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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 75 Days To Go

How about some hip hop for today's Coachella arist of the day? And not just any kind of hip hop, I am talking some super cool Seinfeld-inspired mixtape hip hop.

The artist is Wale, and these tunes are off of his aforementioned Seinfeld loving effort 'The Mixtape About Nothing.' You can check him out live on day one of the festival this year.

* 'Opening Title Sequence' MP3

* 'The Kramer' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Throwing It out to the Universe

- m4w (Cols)

Date: 2010-01-30, 9:51AM EST

Met you at Hog Wildz on West Side, We spent a great weekend together, havent heard from you. Maybe you will see this and drop me a line.


I think I speak for the entire internet when I say I am SHOCKED to hear that the girl from Hog Wildz that you spent the weekend with may in fact, NOT be your soul mate.

* Damien Jurado - 'Sucker' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 76 Days To Go

Happy Saturday! Today's Coachella artist of the day is Corinne Bailey Rae. Another great example of the diverse, incredibly eclectic lineup that is taking shape this year in Indio.

Here is a tune off of her brand new disc, 'The Sea.'

* 'I'd Do It All Again' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

i pulled my teeth out for you

- m4w

Date: 2010-01-29, 3:18AM EST

I woke up this morning in a cold sweat. The stagnant taste of morning breath coating my teeth. While lying there in my bed, the fragments of last nights dreams started replaying in my head. A chance meeting in a restaurant, the hello, the good, and then my act of lunacy. I am not sure how i got them out, but the image of chasing you down in a parking lot with a hand full of bloody teeth and screaming "please " is burned in to mind. I hope your doing well and I hope your happy. I will always love you.


* Lisa Hannigan - 'Teeth' MP3

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A Minor Place

While I have never been a huge fan of Itunes in general, I love the series of live EP's they produce. They always seem to feature a ton of bands I love, they always sound fantastic, and they usually contain one really cool cover per edition.

The latest one I am enjoying is from Fanfarlo and the cover is one I wanted to pass along. It's one of my favorite Bonnie 'Prince' Billy songs...enjoy.

* 'A Minor Place' MP3

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Together You And I

Friday's soundtrack is probably going to be this new Barton Carroll disc, 'Together You And I'...all day. That wasn't my plan, but I have just put it in and am half way through and I am already dying to hear all of these songs again.

If you aren't familiar with Barton Carroll he has spent a lot of time playing with other artists, like Crooked Fingers, Azure Ray, Micah P. Hinson, and Dolorean - as well as writing and recording his own material. I am such a sucker for singer/songwriter's with less than traditional voices, and I think he definitely fits that category.

Here is one of my favorite tracks off of the record.

* 'Shadowman' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 77 Days To Go

Today's festival bound band is the LA indie pop outfit Iglu & Hartly. If you close your eyes while listening to this one...it ALMOST feels like summer.

* 'In This City' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 78 Days To Go

Going with a theme for today's festival band. I was up late last night watching that movie 'Public Enemies', so I thought I would check out Dillinger Escape Plan this morning.

The movie: All style, not much substance. A series of really beautifully shot scenes and some memorable one liners from Johnny Depp's John Dillinger, but the movie was pretty average.

The band: A hard rocking outfit from New Jersey. Not my thing at all, but hey...this is part of the beauty of Coachella. Fifteen people can go to the festival and see 15 COMPLETELY different shows in their three days.

This tune is off of the band's 2007 release 'Ire Works.'

