Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

and still - m4w - 38 (kenton)

Reply to: pers-760750918@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-07-18, 9:38PM EDT

Meeting at a time in our life where we was just existing and not really living for ourselves...our friendship sparked into a joining of a connection we wasn't prepared to happen, yet it did become something that chased our bleak existing into a living explosion of feeling,,, yet now,,,still after all these months of solo walker on the abandoned path, that connection yearns to continue to have thought in life...to have belief that IT WAS REAL and not a fragment of gameplay it became...
and yes I kept it open for the communication to be there available. Though for the protection of my heart I shouldn't have replied.
Asking why .... because it simply is what it is ,,,a longing inside that breaths due to the feeling it was fed, wether it was fed that feeling in fraud it still is there...Set aside alone on this path with time to grieve for loss, seek the truth of answers on belief it all wasn't your gameplay, that it wasn't created on the design to be purposely cast aside at your whim later.
It doesn't hold the symbolized element when placed by your loving hand.
I am in the reality state of mind knowing there is no future(even when missing your holding caress)that will be with us...nor do I seek that...(just still wanting to know-even though you aren't brave enough to voice your TRUE thoughts even anonymously here available-
if the memory was a existing truth or forever part of you playing the game..)


This is EXACTLY why you shouldn't attempt to write heartfelt missives on Craigslist armed with nothing more than a 3rd grade education. I think my favorite part is

"a longing inside that breaths due to the feeling it was fed, wether it was fed that feeling in fraud it still is there"

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yelstin - 'You Could Write A Book' MP3

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