The Return Of Clem Snide

I steer clear of posting music news of any kind on here usually...there a billion places on the web that do that, and they ALL do it better than I could. But when said news item is about one of my all time favorite bands, I feel obligated to pass it along - complete with a brief soundtrack of course. So earlier today I was doing my monthly check in on my myspace page and while scanning through all of the bulletins I noticed that Eef Barzelay, frontman of Clem Snide, posted a blurb about their new album coming out in February and a tour to follow. And my day was made!

In honor of this momentous(in my little world) occasion, here are three of my all time favorite Clem songs...enjoy.

* 'Nick Drake Tape' MP3

* 'Messiah Complex Blues' MP3

* 'I Love The Unknown' MP3

2 Response to "The Return Of Clem Snide"

  • sk8slow Says:

    Great little story here. Thanks for the support. I'm the project manager for the new Clem Snide album 'Hungry Bird' The new record comes out 2/24/09 and if you'd like a free copy for review or any press materials for that matter feel free to let me know.
    We have all sorts of online materials such as banners, images, press releases etc...
    We also have buttons, posters and even vinyl for the lucky ones.

    I hope to hear from you!

    Best Regards,

  • Blair Says:

    Thanks so much for taking the time to comment Bruce! I would love to have anything you've got!I'm dying to hear the new material!

    I didn't catch an email address or anything...if you read this, feel free to email me at

