to it all morning, and I think I will just keep it in for a bit. A star is born.

Here is the aforementioned Waits cover...enjoy.

* 'Come On Up To The House' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Girl Fight at Billy Squire Concert - m4w - 39 (Downtown)

Date: 2009-07-20, 6:34PM EDT

Met you at the Billy Squire concert at the LC Pavilion Downtown. You sat with me on the blue tarp because your butt was getting wet. We talked and our conversation was ended because of a fight. You were there with a good friend and I was there with some of my friends. I enjoyed talking to you and I'd like to talk to you some more. If this is you, please respond. I hope to hear from you..


So tragic...they might have been right on the cusp of love...he was probably going to ask her to dance during 'Stroke' when the random girl fight broke out. Scenarios like this are played out in Columbus a hundred times a weekend I am convinced.

* The Gossip - 'Catfight' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication


Reply to: pers-xrend-1270387527@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-14, 8:46PM EDT

The rays of the sun shine bright through the beautiful arrangement of quilted clouds in the soft blue sky.
I look and try to admire what is around me.
As beautiful as it is, darkness fills my veins.
Darkness you have bestowed in me.
Once able to fully enjoy the powers of this world we live in,
I am now sheltered from it's beauty by the black smoggy pain you secreted within my soul.
What seemed so pure was a vast solitude of mockery on my love.
Giving love a bad name you've torn my hope into failed attempts to please you.
Pride in smashing one's beauty for life is not something to hold so dear.
Gifts given to you from the chambers of my heart were taken with greed.
With courage and perseverance, I will find my way out of the smog and find light once again.


Oh yes, one of my favorite sub-genres of CL missed connections! The angst-fueled bad poetry posts...where being overly dramatic is the ONLY way to be:

"I am now sheltered from it's beauty by the black smoggy pain you secreted within my soul"

Also, NEVER a good idea to borrow a Bon Jovi lyric whilst composing a poem...ever.

* Wilco - 'No More Poetry' MP3

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The Rumination Band

This has made my day...my weekend even! New music from the Fruit Bats, finally! Oh how I miss their beautiful folk musings. Their last album, the brilliant 'Spelled In Bones' came out all the way back in 2005. The new disc, 'The Rumination Band' hits stores on Aug 7 with a massive tour to follow. Here are the dates:

08.18.09 - Victoria, BC - Lucky Bar
08.19.09 - Vancouver, BC - Media Club
08.20.09 - Seattle, WA - The Crocodile
08.22.09 - Portland, OR - Doug Fir
08.24.09 - Sonoma, CA - Gundlach Bundschu Winery
08.25.09 - San Francisco, CA - Independent
08.26.09 - Los Angeles, CA - Spaceland
08.27.09 - Tucson, AZ - Plush
08.28.09 - Santa Fe, NM - Corazon
08.29.09 - Denver, CO - Larimer Lounge
08.31.09 - Norman, OK - Opolis
09.01.09 - Dallas, TX - The Loft
09.02.09 - Austin, TX - Mohawk
09.03.09 - Houston, TX - Walter’s
09.04.09 - Baton Rouge, LA - Spanish Moon
09.05.09 - Oxford, MS - Red Star Bar
09.06.09 - Atlanta, GA - The EARL
09.08.09 - Nashville, TN - Exit In
09.09.09 - Knoxville, TN- Square Room
09.10.09 - Chapel Hill, NC - Local 506
09.11.09 - Washington, DC - Black Cat
09.12.09 - Philadelphia, PA - Kung Fu Necktie
09.14.09 - Brooklyn, NY - Music Hall of Williamsburg
09.15.09 - Cambridge, MA - TT’s
09.16.09 - Buffalo, NY - Soundlab
09.17.09 - Newport, KY - Southgate
09.18.09 - Louisville, KY - Zanzabar
09.19.09 - Madison, WI - Orpheum
09.20.09 - Chicago, IL - Schubas
09.21.09 - Chicago, IL - Schubas

And...here is a sneak peek at the brand new record...enjoy:

* 'Flamingo' MP3

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"You can't see tomorrow with yesterday's eyes"

Thank the GODS it is Friday...been a long week of nothing much at all here, if I may paraphrase the Replacements. Music is indeed my savior.

