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The Lovely Feathers

For some reason, as I listen to the Lovely Feathers album the description of their sound that I keep coming back to his Los Campesinos meets Pavement. How great is that? Whatever rock equation you use to figure out this Montreal band, you will always end with the same answer....sounds like fun. Good fun.

They have a brand new record coming out this week in Canada, not til August in the states. That record is called 'Fantasy Of The Lot'...the song I am sharing is off of 2006's 'Hind Hind Legs.'

* 'Ooh You Shocked Me' MP3

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Sounds like Summer

It's a gorgeous day here in Central Ohio...way too nice to be inside...I am going to load up my dog and my mp3 player and go out in search of a park.

Here are two perfect summer songs to start Summer '09 out right...
long live The Replacements)

* The Replacements - 'Dive and Pool' MP3

* The Like - 'June Gloom' MP3

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Play it again

I am sure I have posted this song before...but that is the whole reason I started to blog about music...to obsess over songs that I love! And, although this is a sentence I NEVER thought I would say - I do indeed love this Lily Allen cover of the Clash classic 'Straight To Hell'...absolutely infectious.

* 'Straight To Hell' MP3

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Being There

'Misunderstood' is still my essential Wilco song from my must have Wilco album...

* 'Misunderstood' MP3

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I Felt The Chill Before The Winter Came

Elvis Costello still has more soul and still writes better songs than most musicians half his age. I love the man. I am sitting here listening to the brand new 'Secret, Profane, And Sugarcane' record, available June 2nd, and I am loving every single note.

This one especially...

* 'I Felt The Chill Before The Winter Came' MP3

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The Look You Give That Guy

Few people in modern music are as good as turning their angst over unrequited love into a great 4 minute pop song as Mark Oliver Everett, aka E from the Eels.

I have been checking out some songs from his forthcoming 'Hombre Lobo: 12 Songs Of Desire' album, which will hit stores June 2nd. This track I am sharing is especially grand...vintage E...a bit melancholy, but oh so tuneful.

* The Look You Give That Guy' MP3

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Potter's Field

Is there anything lovelier than a beautifully sung folk hymn? I think not.

Here is an absolutely gorgeous one off of the new album from legendary blues rocker Dave Alvin. The record is 'Dave Alvin And The Guilty Women.' Guilty Woman Christy McWilson is the one responsible for these gorgeous vocals.

* 'Potters Field' MP3

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RIP Jay Bennett

This Memorial Day just got a little bit sadder and more reflective for me. Former Wilco member, and amazing musician in his own right, Jay Bennett passed away in his sleep last night at the heartbreakingly young age of 45. It's weird, I was just yesterday formulating in my had a verbose post about how much Wilco and their music has meant to me over these past 15 years. Jay was a HUGE part of that from 1994-2001. Music must be an amazing thing to make you miss someone that have never even met so much.

Check out his myspace page if you have a second...as happens in this information age of ours, the comments section has sort of become a living, breathing memorial to the man and all of the lives he has touched. http://www.myspace.com/jaybennett

Thanks for the music Jay...you are missed.

* Jay Bennett - 'I Don't Have The Time' MP3

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"Poison in, poison out..."

A belated and gigantic THANK YOU to my friend Carly for introducing to the music of Damon Suomi. She brilliantly described his sound as, and I quote "It's like Michael Stipe ate Adam Duritz and then started a bar band!"

I could not concur more! I have been playing his self titled debut album daily since she hooked me up. Here is my favorite tune...at least my favorite tune at this exact moment.

* 'San Fransisco' MP3

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"I'd like to do handstands for you..."

I am such a sucker for simple, catchy, heartfelt love songs....there is so much beauty in simplicity. I think that's why I love this so song so much. And Chairlift are responsible for another one of my favorite recent album titles - "Does you inspire you?"

* Charilift - 'Bruises' MP3

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Jets Overhead

Still daydreaming the day away. Now I am digging into to some of the newer stuff I got my hands on earlier in the week. 'No Nations', the new album from Canadian band Jets Overhead is really doing the trick right at this moment. Their sound totally speaks to my 90's alt-rock sensibilities.

