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Astronautalis, aka Andy Bothwell from Jacksonville,Florida is a walking musical mashup. You'll hears elements of hip hop, shoegaze, alt rock...a little bit of everything. He reminds me a slightly less focused version of Beck. His new record is called 'Pomegranate...there are more hits than misses on this LP...at least I think so. I am still trying to take it all in....

Astronautalis - 'Two Years Before The Mast' MP3

Astronautalis - 'Story Of My Life'

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The New Year

Finally...a new record from The New Year. I sort of lost track of them, and thought maybe they called it a day as a band...but I am glad to see that isn't the case. Sounds like the four year wait is going to be worth it, I am loving the new record...what I have heard of it.

The New Year - 'The Company I Get' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

(Note: Slight name change...i have realized there is way too much beautiful weirdness on Craigslist to focus only on missed connections)

seriously.... - 23 (Columbus)

Reply to: pers-816322674@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-08-28, 4:57AM EDT

I can really speak for a bunch of lonely guys out there...
Just, both expectations on the female and male end have been warped. We no longer know how what to expect out of our signifigant other. We put so much on how it should or shouldn't be. The oppostie sexes are just so pushed away from each other in these times. Its no wonder why there are so many gays and lezzies, its just easier. I couldn't find a girl to fuck tonight if my life depended on it, but how many guys do i know by happenstance. (I guess by waiting tables in the short north) But that's not what i want. Its not that it's really that hard to find something, but its really hard to start somehting because you never know how long it might be. There are a ton of guys like me that KNOW that they are going to stick to that piece of tail for as long as they get. Its so hard to date because we know we won't end it and you'll end up knocking her up and being with her for the rest of your life. There are just so few opportunities that, sh*t, this might be it, and that thought is not so much terrifying as much as it requires a lot of thought. -Its trying to be selective with very few slections.- So, we pass on her or her and end up alone and wondering whats wrong. "I'm sorry i thought i had a choice in this" I'm just slowly realizing that me; a 6'3" built, smart, good lookingy, great in the sack guy, is just going to end up alone because it seems that i can't stand women and i definitely won't resort to guys.
I guess it might also be that my philosophy on life is quite wierd and i am quite vocal about it. I'm sorry i'm well read and you aren't. It's just really fricken funny, because if you knew me, you'd never understand why i'm single.
I think really the problem is that i have never really had to try to go after girls, they just came after me. Just year after year more and more women i could know, get married and move on and im just getting left behind. Now it feels like i would grab onto anything. I just work so much that its really hard to find time.
If that made any sense to anyone, i don't want to even include a picture because i wouldn't want it based upon looks. Just take my word for it, i'm not conceited but i am quite cute.


Too bad there's not a 'Man Seeking Self' sub-category on Craigslist, it would be perfect for this guy. He obviously thinks he is quite the catch, and he OBVIOUSLY has life all figured out...he may be the only one who could tolerate him.

The Lemonheads - 'It's About Time' MP3

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Something To Do With My Hands

No blog listing of my favorite songs would be complete without this gem from Her Space Holiday. I love the lyrics...they are the best kind of bitter.

Her Space Holiday - 'Something To Do With My Hands' MP3

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Remember solo Scott Weiland??

I love this song...it's vintage, weird Weiland!

Scott Weiland - '12 Bar Blues' MP3

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Left And Leaving

The Weakerthans are a band that deserve to be huge. They write such amazing songs, and they make incredible albums.

Just sitting here, zoning out tonight...and felt like sharing this song. It's a keeper.

The Weakerthans - 'Left And Leaving' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Foot Slave Available - m4w - 44 (Lebanon/Kings Island Area)

Reply to: pers-780794766@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-08-02, 9:44PM EDT

Very nice, down to earth guy 44 but look younger, 5'10" 162#, blond, considered attractive. I am married and not looking for sexual contact of any kind, I am looking for that one woman in 100,000 that would like to have a guy that just rubs her feet, paints her nails, kisses her feet and sucks her toes. I am 100% for real and have done this before, just not often enough, I have been into women's feet since I was a young kid. I have no hang ups about age, weight, looks, or status, I can accept anyone who is a nice person on the inside.

He will "accept anyone who is a nice person on the inside"...as long as they will let a complete stranger suck on their toes.

Crowded House - 'Fall At Your Feet' MP3

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Rainy Day Album #1

Counting Crows 'August And Everything After' is STILL my go to rainy day album...14yrs after hearing it for the first time. Elliot Smith, anything by Elliot Smith, is a close second...but A&EA is still the one!

