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Craigslist Musical Dedication

No, we didn't die.

we just never had a chance

to grow.

- w4m - 19

Date: 2009-11-28, 2:16AM EST

I don't know what to do anymore. I can't keep wishing, hoping, dreaming of the day you realize that I'm what you want. I think it's time I realize it's just not going to happen.
I fell in love with you. So fast. Trust me, that's not something I'm happy to admit..you got to me, unlike anyone else. I guess to you it was just a "summer fling," but to me..it was anything but that. I started off with the same mentality you did. I just wanted to have fun. Then YOU, not me, started the whole "relationship" conversations. Out of nowhere, we switched places. I was suddenly the one who wanted more and you were the one unable to give it. I feel like such an idiot for even thinking that your drunken words were true. I don't expect you to read this. and if you do, i sure as hell don't expect you to be able to understand this is for you. It seems random, out of the blue, right? Wrong. I've been silently holding everything in so that i don't "call you out," which is what led to us not seeing eachother in the first place. If you opened up a little and let yourself become just a little vulnerable, i wouldn't have to call you out. You hurt me. You don't even seem to notice you did. As much as it hurts, I have to let go and end this back-and-forth thing we have going on. You either love someone, or you don't. Clearly, you do not. Goodbye.


Nineteen...you're only 19 for God's sakes, you don't need a boyfriend.

* The Long Blondes - 'Once And Never Again' MP3

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Certain songs of 2009 that got so scratched into my soul...

It may be a bit early for 'year end' lists and things like that, but once they holidays hit all bets are off for how much free time I might have so I thought I better get this thing up while I could. I will leave the compiling of lists to people who are much better at it and much more thorough than I.

Here are my favorite 28 songs of the past year...in no particular order.

Some stats:

  • # of Animal Collective songs: 0
  • # of remixes: 0
  • # of new pornographers: 2
  • # of Ohio bands: 3
  • # of British bands: 5
  • # of songs I loved this year and probably forgot to include: Too many to count

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Too Quiet

Nothing. I have nothing to say. At all. Hence the lack of blog-tivity lately. But I did take a really nice, relaxing late Autumn walk last night and had three marvelous songs pop up via the shuffle mode. And since this space was going unused, i figured I'd fill it with those songs.

* Mike Doughty - 'Pleasure On Credit' MP3

* My Morning Jacket - 'Phone Went West' MP3

* Cloud Cult - 'Love You All' MP

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

need someone to sit on lap

Date: 2009-09-22, 5:45AM EDT

I have bad back problems, and need someone to sit on my lap for four hours a day ,it helps me straigten my, back I know it sound weird but it helps , willing to pay ten dollars and hour for four hours , twice a week , has to be in good shape and looking for a male to do it because they are stronger to do this sort of job, if you are interested e mail , this is not bs ,you could watch tv, use computer I will even give you food, please respond , just want to let you know that I am not gay or anything like that , just need the weight of you leaning on me , that is all, and sitting on me helps , trust me this is not what I wanted but it helps, thank you


* The Avett Brothers - 'The Weight Of Lies' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

"Dancing Box"

(Georgesville Road)

Date: 2009-11-11, 3:35PM EST
Reply to: job-7r6yt-1461610096@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

"Dancing Box" need to stand in front of our location holding sign and attracting attention. Fridays from 10am to 3pm, Saturdays from 10am to 3pm. Please apply if you can work every Friday and Saturday and are serious about this position


Serioulsy...don't waste their time unless you are serious about a career as a dancing box.

* Damien Jurado - 'Dancing' MP3

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And it's only gonna get old if you let it get old....

I love those lyrics...though they hit a little too close to home. I find myself getting bored with blogging...bored in general.

I gotta get out of this town, if it's the last thing I ever do.

* The Sun - 'So Long,Sundays' MP3

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Sounds Like November

Elliot Smith always sounded like November to me, God rest his soul. Just something about the bitter-sweetness of his voice that seemed to jive so well with this time of year in Ohio.

The reason I bring this up at all, is that the weird irony glitch in the Itunes shuffle mode seemed to kick in again this evening. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, returning a few emails when these two songs came on....back to back. Each one reminding me a lot of Mr. Smith...and thus, that November-esque sound. Had to pass them along...

* Liam Finn - 'Wide Awake On The Voyage Home' MP3

* The Dead Trees - 'My Friend Joan, She Never Asks' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

It kills me...

Date: 2009-11-12, 4:09PM EST

To think of us being pastence, I really don't think of us being pastence but it seems like you do and I have to respect that but if I can help it at all I want to try to win your confidence back because you meant the world to me and still do as far as I'm concerned. Sure, I lust for you but when I lust for you it is completely not just physically, I lust for everything about you and hopefully one day that will include your love again...


