Coachella Artist O'the Day: 33 Days To Go

Today's Coachella artist of the day is one that I know next to nothing about, I am not even going to try and fool ya. And for the big music geek that I am, this why I love Coachella so much, getting exposed to artists and even genres that I wouldn't otherwise think twice about.
So, here we go...uncharted pop music territory
* Little Boots - 'Earthquake' MP3
at first i was all, great, i can mark these kids off my list *right away*. then by the end of the song i was wondering what day they're playing ... stupid infectious electropop!
Spleen United has forever changed you :-)
Pretty excited to see her! This is the kind of act I go to these festivals to see. The bands that just won't be stopping in Cbus anytime soon.