* 'Milk Lizard' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

You walked out of my

life for the last time

- w4m - 25 (alone)

Date: 2010-01-27, 2:20PM EST

This is a bit different but I hope it gets to others who enjoy reading these as much as I do.
Im sitting here just moments after you walked out the door, again.
This will probably make you mad, everything I say makes you mad. But I hope you can hear me this time.
You say we need time to think, what do you think I have been doing all alone? I have nothing but time to think about you and me what we had what I want us to have.
You keep hearing yourself, you talk and talk and never listen. If you had listened sooner, maybe I wouldnt have cheated on you.
Blame me all you want, what you think is what you have to live with. And even if you read this, I doubt you will hear me, even then.
For 9 years you say you stuck by me, yet you told me that it was only for my parents money and my car.
But when I tell you that for 9 years I stuck by you, you laugh. You think you are so good, you have no fault.
And I guess thats my fault, for making you beleive that. I always told you you were the one, that I'd never leave. Thats because we worked through so much I thought we could work through anything.
But now I realise we werent working through anything at all, every time I got mad, u say I blow things out of proportion, you tell me to drop it, let it go, beleive u, or we are done. And I would, I should have kept screaming and screaming until you heard me.
But would you ever have?
For 9 years you didnt show me how much you loved me, you didnt do anything exciting, romantic. I never felt like you were proud of me, that you wanted to show me off. You never brought me home roses for no reason, you never did anything romantic in the least. Then you make a friend who is some kinda evil. For a whole year I listen to your friend tell me things that you never did, treat me in ways you never would. I told you to stop being his friend, i told you about him being innapropriate with me, you accused me of not wanting you to have friends and threatened to leave again. I should have let you go.
Then you set me up with him, thinking i wanted to sleep with him. You should have known he would say all those things he said to get me to do it, do all those things he did. But you thought it was all me....again....after everything you put me through with him.
And you expected me not to go through with it?
We agreed to change for each other, now after all of this...i would be the g/f u wanted me to be, and you would be the b/f i wanted you to be.
Valentines day is comming up, yeah you say you dont have commitment issues but 9 years and we still arent married...you choose to get a tattoo but cant committ to haven my name? I told you I would get yours on my skin, because even if we fell apart it would be a reminder of the last 9 years all we had and all we have been through. And you still dont hear me, you think its about the tattoo.
Its not
Its about all those missed connections over the last 9 years, Thats what I needed from you. When we said we would both change, im the only one who did. you think making a trip here is big and romantic? I told you i shouldnt have had to cheat on you, you think you arent to blame. fine you will have to live with that.
But im off to find someone to make me feel the way every girl should be made to feel.
"every pretty girl deserves to go to a ball" - yes man
im off to find someone i dont have to ask if im pretty, im off to find someone who will brag to his friends about me, not just tell them about our fights and im off to find someone who will say i love you not just when he is leaving for work, im off to find someone who will kiss me no just because i made you a good dinner, im off to find someone who will surprise me with something sweet and romantic atleast every once in awhile, to remind me that i am special. im off to find the someone who i thought if i just stuck by long enough i would get in you.
im off to find someone to make me feel the way you should have been making me feel all along.
can you hear me now?


"Can you hear me now?" Snap!! Oh no she didn't just get all Verizon up in here! Sorry,sorry,sorry...just watched the Tyra show before doing this. Bad idea.

* Chairlift - ' Don't Give A Dam' MP3

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Downtown Church

The new Patty Griffin album, 'Downtown Church', may in fact save your soul. It's that good.

I have always been a fan ofd Griffin's immense songwriting talent, so I was honestly a bit leery of her doing what is mostly a covers record...especially a gospel-tinged covers record. Why oh why did I ever doubt her? It's such a great album. Featuring mostly obscure gospel tunes(as opposed to overly evangelical ones), including a Hank Williams song, the album is like a beautiful time warp.

I could go on and on, but I think I will just get out of the way and let the music speak for itself...this one is an instant classic.

* 'Coming Home To Me' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 79 Days To Go

In the 70's already...woot woot!! I think today's Indio bound act will be The Middle East. TME are a band hailing from Queensland,Australia. They play a gorgeous blend of indie pop/folk that reminds me a little bit of Grizzly Bear...it's really beautiful stuff. Would be a perfect fit for a sunset slot in the desert.

Here is a tune off of their 2008 LP 'The Recordings Of The Middle East.'