* 'I Should Be Born' MP3

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Scenes from the shuffle

Sitting here daydreaming...again, while I should be working...again. And since daydreaming is taking up just about all of my mental energy, I have decided to put the music library on shuffle and let it take me where it will. And it just took me to a very happy place.

I am sure that I have ranted before about how much I love the witty, literate lyrics of Dear And The Headlights' songwriter Ian Metzger(And, just for the record - the Arizona band's latest record 'Drunk Like Bible Times' is still my favorite album title of the past few years).Funny that I should mention song lyrics, because as I was adrift in mid-daydream DATH's 'Talk About' popped up...a song that I seem to think is about rock journalists putting to much thought into what other people's words are meant to say.

Oh the irony....

* 'Talk About' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Stay away from my husband.

Reply to:pers-r7aec-1181277668@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-20, 10:27PM EDT

Clearly, it's over between you. He's made that clear. I thought it couldn't be clearer after OUR WEDDING. You screwed up. He's a wonderful, kind, sweet, caring man and I'm the luckiest woman in the world. It's not my fault it took you too long to realize what you had. We're better together than you two ever were. We're so completely enthralled with each other; our lives are wonderful. So please, stop shitting on it. Get over it. Just stop. I don't think YOUR BOYFRIEND would appreciate you lusting after another man, and I DEFINITELY don't appreciate the fact that that man is my HUSBAND.


CLEARLY you are secure very in your relationship...since you took the time to post this on craigslist.(which of course, is ALWAYS the best forum for handling sensitive issues like this)

* Nina Simone - 'Be My Husband' MP3

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Sitting here in cubicle land, pretending to work. Today's soundtrack is a bunch of new stuff I scooped up last night. I think the best of the bunch is this Norwegian band I am about to share, The Low Frequency In Stereo. I definitely hear hints of Joy Division in a lot of what they do, but they are way to hard to pin down by citing just one major influence.

Their brand new record 'Futuro' is fantastic, albeit brief with only eight songs. Lets give a listen...

* 'Starstruck' MP3

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Back To The Future

My tumblr flirtation is over. Just didn't really like it. SO...I will resume occasional craigslist musical dedications where they started...here.


Dashboard Confessional Concert At Lifestyles - 23 (Lifestyles Pavilion, Columbus Oh)

Reply to:pers-uuvjb-1176561103@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-19, 12:48PM EDT

I know this is crazy...all I know is that you go to OSU and that we sang every song side by side at the DC concert Saturday May 16. We talked multiple times between songs and sets and I never got your name. Your friends (a group of 4 girls) left and you stayed behind. you were wearing a black hoodie and a black beanie. you had the most gorgeous hazel color eyes, brown hair and a great smile. I was the cute blonde girl beside you wearing the purple jacket and talking to your friends about how cold they had to be in tank tops and tee shirts. Sorry that I walked away...I got nervous.


OH! You are looking for the guy with the black hoodie at the Dashboard Confessionals show?? Caust there probably wasn't more than like...800 of them there.( I would guess...isn't that the standard emo concert uniform?)

* Alejandro Escovedo - 'Sensitive Boys' MP3

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Telekinesis is Michael Benjamin Lerner, a Seattle based singer/songwriter and is one of the newer members of the Merge records roster.

Not feeling very wordy today...enjoy a song...the album is most excellent.

* 'All Of A Sudden' MP3

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I have been a big fan of Alabama band Dexateens for a couple of years now, ever since reading a glowing review of the band from one of my favorite producers and Cracker/Camper Von Beethoven front man David Lowery.

'Singlewide' is the brand new record from the band, it came out last week and I have been listening to it constantly. The album is their best yet in my opining. Here is one of my favorite tracks...enjoy.

* 'New Boy' MP3

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Samantha Crain and The Midnight Shivers

I picked up ticket for the Avett Brothers show here in June the other day, and noticed that the opening band was one I had never heard of, Samantha Crain and The Midnight Shivers. Needless to say, my musical curiosity got the better of me and I did a little googling.

