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Craigslist Musical Dedication 3/31/09

Dreamy Eye Twitch - w4m - 25 (Campus Area)

Reply to: pers-2tsf8-1100550052@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-31, 11:10AM EDT

I saw you at the Giant Eagle on High St. You were wearing an orange jump suit and a straw hat. We reached for the same cart. You reached for my hand, but you grabbed my heart. I looked into your eyes. Couldn't quite tell what color they were because your left eye had a charming twitch. I suspect your eyes were blue, but we should probably get together to confirm. When I wouldn't let go of the cart, you started screaming. Despite the ear piercing noise, I was still enamored.

I hope this reaches you. I've been having constant nightmares about our encounter. Email me back, tell me what I was wearing.



Pearl Jam - 'Creep' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Glass Candy...17 days to go

Glass Candy

* 'The Beat's Alive' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication 3/30/09

Blackwing shooting Sunday - m4m - 39 (Delaware)

Reply to: pers-3hupx-1098156858@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-29, 7:53PM EDT

You are a handsome chubby man working behind the counter at Blackwing on Sunday. I talked to you about a Glock 36. Would love to have a drink with you sometime.


Nothing makes me smile more than a little gun store romance.

* Pixies - 'There Goes My Gun' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Franz Ferdinand...18 days to go

Franz Ferdinand

* ' Take Me Out' MP3

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Album Title Of The Week

If I had a nickel for every time I said to myself, "man that would make a great album title", upon hearing some clever phrase or odd sentence, I would have lots and lots of nickels. So I have decided to immortalize(in blog form) some album titles that I think are brilliant. I will attempt to post one every week, if my memory cooperates.

The first ever honoree in the ATOTW series is the Toronto band The DoneFors...and the album title:

"How To Have Sex With Canadians"

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Audio Nostalgia: "Drawerings"

Long live the shuffle mode. I don't think I am overstating it when I say that it's one of the greatest advancements in all of civilization. And today, it took me to 1993...(God, the year I graduated high school) and this wonderful, long forgotten(by me anyway) Dinosaur,Jr song.

* 'Drawerings' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication 3/29/09

We live together

Reply to: pers-j3pjg-1097421233@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-29, 11:30AM EDT

I keep passing you on the way to the fridge. I'm sure you've noticed me - I think you're looking at me out the corner of your eye when I get in and out of the bed we share. I waved at you several times over the weekend as we were sitting down to meals. At breakfast this morning you ate the oatmeal I made, but didn't seem to notice my gesticulating. I know it's unlikely you'll see this, but if you do and something clicks, get back to me. We don't talk much anymore.


* Lucero - 'The Only One' MP3

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Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle

The artist formerly known as Smog is back with another album. Bill Callahan's latest 'Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle' offers up nine more songs of his trademark dark folk. I dare say this record almost sound hopeful though...with several songs featuring beautiful string accompaniment and lyrics which are even a little more optimistic. Hopeful by Bill Callahan standards anyway...whatever it is, it's a gorgeous album.

The record hits stores on April 14th...here is a track to preview. Enjoy.

* 'Jim Cain' MP3

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Coachella Artist(s) Of The Day: 19 Days to go

Took a day away from the virtual world yesterday....so I am posting two Coachella bands this time around...how about a hip hop two-fer.


* 'Your Glasshouse' MP3

People Under The Stairs

* 'Acid Raindrops' MP3

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One mroe stroll...

It's been a weirdly coincidental week between me and music. I keep getting one album after another from one of my old, battle tested favorites whose debut albums will forever be in my own personal hall of fame. Pearl Jam's '10' reissue, getting to hear the new PJ Harvey, and now Gomez's new record has made it's way to me.

The back pages of this blog are rife with the love I have espoused on that Gomez debut record 'Bring It On.' And while nothing they have done since has quite hit me with the same fervor of THAT record, I still love the band(especially live - incredible) and checking out what they are up to.

That brings us to the new record, A New Tide, which hits stores on March 31st, Only got to sit with it for a brief time, but I think it could be true love. Here is one track that got the repeat treatment...enjoy.

