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Craigslist Musical Dedication

brunette sitting across from us while we play pool - m4w - 36 (reynoldsburg..thirsty turtle)

Reply to: pers-x3hdx-1147096358@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-30, 2:25AM EDT

i am not sure if you were looking at me or my friend but damn you are hott. brunette tan large bust tat on your right wrist. mmmm lookin good i winked at you then didnt see much in response but you did seem to turn red when i winked if you like what you say please hit me back..here are a couple of tats to remind you as to who i am

image 1147096358-0 image 1147096358-1
image 1147096358-2


Man, there is so much wrong with this ad, I'm not even sure where to start. I'll start at the top and say that I will NEVER be hitting the Thirsty Turtle for happy hour any time soon. And is there any thing more heartbreaking guys then the unreciprocated wink? It's a soul crusher.

* Eulogies - 'Bad Connection' MP3

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Audio Nostalgia: Matthew Sweet

Again....courtesy of the shuffle mode. I haven't listened to this album in forever...still makes me happy!

* 'Evangeline' MP3

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I have an awful habit of forming opinions of things without ever experiencing them - my most fatal flaw. I do it all the time, and I know it's not cool, and I KNOW I am doing it, yet I keep doing it anyway. Life is a progression I guess, I hope, and someday I will get this ugly habit in check. But until then, I shall blog about it.

The latest victim of said habit is the Boston band Passion Pit. I head read snippets and seen pictures of the band, but never heard a song, and I decided that they weren't worth my time. And as usual, I was wrong. Last night I checked out their impending record 'Manners' and I was so pleasantly surprised. While this is not usually the sort of thing i listen to, I am an unabashed pop music fan at heart - and Passion Pit makes some insanely infections pop music. It's incredibly catchy and yet it doesn't leave me with that guilty sick feeling of having just listened to a Lady Ga Ga song or something. It's just really good music. And again,I am the worst at describing what something sounds like...I am much better at sharing the songs, so here ya go:

'Moth Wings' MP3

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We Were Promised Jetpacks

Scotland is quickly beoming the new Sweden, or so it seems. It seems like I am coming across a new Scottish band a week that I am really digging. This weeks band of Scots, We Were Promised Jetpacks. (An aside here, MAN these guys are young...or at least look young)

They have a fabulous record out called 'These Four Walls' which sadly won't be available in the states until July I believe. But here is a track for your listening pleasure...one of many great tunes on the album.

* 'It's Thunder And It's Lightning' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

roomates with benefits - mw4w - 44 (east)

Reply to: pers-fgsqv-1145535165@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-29, 8:03AM EDT

we are looking for a roomate with benefits. looking for a lady between 25 and 50 who needs a place to stay and likes sex. if interested we can talk more please respond with pics and what you like and need.
only serious.
i have seen some ladies on here wanting surgar mamas and papas let us know


* Wreckless Eric & Amy Rigby - 'The Downside Of Being A Fuck Up' MP3

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20yrs Of Merge records...time flies when you are rocking out

I've had this compilation for a bit now, and have been meaning to post a track. The thing is so great though, I have actually had trouble deciding on which song to share...in the end the combination of Jens Lekman and the Magnetic Fields was too great to pass up. Here is the track list for the record, and below that is the song for your listening pleasure.

01 Quasi: "Beautiful Things" (3 Ds cover)
02 Les Savy Fav : "Precision Auto" ( Superchunk cover)
03 The Shins: "Plenty Is Never Enough" (Tenement Halls cover)
04 St. Vincent and the National: "Sleep All Summer" (Crooked Fingers cover)
05 Broken Social Scene: "Complications" (The Clean cover)
06 Ryan Adams: "Like a Fool" ( Superchunk cover)
07 Bright Eyes: "Papa Was a Rodeo" (Magnetic Fields cover)
08 Lavender Diamond: "New Ways of Living" (Destroyer cover)
09 The Apples in Stereo: "King of Carrot Flowers Pt. 3" (Neutral Milk Hotel cover)
10 Laura Cantrell: "Cowboy on the Moon" ( Lambchop cover)
11 Bill Callahan: "Santa Maria" (Versus cover)
12 Barbara Manning: "Through With People" ( Portastatic cover)
13 The Mountain Goats: "Drug Life" (East River Pipe cover)
14 The New Pornographers: "Don't Destroy This Night" (Rock*A*Teens cover)
15 Tracey Thorn and Jens Lekman : "Yeah! Oh, Yeah!" (Magnetic Fields cover)
16 The Hive Dwellers: "My Noise" ( Superchunk cover)
17 Ted Leo & the Pharmacists: "The Numbered Head" (Robert Pollard cover)
18 Okkervil River: "All You Little Suckers" (East River Pipe cover)
19 Death Cab for Cutie: "Kicked In" ( Superchunk cover)
20 Times New Viking: "Neighborhood #1" (Arcade Fire cover)

* "Yeah! Oh Yeah!" MP3

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Los Angeles based singer/songwriter Cass McCombs is back with a brand new record called 'Catacombs.' This will be his 5th studio album already and it hits stores on June 1st.