* 'Fool's Gold' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

dark skinned woman with

dick from my dreams - 21

Date: 2010-01-25, 6:10PM EST

i had a dream last night of a HOT dark skinned woman with a dick. she was skinny had long hair and nice sized tits A REAL TRANNY NOT A CROSS DRESSER!!! if this is you please respond back to this post i am really looking for you. Not looking just for fun but in the dream we were together. sitting on the couch watching a movie i was holding you.


In summation, he is posting a missed connection for "real tranny" that he sat on the couch with... in his dream. This one really tests that age old maxim "There is somebody for everybody"

* Antony & The Jonsons - 'For Today I Am A Boy' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 80 Days To Go

Up next, New Jersey five piece rock outfit Steel Train. I have heard this name for years now it seems, but I can't honestly remember hearing their music until this week. I am really loving what I have heard so far though, totally keying in on my weakness for great bar bands.

Here is a song off of their 2008 'Trampoline' record...good stuff.

* 'I Feel Weird' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

The girl doing karaoke

wednesday - m4w - 23

(Pheasant Tavern)

Date: 2010-01-22, 5:53PM CST

You were blonde and sang a couple of songs, you were with your boyfriend or husband, he only had one leg, you came up and tried to dance with me because my sister pushed you away because my girlfriend got mad, im sorry about that, if you see this please reply to me.


* Langhorne Slim - "I Love To Dance' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 81 Days To Go

Today's pick is the Long Island,NY band As Tall As Lions. I am sharing a couple of songs, the first one is off of their 2006 self-titled record, and one is a Counting Crows cover they did that I stumbled across. Enjoy.

* 'Mariah' MP3

* 'Children In Bloom' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 82 Days To Go

Another day, another Coachella bound artist. Here is another band that I had never heard of prior to the lineup being announced, but I may be falling for them. They are One EskimO, a four piece 0ut of London.

This song is off of their self-titled debut. Seemed perfect for a Sunday morning.

* One EskimO - 'Kandi' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

bright eyes revisited - w4m

Date: 2010-01-21, 11:23PM EST

"Turn around, bright eyes" the original post was from me to this one guy. However, my name starts with L. Do I think that I am the "L", that is being missed on our missed connections? no. Do I think that any of these bright eyes posts are in response to mine? no. The sad thing is, that it's not too hard for me. I've got a pocket full of gentlemen callers if I want them. But I don't, because no one (until recently) has made me feel...... "that" and I guess it's "that" that I'm looking for.

I am addicted to the missed connections, and not really because I think I'll ever see myself on here. But because it gives me a little hope that a new romance is being created. If I were to ever see someone seeking me here, I don't even know if it'd come off as romantic, or desperate, or creepy. So, I ask myself, what am I? Romantic, desperate, or creepy. Obsessed probably. Obsessed with the idea that my bright eyes guy feels his total eclipse, or that "L" is really me..... obsessed with feeling different than I do now. I guess that's it. We all just want to feel something different than we feel when we are alone.

If romance that is not creepy does exist, then I will say, that on Saturday, singing along really made me feel the "that" I've been craving, and I really want to see where "this"goes. If you think that you are him, and I am her, then let me know you've been thinking about me too. Not here, on craig's place, maybe through my book, or electronic mail...... we'll both act like we didn't look for "it" on missed connections.


* She & Him - 'Sweet Darlin' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 83 Days To Go

See, this is why I plan my entire year around Coachella every year. The sort of acts they book to play the festival are the type that I would NEVER have a chance to see otherwise. Acts like Gil Scott-Heron. Click the link there if you aren't familiar with the man or his art. To say he had an influence over hip hop and hip hop culture would be massively understating the facts. I can't wait for this set.

* 'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised' MP3

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Heart Of Gold

This one picture should give us ALL so much perspective...

Look at that smile. So how bad was YOUR day, really?

I hope this little guy goes on to live the most incredible life ever...and I have no doubt that he will.

* Johnny Cash - 'Heart Of Gold' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Lodge Bar last night,

rock hard abs?

