I was bored so I started a blog

True story. Three years ago, out of boredom and a job that had the perfect storm of unfettered web access and an unhealthy amount of down time, I started this blog. And it's been a lot of fun and I have met some incredible music loving people along the way.
But now it seems that all of the fun of music blogging as sort of been sucked out of the process. My only goal with this thing was to share some songs I love with friends, both old and not yet made. About one out of every three songs I post now gets flagged and removed by one watchdog group or another. I think the game is really changing. Music blogging as a hobby is getting harder and harder to do. I have never put a single dime into my blog, nor have I made a single cent on it ...it's always just been a splendid distraction. But when the distractions start to lose their fun, then maybe it's time to try something new? I think so.
So I am not officially closing the blog down...just not going to be posting here anymore for awhile. Taking a very long,open ended leave of absence from this little corner of cyberspace. I plan on setting up a Tumblr account for my Craigslist missed connections dedications. Those will NEVER NOT be fun! And the ease of use and simple layout of Tumblr would be perfect for that sort of insanity. Ill post the link to the new endeavor here whenever I get around to setting it up.
Signing off with a couple of new tunes from some albums that aren't quite released yet...just to stick it to the MAN one last time!
* LCD Soundsystem - 'I Can Change' MP3
* Wolf Parade - 'Little Golden Age' MP3
Art House Director

* 'Art House Director' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
I locked up your salami
- w4m - 30 (Dayton)
Date: 2010-05-05, 12:07AM EDT
It begins like all [modern] interesting stories begin: we met here on Craigslist. You wanted to be spanked, verbally abused, humiliated, and otherwise dominated. I wanted to pay some bills. Sounded like a win/win situation. After a week of frequent communication we met at a motel, I spanked and verbally abused you, and at the end of it, per your desires, I locked you in a chastity device (I'd never have guessed that something so small could have been so hard to fit into its cage - very entertaining). Everything indicated a mutually beneficial semi-long-term arrangement. We parted company and said we'd chat more later.
It's been over a week and I haven't heard from you since our meeting. Hey, it's no skin off *my* nose, but you're still, um, incapacitated. I hope you were lying about this being the only key...or that you have a very understanding friend who's a locksmith. Otherwise, you've found a rather creative way to make yourself a eunuch, as I don't plan on hanging onto this key forever.
In any case, I'm kind of hoping you DON'T contact me again. This was an interesting story to start out with and now it's downright priceless. Unfortunately, I can't share this caliber of hilarity with most of my friends.
* Freelance Whales - 'We Could Be Friends' MP3
The band, not the movie

Even if the music wasn't so lovely I think I would have a soft spot in my heart for McCabe And Mrs. Miller. Any band named after a Robert Altman film is OK in my book. And yes, the music is excellent. He is Victor Krummenacher (Camper Van Beethoven, Monks of Doom) she is Alison Faith Levy (The Sippy Cups, The Loud Family) - together they make beautiful music as McCabe And Mrs Miller.
Here is the title track for their debut album...it's bittersweet and beautiful.
* 'Time For Leaving' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
30 years since you were laid
- m4w - 46
(Afternoon Conversation)
Date: 2010-05-03, 8:03PM EDT
We talked this afternoon when I got back in town. Spoke about the fact you have never been married and it's been 30 years since you've been railed. I complimented you on your cute ass and your physic in general. You know who I am and where I am staying tonight. Call me, I want you and have wanted you for years. I think you feel the same. Let's not kid each other any longer.
I just love that he lovingly uses the term "railed" in his attempts to woo his long time love. Just beautiful.
* Broken Family Band - 'Old Wounds'
Craigslist Musical Dedication
- m4w - 35 (COLUMBUS)
Date: 2010-05-03, 2:52PM EDT
I came in to get a venous doppler of my leg and your smile and attitude blew my mind....i would love to take u 2 dinner if your not attached...i was a marine sniper..hope to hear back.
Not sure if the "i was a marine sniper" part was to help her remember, or if it was designed as a thinly veiled threat. Either way...pretty creepy.
* Simple Minds - 'Don't You Forget About Me' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
The person that carved in
the concrete in front
of my house
Date: 2010-04-21, 3:51PM EDT
It has been about two years now that I have lived in this house and wonder why someone wrote Walker Texas Ranger in the concrete of my driveway. There you were, face to face with the possibility of being immortalized (or at least remembered for a few decades) by the occupants of the home that was being constructed before you, and this is what you choose? Perhaps you were put on the spot. The concrete was quickly drying and you had just finished reading two pages of Chuck Norris jokes. You know, the ones like,
"A Handicapped parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there."
Maybe you were actually a Walker Texas Ranger fan (although it is unlikely that a divorced woman between the ages 45 and 60 would write in wet concrete). Whatever the reason, I have to say I am disappointed. It would have been much better if you would have wrote something like “The guy that lives here kicks ass”, or “The guy that lives here doesn’t want to buy steaks out of the back of your truck.” Thats right meat truck guy that comes down my street, Im talking to you.
* Pearl Jam - 'Immortality' MP3
Love It To Life

And no mini posting spree this week would be complete from me without including a track from one of my favorites, Jesse Malin. I am such a sucker for his straight ahead, Bruce Springsteen-worshiping rock n roll.
His brand new record is called 'Love It To Life' and is vintage Malin, meaning pretty much a perfect summer rock record.
* 'St Mark's Sunset' MP3
Jesse Malin
Another post, another Portland band