Here is a little sneak preview of what to expect on the new album...enjoy.

* 'Dreams Come True Girl' MP3

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Posthumous Success

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Tom Brosseau is my favorite all time North Dakota born artist. Okay, actually he is the only artist that I listen to that I know to be from North Dakota, but I am sure he would still be my favorite.

Mr. Brosseau has a brand new album coming out entitled Posthumous Success. His trademark heartfelt, witty songwriting has never sounded better. Here is a sneak peak for you...enjoy.

* 'Favourite Color Blue' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Flawless Business Plan Seeking Teleportation Scientist

Reply to: personnel@unitedmcgill.com [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-27, 9:52AM EDT

We are a small group of very well qualified businessmen who have a complete business plan that aims to yield investors, and partners, 1,000% returns within only a five year period. We have all the pieces in place, including CEO, marketing, and finance management. The only missing piece is YOU! We are looking for a very motivated, team-oriented scientist who has experience in teleportation research and/or technology. We will provide patent funding and small stipend. Once technology prototype is developed, the business will take off running- or teleporting! Significant equity will be provided as payment. Send a resume and any other information that may set you apart from other teleportation scientists. Can't wait for you to join our team.


* Beastie Boys - 'The Sounds Of Science' MP3

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Some Sweet Relief

I've also been spending a lot of time with this latest Speck Mountain CD. It's wonderful dream pop...perfect for zoning out to at the end of a spring day. Something about Marie-Claire Balabanian's voice that just soothes me.

Here is one of my favorite's from the album....enjoy.

* 'Sister Water' MP3

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With Blashpemy So Heartfelt

Man, when it rains it pours. I stumbled across so much new stuff that I like this week, I feel a posting frenzy coming on. I will wait and do most of it during the week - as to be able to best misuse company time and make my work days THAT much more tolerable. But on this lovely Sunday morning, I thought I would post a blurb or two about a couple of the ablums I have been getting into lately.

First up is Jessica Lea Mayfield, a singer/songwriter out of New York who has just recorded an incredible album called 'With Blasphemy So Heartfelt.' She writes the most intensely honest lyrics I have heard in quite some time. She is coming to town next month, very much looking forward to her live show.

Here is the first single off of the record...it's gorgeous.

* 'Kiss Me Again' MP3

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Even more new Bonnie 'Prince' Billy

Will Oldham is nothing if not prolific. He has just released another set of new songs under his Bonnie 'Prince' Billy brand, this time a series of duets of old timey songs with Cheyenne Mize - the record is called 'Among The Gold.'

This EP makes a gorgeous sunset soundtrack...here is my favorite cut off of the record.

* 'Only A Dream' MP3

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Brighton band Brakes(not to be confused with the American band THE BRAKES) are back with a great new record entitled 'Touchdown.'

I just picked this up and I haven't been able to listen to anything else for the last 24hrs. Here is one of my favorite tracks off of the record...enjoy.

* Brakes - 'Two Shocks' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Looking for Bridesmaids - w4w

Reply to: pers-gxuve-1135965448@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-23, 7:25AM EDT

So, my fiancee and I are getting married in June. He has 8 groomsmen lined up and I only have one bridesmaid. So, I need some girls who are attractive and around my age to stand up in my wedding. You can be single or taken. It doesn't matter....you just have to be hot. But, not hotter then me. Email me for more information. The wedding will be in Dublin and you won't have to pay for a thing.

Hope to hear from you!


* Two Cow Garage - 'Bastards And Bridesmaids' MP3

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It's (artistic) evolution, baby!

