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The Leaver's Dance

I spent WAY too much time on public transportation this past weekend commuting back and forth from our local Community Festival. The upside of this, as always, are those hidden corners of my music collection where the forgotten songs hide. Luckily, the shuffle mode on my mp3 player enjoys outing them.

This song is a great exampe. A gorgeous song off of the first Veils record 'The Runaway Found', released back in 2004.

* 'The Leaver's Dance' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication - Comfest Edition

Downtown Holiday Inn Wed/Thu & Comfest (briefly) - m4w - 32 (Leaving for home)

Reply to: pers-m4x7q-1244458422@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-06-28, 9:23PM EDT

To my beautiful conceirge during my stay here in Columbus:

Thanks so much for being so kind to me while I've been Nerding it up in your town. Your tip on Comfest was dead on... It was a solid good time.

I was forlorn to not be able to join up with your group (if you'd have had me) at Comfest. I'm also sure you think I'm some kind of fly by night pick-up artist. Honestly, I'm just not that type. Given the choice between being completely alone at Comfest with no clue (then going back to the hotel to stare at the walls), or chancing to meet the only other person who was there on their lonesome... I opted to meet someone and get a tour from a local. It would have been extremely rude of me to say "Hey! that's ~You~, I gotta bounce, kthxbye!" to my new handler.

I've been mulling over making a "proposition" to you since Thursday night. Your sexy, razor witted, and humorous personality proves to me that you'd be positively sheet thrashingly awesome.

All that being said, I'd love to see you again before I leave. Whether it's just to give you a platonic hug, or make your toes curl (your choice, no pressure). You've said a few things that might just have been testing the boundaries, or they might have been a pick up, I'm not sure. If they were the latter, I'm for it. Look me up, I'll be here until tomorrow morning.

I hope you're not all creeped out because some nerdlinger is swooning after having only spent a couple hours with you.
I want you to know that you're a bubbly, attractive, and very desirable woman, and I hope we meet again extremely soon.

Endicott's Pants Forever!


She is a concierge man!! It's her job to be friendly...sigh.

* Pavement - 'Shady Lane' MP3

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Comfest 2009

Finally, Comfest has come back to me! Always my favorite weekend of they year. And it's true, I may not be Columbus,OH's biggest fan(I have one failed escape attempt under my belt, hoping to launche escape #2 soon) but I will ALWAYS love Comfest. The Community Festival brings all of the best parts of humanity into Goodale Park for three glorious days every June, leaving all of the not so fun parts of life to fester back in the real word.

Amazing music, amazing food, amazing people watching. And the reunions. People you haven't seen for years, you can ALWAYS count on seeing them once a year. Columbus is just small enough so that you will surely run into every ex, every old friend, and every "hey I've seen that guy before"-guy at least once over the weekend. I plan on getting down to the park at about 1PM on Friday and just sort of moving in, not leaving til they kick me out around 9 on Sunday.


And the music...

* 'Alcohol' - (Happy Chichester - Friday 8:10, Bozo Stage)

* 'Bastards & Bridesmaids' - (Two Cow Garage - Friday 10:10 Bozo Stage)

* 'Northbound' - (Tim Easton - Saturday 5:00 Bozo Stage)

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Everything You Love Will Be Taken Away

The title of this Slaid Cleeves solo album pretty much sets the tone for the what you are about to hear. Yep, it may be a bit on the sad side. The record is full of beautifully written songs about social injustices(old and new), broken hearts, and broken dreams. And it's also one of the finest singer/songwriter albums you will hear all year.

* 'Twistin' MP3

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Loch Lomond

Oh Portland, why must I fall in love with every band you produce...or so it seems. The latest Oregon band to win my heart is Loch Lomond. Those autumnal tones and downbeat lyrics get me EVERY TIME.

Loch Lomond's latest release is the 'Trumpets for Paper Children' EP, available for free through Hush Records.

* 'A Field Report' MP3

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Fol Chen

I feel another mini blog-a-thon coming on today...brought to you by my not wanting to work and ALL of this new music that I am loving.