Too Portland bands in a row. Totally unintentional. Not that it can be helped. I think with my taste in music it is impossible to go a week without posting about a band from either Portland,Austin, or Brooklyn.
This time around, the band is indie pop/lo-fi electronica act Cars And Trains. To me, they sound like a slightly more fleshed out Casiotone For The Painfully Alone. Pretty minimalistic, featuring sharp, clever lyrics. Their new record is called 'The Roots, The Leaves.'
Here is a sample of what's in store for you should you check it out...
* 'The Sun Always Sets' MP3
cars and trains
What We Lose In The Fire We Gain In The Flood

The Mynabirds (basically singer/songwriter Laura Burhenn) are out of Portland and have released their debut on April 27 entitled 'What We Lose It The Fire We Gain In The Flood.' I think I would have to love this band EVEN if the music weren't so good just because of their name. It's a tip of the cap to the near mythical R & B super group of the 60's featuring Neil Young and Rick James among others.
The record is fantastic, and is maybe my favorite debut disc so far this year. Just a beautiful sound that is hard to pin down...it's eclectic and incredible...well worth your time.
Here is one of my favorite tunes, enjoy...
* 'Numbers Don't Lie' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
my name is scott once
i was at dairy queen i saw
u ba - m4w - 32 (ohio)
Date: 2010-04-23, 1:54AM EDT
my name is scott once i was at dairy queen and you who i miss so dearly whipped up a killer sundae please come back baby today friday not sunday please crying sad - scott
* Clem Snide 'The Dairy Queen' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
At the Queer Sex Ed
Conference - w4w - 23
Date: 2010-04-20, 5:20PM MDT
You were sitting behind me at the Queer Sex Ed conference and chatted with me and my friend. She had the palm tattoo and I was wearing a black skirt and top. You are super cute and I want to take you on a date! I believe you asked my friend for my number later...not sure if it was delivered. Respond with your name so I know it is you :)
If this missed connection pans out we will finally have a winner in the category of "Best Story About How I Met My Significant Other"
* Jill Sobule - 'I Kissed A Girl' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Sunless in Columbus
- m4w - 30
(At the corner of bar
and dance floor)
Date: 2010-04-25, 2:55AM EDT
You: Delightful lass at Outland on Saturday with the low cut dress and lower cut bosom. Me: That guy dressed in black. You know, the tall one. We traded smiles. Let's see if we have any common interests other than red lights, throbbing bass music and Addam's Family Fashion. Your man looked like he came from Ikea, time to trade him in.
* Pavement - 'Date With IKEA' MP3
Here's To Taking It Easy

This song is the exact reason I started my little blog. It's 9:41PM on a Sunday night and I just heard an amazing song and felt the need to throw it out into the world. Just sitting here, relaxing on a fine Ohio evening, listening to the brilliant new Phosphorescent record 'Here's To Taking It Easy' and this song popped up...and I had to share it.
I do believe Matthew Houck has outdone himself.
* 'Tell Me Baby (have you had enough?)' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication - Coachella 2010 Edition
Coachella - Spoon - m4w - 26
Date: 2010-04-20, 5:21PM PDT
I think I fell in love with you at Spoon. Granted, I barely said a word to you and I was in love with everybody at the festival and I couldn't even feel my hands at the time because I had just taken the best E of my life... That show was amazing! Right? And Thom Yorke afterwards? I should have pulled it together and at least attempted to flirt with you. But this is what happens when Im rolling. I think pure thoughts and dance with myself. Haha. Awesome weekend!
"I was in love with everybody at the festival" - I love drugs. See how much better the world is when people are on drugs?
* Spoon - 'The Way We Get By' MP3
The Sweet Part Of The City

Another Coachella has come and gone, and as always, it was THE best weekend of the year! I will get around to attempting to summarize it in blog form eventually, but now there is just too much new music stacked up for me to listen to...it the best sort of overwhelming.
And of course, I am having trouble even getting to anything else because I am so in love with this new Hold Steady record. In fact when I first got my hands on it, I repeated this track - the first one on the record - over and over. It blew me away. Of course, I am totally biased, but I think this album is easily one of their best efforts. Same great songs, with an evolving sound.
I can't wait to hear the end of this track live...I can already imagine an entire barful of my new closest friends singing along with "...we like to play for you, we like to play for you, we like to play for you."
* 'The Sweet Part Of The City' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Your arm caught on fire!
- m4m - 36
(Easy St. Cafe, German Village)
Date: 2010-04-11, 11:28PM EDT
Busy saturday night at Easy St. Cafe... your arm briefly caught on fire when you lit our saganaki! It was very exciting, and your grace under pressure was admirable. I hope you're ok. You were a greater waiter, and I'd love to take you out sometime, and check on that arm. :)
* Band Of Skulls - 'Fires' MP3
Off and on is what we want

Happy Coachella week!!! I won't be around much this week...but while I am here, I plan on sharing some awesome new music.
In fact, as I type this I am listening to the brand new Broken Social Scene record...and it's pretty incredible. Check this tune out...one of 14 brand new ones on the forthcoming 'Forgiveness Rock Record.'
* 'Sentimental X's' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Let's Build Something Together
- m4w - 27 (E. Broad Lowes)
Date: 2010-04-07, 2:53PM EDT
I came into the Lowe's on East Broad looking for a job and ended up seeing the most beautiful lil' blonde woman....a sculptor couldn't have formed a better shape, an architect couldn't have designed a more perfect face, a painter couldn't have colored a more beautiful persona, and a writer could not have crafted a more curiously intriguing soul. I think you are a manager there.... I happened to be there during your team meeting....haha, why did you want to leave the room? You seem sweet, sensitive, innocent, a little shy, and just too perfect. I can't get your big, sweet, compassionate, soul-piercing eyes out of my mind! I have never done this before, but your glance has left me no choice. Unfortunately, I didn't get the job, but what dissappoints me most is that I won't have the opportunity to flirt with you at work. I would like to get to know you better if you are interested. I am a clean-cut, educated, down-to earth, hard-working, sensitive artist with muscle. I moved out here a month ago and it has been hard meeting cool people to hang out with, let alone someone to enjoy my life with. I am a knight always on the look out for my princess, if you and I were meant to be then I believe that you will somehow see this post. I think that you know who I am, and I hope our paths may cross again sometime perfect stranger.
* Beastie Boys - 'It Takes Time To Build' MP3
This Too Shall Pass Away