So this past Coachella was my fifth year at the festival. It was also the second time Conor Oberst has played. He(as Bright Eyes) played back in 2005, the first year I attended, although I missed his set. I can actually remember arguing with my girlfriend at the time over who to see...she won, and we saw Nine Inch Nails. Yeah, that relationship didn't work out. But I digress. The reason I bring that year up now is because I have since seen several clips from that and other Bright Eyes shows over the years. The quiet, sullen kid dressed in the black hoody, hiding behind his guitar is no more.

The performer I saw last Friday was someone completely different. It's like Mr. Oberst has met his musical soul mates and has totally reinvented himself. I really do think that he is as close as our generation will get to a Bob Dylan. His sound and approach may take drastic turns from time to time, but the songwriting and the music just keep getting stronger.

Conor and his Mystic Valley Band have a new record coming out on May 5th entitled 'Outer South.' They played several of these tracks at Coachella this past weekend, and they were incredible. This tune was their set closer...and it blew me away!

* Conor Oberst - 'Roosevelt Room' MP3

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Steve Sings Townes

If ever there was an album that I was destined to love, it would be Steve Earle's new 'Townes.' A total can't miss for me! I mean, one of my favorite living singer/songwriters recording an album of one of the all time great singer/songwriter's songs - perfect.

And to me, it is perfect. Earle's road weary voice(and I use that as an absolute compliment) breathes new life into the lyrics of Townes Van Zandt - lyrics which were already pretty amazing to start with.

Steve Earle - 'No Place To Fall' MP3

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My Maudlin Career

The latest record from Glasgow band Camera Obscura came out this week, My Maudlin Career. I have an undeniable soft spot for these Scottish pop bands like CO and Belle & Sebastian...their wistful, airy tunes sound just like spring to me. It's music that is easy to listen to, yet doesn't sacrifice any of its braininess to make it so.

Here is one of my favorite tracks off of the new record...enjoy.

* Camera Obscura - 'Other Towns And Cities' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Help !!!!!!! - 29

Reply to: pers-ctpzf-1134457505@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-22, 10:24AM EDT

I need a date
someone to talk to hang out with go see a movie, comedy show or just relax with

dont get me wrong I enjoy sex , alot a matter of fact lol but i feel used sometimes
but its so much better with the right person

anyway i am looking for the right person to get to know fast or as slow as miss right prefers

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

image 1134457505-1


A date? You need a life jacket man, you are practically drowning in that picture! Admittedly, this is not the best(or worst) craigslist ad ever, but that picture just made me laugh out loud...I had to post it!

* The Tallest Man On Earth - 'Into The Stream' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Need Someone to Turn Me Into Furniture

Reply to: pers-txeur-1132610260@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-21, 8:26AM EDT

I am a submissive white male living in Dayton looking for a female, or couple, of artists who would like the challenge of designing human furniture which is comfortable for the user while objectifying for the person being used. I would be in the role of furniture model, and could be a footrest, table, chair, etc. I would pay 200 dollars an hour for this, and am looking for a female or couple which have a dominant personality. There is no nudity or sex involved whatsoever.


* Built To Spill - 'Strange' MP3

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Coachella 2009....that's a wrap!

Just got back to Ohio. My feet are aching, my hearing is almost non-existent, I am sun burned, and I can't wait to do it all over again next year!!

I am really blessed in the sense that I have this amazing group of friends scattered all over the world who make an effort to get together a couple of times a year and hit these beautiful music festivals. None being more beautiful than the three days we spend in the California desert every year. This year may have been the most beautiful yet in fact.

(I am having trouble finding my USB cable, so I will post pictures...eventually.)
It only seemed fitting to kick off the festival with my very favorite band, The Hold Steady. It was a joyous, rocking 50 minutes that set the tone for the fest perfectly. Other highlights included an insanely tight set from Conor Oberst and his Mystic Valley band, a little Morrisey, a little Beirut, and a transcendent set from Leonard Cohen which included what is now maybe my ALL TIME favorite Coachella moment - the entire festival singing alone with the refrain from Hallelujah just as the sun went down. I finished the evening up by sitting on the lawn listening to Paul McCartney...not a bad day one.

Saturday we got there early to check out a bit of Ida Maria, then it was on to a great set from Cloud Cult. Caught a few songs from the Liars then I was off to split time between Blitzen Trapper and Dr. Dog. Then Amanda Palmer's show BLEW ME AWAY. I am not a huge Dresden Dolls fan, nor am I very familiar with her solo stuff...but she put together one of the most enthralling sets of the entire weekend - which ended in a beautiful communal sing along of Radiohead's 'Creep.' Then it was over the big stage for TV on the Radio, then we finished up the night with a triple bill on the outdoor stage with Fleet Foxes, Band Of Horses, and a great set by Jenny Lewis.