I took a nice, LOOOOONG relaxing walk yesterday after work with the shuffle mode as my guide, all the while making mental notes of the great songs that popped up that I hadn't heard in awhile. Here are the greatest hits from that walk...a quick mix to start your weekend off...enjoy!

* Ryan Adams - 'A Kiss Before I Go' MP3

* Belle & Sebastian - 'Judy And The Dream Of Horses' MP3

* The Shins - 'Young Pilgrims' MP3

* Elliot Smith - 'Pictures Of Me' MP3

* Pixies - 'Cactus' MP3

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Wye Oak

Baltimore duo Wye Oak have a brand new record coming out on July 21st called 'The Knot.' I really loved their last record, 'If Children' and am so excited to hear more of those beautiful melodies layered over their sometimes weird rhythms and always interesting soundscapes.

Passing along two songs for you...the first is my favorite track off of the new record, and the second is a standout off of 'If Children'...enjoy.

* 'Take It In' MP3

* 'Obituary' MP3

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Broken Records

'Until The Earth Begins To Part' is the uber-dramatically titled, uber-fantastic new album from Scottish band Broken Records. The band's sound is an oddly awesome mix of Scottish folk and rock. Sounds weird, I know, but it works. They sound big and grandiose. Think a UK version of the Arcade Fire.

* 'Thoughts On A Picture(In A Paper January 2009)

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Hey. How's post high school life? - m4w - 22 (barz)

Reply to: pers-k3rd3-1269848535@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-14, 3:29PM EDT

on second thought, i don't really care. you were at the bar last night. the boths of yous. we went to high school. there was no connection missed, i was just wondering if you'd help me out with something. y'see, i feel like i have unfinished business with HS. like it's in some crevice in the back of my head that sometimes comes out and bothers me. so here is where you come in (and by you i mean at least one of you): let me take you to the bone zone. just pork you like crazy. no talking unless you deem it necessary, hell you don't have to like it either. and i don't care if its after the 2 burley muscle monkeys with the saccarine words and plastic charm are done with yas. i really think this will bring me to peace. and hey, you'll get a free boning out of the deal. sounds win win.


Bad attempt at humor, or somebody really having trouble moving after the high school experience? Not really sure, and I don't think I even care...just read this one and it reminded of this song...which I love.

* M Ward - 'So Much Water' MP3

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Happy Bastille Day!

Viva la France!(and some of my favorite French musicians)

* Phoenix - 'Napoleon Says' MP3

* Camille - 'Money Note' MP3

* The Do - 'On My Shoulders' MP3

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The Shuffle And The Story Told

Wow! I went on a bit of a bogging spree today. What can I say, when one is stuck in a cubicle doing mundane work for 8hrs a day, working for THE MAN...he has to keep himself sane. And my way of doing so is by blurbing a few sentences at a time about the music that I love.

And the rest of the week looks pretty grim as far as killing time goes, so I thought I better get the music sharing out of my system tonight. I just took my beloved Boston terrier on a walk, and as usual the shuffle mode was in rare form. It actually played these three gems right in a row...one after another. Oh so thematic, shuffle, oh so thematic.

* Iron & Wine/Calexico - 'History Of Lovers' MP3

* Eulogies - 'Goodbye' MP3

* Eef Barzelay - 'The Girls Don't Care' MP3

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Lollapalooza Recon: The Builders And The Butchers

This is another installment in my ongoing quest to hip myself to some of these bands on the Lolla lineup that I am less than familiar with. Today's subject is Portland band The Builders And The Butchers. Very cool, very dark folk rock. One time through I am really liking the album, and it's title 'Salvation Is A Deep, Dark Well.'