Apologies for the lack of posts lately...been really busy, and I just haven't really had much come across my ears that I felt I HAD to share.
Well, that all changed about five minutes ago when I heard this Xiu Xiu song. This one off of the cheerfully titled 'Dear God I Hate Myself' record...beautiful track.
* 'This Too Shall Pass Away(For Freddy)' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Brandon: if by chance you see
this I mean you - 20
(OSU campus)
Date: 2010-04-07, 2:16AM EDT
Well I would expect you to read this since this is where you first emailed me from. When I got your message I honestly wasn't enthused you weren't my type but when you asked me to the movies I really wanted to go that weekend it's kind of ironic in a way. Your sense of humor was off a little but I liked it you made me smile and I thought you were amazing and I really don't know why it was something about you that I liked. Afer the movie we went back to my room and had a few drinks and I honestly thought we had fun but I guess I was wrong. I texted you the next day and got no respond until you realized you had forgot your charger and you needed it for work monday. You brought your friend with you which I didn't understand I guess it was for him to judge me but I don't know because I haven't heard from you since then which I think is kind of messed up something would have been better than nothing but I guess that's all it was to you...nothing. I doubt you see this or even care but I just wanted to say I thought you were great and have a nice life
And there you have it. In one long, rambling paragraph. The star-crossed love affair between Brandon and this CL girl. It's true, the brightest flames burn the quickest.
* REM - 'So. Central Rain' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 11 Days To Go

Today's Coachella artist of the day are my second favorite Danish band at the festival this year(sorry, The Raveonettes are #1)
Mew...straight outta Copenhagen
* 'Her Voice Is Beyond Her Years' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
restraining order - 20 (OSU)
Date: 2010-04-05, 2:07AM EDT
To my favorite ex-boyfriend (sweet Benjamin):
I realize that you're having difficulty looking at me since it's been over a year since we broke up, and that I now shrink your erection (don't worry, you're not the only one!), but I would really appreciate it if you'd take a break from telling our friends I'm psychologically demented. Clearly, you want to have sex with me, and that's what this is all about. The few times we did have sex were alright I guess, but while you never could finish without making ridiculous high-pitched noises as if you were in pain, I wouldn't mind trying again. But this game you're playing (yelling at me to stop "following you" when we go to the same church, not looking me in the eyes in public, getting a restraining order on me, "confessing" to your parents that we had sex as if God had a problem with it, yelling at me about how I'm wrong about something in general - what I have yet to figure out) is really driving me bonkers. I would have sex with you again, I really would. However after I realized that while we were still together, you thought you stood a chance with this one slut (we'll call her Amy J) who happens to 1. lead a Bible study and 2. talk about sex and God inextricably more than any other vagina I've met, well, it's just become a little bit more complicated. You see my sweet love, she knows that you want to have sex with her. This is in fact why she is so coy with you! On again off again! "Hard to catch" and yet SUCH a good friend! All girls are like this. We KNOW. Penis trumps all. That is, until we get married, then we really have no idea that it was all about the sex. You left me for this other vagina, and I'm just going to say. That was wrong. That was cold, well-executed (I didn't even believe it for almost a year! But my dad set me straight, understanding himself very well), and did I say cold? When you broke up with me and I acted like that was alright, you went straight to Amy J and got sad. She wanted to help, so she IM'd me and said you needed space. I should have listened, I'm sorry for not giving you space then! Maybe then you would have ignored her fat slimy ass. She really does have butter thighs, you know. I/everyone was shocked when they figured out you were chasing a chubby instead of your Playboy-bunny ex-girlfriend.
Anyway.. seeing as how you don't even know I exist anymore in real life (I had to ask you if you got a lawyer to get your attention) well, I'm sorry the sex will never be that good again, but if you want to work it out... you have my number. Just don't expect sex til there's a ring on my finger and bells ringing, bitch.
See you in court tomorrow.
* The New Pornographers - 'The Laws Have Changed' MP3
So good at being so sad

Only seems right that I should share some new music from one of my very favorite singer/songwriters, Damien Jurado, on this, an overcast and gray Monday morning. I love the man and his music, but it is most definitely on the sadder side of the spectrum. Bleak and beautiful. And this brand new record, 'Saint Bartlett' is no exception.
The record comes out on May 5th...here is one of my favorite tunes for you.
* 'Rachel & Cali' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Beer Tub Girl - m4w - 34
(8yrs Ago)
Date: 2010-04-03, 5:34PM CDT
You were a beer tub girl at club Cancun, your name was Steph. You were going to marry the Mgr there. We had talked every night I came in, I had told you that I would always remember you. You never believed me, well here I am 8yrs later thinking about you. If there was a chance you would see this, I would really love to hear from ya.
8yrs...wow...do you know how many beer tub girls he could have fallen in love with in 8yrs?? She may in fact be the one.
* The Smiths - 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Looking for a girl I met
on craigslist - m4w
Date: 2010-03-30, 7:34PM MDT
I am looking for a girl that I met on craigslisy a few months back. We had sex in my car. Then I dropped you back off at the gas station that I picked you up by. If you think you may be this girl write me an email.
Key things so I know it was you.
You had sone tattoos. Where were they and what where they.
What cross streets was the gas station on.
Around what time did I pick you up?
What was wrong with my ears?
Did you give me your number to text?
Did I have any tattoos?
Please write me back. Even if you don't want to meet me again so I at least know to stop looking.
Good thing he has like 7 security questions here as there will no doubt be HUNDREDS of girls responding to his email. Girls who are desperate to get in touch with the guy was chivalrous enough to drop the girl back off at the gas station after he just had sex with her in his car .
* Ryan Adams - 'Call Me On Your Way Back Home' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 13 Days To Go

