Craigslist Musical Dedication
Poet in search of Muse! - 47 (Galloway)
Date: 2009-07-27, 1:01AM EDT
Darkness falls upon a lonely soul
Fatigue is conquered by thoughts of sweet love
Shadows on the wall dance away silently
like remnants of chlorine dreams on a clear bright morning
Gather unto me my squires and bathe me in scented oils
Dress me in fine linens of scarlet, purple, and gold
Tonight I enter the house of my lover
I shall once again occupy the Temple of Love
I claim the Priestess of Love contained therein
Salvation lays within those sacred walls
I am home.....
Are you the Muse that I am looking for?
Could I be the Clown for your circus of Love?
Please respond with pic and I will return same...
The "clown for your circus of love"? Straight up Chaucer!
* Joe Purdy - 'Sad Clown' MP3
I actually cringed at this one. Several times.
I also like how a pic, not a description, will determine if it's a love connection...true love.
Right? I expected a little more depth from a man of such obvious emotionality!