Craigslist Musical Dedication Of The Day

I was Frank N Furter (Rocky Horror) at Skully's... - m4w - 32 (C-bus/Grove City)

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Date: 2008-10-31, 5:26PM EDT

As the title says, I was all decked out in fishnets, heels, leather jacket, etc. at Skully's for 80's night yesterday. I "met" some fun people and just wanted to say thanks for the dancing to all of you.

-princess leia
-chuck norris, michael jackson, good fairy, biker dude (all girls)

And a special thanks to Dead Sarah Palin (Mona?). It was great meeting you/talking.

I embarrissingly either drank too much too fast, or got slipped something in my drink and ended up passing out in the bathroom? All I know is I woke up at the hospital. I guess there is a first for everything. Consequently, I never got your number...nor do I remember much of what I got into last night. I think we kissed a little?

If you can fill in the gaps (as embarrassing as they may be), I'd appreciate it. I don't like not knowing what I may or may not have done.



It's not a good night unless you make out with a zombie Sarah Palin and end up in the hospital...

Roky Erickson - 'I Walked With A Zombie' MP3

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