I can honestly tell you that I could not name three Public Image,Ltd songs. Actually, not even one. I am no pop music historian and I am especially not in the know about the early 80's UK bands. Just never took the time to listen really. Which makes me a failed music geek on most levels...and I am ok with that.
I will, however, try and check out at least a couple of songs from the PiL set just so I can say that I saw an original Sex Pistol play...so I guess I have that going for me.
* 'This Is Not A Love Song; MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
F*CK It babe-Intended 4
a.k.a. C.C. (Finally there)
Date: 2010-04-02, 1:33AM EDT
I gotta walk on this one, sorry. I feel like a fool for letting it go on this long but now enough is enough it's closure time...Since you will not come out and be honest then I will be honest for the both of us...
Well, I have to admit that u actually f*cked me up, not us, me...U led me on with deep emotional sh*t when u should have just been open with me and u could have seen whoever but to lead me on and play like your the saint, well enough said, I'm burned out.
Oh yea, while your still loving you I am still loving life...Just come out and say whats on your mind, who cares anyway, it would just help me get over this sh*t alot quicker and for good but i'll do it on my own.
But wait....he wasn't quite finished
re:F*CK it babe-Mind f*cked?..
Date: 2010-04-02, 1:52AM EDT
I would say that u r the best at trying to mind f*ck other people or me anyway...Please disregard that letter...Maybe in another life time...Good night I will never love you...
U made your choice and u actually have the nerve to try to rub it in my face but are to much of a coward to just say it which would be a blessing for me because I would be brand new instantly and u would be forgotten within seconds which now it will take hours but who cares as long as u and everything that u have ran on me and about u is behind me for good.
Hint: Your a front(Courtney a.k.a. C.C.)
What an awesome display of relationship melodrama! I also love how he, the guy posting his venomous rant on Craigslist, calls her a coward. Brilliant.
* Mike Ness - 'Don't Think Twice' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 14 Days To Go

We are in the midst of "Coachella comes to Columbus" week apparently. Passion Pit, Vampire Weekend, Tegan and Sara, and the xx will have all played shows here by the end of the weekend. And I didn't have to go to any of them. One stop shopping at the beautiful polo grounds in Indio. Oh Coachella....how I love you so.
* Tegan And Sara - 'Walking With A Ghost' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 15 Days To Go

It's a gorgeous, sunny spring day here in Ohio...so the Coachella countdown band of the day HAS to be the pure, warm popiness that is Matt & Kim.
* 'Daylight' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
closeted foot fetish guy from
the fall - 19 (Campus)
Date: 2010-03-31, 7:25PM EDT
Hey, i answered your craig's list posting in the fall and we hung out a couple of times, you had a really big foot fetish and you were really hot. You were in the closet and no one knew about you. We went to your storage unit and we messed around on the hood of my car. I don't have your number anymore and idk if you have mine. I'm posting this in case you wanna get back in touch and mess around again. If you are this guy tell me the color or make of my car to let me know its you.
"there's a skeleton in every man's house..."
* Counting Crows - 'Perfect Blue Buildings' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Frog Bear and Wild Boar,
Sat Night. You have my
- m4w - 26 (Columbus)
Date: 2010-03-29, 10:23PM EDT
Just was kind of curious as to how to get them back, and maybe have brunch or coffee sometime. I can also give you your underwear back...
* The Gaslight Anthem - 'I Don't Hook Up'(Kelly Clarkson cover) MP3
If I Had A Hi-Fi

One of my favorite bands is releasing one of the coolest cover records of the year very soon. Nada Surf puts there on spin on tunes from living legends(Depeche Mode), forgotten geniuses(Bill Fox), and even contemporaries(Spoon,The Soft Pack) on their super fun new album 'If I Had A Hi-Fi.'
Here is there version of a great Kate Bush tune.
* 'Love And Anger' MP3
kate bush,
nada surf
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 16 Days To Go

* P.O.S. - 'Purexed' MP3

* b.o.b. - 'Generation Lost' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 18 Days To Go

After doing these countdown posts for like 50 consecutive days now...I am going to say nothing, and just post songs :-)
* Dirty Projectors - 'Stillness Is The Move' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
/STRAW HAT (skully's )
Date: 2010-03-28, 1:22PM EDT
i told you it was a good look for you.
you were tall with your friend. i am tall and with my friend. get in touch
Oh, so close...I was there. I am tall. But NOT, I repeat, NOT in a straw hat...still, I should reply and try and fake my way into a first date...but the lack of gender identification scares me. How awkward would it be to show up for coffee, under false pretenses mind you, to find a really tall Two Cow Garage loving dude there. Really, really awkward.
Two Cow Garage
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 19 Days To Go