* 'Little Pieces' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Drive-By Truckers. ...21 Days To Go

Drive -By Truckers

* 'Daddy Needs A Drink' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication 3/27/09

the reason you can't find a man is all the good ones are taken - 46 (columbus)

Reply to: pers-wgezz-1091967190@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-25, 5:55PM EDT

Ok your smart..your cute for your age got a good job life is good but no man...hum whats up with that...well truth is all the good ones are taken so what can your do ...only the duds ...the low life and the live in moms basement and type with one hand are the only free ones....its supply and demand...now you can sit here and wish for a ken doll...but he is not going to come and if he dose he is going for Barbie....and why not she is young and pretty and you are still cute but not 20 anymore so Barbie will get the free one ever time...but a good free man is as rare as a unicorn and there are 400 girls for every one free man...so think outside the box a bit...a married man is not so bad ..they don't make you do there wash ...a married guy will treat you like a queen...so lets talk you can sit there and talk to the cat or you can meet a real man who will be very good to you..


Such a hopeless romantic, this one.

* The Hives - 'Supply And Demand' MP3

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A Woman A Man Walked By

I have been listening to PJ Harvey's music for the past 17 years and I still get excited when she releases new records. There are only a handful of artists that I have followed for so long and are still so relevant to me. Thank you Polly Jean, for the years of motivation, inspiration, and just plain blessed distraction.

Her latest release is a joint effort with John Parish entitled "A Woman A Man Walked By" and it will be in stores on March 31st. Here is a little sneak preview...

* 'April' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication 3/26/09

This is SO wrong but rules are lame. At Mt Carmel Hospital. - w4m

Reply to: pers-vjzvw-1092745779@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-26, 10:11AM EDT

You're in your early forties and getting treatment for a long history of addiction... maybe more, but you didn't say much about it in the few groups we had together. They kept you longer than you were supposed to stay because of complications. I'm a stupid pothead/sex addict/ex-drunk/bipolar/trauma-ridden teenage dirtbag who is unfortunately too old to continue being a teenager. I got out early because I smiled and nodded and asked the right questions in therapy and had my mom around to put my life back together for me.

Anyway, I know this is totally gross and unethical, but I thought you were an interesting human being and funny and kind of wished I could get to know you better (even if just because you seemed to know the road better than I do) and it seemed like we could share a few laughs about some of the bullshit. Drop me a line if you want to color or play fucking Uno or something. If not, I hope you've reached the outside world and that it is being kind to you.a


* Wheatus - 'Teenage Dirtbag' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: A Place To Bury Strangers. ...22 Days To Go

A Place To Bury Strangers

* 'Don't Think Lover' MP3

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Yay! One of my favorite Ohio bands is back in all of their weird, 80's obsessed glory!

It's sort of hard to explain Gil Mantera's Party Dream if you have never had the experience of , seeing them live. Sort of like a two man, synthed out, glam loving circus...on acid. And I mean that in best way possible.

Gil and the Ultimate Donny are back with a brand new record called 'Dreamscape'...here is one for you to check out.

* 'Get Sirius' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Friendly Fires. ...23 Days To Go

Friendly Fires

* 'Jump In The Pool' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication 3/25/09

Willing to lower my standards for you, also I will change - 28

Reply to: pers-hhgay-1091491779@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-25, 1:22PM EDT

I am not what you would call desperate, but I do realize when my plans are not coming to a satisfactory end. I have therefore decided to lower my standards and propose that I will change for you. Now there are some stipulations involved in this endeavor. A sort of contract if you will. Here are some of my concessions.
- I will stop liking at least 2 genres, artists of music for ones that you deem acceptable in exchange for me picking what movies we see 75% of the time.
- I will give up 2 hangouts with my friends a month for 1 hangout with your friends (exception: your friends are bitter losers who hate men and complain alot)
- I will take care of your cat/dog/bird/fish when you are out of town in exchange for you dressing up like a schoolgirl/nurse (exception: No kids)
- I will lower my standard of your physical fitness/personal hygiene if you promise that you will start to read some books
- I will pay for most dinners so long as you are ok with me wanting to have sex with you from time to time (exception: Dinners over $60 should entitle me)
- You will laugh at my jokes in exchange for me listening to your stories
I believe that is a good start and we should be able to add other amendments to our arrangement after we have talk through a few things. I would like to get some feed back on this treaty before the signing ceremony, so if you have anything to add, let me know.


