Audio Nostalgia: Eve's Plum

Remember 1995? I do. I was twenty years old and my musical tastes were pretty much shaped by Matt Pinfield and what he played on MTV's 120 Minutes. I was also very susceptible to falling for mediocre power pop bands with hot lead singers and clever names. Enter Eve's Plum. The hot chick in question grew up to be the sort of pop sensation Vitamin C. I was young and impressionable, what can I say...I just thought it was so cool that they named their band after the actress who played tormented middle sister Jan Brady. Admittedly, I was easily impressed.

* Eve's Plum - 'Jesus Loves You(But Not As Much As I Do') MP3

1 Response to "Audio Nostalgia: Eve's Plum"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Wow. Thanks so much for this!
    I lost my CD years ago in a break-up...

    Also worth noting is that the 'hot chick in question' is one Colleen Fitzpatrick, whose first claim to fame was playing Amber Von Tussle in the original (and obviously far superior) John Waters "Hairspray" film from 1988...