What I feel for you will never end even if you don't want to make up I will always have feelings for you...


It kills me too, because this has to be one of my favorite spelling/grammatical errors ever. I like his version better though, "pastence" is just so much easier on the eyes.

* Pearl Jam - 'Present Tense' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

shark head - m4m - 28 (ravari room)

Date: 2009-11-04, 6:12PM CST

There you were, sitting and sweating looking confused and alone. I wanted you but you didnt seem to notice me, last wednesday at the ravari room. You have an enormous shark tattooed on your head, and an attitude that screams i'm a fucking dipshit. If you are interested meet me for a drink friday night at the ravari room ill be wearing a deer tatttoo!


How could you NOT fall for a guy with a giant shark tattoo on his head??

* Herman Dune - 'My Baby Is Afraid Of Sharks' MP3

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File under: guilty pleasure...maybe

At heart, I am a pop music lover. Sure, the pop music I listen to maybe be just a little left of center, and a bit sad times, but it's basically the same formula - 4 minute songs where boys sing about girls, or vice versa...verse, chorus, verse...that sort of thing. So I am not really sure if the term "guilty pleasure" fits when I am talking about Kate Miller-Heidke or not. But I know that I am liking her music and it makes me feel a little weird.

It's just not the sort of thing I usually find myself listening to. Ms Miller-Heidke is a singer/songwriter from Australia who I sort of stumbled into this morning. She writes really witty, really infectious pop tunes that will stick with you long after listening. And, she is pretty adorable. Enough of my inner-dialouge rambling. Here is a tune off of her second album, fittingly titled 'Curioser.'

* 'Caught In The Crowd' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

To the Music Department Frat Guy

Date: 2009-11-06, 4:58PM EST

To the Music Department Frat Guy:

I just want you to know that I find you incredibly attractive in every single way. I know that you will never read this, but I still think you ought to know. I see you every day, because, well, I am a music major, too. You sit at the piano next to mine in Class Piano, and I see you glance at me out of the corner of my eye every now and again. I watch you play out of the corner of mine, and I must say, you have beautiful hands.

That night at the talent show, backstage in the dark, when you stood a mere two inches from me and whispered, "Good luck," I think I almost died. You smelled so good and I could feel the heat from your body, and even though I couldn't see you, I knew it was you. I am not looking for a wild and crazy night of sex, although, let's face it, if that's all you wanted, I would certainly give it a go, I would much prefer to be in a relationship with you.

When you play your guitar and sing, oh my. If you sang to me I would simply melt into the carpet. That day in choir, when he had us face each other to sing, and I just so happened to turn to you, and you just so happened to turn to me, and we sang to each other, oh if I could go back and replay that moment forever in time, I would do so in an instant. When I see you in the lobby of our music building, my heart speeds up and I most likely begin to sweat embarrassingly in your presence. I occasionally become tongue-tied and I wonder if you can tell that I like you, but even if you can, you will never go for me.

Why? Because you're about five-foot-ten, one-seventy-five to one-eighty lbs, curly auburn hair, soft brown eyes, muscles to die for, and I? I am five-foot-four, about one-sixty-five lbs, shoulder-length brown hair, greenish eyes. Now, perhaps that doesn't sound too bad, but add in very light acne around my period, glasses, some extra chunk I wish would just go away, and the fact that I am a single mother, well, not exactly a good catch for anyone. That might sound as though I am only putting myself down, and in some ways, I am. And yet these are the bullshit excuses that I get when a guy finds out I like him.

I work my ass off to make sure things go well academically. I had a kid in high school by a guy I'd much prefer to not talk about. I still managed to graduate with a four-point-oh and the title of Valedictorian, and I still managed to snag the lead in the musical. But finding love? You may as well just ask me to surgically remove my right arm myself. That might actually be possible. You, Music Department Frat Guy, are such a good person, so nice, so easy-going, you are more my type than anyone else in the music department, not that there are many to choose from, but you...you will never notice me like that. Because on top of being in the music department, you also bear the title of "Frat Guy." And what does that mean?

Girls. Coming and going from the frat house at all hours of the day and night. Plenty of opportunities for you, even though you strike me as the type to not do anything with them. I personally find it very hard to believe that you are single. Why? What the hell is wrong with all these beautiful girls that hang all over you? If I looked like them, I would have asked you out a long time ago, kid or not. But I am just a timid freshman in college, hiding from you my true feelings because I think that you might just deserve better than me. I think that every guy I really truly like in a more than sexual way deserves to find someone who is beautiful and with whom they can start their very own family together, instead of having to inherit some other guy's child. Which, oddly enough, is the opposite of why some guys won't date me. They think I expect them to become "Daddy," which is utterly ridiculous.