* Death Cab For Cutie - 'Sound Of Settling' MP3

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Harlem Shakes

Just got my hands and ears on the new record from Brooklyn quintet Harlem Shakes entitled 'Technicolor Health' and I am loving it! It's like really good garage rock with a really, really great pop sensibility that makes it totally infectious...a hanfdul of the tracks here will rattle around in your head hours after you last listened.

Here is one of those tunes...enjoy.

* 'Natural Man' MP3

Natural Man - Harlem Shakes

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Coachella Artist A Day: Fleet Foxes. ...24 Days To Go

Fleet Foxes

* 'Tiger Mountain Peasant Song' MP3

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Boston Spaceships

Here is something that I have been listening to a ton of lately, but just never got around to posting on it. Totally unforgivable, considering Boston Spaceships is the latest Robert Pollard vehicle, and these very blog pages are awash in my love of the former Guided By Voices front man.

The album is called Brown Submarine and it is lo-fi gold as far as I am concerned. Here is one of my favorite tracks, enjoy.

* 'Ate It Twice' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication 3/23/09

Great Guy Looking To Join A Couple - m4ww - 29 (Short North)

Reply to: pers-vk8rf-1066624589@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-09, 2:33AM EDT

This may sound a little nutty, but you don't get what you want in life if you never ask.

I'm a fun, honest, and good looking guy who is looking to start a relationship with a female couple.

Why a female couple? I've been in a house of three before. Things generally seem to work best when the guy joins a pair of women who already have a strong bond between them. Three strangers trying to fall in love almost always ends badly. Also, I just don't get most straight women.

Aside from the math, I'm looking to have a normal relationship. I love to cook for my partner(s), see movies, travel, and make music. (Double points if either of you play an instrument)


Could you BE any more greedy? God man...this is craigslist, not Fantasy Island...be happy to find a nice girl with all of her teeth.

* Blind Melon - 'Three's A Magic Number' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Superchunk. ...25 Days To Go


* 'Hyper Enough' MP3

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And speaking of M.I.A...

This Emmy The Great song always makes me smile. I just love it when songwriters sing about the music they love...sort of gives them an instant authenticity with me.

* Emmy The Great - 'M.I.A.' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: M.I.A. ...26 Days To Go


* 'Bucky Done Gun' MP3

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If you have stumbled across this little plot of cyberspace over the past month or so you have probably noticed the ever present, probably annoying, Coachella countdown that I am doing. Guilty. But I really do look forward to this weekend more than anything. It's a chance to drop life for a few days, get together with a bunch of super cool, like minded people, and just bask in the glory that is the beautiful scenery in that part of California and hours upon hours of incredible live music. In other words: Heaven.

Last year was extra special, because we somehow convinced our friend and talented singer/songwriter Henry Toft from Denmark to literally trek halfway around the world to take in Coachella. This year, with the global economic meltdown and all, it just wasn't really possible for him to make the trip. He will be so sadly missed. Through the modern miracle of texting and twittering we will be showering him with CONSTANT real time updates...unfortunately you can't send a good beer buzz or the visceral joy of seeing the Hold Steady over an online connection...at least not yet. But he will be there in spirit.

Here is a song he wrote last year, in the airport actually...the day after Coachella...brought on by sweet exhaustion and the sort of glorious sensory overload that only 72 hours of live music and living in extremely close quarters with great friends can give you. I love it...enjoy.

* Me And The Horse I Rode In On - 'Indio' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Antony & The Johnsons ...27 days to go

Antony & The Johnsons

* 'Fistful Of Love' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Looking for a concert date - 45 (Galloway)

Reply to: pers-mfnff-1084732634@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-20, 11:37PM EDT

Hi, I am looking for someone that would like to go to see John Test live tomorrow (3/21) night. I won 2 VIP tickets from 104.9 The River and don't have anyone to take with me. We'd have dinner with John Tesh and his band before the concert and then front row seats at Mershon at 7:30 p.m. If you are serious about going please respond and tell me why I should choose you for the ticket/date.

Thanks for reading!


Oooh...pick me so I can ask John Tesh if it was worth it - the selling of his soul to the devil to make millions of dollars playing that awful stuff he calls music. Pick you up at 6?

