Don’t ask me why I obsessively look to rock ’n’ roll bands for some kind of model for a better society. I guess it’s just that I glimpsed something beautiful in a flashbulb moment once, and perhaps mistaking it for prophecy have been seeking its fulfillment ever since.
- Lester Bangs
You, the blonde with the large red collar, who had the sweetest lips I've ever tasted. I was the young guy, in all black, with short hair in the grope room (not one of the overly aggressive mexicans). I wanted to ask to buy you a drink but never had the chance. Let me know, if you'd like to talk.
I LOVE the ones that I don't even have to comment on!
Sitting here, watching the clock, waiting for 5 o'clock to come...but at this very second, I am totally distracted by the audio bliss trickling into my ears in the from of the new record from Jason Molina(Magnolia Electric Co., Songs: Ohia) and Will Johnson(Centro-matic).
I love both of these bands, so I was counting on loving this album, but I am happy to report it is totally exceeding my expectations! It's the most beautiful sort of melancholy. Just gorgeous stuff..there is a sample for you below. The 'Molina And Johnson' record is available everywhere on November 3.
There are points in every man's life where he must pause, assess where he is, and plan accordingly. Tonight was one of those nights. And the moment of truth came to me all at once and out of nowhere. It came as I was live blogging my local trick or treat night here in suburban Columbus,Ohio. I know, so ridiculous,right? This is not at all how I imagined my Thursday nights would be...ever.
At the same time, I was having an ongoing facebook conversation with an old some of our past adventures, which, when re-hashed, sound incredibly reckless! Ah, my 20' fun you were, but I am so glad you are over and I often wonder how I survived you.
All of this nostalgia and self-loathing led me to some soul searching, after which I arrived at this conclusion. I am TOTALLY OK with live blogging trick or treat night as a 34yr old guy. While all of this was going on, many friends were making plans and talking about going out on twitter and facebook...and for about half a second I was jealous. Then I wasn't. Honestly, the last place I would ever want to go at this point in my life is a night club. Or any other place with really loud obnoxious drunk people in costumes...I know! I was THOSE people for ten years! I survived, thereby earning my right to live blog neighborhood events on a Thursday night!
Wait, wait, wait...this is my music blog, not my therapy session. Sorry! I digress. In an attempt to tie this all in to music, this Jason Anderson song came up via the shuffle mode tonight. It is absolutely the sort of song that the 20yr old Blair would not have at all appreciated. The lyrics are WAY too pointed, way too brutally honest. In other words, the kind of song that the nearly middle-aged Blair adores.
It's Beggars Night here...the one night a year where it is totally socially acceptable to take candy from long as you are wearing some sort of demonic costume! Go crazy will absolutely miss this when you get older!!!
Hi im brittany, i went down to the haunted hoochie on friday october 23,2009and im looking for a guy who works at the haunted hoochie and had a chainsaw on the in side that i told who had his chainsaw on my leg and i told him not to do that to much cause it might turn me on....... please contact me at duckie_the_swimmer_8 for yahoo sn or britduckie for aim sn or my myspace is lil_swimmin_country_girl8...... please find me!!! my number is four one nie six six zero three one zero six eight
This girl is probably already dead. Not a real good idea to include the phrase "don't use the chainsaw to much, it may turn me on" followed by the sharing of your phone number . I mourn her death, but man, I would still LOVE to hear some of those voice mail messages!
The other record that has been in my ear all week is the latest one from Toronto's Elliot Brood. EB are my kind of Canadians, as they make music with plenty of banjo, ukulele, and alt-country angst.
'Mountain Meadows' is the name of the record, and I recommend it highly...whiskey sold separately unfortunately.
File this one under debut albums I am looking forward to. Free Energy are a band out of Pennsylvania that love their guitars. And I love them for it. The sound is pure power pop bliss.
Their debut LP will be out in 2010 on James Murphy's(LCD Soundstyem) label. I will definitely pass along more details and tunes as they become available!