Sunday began by chilling out on the lawn, soaking up some sun and some hip hop from Knux. Then an energetic show by Okkervil River. From there we took in a few Gaslight Anthem songs then it was off to hopefully catch a train wreck in the form of Brian Jonestown Massacre. But a trainwreck was the last thing that show was! Anton started on time, barely spoke a word, and the band sounded fantastic - easily my most pleasant surprise of the weekend. My Sunday highlight though had to be Public Enemy. They played the entire 'It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back' album...historic!! They brought a live band and just sounded phenomenal. After that I was zapped...made my way over to the main stage and laid down on my back, gazed up at the stars, and sang along with the Cure for the rest of the evening. Robert Smith and the Cure provied me with another one of my all time great Coachella moments late Sunday night when the festival cut off their sound at exactly 12:30, but the boys kept playing. What could have been a totally frustrating end to a great day was made incredible by seeing all of the people huddle up as close as possible to the stage while helping to sing 'Boys Don't Cry'...chills on top of chills on top of chills.

Best weekend ever.

Leonard Cohen - 'First We Take Manhattan' MP3

Conor Oberst - 'To All The Lights In The Windows' MP3

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Let The Right One In

Best. Norwegian vampire movie. Ever.

And I am not even a vampire movie kind of guy...this was just a beautifully made movie. And that is about as much of a review as you will get from me. How about some music? I am feeling Scandinavian...

* Nicolai Dunger - 'Soul Rush' MP3

* Dungen - 'Panda' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Joss Stone ...6 Days To Go

Joss Stone

* 'Fell In Love With A Boy' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Michael Franti & Spearhead ...7 Days To Go

Michael Franti & Spearhead

* 'Don't Stop' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

I blew you, then pedaled home - m4m (Clintonville)

Reply to: pers-xcmrk-1115337989@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-09, 9:31PM EDT

I blew you Thursday night between 8 and 9. We talked about fucking. I said I'd bring condoms and lube next time. I rode my bike home. I don't think we'll have a hard time identifying each other. Just wanted to give you another way to contact me.


* Melanie - 'Brand New Key' MP3

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This coming Tuesday, we will have new music from LA's Silversun Pickups...finally. No, it hasn't been that long, but the more I listened to their debut disc, the more I wanted to hear MORE...and hear it NOW!

'Swoon' is the dreaded sophomore album...but after spinning it a few times, I don't think the word 'slump' could be applied to this record in any context. Here is one of my favorite tracks...enjoy:

* Silversun Pickups - 'It's Nice To Know You Work Alone' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: The Airborne Toxic Event..8Days To Go

The Airborne Toxic Event

* 'Wishing Well' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

you sang karaoke - 28 (Sparkys-WC )

Reply to: pers-chund-1112126079@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-07, 8:51PM EDT

I was at Sparkys bar in West Carrollton Friday night, and you sang a John Denver song. I sung my heart out right along with you. I wanted to say something to you but I was with a FRIEND at the time. Your name is mike, well thats what the karaoke dj introduced you as. Just wanted to say you are hot, and I enjoyed your performance. If you see this and would like to chat feel free to messsage me!


A bar called Sparky's and a crush stemming from John Denver karaoke...God bless Ohio.

* The Lemonheads - 'If I Could Talk I'd Tell You' MP3

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I Was A King

The second I read the phrase "it's like The Jayhawks meets Dinosaur.Jr" while reading this
review on Pop Matters, I knew this was a band I would love. So I grabbed the self titled second disc from Oslo band I Was A King this morning, and I was not disappointed.

It's like a love letter to all of the stuff that I rocked out to through college and those awkward first few years post college years...and I LOVE IT. Is it odd to be nostalgic for a period that really wasn't that long ago?

Probably, but I am OK with that. Especially if nostalgia sounds this good...enjoy the song, and check out the Pop Matters review I linked to...you can sample the entire record there.

* 'Norman Bleik' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

dating app - 23 (lancaster)

Reply to: pers-jnzmb-1101800240@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-01, 3:06AM EST

What I want

Now, on to the important stuff, namely, what I want in a woman. I have several requirements:

1. She must be hot: I don't mean pretty, cute, or attractive. I mean people-stop-in-the-street, random-men-follow-you-home, cars-wreck-as-you-walk-by hot. Looks are not everything, but that's where it all begins. (And no, the girl DOES NOT have to be tall or blonde. As long as she's hot, she could be black, Hispanic, short, red hair, whatever. Hot crosses all boundaries. Except maybe fat. You don't really see any hot fat girls. Voluptuous yes; fat no.)