Counting Crows - 'Anna Begins' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Lets Get Married Tomorrow!!!!!! - 40 (Victorian Village)

Reply to: pers-814130533@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-08-26, 3:52PM EDT

I know this seems crazy,but why not?? Im tired of being alone or sitting around with a broken heart. Im a good looking white guy seeking a very attractive white gal to get married a.s.a.p.You should be very cute ht/wt prop but a lil thick is definatly ok too! Im 5-10 165lbs with ive been told sexy hazel eyes! Will you marry me??????


Ah, SO THIS is what desperation looks like....

Tim Easton - 'I Would Have Married You' MP3

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Censored Colors

'Censored Colors' is the new album forthcoming from Alaskan band Portugal. The Man. I caught these guys opening for Rocky Votolato about a year and a half ago, and I was blown away. Been a fan ever sense.

Here is a track off of the record, which hits stores in September.

Portugal. The Man - 'Colors' MP3

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Department Of Eagles

Another day, another indie rock band with an animal reference in the name! This one gets instant credibility though, since one of its members - Daniel Rossen, is a mainstay in Grizzly Bear. Rossen teams up with ex college roomate Fred Nicolaus to conjure up Department Of Eagles unique sound.

They have a new record, 'In Ear Park' due out in early October...here is the title track, enoy:

Department Of Eagles - 'In Ear Park' MP3

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New Mogwai

Here is a track off of the soon to be released Mogwai album, 'The Hawk Is Howling'...enjoy.

Mogwai - 'The Day Ammy Lied' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day (Comfest edition)

Deep stealth mode woman - m4t - 60 (ohio)

Reply to: pers-800048216@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-08-16, 10:02PM EDT

You are a woman in deep stealth mode and you are in search of a very straight male. It has taken a long time to establish yourself as a woman and the only thing missing is a nice man who isn't judgemental, who will accept you as you are. You may or may not be postop but that isn't the point. You operate in the mainstream of life, have no desire to socialize with or be identified as part of the gay world. Neither do I. Yet there is that uniqueness in your sexuality that only a man who is your gender counterpart, who understands and accepts, is likely to satisfy. I feel the same way.

If you are that woman, please write. If you're not that woman, pass me by.


Imperial Drag - 'Are You A Boy Or A Girl?' MP3

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Skeletal Lamping

OK...feel free to leave a comment and let me know which song off of the new Of Montreal record, 'Skeletal Lamping', will be used in an impending Red Lobster commercial?

Don't get me wrong, I have NO problem with band's licensing their music out for commercials...God knows in this era of file sharing the artists need to think outside of the box to make a little more cash. Some of my favorite bands, Wilco, The Black Keys, etc, have done the commercial thing, and I am more than OK with it. It's the fact that Of Montreal let Outback Steakhouse BUTCHER their tune a couple of years ago to make that annoying jingle...that I have a problem with.

But I digress...I am actually really digging the new record a lot, here is a track for you...

Of Montreal - 'ID Engager' MP3

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New Romantic

Every time I listen to this amazing debut from Laura Marling, 'Alas I Cannot Swim' I have to constantly remind myself that she is only 18yrs old. Oh, to have this kind of wisdom when I was her age...i would have been dangerous! This is already one of my favorite records of the year...and another example of a perfect rainy day soundtrack. (Plus she gets bonus points for name-checking Ryan Adams in this tune.)

Laura Marling - 'New Romantic' MP3

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The late, great...

It's a rainy, dreary Sunday here in Ohio. Shocking..i know. But, this weather can mean only one thing...lots of Elliot Smith playing around the house today. I wish Mr. Smith was as prolific after is death as, say, Tupac Shakur. Man, it seemed like 2Pac has released like 2 albums a year since he died! At least we got 'New Moon' from Elliot...and it is really amazing....i know this, because it's all I've listened to today.

Elliot Smith - 'See You Later' MP3

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Here With Me

Jennifer O'Connor is a New York based singer/songwriter...and her words won't get out of my head! She has quite the knack for turning a phrase. Her new record 'Here With Me' is in heavy rotation here this week.

Jennifer O' Connor - 'Valley Road 86' MP3

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A musical movie review: "Across The Universe"

Across The Universe - Thumbs WAY down

"Review" really isn't the right world for this, since I only made it about half way through. Horrendous.

