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Craigslist Musical Dedication

The person that carved in

the concrete in front

of my house

Date: 2010-04-21, 3:51PM EDT

It has been about two years now that I have lived in this house and wonder why someone wrote Walker Texas Ranger in the concrete of my driveway. There you were, face to face with the possibility of being immortalized (or at least remembered for a few decades) by the occupants of the home that was being constructed before you, and this is what you choose? Perhaps you were put on the spot. The concrete was quickly drying and you had just finished reading two pages of Chuck Norris jokes. You know, the ones like,

"A Handicapped parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there."

Maybe you were actually a Walker Texas Ranger fan (although it is unlikely that a divorced woman between the ages 45 and 60 would write in wet concrete). Whatever the reason, I have to say I am disappointed. It would have been much better if you would have wrote something like “The guy that lives here kicks ass”, or “The guy that lives here doesn’t want to buy steaks out of the back of your truck.” Thats right meat truck guy that comes down my street, Im talking to you.


* Pearl Jam - 'Immortality' MP3

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Love It To Life

And no mini posting spree this week would be complete from me without including a track from one of my favorites, Jesse Malin. I am such a sucker for his straight ahead, Bruce Springsteen-worshiping rock n roll.

His brand new record is called 'Love It To Life' and is vintage Malin, meaning pretty much a perfect summer rock record.

* 'St Mark's Sunset' MP3

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Another post, another Portland band

Too Portland bands in a row. Totally unintentional. Not that it can be helped. I think with my taste in music it is impossible to go a week without posting about a band from either Portland,Austin, or Brooklyn.

This time around, the band is indie pop/lo-fi electronica act Cars And Trains. To me, they sound like a slightly more fleshed out Casiotone For The Painfully Alone. Pretty minimalistic, featuring sharp, clever lyrics. Their new record is called 'The Roots, The Leaves.'

Here is a sample of what's in store for you should you check it out...

* 'The Sun Always Sets' MP3

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What We Lose In The Fire We Gain In The Flood

The Mynabirds (basically singer/songwriter Laura Burhenn) are out of Portland and have released their debut on April 27 entitled 'What We Lose It The Fire We Gain In The Flood.' I think I would have to love this band EVEN if the music weren't so good just because of their name. It's a tip of the cap to the near mythical R & B super group of the 60's featuring Neil Young and Rick James among others.

The record is fantastic, and is maybe my favorite debut disc so far this year. Just a beautiful sound that is hard to pin down...it's eclectic and incredible...well worth your time.

Here is one of my favorite tunes, enjoy...

* 'Numbers Don't Lie' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

my name is scott once

i was at dairy queen i saw

u ba - m4w - 32 (ohio)

Date: 2010-04-23, 1:54AM EDT

my name is scott once i was at dairy queen and you who i miss so dearly whipped up a killer sundae please come back baby today friday not sunday please crying sad - scott


* Clem Snide 'The Dairy Queen' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

At the Queer Sex Ed

Conference - w4w - 23

Date: 2010-04-20, 5:20PM MDT

You were sitting behind me at the Queer Sex Ed conference and chatted with me and my friend. She had the palm tattoo and I was wearing a black skirt and top. You are super cute and I want to take you on a date! I believe you asked my friend for my number later...not sure if it was delivered. Respond with your name so I know it is you :)


If this missed connection pans out we will finally have a winner in the category of "Best Story About How I Met My Significant Other"

* Jill Sobule - 'I Kissed A Girl' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Sunless in Columbus

- m4w - 30

(At the corner of bar

and dance floor)

Date: 2010-04-25, 2:55AM EDT

You: Delightful lass at Outland on Saturday with the low cut dress and lower cut bosom. Me: That guy dressed in black. You know, the tall one. We traded smiles. Let's see if we have any common interests other than red lights, throbbing bass music and Addam's Family Fashion. Your man looked like he came from Ikea, time to trade him in.



* Pavement - 'Date With IKEA' MP3

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Here's To Taking It Easy

This song is the exact reason I started my little blog. It's 9:41PM on a Sunday night and I just heard an amazing song and felt the need to throw it out into the world. Just sitting here, relaxing on a fine Ohio evening, listening to the brilliant new Phosphorescent record 'Here's To Taking It Easy' and this song popped up...and I had to share it.