Been on a bit of a blogging hiatus, just because nothing really interesting had crossed my ears in the last few days. Leave it to Devendra Banhart and his freak folk to change all of that. His brand new record 'What Will We Be' is nothing if not interesting.
I've been listening to it all day, and I am still finding little nuggets of sonic gold hidden in the collage of his songs that I must have missed on the first or second listen. It's really a brilliant is one of my favorite tunes, enjoy.
I am 39 years old 6FT tall 200 pounds . Christian, Looking for faithful woman 30 to 45 who would enjoy a very romantic man who enjoys a LOT of holding each other, giving her candle light bubble baths , opening doors for her, flowers, movies walks in the park holding hands or just out walking holding hands . I am extremely loving of the woman I would be with. even years later I would still be doing these things each day and I would not get out of bed before softly kissing her and whispering "I LOVE YOU" softly in her ears. I prefer women 5ft1 to 5 ft 7 and not heavy because I enjoy carrying her in my arms. If you wear it well send a pic, I'm not to picky if she's loving and faithful. I'm not looking for people with kids that are not grown. My kids are grown and not living with me so I'm alone and just single. I don't mind jealous or possessive women as long as your open with me and it don't cause problems between us. I do enjoy a woman who is not afraid to say I belong to her. I'm not looking for one night stands but as far as sex, If I love you what ever pleases you go's in the bed room as long as it between the two of us, I am very active in the bed room with who I'm with and I try hard to please the one I love in bed and out. I won't deal with an unfaithful person and I don't want ex's mine or yours in our life. I will NEVER cheat and feel free to test me on this when ever you feel like it. I Love the out doors and as much I love just being with you holding you. I want a woman who always wants to be held at home or out in public. I just went through a breakup and a layoff and I'm looking to hook up quick.. Send pics and tell me about your self. If I'm not interested I just won't respond. If you forget the pic I won't reply. if your pic is to large to send thru this site reply and request my email and i'll send it to you .
I love that this "hopeless romantic" writes a heart wrenching manifesto about how badly he wants to hold somebody...and then concludes it with "I just went through a breakup and a layoff and I'm looking to hook up quick."
I know that I say something like this every time I post a Robert Pollard related tune, but I can't help it, I am genuinely in awe of his prolificness - and I am not even sure that prolificness is a word - that's how in awe I am.
'Zero To 99' marks the 3rd released recording for his new outfit, Boston Spaceships, in less than a year. The man must literally have songs running through his head 24 hrs a day, and to record and produce them must keep him sane on some level. Whatever the reason for his high output, I am grateful...especially when it's as good as the stuff on this record. This is probably his best post Guided By Voices album yet..rock on Robert, rock on!
I need to post more and more of Bobby Bare, Jr. I love his voice, I mean it's just perfect for the sort of barroom songs he sings so well. I also love his version of this Neil Young song. I can remember loving song as a little kid, my brother would always be blaring this on his record player and I would make him repeat it over and over. In hindsight, I was probably in love with the idea that there was an actual mountain made out of sugar out there somewhere in the world, as my 8yr old musical tastes were not so refined.
I honestly never dreamed that his little bit of cyberspace would ever cross paths with Doris Day...and as usual, I was wrong. Turns out the new Nellie McKay album is a Doris Day covers record. Normally, I woulnd't even give any Doris Day themed material a second look, but I am such a big fan of Ms. Mckay and her playful, witty piano songs that I thought I better give it a listen. And while it's not really the sort of thing I am going to listen to all the time, it is quirky and kind of cool in a way that only Nellie could pull off and definitely worth having in any collection.
My name is Terry AKA Redneck BigT. I live in ohio,i am a very hard working man, and i am looking for a real redneck women. This is what i am looking for in a woman: Country girl, kids or no kids,short but good looking,long hair,likes to go hunting and fishing,mud running,drag racing,tracter pulls. I want a woman that is straight forword,that works and has a licence,and that is not scared to get dirty with trucks,and that likes Big trucks,FORD,INTERNATIONAL,ONLY!!!!!!! If u r interested and real u have to go through my Good friend b/c she nows what i like and dont like. You have to be between the ages of 21-30
Location: ohio,wv area
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
You see what we are dealing with here in Ohio? The internet has spread to the most rural parts of has never been more wasted.