Samantha Crain is an Oklahoma based singer/songwriter whose brand of heartfelt Americana is RIGHT up my alley. Now I am doubly excited for the Avett show next month. Here is a track off of her full length, self-titled debut.

* 'Devils In Boston' MP3

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It has also been far too long since my last Jason Molina related post. I was relaxing on the ride home this evening and this tune popped up via the shuffle on my mp3 player and just sighed a sigh of absolute contenment. Work week over, weekend ahead, Magnolia Electric Co. in my ear...bliss.

* 'Kanawha' MP3

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Liam, son of Neil

Not even back a month from Coachella, and already I am itching for another musical themed road trip. Been plotting with a friend for the last couple of days about a pilgrimage down to Nashville in June to see Elvis Costello and Eddie Vedder on consecutive nights at the Ryman Auditorium. There is so much musical goodness in that sentence I can barely contain myself...but I digress. So while gleefully scouring the web for details about these shows I saw that Liam Finn(son of Crowded House founder Neil Finn) was opening up for Eddie Vedder on this current tour. It had been a while since I had listened the Liam records that I have, so I dusted off his latest 'Ill Be Lightning' and played it for the rest of the night.

I had forgotten how great it was. So young, so talented. And on this song especially, he reminds me so much of Elliot Smith. Just a beautiful track...enjoy.

* 'Wide Awake On The Voyage Home' MP3

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Blood From A Stone

Just wanted to pass along a song from the brand new Hanna Hukkelberg record 'Blood From A Stone.'

Here is one of my favorite tracks from the album...

* 'Seventeen' MP3

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Salim Nourallah

Salim Nourallah really deserves a bigger audience. 'Constellation' is the brand new record from the Dallas singer/songwriter and it is an absolute keeper. I spent a good part of my Sunday morning listening to this as I was getting stuff done around the house. I used the trusty repeat function on my MP3 player frequently.

Here is a beautiful song about the loss of his dear friend Carter Albrecht.

* 'In The Blink Of An Eye' MP3

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Dance Mother

Sitting here at work on a boring Tuesday afternoon trying to speed my way towards the weekend with the help of Brooklyn band Telepathe and their debut record 'Dance Mother.' Ah, synth pop heaven. Instant feel good music...almost enough to make me forget I am cubicle bound. Almost.

Here is my favorite track off of the record...

* 'So Fine' MP3

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Transmitter Failure

I am admittedly late to the Jenny Owen Youngs party, but now that I am here, I think I'll stick around for a bit. Her new record is called 'Transmitter Failure' and it drops in stores on May 26th. I have listened to it excessively, and I LOVE it. She reminds me so much of Aimee Mann, in all the best sorta ways.

Here are two tracks, the first if off of the brand new record, the second is off of her 'Batten The Hatches' release from 2005.

* 'Clean Break' MP3

* 'Fuck Was I' MP3

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Who the f*ck is Anvil??

Sunday was an excellent day on the live music front for me. First off was a great early show with The Dears, Eulogies, and Great Northern. Great Northern were good, and although I only got to hear a few songs from The Dears(had to leave early, more on that later) I was really impressed with them. But for me, the main attraction was the second band on the bill, LA band Eulogies. I have been listening to their latest record 'Here Anonymous' rather obsessively for a couple of weeks now, and their live set didn't disappoint AT ALL. Here is my favorite tune off of that album...enjoy.

* Eulogies - 'This Fine Progression' MP3

As I said, I had to bail just a few songs into the Dears set because I was running to meet my oldest brother down the street for a screening of "Anvil: The Story Of Anvil"...then after the viewing, the band actually played a 40 minute set IN the theater. Very cool. If you aren't familiar with the band(I wasn't) or the movie, it is a MUST see. Dig the trailer:

This was like me coming full circle in my live musical life! The first rock show I ever went to was with my brother. He took me to go see Motorhead when I was in the 8th grade. I've been hooked on live music ever since. But back to the movie for a second. It's just a beautiful, funny, and touching film that anyone who has ever dreamed of being something bigger will just fall in love with. It's got so much heart...you'll love it, I promise! And seeing the guys play live was incredible, they are obviously so genuine and wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world but on a stage playing music together in front of their fans.