The Avett Brothers are most definitely one of the bands I am most looking forward to seeing. If ever there was a band that was made for a big festival stage underneath California desert skies, it's the Avetts.
Avett Brothers
Songs from the movie in my head: New Year's Kiss
SCENE: Shot in a grainy black and white, set in a dark, divey bar... it's raining...girl splashes drink in guy's face...fade to black
* Casiotone For The Painfully Alone - 'New Year's Kiss' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 20 Days To Go
My blog my rules right? So instead of posting a solo Thom Yorke song I am going to post my favorite radiohead song. I also love the fact that someone heard this song and thought it would perfect for a 'Lost' fan vid. God bless the internet and super fans. Pick a song...any song, and do a youtube search for it. My research shows that there is a 90% probability that said song will have a Harry Potter clip attached to it. Feel free to share your favorites in the comment section below.
Craigslist Musical Dedication
you were the long island to my
ice tea - m4m - 23
(Short North Union Cafe)
Date: 2010-03-26, 2:26PM EDT
We always seemed to catch each others eye across the crowded bar last night at Union. A sexy cute blondie wearing that way HOT Hollister tee. It showed off your body so well.
I was with some friends who kept pushing me to talk to you but I was way too shy. I have dark hair and blue eyes that are real not from contacts. I was wearing the red A & F tee shirt and ripped jeans.
I really felt a connection and hope you did too, would love to try again Saturday night.?
Soon as I read this...this song was playing in my head...of course, the hold steady's songs are constantly running through my head...but sometimes they find a purpose
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 21 Days To Go

Twenty one days to go. I am honestly having trouble remembering who I've included in this countdown...but I don't think I have posted Vampire Weekend yet. And since the sun is shining so brightly this afternoon, I will go with VW for today's post. Someone once told me that Vampire Weekend would be the perfect band to have play at your neighborhood cookout. I had to agree. I am not a huge fan, but as far as background music goes it's perfect...light and summery.
The band will also forever hold a special place in my heart for the lyric "who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma"...ivy league angst never sounded so good.
* 'Oxford Comma' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
old navy girl in st.clairsville -
m4w - 35 (st. clairsville ohio)
Date: 2010-03-24, 10:21PM EDT
i am looking for the petite girl who worked in old navy in st clairsville ohio, a while before they closed. i think you said you were from shadyside ohio. i thiink you are awesome! if anyone knows who she is please write to me, she is my soul mate i just know it!
Thirty five year old guy finds soul mate from Shadyside,OH...at an Old Navy...who says romance is dead?
* David Bowie - 'Soul Love' MP3

There is a brand new record from Dr. Dog due out on April 6. 'Shame Shame' is the name of the LP, and I am already in love with it. DD have been releasing great record after great record for years now, and this may be the album that actually blows them up...I hope so, it's brilliant.
* 'Jackie Wants A Black Eye' MP3
One is not a style, one is not a trend

As I sit listening to this new Roky Erickson record, I have to remind myself that he hasn't been playing with the boys in Okkervil River for years. It just works, this mix of generations. The album is fantastic, Roky's songwriting and OR's tight, bluesy backing sound scape make for one hell of a rock n roll record. Now I just need the cross country road trip to go with it...
The record is called 'True Love Cast Out All Evil' and it is available on April 20th.
* 'Forever' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 22 Days To Go

I have seen today's Coachella spotlight act twice before I believe, both times in very small bars. I am curious to see how their show works in a festival setting.
Here is a track off their fantastic LP 'The Rhumb Line'
* 'Each Year' MP3
Ra Ra Riot
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Hotel Sex
Date: 2010-02-23, 3:39PM EST
So, I'm minding my own business and I hear a woman masterbating in the next room...she came 5 or 6 times. Very hot. I called your room and left a message of encouragement...
Tell me what hotel and I'll tell you the room....
(I know it's a million in one shot).
* Adem - 'Hotellounge' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 24 Days To Go

I have to admit, I have never been the biggest fan of Les Claypool's music, be it in Primus or any of his several other semi-solo versions. But I also think it is impossible to totally dislike him. There is no doubting his originality, and of course his insane bass skills. And he has an deniable knack for telling some great, quirky stories in his own brilliantly unique version of Americana.
* 'Iowan Gal' MP3
les claypool
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Witch man - m4m - 44
Date: 2010-03-03, 10:10PM EST
Sort of a wierd post. I am a pagan eclectic man who wants to share his wisdom and love with a like minded man. I am polyamorous, very sensual and ready to take a fellow explorer to the deepest levels of passion. Love is not required, your sexual abandon is. Textbook Aquarius: mental sci fi, far out, dreamer dude that doesnt understand limits. Gimme a try, you adventurous types!
* Heartless Bastards - 'Witchypoo' MP3
Heartless Bastards
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 25 Days To Go

Another day closer to Coachella. Today's spotlight band is Hot Chip, straight outta London. Hard to believe these guys have been around since 2004, seems like they just burst on the scene last week. I think this is a good thing, means we aren't tired of them yet.
Here is my favorite Hot Chip tune, the title track to their 2006 record...enjoy.
* 'The Warning' MP3
Hot Chip
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 26 Days To Go

Today's Coachella artist of the day is Canadian band Tokyo Police Club. .
Here is a song off of their 'Elephant Shell' record...a song so good, they made a movie about it.
* 'Juno' MP3
tokoyo police club
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 27 Days To Go

If a friend of mine hadn't made me a copy of the album 'Split The Country Split The Street' last year, then Kevin Devine would have been just another name in small print at the bottom of the Coachella poster that I wasn't very familiar with. But now that I have said copy of cd and have grown to love it, Mr. Devine is on my "must see" list for the festival.
* 'No One Else's Problems' MP3
Kevin Devine
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Brillobox accidental hand
down your shirt. - m4w - 31
Date: 2010-03-18, 5:01PM EDT
As I was waving goodbye to a friend and exiting the door my hand somehow ended up down your shirt as you were entering the bar. I apologized and you kissed me on the mouth. I was a white male in a Pens jersey. You were girl in boots with brown hair. I thought you were a sweetheart. Maybe accidents happen for a reason so, I'm givin you a shout out on Craigslist. Get at me. Boob Dude
* Rilo Kiley - 'Accidntel Deth' - MP3
Stuck On Nothin'