This is one case, where you can probably safely judge a book, err, an album by its' cover. That creepy, surreal looking, blurry bunny is a pretty good metaphor for the music contained on Georgia's Horse 'Mammoth Session' record.
The band, centered around Texas singer/songwriter Teresa Maldanado makes sparse, haunting sounds that even verge on experimental sometimes, without ever getting in their own way. It's a really beautiful album...very dark in places, but very beautiful.
So you have probably heard that the soundtrack to the sequel for a certain emo vampire love story has hit the shelves. Yeah, you know the one. I don't have many rules for my blog, but mentioning the title of that particular film or any of it's sequels is,in fact, expressly forbidden by the Certain Songs by-laws.
However, I am a huge supporter of some of the bands on that soundtrack, most recently and passionately Band Of Skulls. So, I definitely wanted to pass this tune along...haven't heard the full record yet, but the lineup is pretty amazing...which made me a little sad at first, but then if tween girls can get turned on to some really incredible bands via the movie that shall not be named, then that has to be a good thing.
I don't post too many videos on my blog, but every now and then some clip so unforgettable comes across my computer that I feel obligated to share it, and friends, this video of the immensely talented vocal virtuoso Shane Lee is just one of those clips.
The first time I watched this, I was laughing so hard I think I missed like the last five "notes." Man, videos like this are the reason youtube exists...thank God this dude had a forum like youtube to share his brilliant post PBR bender, impromptu webcam vocal life is all the richer for it!
All credit due to Jen for finding this gem...she is London's number one talent scout, lest no one have any doubt!
I was just hanging out last night, listening to some older records that I hadn't heard in awhile and I totally got stuck on Sleater-Kinney's 'All Hands On The Bad One.' I have so many awesome memories that are forever tethered to this album. I remember sneaking into Little Brothers with my friend Carrie to see SK on this tour, and then buying what to this day may be my all time favorite show t-shirt - a light blue T with a cat on it with "All Hands On The Bad One" in plain text above. I miss that shirt. And I think I fell in love with Corin Tucker for about 90 minutes that absolute rock goddess!
I just have to pass ONE more song along from this new Beaten Awake record. It's like everything that is great and pure about rock n roll has been balled up and stuffed into this one tune. (Hyperbole much? OK, that was a bit dramatic...but you gotta love the local heroes. They are all doing it for the love of the ROCK). Featuring underdog lyrics like “Up from the bottom is where I shine” and then building up to a fist pumping fever pitch, just play this one really, REALLY loud - for me.
I am so happy that Mike Doughty is as prolific as he is. Just a year after releasing 'Golden Delicious' he is back with a great new record, the stripped down sounding 'Sad Man Happy Man.' I love the way MD sees the world and the way he spins his stories into song. He has one of the more original voices in all of pop music I would say, and has since the Soul Coughing days. And by voice I mean what he has to say and how he says it...although I DO dig his actual voice and that cool spoken word style delivery too. Oh,and he has written a song with what has to be one of my all time favorite titles...
Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova will probably never be able to catch the lightning in the bottle that was the success of their film 'Once' and it's soundtrack again...and I am totally ok with that. I just hope they keep making music together(as long as it doesn't mean we have to wait TOO long for the next Frames album.)
Their new Swell Season record is a beautiful effort of stripped down songs. Gorgeous sunset music indeed.
Seems like some of my favorite musical moments this year have come via a handful of stellar tribute albums. Moments like this song by Peter Broderick which appears on the tribute record to Scott Walker, '30 Century Man.'
Oooh, I was just witness to an epic couples fight!! You know the kind that ends with the girl screaming "take me home!" ? It was one of those. I stopped in at the store on my way home to pick up a few things, but suddenly got sucked into this classic drama in the bread aisle. Best I could tell, they had plans to go out with her friends who were in town this weekend from Indiana, and he selfishly scheduled a night out for himself with some coworkers. She was not happy.