- w4m - 24 (Arena District)

Date: 2010-01-21, 10:02AM EST

I was out in the Arena District for my friend's birthday and we decided to go to Lodge Bar. For some reason the line was out the door but it moved pretty fast so we went inside for a few drinks. I saw you as soon as I walked in the bar. You were tan and ripped and you seemed like the center of attention. I quickly grabbed a drink and stared from across the room. You seemed pretty popular because everyone was coming up to you like they knew you. I normally don't go up to guys but there was just something about you. Your name was Mike. You were super funny and confident (almost cocky) which I really liked. After a few minutes you lifted your shirt and showed my your chiseled 8-pack abs, which was a little strange, especially after you called it/them "The Situation." I really didn't know how to react so I excused myself to the bathroom and never came back... I just got really nervous and you looked kind of like a "player." I wish I had stayed around and gotten your number. If you see this, please respond and send me a message. You seem like a really nice guy and I'd like to grab coffee or lunch with you sometime.

BTW I was wearing a black tank top...


She wrote a missed connection for Mike 'The Situation' from Jersey Shore. Really. Please, SOMEBODY email her back with this video:

* Jason Molina - 'Almost Was Good Enough' MP3

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Turn Ons

I never get tired of cover albums done well. Do they reinvent the wheel? Of course not, but they sure can off a heck of a lot of well needed distraction from what ever you have that needs doing.

My latest dose of distraction comes in the form of Hot Rats, two thirds of the UK band Supergrass. This is such a fun record. Great versions of songs by Pink Floyd, The Doors, and the Cure just to name a few. And, how can you NOT love a good Beastie Boys cover??

* '(You gotta) Fight For Your Right(To Party)' MP3

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Coachella Artists O'the Day: 84 Days To Go

Yes, it took me all of two days into this countdown to not make a post! Alas, yesterday was not a very internet friendly day...so I will share two Coachella bound acts on this one.

First up, English singer songwriter Frank Turner. Here is a tune off of is 2008 record 'Love Ire And Song."

* 'Photosynthesis' MP3

And here is one from Jonsi, aka Jón Þór Birgisson, lead singer of Sigur Ros.

* 'Boy Lilikoi' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

She was a big YES fan -

44 (Bashford Manor Mall)

Date: 2010-01-17, 10:46AM EST

Back in the early 80's I caught the TARC bus to and from high school. At the Bashford Manor Mall stop, I remember seeing a blind girl, late teen early 20's, that always wore tons of Yes (the band)shirts, hats, buttons and patches all over her coat and purse. Anyone know what became of this girl and if she is still a big fan of the band Yes?


The 30 + year missed connections postings always leave me feeling equal parts amazed and sad. I mean, do you think this girl had ANY idea she was making that kind of impression on a secret admirer?

* Thao - 'Yes, So On And So On' MP3

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Chew Lips

A tip of the cap to my pal Amanda for turning me onto to London band Chew Lips. The trio makes a blend of rock.dance-pop, infused though with smart and sometimes dark lyrics. I defy you to listen to their record 'Unicorn' and NOT at the very least tap your foot...there is a good chance it will turn into a full fledged dance fest by records end.

* 'Karen' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 86 Days To Go

The day the Coachella lineup is released every year always turns out to be one of the most exciting AND the most humbling for me. There are are always dozens of bands on the bill that I have never heard of. So, a great way for me to check them all out is to do a daily countdown to the festival on my blog, with each day's post highlighting a different act that will perform.

First up in the 2010 edition of the countdown, Mayer Hawthorne(one of those dozens that I have never heard of). Here is a song off of his 2009 album 'A Strange Arrangement.)

* 'Make Her Mine' MP3

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It's a dreary Monday. I seem to be long on questions lately, short on answers, and just generally bored with the status quo. Lucinda Williams always helps though. So here are a couple of my favorite duets featuring her. One with M. Ward and one with Tim Easton...enjoy.