* 'Vampire Lake' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Wanted: Taxidermist who watches a lot of Kung Fu

Reply to: sale-dzs6b-1267309132@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-13, 10:04AM EDT

I am looking to hire someone with the means to obtain and stuff animals in fashions I choose, which will be Kung Fu for now. When I was younger I convinced a friend of mines dad to create two squirrels Kung Fu fighting. I still think about it from time to time and have decided to get my own Kung Fu animals, I understand this is a bizarre request. Serious inquiries only, please E-Mail me the species of animals you commonly hunt or can obtain and your rate for taxidermy of each in various Kung Fu poses. Mounting preferred. Once again I feel I must state this is serious. If you can show any of your previous work it will probably give you an edge on the competition. Please respond via/e-mail. Thank you.


* Ash - 'Kung Fu' MP3

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Finally, the Dead Weather LP 'Horehound' comes out tomorrow. Seems like this band has been around forever already...such is life in this era of blogs I guess. I am a sucker for all things Jack White, and bought tickets to their Columbus show having not heard a single song.

But now that the record is finally being released, I am dying to check it out. Here is a quick preview for you...enjoy.

* 'I Cut Like A Buffalo' MP3

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Needle Bed

All credit on this one due to AP and the Columbus Public Library.

Beautiful, sad songs abound on the 2006 release 'Needle Bed' from Florida based singer/songwriter John Ralston. The entire record is well worth your time, but as I was listening to it for the first time yesterday I kept going back to the song I am sharing here...brilliant stuff.

* 'Hang A Sign' MP3

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First Days Of Spring

London's Noah And The Whale are back with a brand new record entitled 'First Days Of Spring' on August 31st. Seems like a funny time for a Spring titled record until you listen to it. The album is full of light, airy ballads and 3 minute pop songs. Even when the subject matter gets a bit dark, the music never does. Plus, any band names themselves after one of my favorite movies('Squid And The Whale') and it's director(Noah Baumbach) is free to do as it see fits...I will follow.

Here is a sneak peek at the record...enjoy.

* 'Slow Glass' MP3

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Spending a relaxing saturday night at home, gazing out at the Columbus skies in all of their grayness and listening to the perfect soundtrack: Joshua Morrison's 'Home' record from last year.

Sounds beautifully overcast...

* 'Madness' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

A NOTEBOOK Type of Love Created at the JEEP SPOT - m4w - 43 (OSU)

Reply to: pers-ppnbg-1263743233@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-10, 7:30PM EDT

I Love you so much! Even still this very moment.

YOU KNOW: We have that type of Love (Notebook Love) and you know we do. We had such a passion for one another. We couldnt wait to see each other. When we kissed the SPARKS flew. We felt the same and we had LIFELONG plans too! I wanted to grow OLD with you and be just like him and Love and take care of you . When we would talk we could talk about anything and talk for hours on end. We knew what the other was thinking. When we made LOVE it was New and Fresh every time. Even when we took times off from Love making ......It was always so HOT and so full of Passion and Lust but beauty at the same time. You once said JB you can NEVER DENY our LOVE and it is something you can Never just Throw away? Do you still believe in that? Well that must of been before you fell and bumped your head because that person is gone. Where did she go? She never gave me a chance ....she never gave our Love a chance....... You know darn well if we was to of met we could of sat there and worked it all out in a matter of a hour. Lots of the emails back and forth were misunderstandings of what was meant and also it was a build up of not seeing you since April. Yesterday I had to drive to Bethel road where I last saw you. As I drove up 315 I passed the cool bridge where we kissed and took photos. I couldnt help but look over at the park and miss you. Then I drove by Micro center the very last place we kissed. Then the stop light where you pulled beside me and said Hey your Cute do you have a GF? Then I saw the Wendys were we drove to get some food and take it back to the park ........ HOW CAN I NOT MISS YOU? It hurts to even think that you dont feel the same way.