2. She must be smart and cultured: Smart can be defined several ways. Generally, the best indication of intelligence is agreeing with me. If you get, and enjoy, the humor on this page then you are probably smart enough. I don't expect a woman to be witty enough to be able to verbally spar with me on a consistent basis; please, if one even exists, I've never met her (and don't email me telling me that you are that girl. You aren't). As long as she gets my jokes, and can throw one or two back every few minutes, she's good. As far as cultured goes, she doesn't have to be the fashion critic from Vogue, she just has to know more about the arts, decoration, and design than I do, and has to have some sense of style, because I have none. This is not one of the tougher requirements to pass. If she can coordinate an outfit, she should sail through this.

3. She must be emotionally stable: This is very important. Nut jobs need not apply for a date with me, as I already have more than enough problems for one relationship. I require a woman who comes from a loving, stable family and carries no major emotional baggage with her. I'll give her more baggage than a Fendi store, she doesn't need to bring any into the relationship.

4. She must be willing and able to have lots of children: I want at least 5 kids, maybe more. This requires a healthy woman with good birthing hips, a resilient figure, good genes, and a love of children. She doesn't have to worry about being a housewife, because housekeepers and nannies will be provided. She just has to be willing to have the kids, love them, and spend enough time with them that they don't grow up and hate their mother. If she makes enough money, I'd be happy to stay home with the kids. As long as she pops'em out, I'll take care of them. And she has to breast feed; that's very important. Breast feeding is worth like 10-15 IQ points for the child, and my kids are going to need every advantage they can get.

5. She must be fun to hang out with: Perhaps most important of all, we must have fun being together. Everything else is important, but it all goes to shit if we don't get along and have a great time when together. But I'm a fun guy, so that shouldn't be hard. If I like you, you'll like me.

6. She must be willing to take care of me and worship me: Unlike most guys, I'm going to be honest: I want to be nurtured and coddled. No question. I want a woman that will cook for me (at least sometimes), that will take care of me when I'm sick, that will do my laundry, clean up for me (sometimes), give me massages and just generally care about my welfare more than I do. She has to hold me in the same regard I hold myself, i.e., she has to worship me. Believe it or not, this isn't hard to find by itself, but this combined with "smart and cultured," well, that's hard. Probably because a smart woman would never be stupid enough to worship me. I guess that's what mail order bride catalogs are for.

7. Has to be bi-sexual: I have decided that I am not ever going to restrict myself to sex with only one woman, so my woman (women) need to either accept that fact or enjoy women right along with me.

Still want to fill out the Date Application?


I can't tell if he is joking or not...and I've read it twice.

* Cat Power - 'Great Expectations' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: The Black Keys ...9 Days To Go

The days have FINALLY hit SINGLE DIGITS!!!!!

The Black Keys

* 'Have Love Will Travel' MP3

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Speaking of new releases

Two more of my favorite bands released new stuff today...

The Thermals - 'Now We Can See'

* 'When I Died' MP3

The Hold Steady - 'A Positive Rage'

* 'Southtown Girls' MP3

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Yonder Is The Clock

Just wanted to take a second and pass along this incredible new track from the soon to be released new Felice Brothers album, 'Yonder Is The Clock', which was released today.

I am loving the record, only had a chance to listen to it all the way through once so far...as I have repeated this one too many times to count.

* All When We Were Young' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Bob Mould ...10 Days To Go

Bob Mould

* 'Life And Times' MP3

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Rock N Roll Halloween

Why do I love Bobby Bare,JR so much? Who else would dare right a lyric like:

"Drinking with the Dixie Chicks from Nashville, Tennesse, the fat one's flirting with me..."

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Rachel Getting Married

I finally saw 'Rachel Getting Married' this week...a great movie. Anne Hathaway plays the guilt stricken recovering addict/train wreck about as well as it can be played. - sad, funny, always on the verge of a meltdown, and most of all sympathetic. It was a pleasant surprise, and some inspired casting, to see TV On The Radio's lead singer Tunde Adebimpe playing the guy marrying Rachel. Well done Jonathon Demme.

But the most pleasant surprise of the film was to hear how well Neil Young's 'Unkown Legend' worked as a wedding song, when the groom sings a verse to the bride...beautiful.