* M Ward & Lucinda Williams - 'Oh Lonesome Me' MP3

* Tim Easton - 'Back To The Pain' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Watches the notebook every

time its on.. - m4w - 30

(formerly powell)

Date: 2010-01-18, 6:09AM EST

I know your on craigslist, but have no clue if you will ever look here. I sit here at nights thinking about you, what happened between us. The way we met, and our "first" kiss(es). You stole my heart completely with everything about you. In the end you told me you had to follow your mind over your heart. Then it ended as explosively as it began. I was wrong for my actions in the end, and tried to say goodbye....

We watched the notebook together one night, and I had not seen it yet. You said you loved the movie and told me not to get a crush on the lead actress. From there we constantly referred to the following:

"Noah: You're bored! You're bored and you know it! You wouldn't be here if there weren't something missing.
Allie: You arrogant son of a bitch!
Noah: Would you just stay with me?
Allie: Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we are already fighting.
Noah: Well that's what we do. We fight. You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are being a pain in the ass. Which you are 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a two second rebound rate and your back do doing the next pain in the ass thing.
Allie: So what.
Noah: So it's not going to be easy. It's going to be really hard. And we're going to have to work at this every day. But I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day."

I want you to know that I miss you deeply. I cannot stop thinking about you even though I know you have moved on and I have to stop. I thought I knew love when I was married, and then when my son was born. Then the marriage ended. Then I met you.... while trying to chase her. I had your number in my phone for weeks, and then one day it went off and we started to talk. The spring and summer were amazing... Taking your dogs for walks at antrim or just in the neighborhood. Going to eat at new restaurants just because. Playing Mario Kart with you in your new apartment and getting schooled horrifically every time- just as you said would happen. Going on random shopping trips after breakfast by your work. Just hanging out with you in your new place sitting next to each other on the couch enjoying each others touch for hours. I fell in love with everything about you.

You came back that night and we laid in each others arms for hours knowing we both had a busy day before us, and there I hope are still no regrets. You had said while out with your friend you told them a relationship has to have that "spark" and claimed it made you think of me, that you weren't getting that from your new relationship. Having you so near and yet so distantly far......

I know I still love you because I think not about the passion we had, but the times you put a smile on my face and when I could do the same to you. I miss your voice, your laugh, your eyes, smile, dogs, attitude, boldness, kindness, beauty, the smell of "eternity".... I can list countless more. I wish deeply you still feel the same even through all that has happened-

Noah: What do you want? What do you want?
Allie: It's not that simple.
Noah: What do you want? Goddamit, what do you want?
Allie: It's not that simple.

Noah: The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever.

Allie: I need to ask you something.
Noah: What is it sweetheart?
Allie: Do you think that our love can create miracles?
Noah: Yes I do. That's what brings you back to me each time.
Allie: Do you think our love can take us away together?
Noah: I think our love can do anything we want it to.
Allie: I love you.
Noah: I love you Allie.
Allie: Good night.
Noah: Good night. I'll be seeing you.

I love you. Your missed deeply and can't get you off my mind and cannot contact you.... I am so sorry for the end of everything between us and yearn deeply for you. I cannot watch the notebook again because it reminds me of the love I hold for you in my heart. I will never forget the movie and will think of you every time I see it advertised in the best ways. I love you, wanted to marry you, be your best friend, and give you the log cabin you joked and you wanted so much- but give you a view to the rockies out the windows....

I am not who I was at the end. I will never get the chance to have you trust me again, for you to take a risk and follow your heart over your mind like Allie does-

Allie: What happens if a car comes?
Noah: You die.
Allie: What!?
Noah: Just relax. Just trust. You need to learn how to trust.

I love you "CutiE"


Dude, did you just spend half of your night quoting dialogue from 'The Notebook' in a Craigslist missed connections posting??? Get a grip man!

* The Avett Brothers - 'Love Like The Movies' MP3

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Adventures In Foreign Film: 'Maid Droid'

Netflix blurb: When he tries to reprogram his robotic maid, Maria to gratify him sexually, aging Ueno begins to fall in love with the droid -- only to discover that her batteries are slowly but permanently losing their power. Meanwhile, detective Yuri Akagi investigates a series of rapes that may be connected to the robot.


