
'Juno' was another movie I went into feeling more than a bit skeptical. I am really SO OVER the teen/pregnancy feel good sort of comedy...and for a bit, I had reason to be concerned. Then Ellen Page happened. She is just too talented and too convincing to let this turn into one of THOSE movies. While it does start to overdose from sweetness every now and again, Page always brings it back from the edge with her faux angst and sense of humor. Don't let the hipsters jade you on this one, it is excellent...well worth your time.

Um...i am having mp3 uploading issues...so I made this quick, REALLY QUICK, lo-fi video to share the unofficial theme song of the movie 'Anyone Else But You' by the Moldy Peaches. Please don't let the stunning visuals in this video distract you from the lovely song.


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