It erupted into an expletive laced free for all, right there in the middle of the store...and it was not pretty. After the heated exchange, they both sat there looking sort of battered and punched out, no doubt exhausted from their verbal bashing of one another...and the girl looked so defeated. She just sighed a long, sad sigh...thought for what seemed like an eternity and said to him..."you suck!" and stormed out.
The reason I tell you this, is because in my music obsessed mind I was reminded of this song I am posting. Don't we all with we could come up with something cinematic when faced with a moment like that?
If there is one Ohio band that I would really love to see break through to some sort of commercial success, it would Kent's Beaten Awake. These guys play an infectious, melodoic sort of garage rock that is so easy on the ears. And if you ever get a chance to see them live, go for it...such a great bar band!
Here is one of my favorites off of their brand new record - which I am currently playing into the ground - 'Thunder$troke.'
Today's soundtrack is the new Erin Mckeown record, 'Hundreds Of Lions.' It's one of the most playful folk records you will ever listen to. Ms McKeown writes incredibly clever songs that you will find yourself singing to yourself long after listening.
This new Langhorne Slim album is incredible. I've been listening to it a ton over the last few weeks and just wanted to take a second and pass along the title track.
The beautiful guys over at 80 Minutes For Life are doing an amazing job of documenting some of today's best bands and the stories behind why we, their adoring public, connect with them so much.
It's been a bit of a hectic week over here, and I totally forgot that my contribution to their site was posted this week. It was, of course, on the Hold Steady. Click on the link above to check it out. They did an awesome job of making my words look great! The time and care they are putting into their blog is inspiring....really.
We both had too much to drink. I know it was very wrong of us, but it felt so right. No woman has ever kissed me the way you did. You looked so beautiful in that tight black dress. I know we must keep our hook-up a secret, but I want to know if you feel the same way I do. Why haven't you answered my calls or responded to my emails? It hurts me. Check your voice mails! Just because it is socially unacceptable for us to be together, it does not mean we have to conform. It felt so perfect and you know it. You are just afraid of what everyone thinks. Susan, what is so wrong about keeping love in the family? Being together is not technically illegal, so don't be afraid! I think about that bathroom rendezvous every night. Please just call me! ~Patrick
And the winner of the most awkward morning after in the history of civilization goes to...the couple who got drunk and hooked up at their family reunion! Well played kids.
It's Friday night, and I just got home from an exhausting - in a good way - family get together. Now I find myself spending my Friday night nursing a bourbon and coke, listening to Pavement records and formulating in my head their set list for the big reunion show that I am hoping with all my heart happens at Coachella in 2010. And to me, this is an awesome Friday night.
I know, I don't understand why I am single either! ;-)
This album has one of the coolest back stories ever! Roseanne Cash's legendary dad Johnny put together a list of what he considered the 100 essential classic country songs for her when she was young, and from this list Ms Cash picked 12 to record for this album.
I grew with a father who worshipped Johnny Cash and I definitely love the man in black too, and that back story alone would have been enough to convince me to pick this record up, so then I guess the guest appearances from Bruce Springsteen,Elvis Costello, Rufus Wainwright, and Jeff Tweedy are just beautiful bonuses! Here is the aforementioned Cash/Tweedy collaboration of the old Lefty Frizzell classic 'Long Black Veil.' This record is an awesome reminder of how great country music CAN be.
John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats writes THE most intensely personal lyrics that I have ever heard. So much so, in fact, that for years I had trouble listening to his stuff, it almost made uncomfortable...almost like accidentally reading someone's diary. But thankfully I got over my weird Mountain Goat hang ups, because the songs are amazing.
The latest record, entitled 'The Life Of The World To Come' is absolutely brilliant. Darnielle uses Bible verses as song titles to organize his thoughts as he sets them to music. The man is a true original, and there are far too few of those making music these days.
Apparently, I have been listening to too much airy,atmospheric, dream pop type of stuff lately because I have caught myself air-guitaring to this new Alberta Cross album multiple times. The band's first proper studio album, 'Broken Side Of Time', is just what I need to push me on through to the weekend. Lots of great guitar on this record, and it has made for a splendid sountrack for today's daydreaming sessions.