Next up is the LA based band Fol Chen, who sound like, in a word - FUN. I am really bad at describing what things sound like anyway, so I will happily defer to a press release I recently read from the band's label describing their sound as "that mysterious black object that the creepy family is staring at on the cover of Led Zeppelin's Presence album."

Run out and get their debut record 'Part One: John Shade, Your Fortune's Made'...here is my favorite track from the album.

* 'Cable TV' MP3

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Why Modern Radio Is A-OK

In my seemingly never ending quest to find alt-country musical goodness, I stumbled right into what may be quickly becoming one of my favorite albums of the year - "Oh Tall Tree In The Ear' from Chapel Hill,NC band Roman Candle.

While the entire album is pretty spectacular, this song and its love of Van Morrison and Neil Young(and it's discontent for modern radio) is a killer tune. So much fun...and so, so full of wisdom.

* Why Modern Radio Is A-OK' MP3

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I wish I was a Carpenter

Musical confession: I LOVE the songs of The Carpenters. I do...I can't help it.

And while it may not be raining, it is most definitely a monday, and as you can probably tell my by impromptu blogging spree, I am bored. So I thought I would come clean about my Carpenters love and post one of my favorites from the classic tribute record 'If I Were A Carpenter.'

* Cracker - 'Rainy Days And Mondays' MP3

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Finally, there will be new music available from Regina Spektor tomorrow in the form of her brand new set of songs 'Far.'

I spent a lot of time listening to this album over this past weekend and it has really grown on me - already. RS continues to showcase herself as one of the wittiest songwriters around. Take the song below for example...a fun, light tune - but full of acid-tongued wit. I love this lyric referring to the "meat market down the street":

"The boys and the girls watch each other eat when they really just wanna watch each other sleep"

* 'Dance Anthem Of The 80's' MP3

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Murdering Oscar(and other love songs)

The great things for fans of Patterson Hood is due to all of the great songwriters in his band, The Drive By Truckers, Mr. Hood has to to release the occasional solo album to get all of the songs out of his head. The latest such album is the brilliant 'Murdering Oscar(and other love songs)'.

I say it's brilliant, but in the spirit of full disclosure, I am a huge DBT fan and totally unobjective when it comes to the songs of Patterson Hood. Here is one of my favorite tracks off of the latest record...enjoy.

* 'I Understand Now' MP3

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The Broken Family Band

Just heard this new single from UK outfit The Broken Family Band and I am loving it...feel obligated to share it. The band's brand new record is entitled 'Please And Thank You.'

* 'Salivating' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

To the Drunk Hottie who fell off my motorcycle

Date: 2009-06-15, 5:23AM PST

I met you at the bar last night, and we hit it off. Ya we were both a little buzzed, but you seemed as into me as I was into you. Things got to things, we made out a bit, and you ended up going home with me on the back of my motorcycle, which was awesome because that doesn't usually happen to me. I luckily had the extra helmet with me and let you wear my bike jacket while suffering the cold on the way home. I was feeling pretty happy and lucky to say the least.

This is where things got crazy.

I don't know if you slipped, or thought I was taking you home to kill you, or if your're just plain crazy and had a change of heart, but all of a sudden you let go of me MID-TURN and went flying into the bushes at about 10-15mph near the park by my house. I was so freaked out!!! when I looked back to see you fumbling in the bushes I could only PRAY TO GOD that you didn't hit the asphalt or something worse.

I really thought you must have been hurt at least a bit, but as I turned around to come check on you, you took off into the unlit park running full speed with my helmet and jacket still on! I parked my bike and looked for you for over 2 hours calling your name until I was so cold I had to go home or risk freezing to death.


Im sorry for what happened and I really hope your're ok, really I do, but seriously WTF. Running into a forested park in the middle of the night like that....I really can't begin to guess what you were thinking, and you weren't that drunk, but i suppose my "crazy-bitch o' meter" wasn't working at the bar that night, and from the speed you took off I can only surmise that your're not that hurt. I would like my expensive bike gear back though, I hope it kept you warm during your psychotic episode, but it IS mine and I kinda need it to get around in the winter. If you could return it to the bar for me, check in with your shrink, and promise to never come near me again that would be great, cause you scared the #*$% outta me and are costing me alot of money.