You stayed away because you know darn well if you looked me in the face you would see the true love and passion we have and we would still be together today. Now I am left missing you and I will never know what really happened. It hurts to know end to feel like this was all a joke to you and you just ran away from it all ......... So I feel so Angry like you never Loved me but I was there and I felt it and you told me you did too.

No man will ever Love you like I did and I know no Woman will ever Love me like you did......... I know so much about you......... and I care so much about you

I will never understand why you tossed it all the way? I will never understand why you would never meet me and look me in the eye and say we were over? I will never understand why you did any of this....... I hope someday you realize how not seeing me killed me........ how not calling and talking also killed me........ not emailing me killed me........ It was like I was locked up and in a cage .... Cant you see that's why I got so Angry?

I have reached out and reached out to you....and I know you read these.......... I deleted my email not to write you off but to try and move on and not be hurt every single day by never hearing from you......... I had to do it to leave you alone.......I want to talk to you all the time but I don't want to fight and I just knew if you called me then we wouldn't fight........... Well my number is still the same and when your new life gets old and you realize How much I Love you and want you..(Bed of Roses type of Love) ...do just like you did last Jan....... call me......... True Love can always work it out....... remember True Love never keeps record of wrong doing.........

Love JB


OK. This guy also posted two more of these. One citing 'Ghost' and one citing 'Nights In Rodanthe.' Each one was longer than this one, with just as much groveling...he also included pictures of some kissing scenes from ALL of the movies he mentioned. He is not dealing well with the break up...maybe time to queue up a good comedy on the old netflix.

* The Avett Brothers - 'Love Like The Movies' MP3

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Who does this remind me of?

No really...tell me! Get inside of my head! I was listening to this record today by singer/songwriter Sara Siskind('Say It Louder') and her voice reminded me SO much of somebody...but for the life of me, I was drawing blanks.

Enjoy this tune...perfect for this overcast Saturday...and if you can tell me who she sounds like, it would be so greatly appreciated :-)

* 'Reasons To Love' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Was Her Mobile Off, Or My # Blocked? - 30 (Columbus, OH)

Reply to: pers-r22wu-1262533813@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-10, 3:53AM EDT

I saw this girl on a dating site on July 4th. I thought she was perfect. There were other women that I was intrigued by, but none of them came close to being as perfect. The thing is I actually saw this girl on the site months ago and liked her then, but she deleted her profile. Then she made a new one and we started talking. There are so many things I like about her, and I've only known her for 5 days. I think she is the most beautiful creature ever. I like that she doesn't have kids. She's a dancer (ballet for 10 years), and a art major who wishes she could get her Masters. That is reason enough to like her. But here comes more. She collects quotes and shares them with people. She offered to teach me Spanish and dancing. She likes the History Channel. She thinks she is boring and a bit eccentric. She has minor issues that make her seem human and ordinary (down to earth) like smoking and anxiety, which I'm sure both would go away if she started stopped drinking/smoking and avoided certain situations.

Well, it seems that she can't handle me being an ace some of the time. The first day I sent nude pics of myself, she wrote back and said "awesome"! That made me feel good, because it was like she wasn't making a big deal of it. It's just a penis. It doesn't mean I don't respect her. I sent her some after that, and by the third day she said, "Don't send me your pictures. I don't want them." I thought that was the rudest thing to say. It caused me to recollect all those women who ever decided to be a b!t(h to me. So, I didn't feel kissing up to her. If she wanted to think that I'm this awful human being, then so be it. So I wrote back and said, "no". And she said, you are a jackace, leave me alone. I felt bad, because I know I'm not a jackace and I wanted to prove it. But it was the second time she called me that, the other time supposedly for a misunderstanding. I thought this could be a misunderstanding too, but I wasn't sure. All I know was that she said I came on too strong, and that she was going to delete her dating profile. I started to feel so angry. This is a woman I freaking like, and she has to act like an offended child. So I left her alone after that.