I do believe Matthew Houck has outdone himself.

* 'Tell Me Baby (have you had enough?)' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication - Coachella 2010 Edition

Coachella - Spoon - m4w - 26


Date: 2010-04-20, 5:21PM PDT

I think I fell in love with you at Spoon. Granted, I barely said a word to you and I was in love with everybody at the festival and I couldn't even feel my hands at the time because I had just taken the best E of my life... That show was amazing! Right? And Thom Yorke afterwards? I should have pulled it together and at least attempted to flirt with you. But this is what happens when Im rolling. I think pure thoughts and dance with myself. Haha. Awesome weekend!


"I was in love with everybody at the festival" - I love drugs. See how much better the world is when people are on drugs?

* Spoon - 'The Way We Get By' MP3

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The Sweet Part Of The City

Another Coachella has come and gone, and as always, it was THE best weekend of the year! I will get around to attempting to summarize it in blog form eventually, but now there is just too much new music stacked up for me to listen to...it the best sort of overwhelming.

And of course, I am having trouble even getting to anything else because I am so in love with this new Hold Steady record. In fact when I first got my hands on it, I repeated this track - the first one on the record - over and over. It blew me away. Of course, I am totally biased, but I think this album is easily one of their best efforts. Same great songs, with an evolving sound.

I can't wait to hear the end of this track live...I can already imagine an entire barful of my new closest friends singing along with "...we like to play for you, we like to play for you, we like to play for you."

* 'The Sweet Part Of The City' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Your arm caught on fire!

- m4m - 36

(Easy St. Cafe, German Village)

Date: 2010-04-11, 11:28PM EDT

Busy saturday night at Easy St. Cafe... your arm briefly caught on fire when you lit our saganaki! It was very exciting, and your grace under pressure was admirable. I hope you're ok. You were a greater waiter, and I'd love to take you out sometime, and check on that arm. :)


* Band Of Skulls - 'Fires' MP3

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Off and on is what we want

Happy Coachella week!!! I won't be around much this week...but while I am here, I plan on sharing some awesome new music.

In fact, as I type this I am listening to the brand new Broken Social Scene record...and it's pretty incredible. Check this tune out...one of 14 brand new ones on the forthcoming 'Forgiveness Rock Record.'

* 'Sentimental X's' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Let's Build Something Together

- m4w - 27 (E. Broad Lowes)

Date: 2010-04-07, 2:53PM EDT

I came into the Lowe's on East Broad looking for a job and ended up seeing the most beautiful lil' blonde woman....a sculptor couldn't have formed a better shape, an architect couldn't have designed a more perfect face, a painter couldn't have colored a more beautiful persona, and a writer could not have crafted a more curiously intriguing soul. I think you are a manager there.... I happened to be there during your team meeting....haha, why did you want to leave the room? You seem sweet, sensitive, innocent, a little shy, and just too perfect. I can't get your big, sweet, compassionate, soul-piercing eyes out of my mind! I have never done this before, but your glance has left me no choice. Unfortunately, I didn't get the job, but what dissappoints me most is that I won't have the opportunity to flirt with you at work. I would like to get to know you better if you are interested. I am a clean-cut, educated, down-to earth, hard-working, sensitive artist with muscle. I moved out here a month ago and it has been hard meeting cool people to hang out with, let alone someone to enjoy my life with. I am a knight always on the look out for my princess, if you and I were meant to be then I believe that you will somehow see this post. I think that you know who I am, and I hope our paths may cross again sometime perfect stranger.


* Beastie Boys - 'It Takes Time To Build' MP3

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This Too Shall Pass Away

Apologies for the lack of posts lately...been really busy, and I just haven't really had much come across my ears that I felt I HAD to share.

Well, that all changed about five minutes ago when I heard this Xiu Xiu song. This one off of the cheerfully titled 'Dear God I Hate Myself' record...beautiful track.