* Liz Phair - 'Explain It To Me' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

attractive police officer looking for a long term affair - 39 (southeast )

Reply to: pers-38txf-1083896796@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-20, 1:58PM EDT

Hi ladies! I am an attractive 39 yo police officer looking for an attractive white female for a long term discreet afair. I am hoping to find someone who is free spirited and looking for something they are not currently receiving. I would love to show you the attention you deserve. I'm white, 6'3" 245 shaved head and mustache. I am drug and disease free and a non smoker and looking for the same. Get in touch and we'll make this happen


This has "bad movie plot" written all over it...and it would not end well. Any cop who has taken an ad out to start an affair, would probably not hesitate to use his resources at the police department to make someone's life a living hell if things didn't go his way. Proceed with caution here future adulterers.

* The Strokes - 'New York City Cops' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: The Cure ...28 days to go

The Cure

* 'Friday I'm In Love' MP3

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No..I swear...I am not looking forward to the weekend at all, really...I LOVE my job.

Ok...well, if you don't believe that, at least trust me when I tell you that this is probably my favorite Built To Spill song of all time...which coming from me, means a lot - I heart Doug Martsch.

* Built To Spill - 'Saturday' MP3

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Outside Love

I am quickly becoming a huge fan of the Vancouver band Pink Mountaintops and their brand of "trippy country meets stoner rock"(their words, not mine) music. The fuzz and the feedback and the sparse percussion blend so well with the harmonized vocals of Stephen McBean and his band mates. Aural bliss.

Here is the title track off of their soon to be released new record...enjoy.

Pink Mountaintops - 'Outside Love' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Im the Man with the Plan - 20 (Cols)

Reply to: pers-raudv-1072617478@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-12, 9:40PM EST

My names travis im 20 years old and an intellectual and love to learn what ticks. im 5'11 230 medium build. hazel eyes that change color dark brown hair. .i love the outdoors more than anyone knows so id like a woman who likes getting down and dirty. im trying to find someone who is intellegent yet funny, im very cocky so i need a girl to match. i like dancing and cooking. i do like to get physical but just understand me when i say this "you can't build a relationship off sex alone" now believe me its good but its not everything i need a woman not a girl, older's nice but it doesnt have to be if you are mature enough. i like playing games so entertainment is my forte'. i have a dog and am i avid animal lover. but even with all excitement behind i do like relaxing with friends or the one i like so dont be afriad to pull me away if you want/need me. peaple say im arrogant i just know wat i want in life is ard to get so help me help you make life easier. im no push over either even though i wear my heart on my sleave i am very good about protecting the ones i care about believe me. i love poetry so i swoon people easily but dont take that as bad my words last forever. peace . let me know whats up by emailing me with your description and /or picture.


He is SUCH an intellectual that he apparently transcends all rules of punctuation and spelling. And he will swoon you.

* Vampire Weekend - 'Oxford Comma' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: The Ting Tings ...29 days to go

The Ting Tings

* 'Great DJ' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

6' 200lb green eyed white guy seeks skinny white girl assistant - 42 (southeast columbus/ c.w.)

Reply to: pers-zdedn-1080368366@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-18, 10:49AM EDT

I am 6' 200lb, green eyed, good looking, intelligent, white guy who is recently singled and looking to date as well as build up a good network of friends to hang out with and go places with, as well as a personal assistant. Must be free to travel. Lots of fun and good food. Looking for a 22-32 year old fun loving, sharp, no drama. I almost rich and will take care of all of the expenses. Must send picture.


What the fuck does he want?? An assistant/girlfriend? Jesus man...try reading what your write out loud before you post it! And what does "almost rich" mean? I think I am going to start using that. Also, this guy looks just like my next door neighbor Carl, who coincidentally enough has also recently been 'singled.'

* MF Doom - 'That's That' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Peter,Bjorn, And John ...30 days to go

Peter,Bjorn, And John

* 'Just The Past' MP3

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Songs About Dancing And Drugs

While not his first album, 'Songs About Dancing And Drugs' was my first introduction to the music of Vancouver born singer/songwriter Jeremy Shaw, aka Circlesquare. And I was hooked almost instantly. The atmospheric music, often filled with quirky beats and loops, serves as the perfect backdrop for his smart, brooding lyrics. And it's it cool. It just sounds really, really cool.

Here is my favorite track off of the record, enjoy.