Here is the title track for you to rock out with...enjoy.
I was speachless when I saw your beautiful, pale green eyes. I had to focus just to find my library card because I was taken aback by your soft white skin. Inside, I prayed that your hand would touch mine when I handed you my card so maybe, if only for one breif moment, we could could linger and share that moment.
I've been looking for an excuse to approach you, but it seems inappropriate while your working, BUT my books are almost due!!!
I just wanted to say that you are the most beautiful lady that I have set eyes on in years. I'll send you a wink next time I'm there so maybe you'll know who I am. Until then!
This one was really romantic for about 15 seconds...then it went SRAIGHT to creepy, and we all know there is NO coming back from creepy.
When I listen to 'One Foot In The Ether', the second album from Austin's Band Of Heathens it makes me want whiskey in the worst way. And I mean that in the best way possible. Not sure if this is Americana, country, alt-country, or whatever, I just know that I love it. Sweet slide guitar and songs about not getting the girl and about having trouble paying the bills. Plus, besides all of their great original tuness on this record, they cover one of my all time favorites - Gillian Welch's "Look At Miss Ohio" - which as an Ohioan, I am contractually obligated to share with you.
Just in time for nights spent hovering around a warm fireplace, London's The Clientele are back with a brand new album full of dreamy, gorgeous pop songs. The record is called 'Bonfires On The Heath' and it probably my favorite Clientele record to date. The lyrics seem a little more straightforward this time around, but the beautiful soundscapes are still as breathtaking as ever.
Here is a track for you to check out...maybe my favorite on the ablum.
The soundtrack to this morning's commute was the 2005 Kevin Devine release 'Split The Country Split The Street.' I made it as far as this song, and then just played it on repeat til I got to work...a beautiful song.
Been loving this Woods album 'Songs Of Shame' for awhile now, just not getting around to share a bit of it. I adore the fuzzy, dreamy tones that ooze out of this Brooklyn band. This is one of those records that you just want to play, start to finish over and over again.
I saw you in the milk isle at giant eagle sunday with an older woman who was purchasing you groceries.i saw the spark in your eye, i feel like i would like a young man to have that spark for me. i want to wrap you in a blanket and carry you like a pappoose throughout the streets of worthington. my heart beating like a wardrum and my legs quivering like a baby fawn learning to walk. i noticed the blue jeans with the paint smears, and the bashful smile behind baby blue eyes and a mess of hair that is somehow irresistable. alrthough you look like a boy,there is a rugged mannish quality about you that i find irresistible. i know that you noticed me, our eyes met. at that moment a deep passion filled my loins unlike i have ever felt before. i was wearing the black shirt with the vneck cut very low. gold hoop earings ,black stretch pants and gold flats.i admire the innocence, it reminds me of my sons. i would like to buy you things and engage in loving romance. please contact me soon, for, like a fine wine, its only a matter of time till someone uncorks me.
OK, I have been doing these for a couple of years now, but I dare say that this line is the greatest I have ever seen posted in all of craigslistdom:
" i want to wrap you in a blanket and carry you like a pappoose throughout the streets of worthington"
How drunk/out of it would you have to be to re-read this to yourself out loud and STILL think it's a good idea to hit the POST button??
Also...I gotta believe this woman is higly unstable, and may God have mercy on the soul of the guy who "uncorks" her.
I have never seen, nor do i have any intention of ever seeing 'Twilight', but there is no way - in a million years - that you could convince me that that film has more heart than that other Kristen Stewart movie, 'Adventureland.' Not possible. Not by a long shot. No way.
I mean, I for one can't really relate to emo vampires, but I can totally relate to that amazing time in your life, when you are just out of school...that intoxicating mix of wanderlust,angst, hopefulness, fear, and awe. That I get, and 'Adventureland' lets that play out better than almost any move I have ever seen. It was low key, and brililant. Oh, and the, so perfect! For that, we have Yo La Tengo to thank...kudos YLT, 1987 never sounded so great!