Call it perfect timing. It seems that just as I started to get into this Free Energy record, somebody flipped the switch...winter went away, and the Sun won't stop shining. This album sounds like spring to me...eternal hope. It also sounds A LOT like Cheap Trick...and that's OK. Embrace what you are, own your sound(or own Cheap Trick's sound)...especially if its this good.
* 'Young Hearts' MP3
free energy
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 28 Days To Go

Today's Indio-bound artist of the day is another outfit that I had admittedly never heard of until I saw them on the Coachella poster. The band is Delphic, is an alternative/dance band from that musical mecca of Manchester in the UK.(And for future reference, it's a pretty safe bet that if some band describes their sound with any variation of 'dance' in the genre, that I have not heard their music.) Their debut disc is called 'Acolyte' and it came out in January of this year.
* 'This Momentary' MP3
"Children by the million sing for Alex Chilton..."

The way I came to discover the music of Alex Chilton is not a cool story. Not at all. I was a junior in high school I believe, just really getting into music for the first time in my life. I mean, REALLY getting into it. Like, listening to a record on repeat for hours on end, obsessively researching the most mundane details of your new favorite band. That sort of thing. The obsession of the moment was the Counting Crows and their record 'August And Everything After.'
I would spend my weekends heading down to the cool records stores on the Ohio State campus, scouring the import sections for insanely overpriced live recordings of excruciatingly bad quality. Seriously, I bought multiple Counting Crows bootlegs that cost close to $50 and sounded like they were recorded from a cassette player in a guy's back pocket...500 yards from the stage. And these were my prized possessions for an 18 month period of my life. On one of these bootlegs, during the 17 minute long performance of the 3 minute song "Mr. Jones", Adam Duritz changed the lyric "I wanna be Bob Dylan" to "I wanna be Alex Chilton"...I remember using an internet search engine for one of the first times in my life to see who this Chilton dude was. To this day, one of the best uses of technology in the history of my life.
I listened to a ton of Big Star that summer and a lot of his previous band, The Box Tops. But it would take years for me to really consider myself a fan of his music. But now, almost 20yrs later, and having fallen in love with the music from so many other artist's who considered Alex Chilton a HUGE influence, I am a huge fan. When I had heard that he passed away yesterday, I was stunned, saddened, but most of all just grateful for the hundreds of hours I have been able to spend listening to his music.
Thank you Mr. Chilton.
* Big Star - 'The Ballad Of El Goodo' MP3
* Big Star - 'September Gurls' MP3
* Big Star - 'Thirteen' MP3
* The Replacements - 'Alex Chilton' MP3
Alex Chilton
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 29 Days To Go

Today's Coachella artist of the day is actually here in Columbus next week. I heard a commercial for the gig on the radio this morning and realized I hadn't profiled them yet on my little countdown. Like a lot of people, I think I first heard Temper Trap in the movie '500 Days Of Summer'...and since then their debut album 'Conditions' has been on semi-regular rotation here...especially during long bus trips, as I find their music makes an amazing people watching soundtrack.
* 'Fader' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
ADULT SECTION - m4w - 28
Date: 2010-03-17, 12:50AM EDT
I am looking for two sisters who used to post ads with a picture of both of them offering their services as escorts. I believe one of your names was Sarah. Please get back to me if you see this ad, because I am interested in your services and would like to get a hold of you. Thank
OK, this guy totally creeps me out...so I am using the musical portion of this post as a bit of an editorial.
* Wye Oak - 'I Hope You Die' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 30 Days To Go

Tis a momentous landmark here on the Coachella 2010 countdown...only 30 days left! That's like...a month! So close now...after a long Ohio winter with only occasional outbreaks of live music to amuse me, in thirty days we descend on the desert for three days of pure musical bliss!
Today's artist of the day will be Austin's Spoon...since there is that other little musical get together happening right now in Texas.
Having file hosting issues again...so instead sharing of an MP3 off the new record like I wanted to do, I can only offer up some youtube goodness...enjoy
spoon. coachella 2010
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Chat Roulette - w4m - 21
Date: 2010-03-13, 3:28AM EST
My roommate and I were goofing around on Chat Roulette tonight. It was our first time.
You asked us what we were doing on there. We said it was drunk boredom. I told you that you looked like Conor Oberst and you said you were blushing. I mentioned that I was roadtripping through Ohio next week after you mentioned that you live there. You said that you just graduated from college and then we got disconnected. Would like to talk to you again, if you see this!
Wonder how long it will be until the first Chat Roulette related murder happens? Not long I am thinking...
* Conor Oberst - 'Ten Women' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 31 Days To Go