* Circlesquare - 'Hey You Guys' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Capitalist Endeavor seeking Poor Artist to be Taken Advantage of

Reply to: job-3zkqb-1071501008@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-12, 10:07AM EDT

New Business that paid market rate for RENT, EQUIPMENT, PERMIT, MERCHANDISE, and HOURLY WORKERS is looking for a marginalized local artist to give us something for nothing.
If you jump through the numerous demoralizing and moronic hoops we set before you while being dramatically under compensated we will surely spread the word to our other parasitic merchant contemporaries that you are willing to be treated like a sucker. As an American artist you better get used to it.


* M Ward - 'Story Of An Artist' MP3 (Daniel Johnston cover)

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Coachella Artist A Day: Beirut ...31 days to go


* 'La Llorona' MP3

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Twitter Nation

Only on Twitter can one "follow" Yoko Ono, Steve Buschemi, AND MC Hammer...technology is truly an amazing thing!

I have to admit that I was pretty much baffled by Twitter for the first three months or so that I was on there...I really had no idea what it was or what it was for. Turns out it's just like the the most instant free flow of information imaginable...in 140 characters or less. And as you can tell by the brevity of my blog posts, I am a big fan of blurbs...so Twitter is perfect for me and my fellow attention deficit disorder inflicted kindred spirits out there.

And...as a cool perk, I have even been discovering some new tunes via tweets. I heard this one last week and just now made an effort to track it down. I honestly don't know a lot about the band, other than their from the UK and they have an album slated to hit stores here in July I believe.
Here is a killer track from Florence And The Machine...enjoy.

* Florence And The Machine - 'Kiss With A Fist' MP3

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More Than This

I was a little suspicious of this cover before listening to it, just because the Roxy Music version is so iconic and perfect. But after listening to it, I realized that this song is probably pretty hard to mess up.

Missy Higgins slows it down beautifully I think...as always, opinions are welcome.

* Missy Higgins - 'More Than This' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Remember me Jeb? Your sis at Waffle House... - w4m - 29 (E. Liverpool)

Reply to: pers-tfj6b-1074147805@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-13, 11:10PM EDT

Looking for "Jeb", I met your sister Jess from Waffle House, and we hung out one day and I got wasted and we, well...you know what happened...and I know I left abrubptly when the cab came...so...find me back..i know you wanted to see more...lol....


So...you wanna know what Ohio is like? See above. A guy named Jeb romancing women at the local Waffle House...I wish I could say that this is was out of the ordinary.

* Sun Kil Moon - 'Carry Me Ohio' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Jenny Lewis ...32 days to go

Jenny Lewis

* 'Fernando' MP3

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Church Bell Blues

I think that I mentioned at some point last week that I had fallen into a TON of new music. Which is true. But I am just now getting around to sharing said music. First up - Canadian singer/songwriter Catherine MaClellan and her lovely album 'Church Bell Blues.'

An album filled with beautiful music and heartfelt lyrics...she reminds me SO much of Gillian Welch. Here is my favorite track from the album...I love the words, and I love the steel pedal guitar.

"Love never finds you when you want it too"

* Catherine MaClellan - 'Dreams Dissolve' MP3

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Now We Can See

Finally...the Thermals have come back to me! My favorite Portland residents are finally back, following up 2006's blistering rant on religion "The Body, The Blood, The Machine" with their brand new record, "Now We Can See."

I am sure this will get smacked down by the web sherriff or the blog police or somebody...but I am going to post it anyway. It's a beautiful spring day here, and playing the Thermals on max volume will only make it that much better! Plus, Kathy Foster is my original imaginary rock girlfriend, I don't think she would mind me promoting her band. The record hits stores April 7th. Here's a preview:

* ' I Called Out Your Name' MP3

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Coachella Artist (s)A Day: 33 Days to go

I have been on a little vacation from the internet the last couple of days, so I have some catching up to do...I guess I owe you three Coachella daily bands on this one then. So here you go:

* Dear And The Headlights - 'I'm Not Crying, You're Not Crying Are You?' MP3

* We Are Scientists - 'This Scene Is Dead' MP3

* Vivian Girls - 'Tell The World' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Shared Space - m4w (Skullys )

Reply to: pers-nheqg-1071746220@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-12, 12:47PM EDT

I think the music was Joy Division. I think I had a few drinks as well. But I was intoxicated by something else- your body. Your glorious, goddess-granted gyrations of pure expression. It was like you were channeling some otherworldly vision, full of desire. You were in your own world and that's what we had in common. The rest of the space, the people and all of reality slipped away- not just for a moment- but for a length of time that I have no way of calculating, no point of reference.

