Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Top Gun Connection - m4w (King's Island)

Reply to: pers-708018050@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-06-04, 9:27PM EDT

This was a year ago. Yes, a year, what a loser I hear you say, but I couldn't get you out of my mind. You were in front of me in the line for "Top Gun" at the end of a treacherously hot day. We talked about the university where I worked. I think it safe to say we would have exchanged numbers but we each had our kid with us which stopped us giving contact information. You are petite, articulate, intelligent and you made me laugh (I think I did the same for you).


Lameness has a new name, and it is THIS GUY. Pining over a girl he had one brief conversation with in line at an amusement park..a year ago! Might be time to start playing the field again my friend....

Berlin - 'Take My Breath Away'

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