And now, it gives me great pleasure to write something I never in my life thougth I would write...enjoy this Anvil tune!

* Anvil - 'Metal On Metal' MP3

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Wish You Well

I love a good break up song. The bitter ones, the angry ones, and most especially the reflective ones. Songs like 'Days' from the Kinks, songs that some how power through the heartbreak and the agony that is a breakup to realize that you would never give up all of that pain if it meant having to give up all of the amazing memories that led up that point.

Katie Herzig's 'Wish You Well' off of her 2008 album 'Apple Bed' is one of those songs.

"I will remember you
Not the way you left but how you lived
And what you knew"

* 'Wish You Well' MP3

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Dark Night Of The Soul

2009 as the year of the compilation continues in brilliant fashion with this joint effort between Sparklehorse and Danger Mouse. Guest appearances include Black Francis, Julian Casablancas, Nina Persson, Iggy Pop, and many, many more.

Here is a sneak peak...enjoy.

* 'Daddy's Gone' MP3

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The Lemonheads = Youth

And they always will to me. I will forever associate albums like 'It's A Shame About Ray' and 'Come On Feel The Lemonheads' with my coming of age years. The last couple of years of high school, and my first couple of years in college. In hindsight, I may not have been to wise to have Evan Dando pen the soundtrack to my formative years, but I think everything turned out ok :-)

Evan and the band have a brand new album of covers coming out on June 23rd called Varshons. The Boston band covers some of my all time favorite songwriters on here...Gram Parsons, Townes Van Zandt, Christina Aguilera - kidding! But there is a lovely version of her hit 'Beautiful' on the album.

Here is their take on a Leonard Cohen classic, with a little help from Liv Tyler.

* 'Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye' MP3

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Music,mass transit, and their inseperability in my wolrd

Not only do I live in the bustling metropolis that IS Columbus,OH....I live the suburbs of said bustling metropolis. Which is pretty much a drag. Living downtown here is okay, lots of cool places to get to pretty easily. The suburbs? I can walk to a waffle house and like four drug stores. Not much else. I would shut up and move already, but next time I move it will be a move of greater distance I hope, to a newer, shinier destination.

I bring this up because when I do decide to take in some show or something, it is always downtown. I could drive, but I never do. I am a huge fan of mass transit. I prefer to take the longer, yet far more peaceful route via bus. The 35 minutes or so it takes me to get downtown on the #10 bus are 35 of my favorite minute of any given week. I grab a good window seat, turn my mp3 player up to what is probably a slightly louder than healthy level, and let the people and buildings roll by me. I get lost in the dilapidated buildings and the interrupted lives of the people I see - the people who I can't imagine envisioned their lives turning out the way they did, but still soldier through every single day. It's melancholy and hopeful, all at once.

This past Friday night was a wonderfully gray night when I was making this trek. The shuffle mode was especially profound in it's selections for the evening's soundtrack. Here were the highlights:

* Adem - 'Tears Are In Your Eyes' MP3

* Elizabeth Willis - 'In Your Eyes' MP3

* Sparklehorse - 'It's A Wonderful Life' MP3

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The only thing constant in life, is change. Especially with me and my super small attention - I am always looking for new ways to meet new people, share new things. SO in the spirit of that, I am moving all of my craigslist-themed posts to their very own virtual home on tumblr.com. Which you can find here:


I will most definitely keep this blog going...i listen to TOO much music to NOT have some outlet to babble about it!

Onward and upward friends :-)


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Sounds Like Ohio: Tim Easton

Shame on me for not plugging one of Columbus,Ohio's finest musical talents' latest album - Tim Easton's 'Porcupine.' I bet I have seen Mr. Easton play close to 20 times...and I never get tired of his live sets. Now that he makes his home out in Joshua Tree, the gigs I get a chance to attend are fewer and farther between, so I am really looking forward to his show tonight.

Here is one of my favorite tracks off of the brand new record...enjoy.

* 'Goodbye Amsterdam' MP3