You knew I was watching and that turned you on. I can only muse at the command you have over your body. I can only long for that same attention to detail. Perhaps it is in fact a connection. Of body to feeling, of desire to action.

In the absence of some sort of label or name for this connection, I'll refer to physical evidence: a blue-black, fading mark on my skin confirming the truth of this experience.


Who let the emo kid into 80's night last night? They will totally ruin the party.

For the musical portion of today's dedication...I am bypassing the 80's AND emo....just because I wanted to hear some My Morning Jacket.

* My Morning Jacket - 'Dancefloors' MP3

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Real Blasty

It's been a good week here for hearing new stuff.I am drowning in new music, and that's the way I like to drown. Let's see...where to begin.

'Real Blasty' is the new record from Chicago born singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Kyle Andrews. As I have stated before,I am really bad at describing what something sounds like...but I would call this some seriously infectious, smart pop. Reminds me a bit of Spoon. Here is one of my favorite tracks from the record.

* 'Naked In New York' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Alberta Cross ...36 days to go

Alberta Cross

* 'Old Man Chicago' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Mixed martial arts cage fight hottie - w4m

Reply to: pers-8kfww-1069476730@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-10, 8:39PM EDT

You were in the front row seat observant and thriving on the violence. The testerone in the room heightened my senses and i could feel your piercing blue eyes admiring every vibration of body to body contact. If you read this, i want you to know that the heartfelt emotive reach for you is sincere and your presence no matter which geographical location, opposite ends of the oceans, lingers and lingers. My intellect and sensual form longs for another dose of the puriest form of humanity-- companionship. I don't know what we are and I'd rather not place labels on true, remarkable relationships. It's AMAZING how our unusualness makes us so usual.


Impulsive healthy neat freak


Chicks dig the cage fighters.

* The Exploited - 'Sex And Violence' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Leonard Cohen ...37 days to go

Leonard Cohen

* 'Tower Of Song' MP3

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Flaming Lips cross the 'Borderline'

Another cool cover...Wayne Coyne and company give Madonna's 'Borderline' the spacey lo-fi treatment.

* The Flaming Lips - 'Borderline' MP3

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Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles

I just sort of stumbled across this killer version of the Black Keys covering the Captain Beefheart classic and I had to pass it along. It's on an upcoming Warner Bros compilation entitled 'Covered: A Revolution In Sound.'

* The Black Keys - 'Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Devendra Banhart ...38 days to go

Devendra Banhart

* 'Heard Someone Say' MP3

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Something old, something new, something borrowed

Spring - how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

We are being blessed with glorious weather here in the Midwest...so took full advantage by taking my beloved Boston terrier Miko for a long, music enhanced walk. I just put the shuffle on and let the randomness have it's way with me.

I love hearing long forgotten gems, weird covers, and deep cuts off of newer albums that you probably should have listened to more but haven't. So here is one of each of those: Something new, something old, and something borrowed.

* Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - 'There Is Something I Have To Say' MP3

* REM - 'Pretty Persuasion' - MP3

* Stephen Malkmus - 'Ballad Of A Thin Man' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day


Reply to: sale-1046603987@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-02-23, 9:20AM EST

stunning BOB ROSS style (happy little trees) pointlism painting.


Calling this painting "stunning" is hilarious, but calling it "Bob Ross-like" is blasphemy! Seriously, I LOVE Bob Ros...dude could crank out a killer landscape in 25 minutes...every day! How dare this man use his name in vain. Oh, and the song...Vessels love Bob too, enough to include his voice on this track...which is incredibly cool.

* Vessels - 'Happy Accident' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Okkervil River ...39 days to go

Okkervil River

* 'A Stone' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Dr. Dog ...40 days to go

Dr. Dog

* 'Die Die Die' MP3

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Saturday Night Music

Two songs that just sound like Saturday night to me...

* N.A.S.A. - 'Strange Enough'

* Big Star - 'In The Street' MP3