First of, in the interest of full disclosure, I am predisposed to liking any band that works medieval weaponry into their name. But I would like to also state for the record, that the music of New York band Elizabeth and The Catapult is more than worthy of any and all accolades I give, cool name or not.
Elizabeth Ziman and her band play an awesomely infectious sort of folk rock type that makes their debut 'Taller Children' record one of my favorite of the year. Ooh, and they are playing a show here in Columbus on Monday October 12th w/ another new favorite of mine Chrisitina Courtin. Should be a fabulous Monday night.
You: Crazy zombie chick that jumped out of the window and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards you. Me: Guy with the un-gelled mohawk.
I asked you, "Am I going with you?" Then you started dancing and I joined. The people behind me were rude and made me move along. Maybe we can go out and get some brains some time.
My weekend is drawing to a close, sadly. I spent a good part of my weekend watching the Austin City Limits festival live webcast and wishing I was there. This marks the THIRD year I have actually bought ACL passes and NOT been able to go. One year my house unfortunately burnt down and my priorities shifted - instantly! One year I decided that instead of a weekend trip to Texas I would just move to California. And this year, it just didn't work out logistically speaking due to my innate sense of bad timing, and some other contributing factors.
2010, I am looking at you. You and me are gonna make it happen. I believe!
I FINALLY got around to seeing the Dave Eggers/Sam Mendes film 'Away We Go' last night, and my soul is all the better for it. John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph star as couple in their early thirties who are expecting their first child and basically looking for an ideal place to raise said child. I am no film critic, nor do I want to ruin the movie for you if you haven't seen I will say no more. I am just saying that this movie should be required viewing for anyone who is even remotely considering procreating. Seriously, it will be worth your time. .. if you are a definitive NO on the children front, it will still be worth your time...I promise.
And then there is the lovely soundtrack of songs recorded by Alexi Murdoch, each one perfectly fitting into it's own little piece of the film. Serendipitous synergy.
I love Doug Martsch...and all of his reverby, beautifully distorted glory is on full display on this brand new Built To Spill record. I can always count on a hanfdul of phrases on each BTS album that I will find myself referencing YEARS later...without fail. Lines like"They think that they get it, but they always get it wrong." and "I think Bill Hicks was right about what they should do"
...or my email is anyway! Hey, it's me Blair...the Certain Songs staff of one. I just do this for the love of the music and am in no way trying to rip anybody off, so if you are an artist or a record label and you are not happy that I am promoting your music, or you want me to take a song down, just shoot me an email and I will most definitely oblige.
And please support the artists I post here in whatever way you can if you do download a song...go to a show, buy some merch, buy an album...these songs are the soundtrack to my life and I just love to share them. But I can only do that if the insanely talented artist responsible for said songs are able to eat.
I also love hearing new any submissions can also be sent to my email, I will try my bestest to listen to everything and get back to you all...peace,love,rock n' roll.
Monthly Mix Tape
Mission Statement
I guess you're old enough to know. Kids out on the east coast. Roughly twenty years old. Got coaxed out by a certain perfect ratio. Of warm beer to the summer smoke. And the meat loaf to the billy joel. Certain songs they get so scratched into our souls.
She goes low on the seats when she gets high in her car. She looks shallow but shes neck deep in the steamy dreams of the guys along the harbor bars. She's pulling out her shirttails and jacking up her socks. Stern and stoned and confident, coming up towards the jukebox. Born into the only songs that everybody finally sings along. B-1 is for the good girls. It's only the good die young. C-9 is for the making eyes. It's paradise by the dashboard light. D4 is for the lovers. B12 is for the speeders. And the hard drugs are for the bartenders and the kitchen workers and the bartender's friends. And they're playing it again. Ellen Foley gives us hope. Certain songs they get scratched into our souls.
I guess you're old enough to know. Kids out on the west coast are taking off their clothes. Screwing in the surf and going out to shows. They get high and ride around in gtos. I guess you're old enough to know. CERTAIN SONGS THEY GET SCRATCHED INTO OUR SOULS. - The Hold Steady