Well, today I was in Wendy's still thinking about how I had totally given up on women; that I hated every one of them because there isn't one brain between the 10 billion of them (or however many there is). Then I thought, hell what's the point of being a nice guy. Let's have some fun. Let's bring the dark side out. It sure beats the hell of being miserable, like I have been for the past 30 years. So, I went into the restroom and sent more pictures of my thing. I wasn't even erect. Then I went outside and she wrote back and said, "I was serious yesterday. Don't send me pics." I didn't care. I took another one of the street, then a tree top, and then a beer can on the sidewalk. She started writing, "You are a jackace. Leave me alone."

Well, here we go with the "poor me" bit again. I was getting tired of it. But I decided to tell her my REAL EMOTIONS. So I told her look, I like you a lot. And I forgot what I was going to say or what I said, because I only had so much room in one text message, and I had to send three text messages to finish my though. She was already writing back after the first one. "If you like me so much, then you will stop sending me pictures. It freezes up my phone." While I am writing, "I just want to do what I feel like, be myself, but still talk to you." Then she calls me a jackace again, until she gets my latest message. I'm thinking, why couldn't she have told me before that it froze up her phone. IT sure beats the hell out of "Dont' send me pics. I don't want them." How can a creature that I want to like and be with so much, not understand the difference in these two types of messages. How one is considerate, and the other one is rude. Hell, I would have been more satisfied with, "PLEASE (magic word) do not send me any more pictures of your thing." Anything.

Well, I write back and say, "I will stop sending you pictures if I can still write you messages, and if you stop complaining so much." She writes back, "Deal." I ask her how work is going and she says terrible and that she needs some sleep. I tell her what I'm doing for the day and I told her I'll text her back later in the night, after she wakes up. I wished her a good night. She said, "ok".

So I wait the entire day and contact her, only to find that my messages won't go through and there is a phone restriction. I'm interpreting that as a block. I wish I was overreacting, but given the history of our correspondence, I tend to believe she wants to "not be bothered" again.

Yeah, I come on too strong? Well she comes off too weak. The human race has accomplished so much since Adam and Eve, and yet I have yet to meet a woman who has any sense and good will about them. She disappoints me, and yet I waited four years on that site to find someone I liked, and she was it. Now, I've given up. No wonder everyone thinks God is male. Women are ignorant, selfish, deceitful creatures. I want to be me, both good and bad, without masquerading anything. The genuine attraction and liking and caring and niceness should have been apparent in me. But his woman is too self absorbed that she can't see anything other than her damn self.

I wish all women were dead. I wish you were dead Erin.


Wow. This was like the 'War And Peace' of Craigslist missed connections! This is also what crazy looks like in text form. This has all happened since July 4th...today is the 10th. I usually wait til about the 3rd week to send a phone pic of my penis, but I am admittedly old fashioned. You are right man, she has major issues...not you. Single women everywhere...I suddenly feel your pain.

* The Broken Family Band - 'The Girls In This Town' MP3

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My ever diminishing hipness

I have never claimed to be cool. Ever. But now I think even the last remaining paricles of hipness in body are slowly dying a slow, uncool death. And I am OK with it. I just don't have the time,energy, or desire to unearth the latest MGMT remix or the next big thing(usually some obscure Brooklyn band.) I am at peace with my lameness and I choose to listen to stuff like Charlie Mars.

No, Mr. Mars doesn't reinvent the rock n'roll wheel nor does he have superstar indie bands lining up to remix his songs. He just makes really, really good music and I really like his album 'Like A Bird, Like A Plane'...and as the song below displays, he can make something as simple as listening to a classic Pink Floyd record sound so inviting.

* 'Listen To The Darkside' MP3

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Just making it official...

Yep. I LOVE this Band Of Skulls record. It was just the right album at the right time for me I guess...whatever the reason, I am listening to this thing non stop and I feel obligated to pass along one more track from the fabulous 'Baby Darling Dollface Honey.'