She is Zooey Deschanel. He is M. Ward. They are today's Coachella artist of the day.
Here is a new one from the forthcoming, aptly titled 'Volume 2'
* She & Him - 'Lingering Still' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Cup O'Joe at Easton Sunday
afternoon - w4m - 37 (Easton)
Date: 2010-03-15, 12:37PM EDT
You: Tall, slim, good looking man at the coffee bar at Cup O'Joes at Easton Sunday (3/14) afternoon. Probably around 2 PM. You stood at the coffee bar awaiting your drink for a moment, right in front of me. I stopped breathing. Brown hair with a bit of curl to it. Green, maybe blue eyes. Ruggedly handsome face.6 foot tall or taller?
I want to say you were wearing a light tan shirt/sweater and jeans? I was too star-struck to notice.
I don't think you were with anyone. I was there, on like the ump-teenth bad first date meet-n-greet. Else I would have stood up and introduced myself. But that would have been rude to the young gentleman who was there filling me in on the elaborate life of his houseplants.
Regardless, if I never find you again. You gave me HOPE. I've been going out on first dates, maybe second dates, wondering if I would ever find anyone in the Columbus area that might tug at my heart strings again. You did. And then I lost sight of you.
Knowing my luck, you were probably gay. . . . . . .
I was the girl at the coffee bar with the geeky guy in an orange shirt. I am blond, with straight hair and bangs, shoulder length. Full lips, blue eyes. Mid 30's. Wearing a blue v-necked sweater. . . . .
Oh, amazing man . . where did you go? Give me hope there are men like you in Columbus .
* The White Stripes - 'One More Cup Of Coffee' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 32 Days To Go

I have to admit, that after doing this for more than 40 straight days, I am starting to forget who I have already blogged about...ah, the awesome side effects of aging and youthful indiscretions. But, then I saw this little bit of comedy this morning, and it hit me that I haven't posted the Strokes front man Julian Casablancas yet.
* 'River Of Brakelights' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
clampdown girl in the
black boots - m4w - 26
Date: 2010-03-14, 4:35AM EDT
so i had this plan to come talk to you while you were dancing, but i am a terrible dancer so i flaked and decided to wait until you walked by. then towards then end of the night as you did walk by our booth to leave, some long-haired, drunk idiot from the bar decided to talk shit talk me and i missed my chance to try and say something smoooooth. you looked kind of tall (could have been the boots), were wearing a one piece(?) black dress, had shortish dark hair, and were with 3-4 girlfriends. i am assuming you were single just by intuition, but couldn't believe someone like you might actually be without a dude. i realize that i just described probably 30% of the girls at clampdown, but i never go to ravari and the one night i actually saw someone i wanted to talk to, i got blocked by some ass. that's why i'm posting. i'm not a creep. i swear.
Ah yes, some of the best missed connections come RIGHT after the poster gets home from the bar, and the alcohol and the agony of the missed connection join forces to create an impulsive, poorly worded manifesto...I am so glad to be alive in the time of Craigslist!
* The Clash - 'Clampdown' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 33 Days To Go

Today's Coachella artist of the day is one that I know next to nothing about, I am not even going to try and fool ya. And for the big music geek that I am, this why I love Coachella so much, getting exposed to artists and even genres that I wouldn't otherwise think twice about.
So, here we go...uncharted pop music territory
* Little Boots - 'Earthquake' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
you are my english teacher
- w4m (OSU)
Date: 2010-03-12, 3:59AM EST
You seem like kind of a dork and you are always making jokes and references that no one laughs at but you seem pretty cool in a Stephen Malkmus look-alike kind of way. I run into you outside of class quite often, usually at odd hours of the night and every time you talk to me you are always geekin' out. I would like to know why you are always spazzing out like this, but I thought it would be weird to ask.
* Stephen Malkmus - 'The Hook' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 34 Days To Go

Today's Coachella spotlight act is - and I am excited to used this next phrase, as it will more than likely be the only time in my life that I get to do so - are New Jersey based indie rock legends, Yo La Tengo.
The band was formed in Hoboken in 1984 and are still going strong!! And somehow, I have never seen them play(I have seen Bush play...TWICE, but never Yo La Tengo?)... so i am looking forward to finally fixing that in Indio.
* 'Our Way To Fall' MP3
yo la tengo
Craigslist Musical Dedication
PEN PAL - m4w - 56
Date: 2010-03-12, 8:30AM EST
PO BOX 300
- Location: ORIENT OHIO
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
![]() |
"currently a guest of the state of Ohio" is my new favorite euphemism for doing 20 to life!
* Laura Marling - 'New Romantic' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 35 Days To Go

Full disclosure: I have never been a huge Blur fan, and I only casually listened to the first two Gorillaz records. I didn't dislike them, but I also wouldn't consider either album essential listening. And, I love to watch musicians, so the idea of watching their animated set at Coachella isn't a real high priority for me.
I am, however, happy that they have added Mos Def to the mix for this latest record. His presence alone makes me like 'Plastic Beach' better than its predecessors.
* 'Sweepstakes' MP3
Coachella Artists O'the Day: 36 Days To Go