* 'This Too Shall Pass Away(For Freddy)' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Brandon: if by chance you see

this I mean you - 20

(OSU campus)

Date: 2010-04-07, 2:16AM EDT

Well I would expect you to read this since this is where you first emailed me from. When I got your message I honestly wasn't enthused you weren't my type but when you asked me to the movies I really wanted to go that weekend it's kind of ironic in a way. Your sense of humor was off a little but I liked it you made me smile and I thought you were amazing and I really don't know why it was something about you that I liked. Afer the movie we went back to my room and had a few drinks and I honestly thought we had fun but I guess I was wrong. I texted you the next day and got no respond until you realized you had forgot your charger and you needed it for work monday. You brought your friend with you which I didn't understand I guess it was for him to judge me but I don't know because I haven't heard from you since then which I think is kind of messed up something would have been better than nothing but I guess that's all it was to you...nothing. I doubt you see this or even care but I just wanted to say I thought you were great and have a nice life


And there you have it. In one long, rambling paragraph. The star-crossed love affair between Brandon and this CL girl. It's true, the brightest flames burn the quickest.

* REM - 'So. Central Rain' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 11 Days To Go

Today's Coachella artist of the day are my second favorite Danish band at the festival this year(sorry, The Raveonettes are #1)

Mew...straight outta Copenhagen

* 'Her Voice Is Beyond Her Years' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

restraining order - 20 (OSU)

Date: 2010-04-05, 2:07AM EDT

To my favorite ex-boyfriend (sweet Benjamin):

I realize that you're having difficulty looking at me since it's been over a year since we broke up, and that I now shrink your erection (don't worry, you're not the only one!), but I would really appreciate it if you'd take a break from telling our friends I'm psychologically demented. Clearly, you want to have sex with me, and that's what this is all about. The few times we did have sex were alright I guess, but while you never could finish without making ridiculous high-pitched noises as if you were in pain, I wouldn't mind trying again. But this game you're playing (yelling at me to stop "following you" when we go to the same church, not looking me in the eyes in public, getting a restraining order on me, "confessing" to your parents that we had sex as if God had a problem with it, yelling at me about how I'm wrong about something in general - what I have yet to figure out) is really driving me bonkers. I would have sex with you again, I really would. However after I realized that while we were still together, you thought you stood a chance with this one slut (we'll call her Amy J) who happens to 1. lead a Bible study and 2. talk about sex and God inextricably more than any other vagina I've met, well, it's just become a little bit more complicated. You see my sweet love, she knows that you want to have sex with her. This is in fact why she is so coy with you! On again off again! "Hard to catch" and yet SUCH a good friend! All girls are like this. We KNOW. Penis trumps all. That is, until we get married, then we really have no idea that it was all about the sex. You left me for this other vagina, and I'm just going to say. That was wrong. That was cold, well-executed (I didn't even believe it for almost a year! But my dad set me straight, understanding himself very well), and did I say cold? When you broke up with me and I acted like that was alright, you went straight to Amy J and got sad. She wanted to help, so she IM'd me and said you needed space. I should have listened, I'm sorry for not giving you space then! Maybe then you would have ignored her fat slimy ass. She really does have butter thighs, you know. I/everyone was shocked when they figured out you were chasing a chubby instead of your Playboy-bunny ex-girlfriend.
Anyway.. seeing as how you don't even know I exist anymore in real life (I had to ask you if you got a lawyer to get your attention) well, I'm sorry the sex will never be that good again, but if you want to work it out... you have my number. Just don't expect sex til there's a ring on my finger and bells ringing, bitch.

See you in court tomorrow.



* The New Pornographers - 'The Laws Have Changed' MP3

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So good at being so sad

Only seems right that I should share some new music from one of my very favorite singer/songwriters, Damien Jurado, on this, an overcast and gray Monday morning. I love the man and his music, but it is most definitely on the sadder side of the spectrum. Bleak and beautiful. And this brand new record, 'Saint Bartlett' is no exception.

The record comes out on May 5th...here is one of my favorite tunes for you.

* 'Rachel & Cali' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Beer Tub Girl - m4w - 34

(8yrs Ago)

Date: 2010-04-03, 5:34PM CDT

You were a beer tub girl at club Cancun, your name was Steph. You were going to marry the Mgr there. We had talked every night I came in, I had told you that I would always remember you. You never believed me, well here I am 8yrs later thinking about you. If there was a chance you would see this, I would really love to hear from ya.