I know, sounds AMAZING right?? It was not. I think something must have gotten majorly 'lost in translation' because this film had all of the charm of one of those late night Cinemax movies that you find while aimlessly flipping the channels at 3Am on a Saturday morning.. So bad. I couldn't tell if it was attempting to be a biting social commentary/parody or an honest to goodness sci-fi thriller...either way, total fail! But still, I am so glad I watched it. Inentional or not, I laughed a lot...good way to end the weekend. And it must be mentioned, that THIS was the movie that Wayne Coyne was BORN to do the music for.

* Flaming Lips - 'Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots' MP3

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The Heat Of Saturday Night

* Tom Waits - 'San Diego Serenade' MP3

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Titus Andronicus and amen

Ladies and gentleman, Titus Andtronicus have written the first great drinking song of this new decade of ours...

* 'Theme From Cheers' MP3

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Heart Of My Own

Spending my Saturday pouring over all of this great new music I need to listen to. Couple that with my plan to NOT spend any money that I don't need to before Coachella means there could be a posting spree today. You have been warned.

The album that I have been listening to all morning is the new LP from Canadian songstress Basia Bulat. I adored her last record, in all its brevity. I am happy to report the new album is quite a bi longer and has much fuller sound all the way around I think. It's already one of my favorites of the new year.

* 'Go On' MP3

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Everything Will Turn Out Fine

Jeff Magnum's voice never, ever ceases to give me the best kind of chills. If I am ever in need a little inspiration, for anything, I just throw on some Neutral Milk Hotel and its like ideas fall from the skies.

The latest project Mr. Magnum has lent his voice to is a most noble cause. A tribute/benefit album for singer/songwriter Chris Knox who suffered a life-altering stroke. Proceeds from the album will help with his staggering medical bills. Please, if you can afford to buy this record, do it. I have already pre-ordered my copy. All of the info is here.

* 'Sign The Dotted Line' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Be my John Roberts - w4m

Date: 2010-01-15, 2:00AM EST

You're cordial to me when we see each other around school or at the bars, but I'm looking for more than a "hello" and a smile these days. I need a little something to relieve some stress during exams. Be my Chief Justice and grant cert to this appeal (for hot, hot loving).

You: Mid twenties, sort of messy parted brownish hair, dressed like a grownup frat boy, slightly nerdy (but hey, it's law school, I'm a sucker for bad jokes and watching Jeopardy before/after/during sex. "I'll take consent for $800 Alex.").

Me: Same general age. If looks were grades, I'd probably be summering at a decent firm. Maybe not Wachtell, but certainly not DUI defense in Detroit either. I have a laptop, drink from a reusable water bottle, and sometimes wear Uggs to school when I'm studying.

If you feel the same way (and want to join me for some Rule 19 Joinder of Parties), go to Phyllis's desk and ask if she knows where to find a good hornbook. She'll give you all the information you need.


* Handsome Furs - 'Legal Tender' MP3

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I Know A Girl

Happy Friday. Just wanted to pass along a great track from what served as my commuting soundtrack this morning. The artist is Pieta Brown, an Iowa born singer/songwriter with a beautiful voice and some beautiful DNA(she is the daughter of folkie Greg Brown). Her new EP is titled 'Shimmer' and my only complaint is that there isn't more of it! Can't wait for her proper full length debut LP which should be coming soon.

* 'I Know A Girl' MP3

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Nicholas Cage: He does not fuck around

It is obvious to me that Nicholas Cage has set out to star in the worst movie made in 2010. Of this, I have no doubt. My only question is in which of these two movies will he succeed? One gets the automatic Bruckheimer bump, while the other scores bonus points for scarring a once awesome Donovan song title....you, my 15 blog readers, be the judge...vote in the comment section:

Horrible soon to be released Nicholas Cage movie #1:

Horrible soon to be released Nicholas Cage movie #2

And, because this IS a music blog:

* Donovan - 'Season Of The Witch' MP3

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RIP Jay Reatard

Another talent gone way too soon...this is one rock n roll cliche that I am so sick of. So sudden, so sad, so much more great garage rock yet to rip through...