Very cold/poor motorcycle rider who will never let women near his bike again.


* The Magnetic Fields - 'The Night You Can't Remember' MP3

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The Coathangers

In the spirit of summer fun, I thought I would just stop by for a second and post an abosultely perfect summer band - would be riot grrrrls, The Coathangers.

Straight ahead rock n 'roll fun without a hint of pretentiousness. The new record is called 'Scramble' and it is a blast.

* 'Stop Stomp Stompin' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

where are you sally? - m4w - 39 (i am in oregon now)

Reply to:pers-3xkmc-1189468520@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-26, 11:11AM CDT

okay i know that this is going to sound funny but my wife and i got seperated and havent been able to find one another. i know that she lives in the lincoln nebraska area. dont ask me how but i do and i also know that she is looking for me. her name is Sally Rappold and she would be about 34 if you read this sally respond of if anyone knows her please tell her that i am looking for her my name is tony


"I know she is looking for me"...sure she is. That's why you are posting a craigslist missed connection...not at all desperate.

* Say Hi - 'Sallie's Heart Is Stone' MP3

* Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - 'Sally Don't You Cry' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication


Reply to: pers-f9xpf-1225476261@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-06-17, 12:40AM EDT

YOU WERE MY CASHIER . LONG DARK HAIR BEATIFUL EYES we made eye to eye contact and smiled . i bought a white tee shirt and a yellow tee shirt . please if you read this let me know what you were thinking .


One woman's customer service is another man's missed connection...

* Pete & The Pirates - 'Eyes Like Tar' MP3

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Elephant Micah

Elephant Micah, how have we not met before now? You and your beautiful mix of glorious distortion, lo-fi, reverbed acoustic guitars, and incredible lyrics make you perfect for me! Better late than never I guess. Somehow this amazing Indiana collective led by Joe O'Connell has evaded me for the better part of a decade, which isn't all bad...now I get to play catch up.

EM have a brand new record out entitled 'Exiled Magicians'...it actually came out in 2008 I believe, like I said, I was really late to this party. This tune is actually off of the band's 2005 record 'Agrarian Malaise'...enjoy.

* 'Malaysia' MP3

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Novel Sounds Of The Nouveau South

Springfield, MO's Ha Ha Tonka have a brand new album out called 'Novel Sounds Of The Nouveau South. On a sad sidenote, HHT are playing in town tonight - a show that I am unfortunately adding to my ever growing of shows that I will be missing.

I am a big fan of the Ozark-inspired storytellers...their last record was a huge hit with me. I have only just started listening to the new one here, but I am already falling in serious like - could be love - we shall see. Here is one of my favorites off the new one...enjoy.

* 'Close Every Valve Of Your Bleeding Heart' MP3

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Zee Avi is an LA based singer songwriter who was born in Borneo and raised in Kuala Lumpur - got all of that? She has just released a beautiful self-titled album, and it features what is probably the prettiest song about losing a boyfriend to heroin addiction that you are ever likely to hear.

* 'Poppy' MP3

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This Is For The White In Your Eyes

I heard this song on NPR this afternoon and HAD to track it down. Choir Of Young Believers are a Danish band, based out of Copenhagen, and this track can be found on the record 'This Is For The White In Your Eyes' which I believe goes on sale in August here in the states. I say band, but the project is basically a vehicle for singer/songwriter Jannis Noya Makrigiannis.

Beautiful, haunting stuff...give a listen.

* Choir Of Young Believers - 'Hollow Talk' MP3

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ALMOST half way home

We are almost half way through 2009...ALREADY!

So, since I am always up for totally unnecessary listing, here is my very unofficial list of Favorite Songs Of 2009...so far. Very unofficial because I am sure that as soon as 5 minutes after posting this, I will think of about 5 more that should have been on the list. But for now...I am happy with these:

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Grooming Circle - w4mm

Reply to: pers-p6p4r-1219000881@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-06-12, 9:51PM EDT

I am a woman seeking a group of 4-6 men to brush my hair in what i like to refer to as my "grooming circle."