* 'Unknown Legend' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Let me touch your fake boobs - m4w - 23 (Columbus)

Reply to: pers-kbnsb-1102436854@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-01, 2:38PM EDT

I have never had the opportunity to play/touch a pair of fake boobs and I would love to do it. I keep hearing how everyone has them and this and that but I don't know anyone who does. I have had fake boobs flaunted in my face at strip clubs and when I am out but I have never been able to touch them. If this counts as being sexual then there will be nothing else sexual besides the boob touching. I don't expect anything else to happen other then me seeing and touching your breast's. For this I don't know I will pay for your dinner or something. As you can tell this isn't a well thought out plan.

I just don't encounter fake breast's everyday and for one day I would like to. So let me know what I've got to do to play with those bad boys.


If this actually works, I may need to rethink my entire dating strategy.

* The National - 'Fake Empire' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Girl Talk...11 Days to go

Girl Talk

* 'Bounce That' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication 4/04/09

baretender at score - m4m - 27 (Coloumbus)

Reply to: pers-tzyfk-1106575270@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-04, 9:39AM EDT

So I was at score last night, you were the hottest bartender I have ever seen. I am sure that you are straight but if not I would love to hang...meet up....even just get to know you.
I would go as far as to let you piss all over me.

So if you are straight or taken I just wanted to say THANK YOU FOR BEING SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!


"I would go as far as to let you piss all over me. "

Way to play it so cool man..really.

* Phosphorescent - 'Heartaches Of A Fool' MP3

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Coachella Artist (s)A Day: 13 Days to go

I took another day away from the blog yesterday...so here two more Coachella artists...we are in the home stretch now!!!

The Killers

* 'Mr Brightside' MP3

Late Of The Pier

* 'Heartbeat' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication 4/02/09

Star Trek Child's Costume - $10 (Westerville-Westlake Village)

Reply to: sale-tqehh-1103246780@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-04-02, 12:48AM EDT

I have a child's medium red and black Star Trek costume. I would say it would fit like a boys size 8-10?? It is a very good quality costume bought at a specialty store and worn only twice for a couple of hours. It is one piece and zips up the back. Sorry the pic looks fuzzy for some reason, the costume is not.

The price is $10, cash only please. Questions or interest, call me at 614-895-7543.

I have a bunch of other items listed, too (and other Star Trek items). Just search for my phone number 614-895-7543 to see them all. Thanks.

  • Location: Westerville-Westlake Village
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
image 1103246780-0


Only $10 to turn your 8yr old into a total social outcast...what a steal!

* Hum - 'Stars' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Amanda Palmer ...15 Days To Go

Amanda Palmer

* 'Strength Through Music' MP3

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Shame on me...

I am a fool. The only reason I can think of as to why it took me so long to listen to Elvis Perkins is because of his name. I am just THAT stupid. I mean, I already have one favorite Elvis in my musical life - Costello, then there is that other famous Elvis. I always saw the name Elvis Perkins in various blogs and publications, but just skipped right over it. Because of his name. Shallow be my name. Last night I listened...and I loved.

Trying to make amends for my sins of the past now, but sharing my new found love of Mr. Perkins' here. Just grabbed his new record 'Elvis Perkins In Dearland' and I am loving it. Now I need to backtrack and get his debut. That is the beautiful thing about being late to the party on an artist...the wealth of new songs to fill up your head with! Here is one from the new record, enjoy.

* 'Hours Last Stand' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication 4/01/09

LF 420 friendly parents of toddlers - 23 (easton area)

Reply to: pers-jxcmr-1101389946@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-31, 7:48PM EDT

Hi! I am a 23 year old mother of one beautiful 4 year old boy who needs another little toddler friend to hang out with. He is an only child and is pretty lonely for "kids to play with" as he puts it. Looking for other 420 friendly parents out there who have toddlers and would like to hang out with me and my boyfriend as well as letting our kids hang out and be kids. We are juggalos, and it would be a huge plus if you were too. Trying to be ourselves and raise a healthy happy little boy, so far I believe we have been successful. All we need now is interaction with cool people!


And by "cool people" we mean more people to smoke massive amounts of pot with as we listen to the Insane Clown Posse...as our kids play in street together. Craigslist - making communities better since 1995!

* Beth Orton - 'Ooh Child' MP3

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Coachella Artist A Day: Glasvegas...16 days to go


* 'Geraldine' MP3