Coachella Artist O'the Day: 55 Days To Go

James Murphy is one of those artists that I would follow blindly into the desert. I mean, I trust him that much. Everything he seems to touch turns into sonic gold. That's the great thing about the LCD Soundstytem records, they are just all over the place in just the right places. He meshes styles and genres seamlessly to make some incredible pop music. I can't wait to hear the new stuff this April...in the desert, ironically enough. See what I did there...brought it all back together - solid gold blogging!
* 'All My Friends' MP3
jealous jealous jealous. LCD is amazing live. There better be a video of this ....
he'll be there?! AHH I NEED TO GO LOOK AT THE LINEUP AGAIN. I adore James Murphey and Sound of Silver is golden indeed
you like Free Energy, yeah? he produced them. genius.
Hi thhanks for sharing this