I've been conflicted about this movie since it's theatrical release...I hate musicals, but I love the Beatles. My compromise was to wait til it came out on cable. And I am glad I didn't waste a Netflix rental on it. I can't even say anymore....it was mind numbingly bad to me...entrenching me even more rigidly in my 'all musicals suck' state of mind!

I don't even want to hear a Beatles song for the next 72 hours...but I will post a couple of my favorite Beatles covers.

Ben Lee - 'In My Life' MP3

The Black Keys - 'She Said,She Said' MP3

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Marching Band

Another day, another Swedish band making really good music. I think if I ever have kids I will send them to Stockholm for their formative years...hoping that some of that Swedish water will get their inner rock stars swirling!

Marching Band's album 'Spark Large' is light, infectious pop at it's heart, but with introspective and smart lyrics. Great stuff.

Marching Band - 'Letters' MP3

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Like a fine wine....

If I were to be named 'Secretary Of Essential Music' by the new President Obama, I think I would name 10 or 15 albums that would be standard issue to all kids. I think we'd hand them out maybe when they are 15 or so...before the roots of bad pop music have taken to strong a hold on them.

Albums like Van Morrison's 'Astral Weeks', Dylan's 'Blonde On Blonde', Pavement's 'Slanted And Enchanted', and most definitely Neutral Milk Hotel's 'In The Aeroplane Over The Sea.' I was listening to that record for the first time in a long time tonight, and man has it held up well over the years....it actually sounds better now than the first time I heard it!

Neutral Milk Hotel - 'Ghost' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Looking For A Female Spandex Buddy - 24 (Columbus, OH.)

Reply to: pers-807215244@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-08-21, 9:01PM EDT

Basically, I'm looking for a lady who likes making out in spandex, leggings, tights and pantyhose. Both you and I should share an interest for wearing tight clothes. We could also casually wear it around public and take pictures. If this sounds fun to you, let me know! Sex is not necessary to enjoy each other's company.


Sex may not be needed to enjoy each other's company, but I am guessing that LOTS of anti-depressants are.

Joel Plaskett Emergency - 'Fashionable People' MP3

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Influences: Ryan Adams

I love reading about who my favorite artists love to listen to. I can't even tell you how many bands I have gotten into from reading some interview of a band I love that mentioned an artist that THEY loved.

Without the aid of an iterview, it can sometimes be a little more difficult to tell what influenced certain musicians. But sometimes, it comes oozing out in song from.

New York Dolls - 'Looking For A Kiss' MP3

Ryan Adams - 'Beautiful Sorta' MP3

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Audio Nostalgia: "K"

Every time I do one of these 'audio nostalgia' entries, I cringe when I realize when the record or song that I am posting about was originally released. Today is no different. Kula Shaker's 'K' record is 12yrs old already, having been released in 1996.

My access to and knowledge of really good music was quite limited when I was younger. I think Kula Shaker was the first band that I really got into that melded elements of world music into their rock sound. Indian and Middle Eastern sounds are all over this record, and I remember hearing it for the first time and loving it. This album hasn't aged as well for as a lot the records have that I have immortalized in 'audio nostalgia' blogs, but I dusted it off today and it was still fun to listen to.

Kula Shaker - 'Hey Dude' MP3

Kula Shaker - 'Tattva' MP3

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How To Walk Away

Julianna Hatfield's new record, 'How To Walk Away' is so, so good. I've been listening to nothing else for the last couple of days. Just wanted pass a tune along from the new album, Nada Surf's Mattew Caws lends his vocal talents to this one as well.

Juliana Hatfield - 'Such A Beautiful Girl' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day


Date: 2008-07-20, 12:17PM PDT

Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? This door could be the first step in making your dreams come true.

Imagine walking through this 28 3/4" x 78" door as you begin your new life, as the person you've always wanted to be... happier, funnier, handsomer, richer, and with firmer buns. It could be yours, right now. Give yourself that extra edge! Come pick up your door to the future today!


The Thermals - 'Here's Your Future' MP3

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Underrated Uses Of Music In Film: Episode #11

Russel from Stillwater parties with real Topeka people.

Obligatory 'Almost Famous' entry into this list. Even more so than the famous 'Tiny Dancer' scene, this scene, where Russel and William decide to take in some REAL Topeka nightlife, speaks to me! Maybe it's because I have always wondered what I would do if one of my favorite rock stars came to a house party I was at and got totally messed up on acid. I do know that the Neil Young song that blasts to life as he walks into the party is just the perfect soundtrack for a 1973 Kansas throwdown.

