Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

wagon wheel - w4m (springfield)

Reply to: [?]
Date: 2009-01-01, 4:34AM EST

about 3 yrs. ago, you were in the wheel and you were playing pool. before you left you put your phone number in my back pocket while i was setting at the bar. For some reason you knew my name. you had a lemp. very sexy. tell me my name.


And by "lemp" I am assuming he means "limp"(I know, assumptions are always a dangerous thing on Craigslist...I have accepted this and I am moving on) which case he is absolutely right, nothing is hotter than a girl with a mangled leg...that drunkenly gave you her phone number three years ago.

*Fiona Apple - 'Limp' MP3

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