* 'Fires' MP3

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My Sweet Lord

Any day Jim James releases new music is a good day in my book, but when said music is a tribute to George Harrison, you have the makings of something beautiful.

The My Morning Jacket frontman has released a great six song record entitled 'Tribute To' under the name Yim Yames. Jim James + George Harrison songs = bliss.

* 'My Sweet Lord' MP3

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Bombay Bicycle Club

Been listening to a lot of the new Bombay Bicycle Club record this week...getting in touch with my inner Londoner I guess. The album is called 'I Had The Blues But I Shook Them Loose' and it is some mighty fine rock n roll.

* 'Ghost' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

teach me to kiss - 22 (Dublin)

Reply to: pers-pdvwb-1259211937@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-08, 9:47AM EDT

I would like to learn how to kiss a woman and the art of kissing. I prefer an older lady who wouldnt mind teaching me. Up to age 45 is welcome. I can help you out with some yard work in return, please put i want to teach you in the subject line so i know your real


* Eleni Mandell - 'Make-Out King' MP3

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Upper Air

Ah...this week saw the release of 'Upper Air', the beautiful new Bowerbirds record. More gorgeous acoustica from this Raleigh,NC band.

Here is what is probably my favorite track off of the record. Enjoy.

* 'Northern Lights' MP3

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Just wanted to pass along a couple of gems from some tribute albums that I finally got around to picking up.

The first one is a beautiful Peter Broderick version of a Scott Walker tune that can be found on the Walker Tribute titled 'Scott Walker:30 Century Man.' The second track is a gorgeous Mark Kozelek take on a Low song, available on the Low tribute 'We Could Live In Hope - A Tribute To Low.'


* Peter Broderick - 'Duchess' MP3

* Mark Kozelek - 'Lazy' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Bait shop/boat rental July4th - w4m - 24 (Hargus Lake, Marion state park)

Reply to: pers-wnjhk-1254509394@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-05, 2:45PM EDT

You were the guy that sold me dug worms and a nightcrawler. I was wearing a white shirt with a pink bass on it the said "looking for a keeper" I rented a conoe for my brother and me about 5:35 pm.


Aww...Ohio romance!

* Elephant Micah - 'Ohio Riverboat Song' MP3

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Lollapalooza Recon: Band Of Skulls

One of my very favorite parts of the process that is my music festival addiction is the researching the dozens of bands that I have never heard of. This is basically how I celebrated my 4th of July...alas, I was outside though...just with a laptop right along side my beer and hot dog.

My first pleasant discovery of the day was the UK outfit Band OF Skulls. An album(coyly titled 'Baby Darling Dollface Honey') which is full of retro-awesomeness without ever sounding cliche, not an easy trick to pull off...ask Wolfmother.

* ' Cold Flame' MP3

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Life On Earth

I have been in a bit of a musical rut lately, as you can probably tell by the lack of content on the blog. Then all of a sudden, with the a little help from a transatlantic mixtape or two, the doors to all of bloggery were blown open. Sometimes, a little musical nudge is all we need.

But I digress. Just wanted to take a second and pass along a song from the new Tiny Vipers record 'Life On Earth.' More beautiful, haunting music for watching days die from Seattle's Jesy Fortino. Great stuff...

* 'Dreamer' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

GRANDMOTHERS FUNERAL DRESS - m4w (skullys ladies eighties)

Reply to: pers-gp3mv-1252046230@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-03, 1:04PM EDT

you were wearing your grandmothers funeral dress( SO HOT) told me you were a graphic designer and how you liked my dreads, wanted to talk to you more. if you want to, too hit me up.


* William Fitzsimmons - 'Funeral Dress' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

A personal ad.. in graph form

Date: 2009-06-25, 3:25PM EST

Replies invited.. (in graph form or not!)

* Cass McCombs - 'Eavesdropping On The Competition' MP3