Neil Young - 'Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere' MP3

And a cover by...

Matthew Sweet and Susana Hoffs - 'Everbody Knows This Is Nowhere' MP3

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Hotel Lights - 'Firecracker People'

Sitting here listening to the latest Hotel Lights album, 'Firecracker Album' and thinking to myself that these songs would make a great autumn soundtrack...just a couple of weeks too early. Great tunes nonetheless.

Hotel Lights is basically the vehicle for singer/songwriter and former Ben Folds Five drummer Darren Jesse. This is HL's third studio album.

Hotel Lights - 'Amelia Bright' MP3

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RIP 'Shogun Of Harlem'

Julius Carry, who played 'The Shogun Of Harlem' in my favorite bad movie of all time, 'The Last Dragon' has passed away. It's a sad day, but B-Movie heaven just got a little cooler.

Bruce Leeroy RULES!

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

36 wm iso tall or muscular bbw to adore and wrestle - 36 (reynoldsburg)

Reply to: pers-804536492@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-08-20, 3:21AM EDT

looking for a tall/strong/bbw to adore, worship, and wrestle! i love legs, and will beg you to wear heels. i am attractive, professional, clean, no kids. hope to hear back from you...


Hot Chip - 'Wrestlers' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

need a female companion 4 anything

Date: 2008-07-08, 9:12AM CDT

I need female at least 18 and no more than 50 years old to spend the day with this summer. I prefer for them to live near Penn Square Mall. If not, then at least somewhere I can ride the city bus to meet them. I also prefer for them to be a city bus rider. One other thing: ABSOLUTELY NO MALES, GUYS, NOR BOYS!!!!!!!!! If you are a male, then I will not answer your reply. I hope this does not creep or offend anybody. Thank you.


Take a good, long look at that face...you will be seeing it again before too long on CNN or America's Most Wanted after he goes on his shooting spree.

Talking Heads - 'Psycho Killer' MP3

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My current obsession...continued

I still can't get enough of Pepi Ginsberg...i am musically smitten. Here is another song off of her amazing album 'Red'...and a video for you visual learners.

Pepi Ginsberg - 'The Waterline' MP3

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"I'm in love with Emmylou Harris' voice"

I really am in love with Emmylou Harris' voice, just like that deUS song says. She is timeless...and at the risk of sounding cliche, she is a national treasure. I have been in a major Townes Van Zandt and Emmylou Harris phase the last few days, so I thought I'd post a song from each. Enjoy.

Townes Van Zandt - 'Waitin' Around To Die' MP3

Emmylou Harris - 'I Still Miss Someone' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

and still - m4w - 38 (kenton)

Reply to: pers-760750918@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-07-18, 9:38PM EDT

Meeting at a time in our life where we was just existing and not really living for ourselves...our friendship sparked into a joining of a connection we wasn't prepared to happen, yet it did become something that chased our bleak existing into a living explosion of feeling,,, yet now,,,still after all these months of solo walker on the abandoned path, that connection yearns to continue to have thought in life...to have belief that IT WAS REAL and not a fragment of gameplay it became...
and yes I kept it open for the communication to be there available. Though for the protection of my heart I shouldn't have replied.
Asking why .... because it simply is what it is ,,,a longing inside that breaths due to the feeling it was fed, wether it was fed that feeling in fraud it still is there...Set aside alone on this path with time to grieve for loss, seek the truth of answers on belief it all wasn't your gameplay, that it wasn't created on the design to be purposely cast aside at your whim later.
It doesn't hold the symbolized element when placed by your loving hand.
I am in the reality state of mind knowing there is no future(even when missing your holding caress)that will be with us...nor do I seek that...(just still wanting to know-even though you aren't brave enough to voice your TRUE thoughts even anonymously here available-
if the memory was a existing truth or forever part of you playing the game..)


This is EXACTLY why you shouldn't attempt to write heartfelt missives on Craigslist armed with nothing more than a 3rd grade education. I think my favorite part is

"a longing inside that breaths due to the feeling it was fed, wether it was fed that feeling in fraud it still is there"

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yelstin - 'You Could Write A Book' MP3

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Bonus 'Positive' -ity

Just wanted to one of the bonus tracks off the retail version of The Hold Steady's brilliant 'Stay Positive'...enjoy!