* 'It Ain't Gonna Save Me' MP3

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Have you ever heard a digital accordion?

"What the world needs now, is another folk singer, like I need a hole in my head"

And in the spirit of those immortal words by David Lowery of Cracker, I present to you this song by the UK band the Lovely Eggs. Don't get me wrong, I am all for attempting to change the world through music whenever possible...but sometimes an insanely catchy song is just what the world needs.

* 'Have You Ever Heard A Digital Accordion?" MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

To my loving wife

Laura Dawn - m4w

Date: 2010-01-08, 2:21PM EST

To my Loving Wife Laura Dawn,

I have loved you for most of my life! The moment I seen you I knew we were meant to be! You have made me so happy in the past! We've had a good 10 years together! However in the past few months something has chaged, I really couldn't figure it out. You changed. You stopped being a part of "us". Then things start to suffer. You know longer kissed me when I left for work, you no longer had sex with me, we no longer cuddled in bed, something we ALWAYS did! You couldn't stand to be touched by me, and for the life of me I couldn't understand why. You were my everything.

So you can imagine how surprised I was to find find e-mails from Gary on our computer. Very detailed e-mails from Gary. I was hurt to think that you thought so little of our marriage, of our lives together. At 45 years of age I had NEVER cheated on you, or any woman at that. When we married I accepted you and your two kids as if they were mine, and all your baggage, and debt! I worked hard for this house you call your own, for your clothes, gym membership ( you didn't use and it shows). I was even able to look past the fact that you have gained over 100 lbs since we got married, and believe me that's been hard! I love you though, and that made up for everything. I did all this, only for you to turn around and fuck some other guy. I found these e-mails three weeks ago, and never mentioned anything to you. Why you ask. I had a plan of my own!

First hunny I took all those e-mails to my lawyers, for proof that you couldn't keep your fat legs crossed. I also wanted to make sure that you get NONE of my money! I work hard for my money, and I'll be damned if your fat ass gets any of it! Also the house is mine, and I wanted to make sure I do not have to split anything with you!

Second I decided to carry out a fantasy of mine. Your sister Melissa is so fuckin hot! She's only 28 years old, she skinny and fit, and has the most amaze natural big tits. Oh so juicey. I've been fucking your sister since the day I found the e-mails. Notice I no longer act interested in you! On Christmas we fucked in the bathroom during dinner, I fingered her during breakfest, and then later on when you wasn't looking in the kitchen I totally sucked on her tits! We fuck EVERY DAY! Gary can have your fat ass!

Third. Those e-mails I sent to Gary's wife! She knows now too! Actually I know you haven't heard from Gary in a while! I know this because I monitor your e-mails.. AOL has awesome features! Gary is not going to contact you anymore. He's done, and actually really ashamed he fucked your nasty fat ass! He and his wife are trying to work their marriage out. Which by the way his wife is fucking hot! I may try to hit that too, since he fucked my wife I think it's only fair don't you?

So my sweet loving Laura Dawn! You no longer have a husband, you no longer have a home! I have moved all your stuff out into the garage, you may pick them up later on tonight, or this weekend. Please call before you come. The locks have been changed, and the car needs to be returned by Sunday, or I'll report it stolen. With your belongings is 1000 dollars (which I shouldn't give you at all) use it wisely because you are no longer on my accounts! Actually I've chaged them all..just to make sure you don't have any hidden secrets I know nothing about. You may want to contact your kids and see if you can live with them.

Good luck on your future live, good luck finding another dumbass who'll fuck your fat ass!



Hell hath no fury like a scorned Doug!! I like this one because it starts out sort of sweet, then quickly disintegrates into a spewing rant of bitterness. Sort of like this song...

* Ween - 'Baby Bitch' MP3

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Love Song No. 70

Any day new Magnetic Fields music falls into my life is a good day. The band's brand new record 'Realism' has been my soundtrack for the better part of Tuesday. Just wanted to pass this one along...sounds like it would have been right at home on one of the 69 Love Song volumes.