I have not cut my hair since age 14. I am 5'8" and my nut-brown locks fall well past the small of my back, terminating just below the buttocks. I am 32 years old but often get i.d.'d when i buy wine spritzer by the case. I work in elder-care, and several of my male charges have described me as both "comely" and a "handsome woman." I used to permit these fellows to brush my hair until i was reprimanded by my superiors.

This is how the "grooming circle" works. I will distribute to each man a numbered brush from my array of fine boar's head bristle brushes (2 have ivory handles, 4 have tortoise shell). Each man will gather around me and take hold of a lock of hair approx 1/4 inch in diameter. Each man will then spread out from me in what i refer to as the "maypole formation." I will let out a long sigh as a signal to commence brushing in tandem. I may need to periodically give notes, and will refer to each man by brush number.

No Tugging.

Please do not suggest music. We will be listening to the Gypsy Kings.

We will all be clothed. This is not overtly sexual in nature. You may take off your shoes but not your socks.

All I require is that you be of sound mind, have clean finger nails, no callouses, and a steady hand. A steady hand is essential to proper brushing rythmn.

For those first-timers who have never participated in a "grooming circle" before and are feeling nervous, I will offer you a ladyfinger soaked in peach schnopps to calm you. I also have wine spritzer if that is more to your taste. Again, there is nothing so offputting as an unsteady hand.

I will provide refreshments afterwords: ginger snaps, necco wafers, and fresca.

Do not bring in any outside brushes.

Please email me your responses and a photo of your hands.


PS I have no grey hairs (at least not on my head).


* Edie Brickell And The New Bohemians - 'Circle'

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New Magnolia Electric Co.

New Jason Molina music will always bring me out of a mini-posting hiatus!

Molina and Magnolia Electric Company are back with 'Josephine', their latest record - it drops on July 21st. Personally, I could listen to Jason sing the phone book and be enthralled...but here is a sneak peak of the new record...which promises to be much more interesting.

* 'Hope Dies Last' MP3

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It's the hipster perfect storm

Discovery is the new project from Vampire Weekend and Ra Ra Riot members...and they dig the Jackson 5 - well, who doesn't? But they put their love on record.

* 'I Want You Back' MP3

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Born On Flag Day

Even though I personally just found out about Deer Tick this past winter, their impending summer release 'Born On Flag Day' has been one that I've been looking forward to for months. I literally knew nothing of the band, then saw them open up for ex Drive By Trucker Jason Isbell a while back and I was blown away. Went out the next day and picked up last year's 'Elephant.'

I dig John McCauley's scratchy, road tested voice and he writes the perfect songs to fit it. The record drops on June 23.

* 'Hell On Earth' MP3

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Let's Wrestle

Yet another record I have been hearing shades of Pavement in lately is the London band Let's Wrestle. I think it's like when you really, really miss an ex and you find yourself seeing people that look like them EVERYWHERE you look.

But since a Pavement reunion won't be happening anytime soon, I will keep hearing what I want to hear I guess. Anyway, this record is one that I am loving more and more all the time. Ill stop rambling and share a song.

* Let's Wrestle - 'I'm In Fighting Mode' MP3

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Staff Benda Bilili

I usually steer clear of world music, mostly due to ignornace - I am just not very hip to what is good and what isn't and it's a pretty intimidatingly large genre. But every once in awhile I stumble across a world music band that I fall in love with. That's what happened wiwth Staff Benda Bilili before I ever heard a single note. Check out this bio, it's unreal:


Amazing, no? Their heartwarming story makes this beautiful music all that much more irresistable. Here is a song off of their 2009 release Tres Tres Fort.

* 'Polio' MP3

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Coconuts, Plenty Of Junk Food

'Coconuts, Plenty Of Junk Food' is the new self released EP from sister freak folk duo Cocorosie...I love these girls, because never in my life have I used the sentence "They sound just like Cocorosie" when describing ANY other band.

'Coconuts' MP3

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Nothing Is Okay

Life is not always fair. I JUST came across the amazing music of Tennessee's The Everybodyfields, and it seems that as of June 5th the band has called it quits. We hardly got to know one another. But we will always have 'Nothing Is Okay', the band's latest record, a gorgeous album for anyone who loves Gillian Welch, Kathleen Edwards, Gram Parsons...it's alt-country at it's most beautiful.