8yrs...wow...do you know how many beer tub girls he could have fallen in love with in 8yrs?? She may in fact be the one.

* The Smiths - 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

Looking for a girl I met

on craigslist - m4w

Date: 2010-03-30, 7:34PM MDT

I am looking for a girl that I met on craigslisy a few months back. We had sex in my car. Then I dropped you back off at the gas station that I picked you up by. If you think you may be this girl write me an email.

Key things so I know it was you.
You had sone tattoos. Where were they and what where they.
What cross streets was the gas station on.
Around what time did I pick you up?
What was wrong with my ears?
Did you give me your number to text?
Did I have any tattoos?

Please write me back. Even if you don't want to meet me again so I at least know to stop looking.


Good thing he has like 7 security questions here as there will no doubt be HUNDREDS of girls responding to his email. Girls who are desperate to get in touch with the guy was chivalrous enough to drop the girl back off at the gas station after he just had sex with her in his car .

* Ryan Adams - 'Call Me On Your Way Back Home' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 13 Days To Go

I can honestly tell you that I could not name three Public Image,Ltd songs. Actually, not even one. I am no pop music historian and I am especially not in the know about the early 80's UK bands. Just never took the time to listen really. Which makes me a failed music geek on most levels...and I am ok with that.

I will, however, try and check out at least a couple of songs from the PiL set just so I can say that I saw an original Sex Pistol play...so I guess I have that going for me.

* 'This Is Not A Love Song; MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

F*CK It babe-Intended 4


a.k.a. C.C. (Finally there)

Date: 2010-04-02, 1:33AM EDT

I gotta walk on this one, sorry. I feel like a fool for letting it go on this long but now enough is enough it's closure time...Since you will not come out and be honest then I will be honest for the both of us...


Well, I have to admit that u actually f*cked me up, not us, me...U led me on with deep emotional sh*t when u should have just been open with me and u could have seen whoever but to lead me on and play like your the saint, well enough said, I'm burned out.


Oh yea, while your still loving you I am still loving life...Just come out and say whats on your mind, who cares anyway, it would just help me get over this sh*t alot quicker and for good but i'll do it on my own.



But wait....he wasn't quite finished

re:F*CK it babe-Mind f*cked?..

Date: 2010-04-02, 1:52AM EDT

I would say that u r the best at trying to mind f*ck other people or me anyway...Please disregard that letter...Maybe in another life time...Good night I will never love you...


U made your choice and u actually have the nerve to try to rub it in my face but are to much of a coward to just say it which would be a blessing for me because I would be brand new instantly and u would be forgotten within seconds which now it will take hours but who cares as long as u and everything that u have ran on me and about u is behind me for good.

Hint: Your a front(Courtney a.k.a. C.C.)



What an awesome display of relationship melodrama! I also love how he, the guy posting his venomous rant on Craigslist, calls her a coward. Brilliant.

* Mike Ness - 'Don't Think Twice' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 14 Days To Go

We are in the midst of "Coachella comes to Columbus" week apparently. Passion Pit, Vampire Weekend, Tegan and Sara, and the xx will have all played shows here by the end of the weekend. And I didn't have to go to any of them. One stop shopping at the beautiful polo grounds in Indio. Oh Coachella....how I love you so.

* Tegan And Sara - 'Walking With A Ghost' MP3

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Coachella Artist O'the Day: 15 Days To Go

It's a gorgeous, sunny spring day here in Ohio...so the Coachella countdown band of the day HAS to be the pure, warm popiness that is Matt & Kim.

* 'Daylight' MP3

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Craigslist Musical Dedication

closeted foot fetish guy from

the fall - 19 (Campus)

Date: 2010-03-31, 7:25PM EDT

Hey, i answered your craig's list posting in the fall and we hung out a couple of times, you had a really big foot fetish and you were really hot. You were in the closet and no one knew about you. We went to your storage unit and we messed around on the hood of my car. I don't have your number anymore and idk if you have mine. I'm posting this in case you wanna get back in touch and mess around again. If you are this guy tell me the color or make of my car to let me know its you.


"there's a skeleton in every man's house..."

* Counting Crows - 'Perfect Blue Buildings' MP3