* 'Seduced & Abandoned' MP3

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The Antidote For A Monday

It's a gray, painfully cold Monday that seems like it will never end. The musical cure for this sort of poison? I say the sublime sounds of Massive Attack...

* 'Paradise Circus' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

$5.00 Footlong?? - m4m

(Tussing Rd. at Brice Rd.)

Date: 2010-01-11, 8:39AM EST

I was at the Subway on Sunday night and you waited on me. You looked to be in your twenties, light brown in color, and possibly foreign (although you had no accent). You gave me my receipt and said I had 200 points. You said for 200 points I could have anything in the store, including you!! I am interested in seeing if you have a $5.00 footlong! Reply if interested descibing who you were working with so I know it is you.


This is the worst food innuendo EVER, and deserves nothing less than the worst food innuendo song ever. You sir, are not only creepy, but you have no wit...at all. Again, sorry for the song...but it was called for...I promise to get back to the regularly scheduled good music as soon as possible.

* Adam Sandler - 'Food Innuendo Guy' MP3

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This Great Pressure

Jogger is the LA based singer-songwriting duo Amir Yaghmai and Jonathan Larroquette. Long names, I think I see why the went with Jogger. But I digress. I have been listening to their latest record, 'This Great Pressure' ALL weekend and loving it. On the album there is this amazing meshing of neo folk like lyrics with breakbeat, and almost dance music. Whatever it is, it works really, really well. Here is one of my favorite tunes...enjoy.

* 'Napping Captain' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

My broken heart on display...

- m4w - 24

Date: 2010-01-04, 8:23PM EST

The Sun & The Moon

Our liaison was celestial & our aspirations well beyond this sphere...

You admired how high I stood above the earth and the majestic crown on my head. Your breathe taken away by my shining golden armor. I could do no wrong as my sword fought valiantly to defend you and my arms were your sanctuary.

I think of your pale beauty. Your smile so comforting that I find peace and rest. Your eyes lighting the night sky all the while shrouded in your cape of clouds. From a top your head your circlet setting the night on fire. In so many ways you illuminated my life. You looked on me with favor and I was on your highest pedestal.

I still beam brightly as I remember those times...
I fear though that winter has come and that our warmth has fled this place.
My kingdom has been taken from me now.

I no longer shine so brightly to you, and as my cold tears fall to the ground below...
my once proud armor has become tarnished.

I have failed you my love.
I did not rise as I should have... and now this deposed king will chase you to the ends of his once glorious and lofty empire and hope one day that our hearts might eclipse once more...

But for now my love it is winter and it is a long journey to complete this course I must make...
I only hope to find you waiting for me when I arrive.

I love you my dear...

I will be there soon

This is the sad story of the Sun & the Moon


He is the J.R.R. Tolkien of bad emo poetry.

* The National - 'Fake Empire' MP3

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Those Darlins

Uh oh. These girls are going to turn out to be the best kind of trouble. Those Darlins are a rowdy all girl three piece from Tennessee who play the sorta songs a rowdy three piece from Tennessee should play. I never stood a chance. Smitten again. Times three.

* Those Darlins - 'DUI Or Die' MP3

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I was just killing time today, checking out some of the artists who are coming to town in the next few weeks when I came across the name Lissie. So glad I did and so glad I took a second to listen to her music. So young, so much soul...this is off of her five song 'Why You Runnin?' EP...I am smitten. Musically speaking, of course.

* Lissie - 'O Mississippi' MP3

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3 Days After 500 Days Of Summer

So I watched '500 Days Of Summer' again. The scene I keep coming back to in that movie is the one where they are in the record store. The scene in which Summer shoots Tom that look when he holds up the Ringo Star record. That is the look of complete and utter indifference. That is the look of lovelessness. In my life, I dare say, I have both given AND received that look. There is no coming back from that look. It is finality, whether you want to admit it or not.

* Pixies - 'Here Comes Your Man' MP3