The Hold Steady - 'Ask Her For Adderall' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Bookstore Rendezvous? - m4w - 48 (Columbus)

Reply to: pers-796132103@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-08-14, 6:59AM EDT

I am looking for a woman to meet who, like me, is cautious, a little shy at first, and leery about meeting people.

I’m a 48 year-old educated, professional divorced white male. People tell me I’m youthful, very cute with a great smile, height-weight appropriate, kind and gentle, fun-loving and playful. I love to laugh even at myself. I’m less than enamored with dating sites.

At an agreed upon time, I will be browsing a pre-determined section at a Polaris area book store. Having a full and complete description of me, you will be able to see me but I won’t know who you are. If you like what you see, you might approach me saying something like…”technical books are a bit boring aren’t they? Want to talk about it over coffee?” If you don’t like what you see, then no harm done and you will be completely anonymous.

I thought this might be a safe way to meet and give you the opportunity to opt out anonymously. If you’re interested in talking more about this or have questions, I’d love to hear from you. Thank you!


This guy TOTALLY underestimates the cruelty of not only the general public, but especially the Craigslist using segment of the population. I hope he brings a change of clothes...he will be browsing that section of books for a long, LONG time.

Old 97's - 'Book Of Poems' MP3

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"You better free your mind instead..."

Grandaddy - 'Revolution' MP3

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When I find myself missing The Smashing Pumpkins in their prime...

...I listen to Silversun Pickups. Especially The 'Pikul' EP. I can't wait for a new record from these guys...it can't happen soon enough!!!

Silversun Pickups - Comeback Kid' MP3

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Finally, The Verve have come back to us. The LONG awaited follow up to the near perfect Urban Hymns is set to release of August 25. It's a sprawling and a gorgeous album, with most of the songs clocking in at over 5 minutes...enjoy it - it may have to last us another ten years or so! Here is a tune from the record...

The Verve - 'Valium Skies' MP3

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Music to assess your life to

I was just sitting here thinking...not even that deeply, and this song came on via the shuffle! Talk about a song that can swing your state of mind! This is some serious life assessing music. Ah, the beauty of the internet...hear it, think it, post it.

Aimee Mann - 'Wise Up' MP3

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For No One

I bought Ryan Adams tickets the other day - always a painless way to throw away money - and I realized it's been WAY to long since I share any of his music. Although not nearly as obsessed as I once was with Mr. Adams....he will always hold a special place in my musical heart.

Ryan Adams - 'For No One' MP3

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When I Go Deaf

I love this song, this whole record in fact. Low's 'The Great Destroyer' album is one of those seminal albums in my life...it has just etched a certain space out in my soul...and I will take it with me for the rest of my life. I probably have 10 or 15 albums that have had that affect on me...maybe. So, every couple of weeks I like to share a track off of one of those...

Low - 'When I Go Deaf' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Me--Great White Witch You--Better Start Running - w4m - 42 (North End)

Reply to: pers-791375085@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-08-11, 2:52AM EDT

I seen you checking me out at the Krogers at Northern Lights, and the next time I catch you giving me that look over the display case, I am gonna come over to you and snatch your ass up. It will be good, it will be rough, and I will be done with you inside of a week, because if I keep you any longer than that, you may think you mean something more to me, like you might start thinking I will take care of you or something. What I am looking for long term has more money and more years than you do, but that does not mean I can't sexually dominate you for a while. You will get over me.

Tell me what you were wearing, and I will give you my phone number.


Do you ever wonder, like I do, if these people all procreate? God help us all if so...

Luna - 'Season Of The Witch'

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Oxford Collapse

Oxford Collapse, a Brooklyn based band, are back with their second record for Sub Pop entitled 'Bits'. I could not be more happy. I was stuck on 2006's 'Remember The Night Parties' for months when I got my hands on it that year. Here's to hoping this new album is just as good. I just got in, haven't even listened to it yet...but thought I'd share a track before calling it a night. Here is a new one, and then my favorite off of that last record - ' Please Visit Your National Parks'

Oxford Collapse - 'Young Love Delivered' MP3

Oxford Collapse - 'Please Visit Your National Parks' MP3

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Car Alarm

Chicago collective The Sea And Cake are back with their 8th edition of new recorded music already. Eight albums already....really? Seems Like I was just hearing their 1994 self titled debut for the first time a few years ago. Actually, I did probably hear it for the first time a year ago...I am late to all the best parties.

