Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

Praying Wives' Group (NW Columbus)

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Date: 2008-11-02, 11:43AM EST

I've been stomping around my house and had planned to pout all evening, because my husband said "no" to a purchase I wanted to make: some living room furniture "that would have been SUCH A BETTER MATCH with my living room drapes and TOO GOOD A DEAL TO PASS UP!!"

I sat down grumpily to begin my Bible Study and stumbled across an article about "girlfriends 'persuading each other' about the 'unfairness' of a marital situation." The article went on to describe a "praying wives' club" and the wonderful results the participants had seen in their own attitudes, in their marriages, and in the lives of their husbands, after a few months of meeting together. It said:

"Every marriage is a relationship between two flawed individuals, so no marriage will be without difficulties. But when you love your spouse with God's kind of love, you will see transformation resulting in a better outlook in the short term and a better marriage in the long term."

So, humbled, and looking forward to greeting my husband when he arrives home, I decided a praying wives' club sounded like a pretty good idea. If any one person, or many, feels similarly inclined, please contact me, and I will happily welcome you into my "mismatched" living room.


Pray, pray, pray with all your might to the great God your husband will relent and let you buy those bargain priced pieces of furniture to go with your drapes!!! I LOVE organized religion!!!

Arctic Monkeys - 'Curtains Close' MP3

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