Today's Coachella artist of the day, The Cribs, are no longer just a family affair. Legendary former Smiths and Modest Mouse axe man Johnny Marr has been playing with the Brothers Jarman for the last couple of years. Mr. Marr has to be one of the coolest mercenary guitar players in rock history!
Here is a tune off of the band's 2009 release 'Ignore The Ignorant.'
* 'Victim Of Mass Production' MP3
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Been listening to
too much Abraham-Hicks
- 31 (the vortex)
Date: 2010-02-25, 3:01PM EST
i am a very spiritual woman. and so i know that i alone create my circumstances. it has been a long time since i've had a serious relationship, and even longer since i actually shared a real connection with somebody. so in the spirit of the "law of attraction" i am putting forth what i desire to be returned to me. this is in no way an offer for a date, or whatever, its just my way of issuing to the universe what i want to have manifest in my life. by posting it to people who will hopefully read the whole thing, i hope that the added brain power (attention and focus) will multiply my own intention and thus make it happen quicker :) i dont think its a mystery that what i want is a man. correction: not a man, THE man. my other half, my twin flame, the only person who can get me completely. i ache for this to be so. i can see how we are together, every detail, and its just beautiful. i want you in my life! so i sat down and started writing down (surprise) some of the qualities that i want in this man that the universe shall make for me. many of these things could fall under the category of "in line with his true self", but for the purpose of specificity, i thought they should be included separately. In no particular order, he will be:
-intellectual and open minded
-reasonable, rational, responsible
-sensible and practical
-have integrity and morals.
-tall, and handsome, preferably darkish in tone (eyes, hair, and/or skin, whatever)
-fun and funny
-deeply spiritual
-working towards aligning with his true self
-understands the infinite creative power of his mind
-encouraging and positive
-affectionate and expressive
-has moxy and can handle my sassy self too
-sometimes spontaneous and generally cheery
-complex and deep
-charming and charismatic
-tactful and honest
-calm, capable, confident
-eccentric, unique, quirky
-talented and skilled in several areas
-passionate about the things he believes in
-has sharp, sarcastic wit and uses it judiciously.
-has generous, giving nature, balanced with healthy self-interest
-into continuous self-improvement
-totally enraptured by every aspect of me :)
-a great kisser, amazing in bed, similar kinks
-financially stable and responsible
-into healthy living (and inspires me to be more so), natural remedies, vegetarian?
-loves to cook and encourages me to love it too
-loves animals, children, and "the small things"
-awake to conspiracies and the like, or at least open minded enough to eventually see.
-has the keys to fit my locks, and the locks that fit my keys
-lives in abundance and gratitude.
So shall it be.
Ok...so I googled Abraham-Hicks...it's like the existential equivalent of bad tween music...the Justin Bieber of philosophy! (yeah, just throwing Bieber in there to get a spike in site traffic)
* The Tallest Man On Earth - 'Into The Stream' MP3
Home And Somewhere Else

The Portland band Mimicking Birds have just released a brand new self-titled ablum, which unfortunately I do not have yet. I do have their gorgeous 2009 EP ,however, 'Home And Somewhere Else' and it appears that a few tracks are on both releases. The band has been championed by fellow by fellow Pacific Northwesterner and Modest Mouse leader Issac Brock, which is how I first heard about the band...on a blog post of his I believe.
* 'Cabin Fever' MP3
mimicking birds,
modest mouse
Coachella Artists O'the Day: 37 Days To Go

Busy day yesterday, virtually no internet down time...so I need to post two bands to get the countdown back on track this morning.
So...how about a super group double dip...
* The Dead Weather - 'I Cut Like A Buffalo' MP3
* Them Crooked Vultures - 'Mind Eraser No Chaser' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 39 Days To Go

My God, I was a freshman in high school when this album blew up! Now, 21 years later...I will finally get to see it performed live...thank you Coachella.
* 'Epic' MP3
coachella 2010,
Faith No More
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 40 Days To Go

It's been a reflective, sentimental Sunday. It's a sad part of the process for me. Anytime a beloved musician passes away, I start recollecting over all of these awesome people who have wandered in and out of my life, and the songs I used to associate with them. Music as therapy I suppose.
That was me thinking out loud, instigated by this song...can't wait to see Deerhunter in the desert.
* Deerhunter -'Saved By Old Times' MP3
RIP Mark Linkous...it's truly a sad and beautiful world

I am here with a heavy heart. The mad genius behind one of my all time favorite bands- Sparklehorse- has passed away. I feel like someone just sucked the wind out of me.
Thank you for the music Mark, and for the hours upon hours of beautiful inspiration, distraction, and motivation...whenever I needed it, I just pressed play.
Eternal sigh...
* 'Sad And Beautiful World' MP3
* 'Some Sweek Day' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 41 Days To Go

Busy, busy day... on the go non stop...just dropping by my blog for a second to push the Coachella coundtown one day closer to liftoff.
On my way way to see Two Cow Garage at my very favorite Columbus bar, the Rumba Cafe...which is where I saw Deer Tick when they were in town. So, seems like a good day for Deer Tick...awesome live band, looking forward to seeing them again in April.
* 'Smith Hill' MP3
deer tick
Craigslist Musical Dedication
girl with tight pants
at walmart - m4w - 25
Date: 2010-02-25, 11:56PM EST
i saw you a few times at walmart Thursday night, between 7-8...you were wearing really tight pants, you had a really nice small tight ass....you were talking on your phone pretty much the whole time. you were with a friend. i would love to talk to you...maybe hang out sometime....your friend can come too....get back to me...
* Afghan Whigs - 'Gentlemen' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 42 Days To Go

Slay And The Family Stone = living legends. Truly.
It's Friday, we only have 42 days til paradise in the desert...we shall celebrate with funk. How awesome it going to witness this in the desert???
* 'I Want To Take You Higher' MP3
coachella 2010,
sly family stone
Craigslist Musical Dedication
Date: 2010-03-03, 5:42PM EST
one large one on his arm
one near the groin of a tazmanian devil and an E for his wife's name near the large tat..although he says the E is for his high school
brown hair (what is left of it), goatee, tall, overweight, eats that pinch tobacco (puts in the bottom of his front lip), two older kids (might have younger ones, too), has a Harley..is this the guy?
If so, my cousin went out with him. He semmed nice. I know he was in the Army and he works fr Nasa. Is this the same guy all these posts are about? Please email me.
A Tasmanian devil groin tattoo AND he works for NASA? Ladies and gentlemen, meet the most interesting man in the world.
* Joseph Arthur - 'Speed Of Light' MP3
Coachella Artist O'the Day: 43 Days To Go

First time I ever heard Echo And The Bunnymen my older brother was playing this record in his bedroom, over and over again. He had just started college and was in that wide-eyed "look at what I just discovered" sort of state. He made me listen to 'Killing Moon' like 3 times in a row. The 9yr old me was not impressed.
The nearly middle aged me, however, is so excited to check them out at Coachella this year!!
* 'Killing Moon' MP3