Here is one from the new record entitled 'Fuller Moon', enjoy. The impending album is titled 'Car Alarm' and drops October 21st.

The Sea And Cake - 'Fuller Moon' MP3

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Woven Hand

I've always sort of thought of David Eugene Edwards as the American version of Nick Cave, either with his band 16 Horsepower, or with this project Woven Hand. His lyrics are smart, dark, and a bit theatrical...and usually incredible.

Here is a tune from the forthcoming 'Ten Stones'.

Woven Hand - 'Horsetail' MP3

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Festival Song

Why do I spend money I don't have trekking back and forth across the country to attend every music festival that I can possibly make time for?

The answer my friends, is in the song...as always

Tim Easton - 'Festival Song' MP3

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Audio Nostalgia: "Barbarosa"

The year was 1993 I believe, and I was somewhat obsessed at the time with all things Adam Duritz. It was bad. I listened to 'August And Everything After' so many times, that I am sure I ruined the Counting Crows for most of my friends and family. I would walk around reciting random lyrics off of the record, annoying and confusing anyone within earshot. I spent obscene amounts of money on horribly produced bootlegs. Recordings that sounded like they were taped in a cheap cassette player in some guy's pocket who was standing at the bar watching show.

Via my obsession, I stumbled across this band Sordid Humor, also from the Bay Area. I always loved this track, and Adam Duritz has the perfect voice for backing vocals. It's funny, when I play this tune I am transported back immediately to the summer and fall after I graduated high school. Ah, the power of music.

Sordid Humor - 'Barbarosa'

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Audio Nostalgia: "Barbarosa:

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Pepi Ginsberg

Another day, another voice to fall in love with. Today's girl is Brooklyn's Pepi Ginsberg. Love this song, can't wait to get her new record 'Red'

Pepi Ginsberg - 'In My Bones' MP3

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Underrated Uses Of Music In Film: Episode #10

The perfect soundtrack for an ear slicing!

Can't believe I have gone this far and not tipped my proverbial cap to Quentin Tarantino yet. He always has such a knack for finding the most perfect slightly obscure song to set to some of his most memorable scenes. Stealers Wheel 'Stuck In The Middle With You' sound just superb as Michael Madsen, playing the wonderfully psychotic Mr. Blonde, goes to work on poor Tim Roth's ear.

Stealers Wheel - 'Stuck In The Middle With You' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

"Former" Lesbian considering looking for a boyfriend - 28 (Columbus)

Reply to: pers-784399956@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-08-05, 4:49PM EDT

Here is the deal. I am an African American female-28 that is highly educated. I am a professional and considers myself a lesbian. To be upfront, I have never been with a man. However, after all these years I reali ze that I may be more bi-sexual. I have been in a relationship for the past 7 years. I am looking for a man to get to know me(us) and will treat me well. I do not want to hurt my partner, however if our relationship works out...there is a 95% chance that you will have two girl friends. We are both attractive. I am more masculine in dress but not in looks. But I can work on that if you can see past that for the time being. I am attracted to men of all races. I will send pics after a couple of emails and establish a semi-connection. If you are comfortable sending pics that is great...but I am so more interested in you as a person.

What I am looking for:
Professional male with own house, car, etc.
Someone that can add to my life not take away
Must love kids
Good sense of humor
No drama
Not married
Can hold a conversation, not just looking for sex

"if our relationship works out...there is a 95% chance that you will have two girl friends."

TWO girlfriends?? Is that in case the first one hasn't sucked out all of your will to live yet??

Weezer -'Pink Triangle' MP3

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The once and future 'Kings'

I can NOT wait for this new Kings Of Leon record to drop in September. Here is another new one to hold us over.

Kings Of Leon - 'Sex On Fire' MP3

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The Airborne Toxic Event

I would suggest that you play this very, VERY loud! Especially for this part:

But you were always a mess
You were always aloof
Yeah, it's awful, I guess
But it's the awful truth

God bless my favorite musicians for being able to turn their angst into such life affirming art!

The Airborne Toxic Event - 'Wishing Well' MP3

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Underrated Uses Of Music In Film: Episode #9

Harry Nilsson's classic tune sets the tone for what is in my opinion, one of the finest movies ever made.

Using the term 'Underrated' for these posts was a really bad idea. Not sure if an Oscar winning film could ever really be underrated, but so it goes. This was just the perfect song choice to start this amazing film about a small town man who takes his shot and moves to New York City. Enjoy 'the ballad of Joe and Ratso.'