* 'Lonely Anywhere' MP3

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Dent May And His Magnifecent Ukulele

Dent May reminds me of a more cynical, less romantic, American version of Jens Lekman. And I really do mean that as a compliment! I love Jens, as the oodles of posts here will attest to, but sometimes I am in the mood for something a little more jaded.

Now I have Dent May. Beautiful, catchy pop songs, hyper literate lyrics, and of course his magnificent ukulele. Here are two tracks off of his record 'The Good Feeling Music Of Dent May..."

* 'College Town Boy' MP3

* 'You Can't Force A Dance Party' MP3

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Right Away Great Captain

It was a spectacular weekend for me on the new music discovery front. I just stumbled into all sorts of audio goodness, which I will spend my Monday sharing here with you as opposed to...you know, working.

First up is Right Away Great Captain, a side project of Manchester Orchestra's lead singer Andy Hull, which immediately explains why I love the record so much. Musically, it may come off a bit softer, a bit more folky, but lyrically it is as biting and brutally honest as anything MO has ever recorded. The record I have been digging is 'The Eventually Home', it came out late in 2008.

* ' Cutting Off The Blood To Ten' MP3

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There Is No Good Way To Say That I'm Leaving You

Yes, this may not exactly be the feel good hit of the summer, but it's a great song nonetheless, destined to go down as one of the great break up songs of 2009.

Slow Club are Charles and Rebecca from Sheffield, United Kingdom. There brand new album "Yeah So" will be out on July 6th.

* 'There Is No Good Way To Say That I'm Leaving You' MP3

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Ah..the second I hit play and that beautiful reverb-fueled fuzzy guitar sound of J Mascis' came blaring out, all was right in the world. His guitar became my time machine...and I hitched a ride back to the early 90's and the age of own personal musical renaissance. No cubicles...no annoying bosses...no mindless work...just big dreams and rock n roll. That's where I need to get back to.

Never underestimate the transportive powers of music. Enjoy this new Dino Jr track...the record is brilliant.

* 'Over It' MP3

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Young Hearts Spark Fire

“I don’t wanna worry about dying...I just wanna worry about those sunshine girls”

Thank you Japandroids....for penning what have to be some of THE great rock n roll lyrics of 2009.

* 'Young Hearts Spark Fire' MP3

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And Malcom

Former Arab Strap member, singer/songwriter Malcolm Middleton released a brand new album today - 'Waxing Gibbous'. If you have stumbled across any of the blurbs on this blog before, you know that I have a major weakness for all things Scottish - musically speaking. Not sure why that is...and I am not sure if I won't to now!

But I digress...'Waxing Gibbous' is fine collection of reflective, evocative songs...beautiful stuff. Here is one of my favorites, and an early contender to win my vote for song title of the year.

* 'Ballad Of Fuck All' MP3

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Red Heart The Ticker

It's a been another good week for me on the music discovery front. Here is another album I have been currently playing into oblivion lately - Red Heart The Ticker's second album, 'Oh My! Mountains Below.'

The record is a 13 song set of some of the most beautiful sounding country folk that I have heard in quite awhile. The band is Vermont husband and wife tandem Tyler Gibbons and Robin MacArthur.

* 'When We Were Young' MP3

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Despite what the music industry would have you believe, I sincerely believe that now is a better time than any to be an artist. With tools like myspace, twitter,and file sharing bands literally have access to MILLIONS of people instantly.

And it's a pretty amazing time to be a music lover too. I am finding bands all the time that I love...usually quite accidentally. The latest such band is North Carolina outfit Bombadil. I have been listening to their new record 'Tarpits And Canyonlands' for the past couple of days and just loving it. Super literate lyrics set to beautiful instrumental soundtracks...right up my alley.

Here is one of my favorite tunes off of the record...I actually had a hard time deciding which song to share, I like so many...but the Aphex Twin refernce here won out in the end :-)

* 'Matthew' MP3