The Wrestler

Mickey Rourke may very well have been put on this Earth to play the part of Randy'The Ram' Robinson in Darren Aronofsky's brand new movie 'The Wrestler.' Rourke is pitch perfect as an aging wrestling icon from the 80's. Having filled arenas in his hey day, now the Ram is relegated to weekend matches at the Y and a part time job in the deli of his local supermarket. Throw in a stripper/single mother love interest(portrayed so well by Marissa Tomei) and an adult daughter that he barely knows, and you have the portrait of a broken man.

The movie pulls no punches, put's no silver lining on the cloud. It's a stark, bleak looking picture that is so earnest ,almost to a fault, that it has a documentary like feel ot it. I loved it. I will now forgive Mr. Aronofsky for unleashing 'The Fountain' on us a couple of years ago.

* Lou Barlow - 'Round And Round' MP3


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