Harry Nilsson - 'Everybody's Talking' MP3

And another bonus cover, this time New York singer/songwriter Jesse Malin's take on the same tune:

Jesse Malin - 'Everybody's Talking' MP3

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Underrated Uses Of Music In Film: Episode #8

All is not what it seems in American suburbia.

I can't believe I have made it to number 8 in this series and NOT used a Sofia Coppola example yet! The use of Air's music as a score for the troubled suburb that was the setting for Coppola's movie 'The Virgin Suicides' was brilliant...and no song was as perfect as 'Playground Love.'

Air - 'Playground Love' MP3

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Underrated Uses Of Music In Film: Episode #7

We all agree, incest is WRONG...but never before has it sounded so right!

When Margo and Richie Tennenbaum are reunited at the bus depot in Wes Anderson's new classic 'The Royal Tennenbaums', Nico's timeless 'These Days' helps me to forget just how creepy that scene should be...

Nico - 'These Days' MP3

and as an added bonus for your listening pleasure...Mates Of State covering the tune:

Mates Of State - 'These Days' MP3

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It will gloriously burn...

This new album from Brooklyn's Imaginary Johnny, entitled 'Only Chimneys' is a record I can not get enough of lately...i fell obligated to share another track from it.

Imaginary Johnny - 'It'll Burn' MP3

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Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

to the earthen vessel i am searching for - 32 (around columbus)

Reply to: pers-780923676@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-08-03, 12:37AM EDT

as i set here, operating in my own little corner of the world, watching as people come and go through my life, i can't help to wonder if i let the chance on love pass me by. as you walk by, i hear soft music playing in the background. i see doe eyes, staring blankly into mine. a little smile runs across our face, as a seductive thought runs through our minds. i reach out to you, caressing the side of your face. your hand touches mine, gently pulling my hand closer to your lips. you moisten it with sweet nectar . i continue to run my fingers through your hair. i feel your love, your pulse...your soul cries out to me. i warm you from the coolness from the evening, by letting my fingertips trace the outline of your face. the candles we lit flicker scattered images upon the wall, and cast a shadow upon your face. you smile, i see your soul is reaching out to me. i lean in, hesitant, torturing you with a gentle kiss. i lean in furthur, whispering into your ear, feeling your hair upon my face. i gently kiss behind your ear, feeling,listening to your thoughts. i come back to your lips, moistening your lips from your lover. i pick you up, take you to bed for slumber. i remove our clothes, you lie beside me, asking me why i love you. i look into your eyes, no one will love you like i love you, is my answer without our vessels talking. teardrops stream down your face as i wipe them away. i kiss you gently, pulling the blanket up to your chin resting on my chest. i awake from my moment we shared, reality is calling.


Will there EVER be a day when moronic guys STOP using the word 'nectar' in their horrific poetry?????

Janes Addiction - 'Stop' MP3

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Hell Hath No Fury

Never has a murderous woman scorned ever sounded so lovely.

Soko - 'Ill Kill Her' MP3

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Underrated Uses Of Music In Film: Episode #6

John Cryer lip syncs his heart out to the woman he loves in 'Pretty In Pink'

Anyone who was ever less than popular, which was probably most of us, has to love Duckie's spastic performance of the Otis Redding Classic 'Try A Little Tenderness' in the record store!

Otis Redding - 'Try A Little Tenderness' MP3

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PAS/CAL MP3 repost

For some reason, I couldn't get an MP3 to upload on my PAS/CAL post, so here you go...and just a reminder, their album 'I Was Raised On Matthew,Mark, Luke, And Laura' is amazing!

PAS/CAL - 'O Honey We're Ridiculous' MP3

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Carried To Dust

'Carried To Dust' - the new Calexico album is fast arriving. Here are a couple of new tracks to give you an idea of what to expect from one seriously talented group of musicians.

'Slowness ' MP3

'Writers Minor Holiday' MP3

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Underrated Uses Of Music In Film: Episode #5

Junkies doing what they have to do to make a buck.

Billy Crudup and Denis Leary play down on their luck junkies(really, is there any other kind?) in the 2000 film 'Jesus Son.' In order to make a quick buck, the guys take to ripping out the copper piping at Leary's old house. The boys start bashing away at the walls with sledgehammers while 'Hang On Sloppy' starts to play...a surreal, brilliant scene.

The McCoys - 'Hang On Sloopy' MP3