I feel as though I ought to just give up on you, Music Department Frat Guy, because I will never make a move. I feel as though I should just stoop to the guys I really have no attraction to just so I don't have to be lonely any longer. Perhaps I should just continue to watch you from afar, but I don't really know what the point is, because one day you will get a girlfriend, and I will feel as though my heart has been ripped out and shattered into a multitude of variously sized and shaped pieces. Maybe you will read this one day, and realize that I am talking about you, and maybe you'll figure out who I am, and maybe you'll laugh every time you see me, but maybe, just maybe, you'll look at me differently and realize that I, too, am only human, and maybe, just maybe, you'll want to know more.


Music Department Girl


Whoa...did anyone manage to finish this one? If you didn't, no hard feelings. It started out as a missed connection, then sort of transformed into a journal entry, and by the end it was like a giant cry for help...i love the random moments of peoples consciousness that craigslist captures.

* Stars - 'What I'm Trying To Say' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Re - Queensryche Concert - w4m

Date: 2009-11-02, 11:50AM EST

I was at that concert. I was on the floor. I did get poked. What did I look like?


Wow, I can't believe someone responded to this! We are looking at would could very well be the first successful connection ever made via the CL missed connections section...and it happened over an eye-poking at a Queensyrche show. A sign of the apocalypse? Maybe.

* Elvis Perkins In Dearland - 'Doomsday' MP3

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Long name, great song

Sitting here listening to the new record from Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson...yep, four names. Still sort of on the fence about the entire record as a whole, but this song I am sharing is a keeper for sure...makes most excellent use of his rather unique voice.

* 'Trap Door' MP3

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People Eating People

People Eating People is the solo project of Nouela Johnston(formerly of the band Mon Frere). It's hard to listen to this self-titled debut record and not immediately think of artists like Regina Spektor and Tori Amos - you know, other talented girls who rock the piano. Not that is a bad thing, I am just thinking out loud here. This is an album that is definitely worthy of standing on it's own two legs though. Excellent, intelligent, and at times darkly humorous songwriting abounds. And her voice has a more soulful tinge to it I think. Enough of my babbling...it's a great record...enjoy the song.

* 'All The Hospitals' MP3

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Because listing stuff is what music geekdom is all about

The beautiful and really smart people over at NPR's All Songs Considered have taken on one hell of an ambitious list and they are leaving it up to us to decide how it shakes out. All of the details are right here. Yep. The 50 greatest voices of all time.

This was a brutal vote...and one that I probably could have done about 17 different ways. See, I am - at heart - an over-analyzer. First of all, I think there could probably be a completely separate post about the 126 "finalists" they picked, but what's done is done. So how do you interpret "greatest voices"? Most recognizable, most technically sound, most emotional, most socially impactful, etc etc etc. I could have spent all night agonizing over these, or I could do what I did, which is to just pick the five voices in the list that have had the most impact in my life. Still incredibly hard, but by doing this at least I didn't catch myself voting for Nusrat Fateh Ali Kahn in some lame attempt to garner hipster cred from people I don't even know. Oh, I've caught myself doing it before. I am human after all, and sometimes I choose poorly in an ill-fated attempt at being cool...but I am working on that.

So, here are my top five...sort of a gut response...if you do vote, and feel like sharing, I'd love to read see your picks....just post them in the comments section here.

Van Morrison
Johnny Cash
Tom Waits
Otis Redding
Nina Simone

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

queesryche concert 10/28 -

m4w - 42 (pickerington)

Date: 2009-11-02, 8:00AM EST

I was standing by you on the floor of the concert.towards the end of the show...some drunk poked you in the eye. Give me an email if you see this..


Chivalry really is dead. This guy sees a girl get poked in the eye by a drunk dude, says nothing, but makes a mental note to write a missed connection when he gets home. Obviously, he could not turn away from the awesomeness that WAS Queensryche.

* Frightened Rabbit - 'Poke' MP3

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Best Crisis Ever

If I haven't mentioned it already, ApSci's 'Best Crisis Ever' is one of the funnest records of the year. There is so much happening musically on this album, I hear something new almost every time I spin it.

Today I am digging their version of one of my favorite vintage R.E.M. songs, 'Swan Swan H.' I am going to post both versions...give em a listen...talk about making a song your own!

* R.E.M. - 'Swan Swan H' MP3

*ApSci - 'Swan Swan H' MP3

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Where the cross beats aren't so slow

I am sitting here, fighting with the undeniable fact that it is already November. Too soon, too soon. I am not ready for the rush of capitalism that is unleashed this time of year. But, as always, I will power through with the help of music.

And speaking of music, I am listening to NYC's Freelance Whales at the moment. Their debut LP 'Weathervanes' is a stellar set of the sort of indie rock/folk sound perfected by bands like the Decemberists, etc.

Here is a tune for you...good stuff.

* Freelance Whales - 'Broken Horse' MP3