Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Hot cougar at the Olive Garden - m4w - 30 (Grove City)

Reply to: pers-701362051@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-05-30, 3:52PM EDT

You sitting next to my friend and eye at lunch. We made eye contact and I couldn't help but stare at you when I could. Would love to know more, even though you had a ring on.


Question: Is the term 'cougar' considered a compliment to women? I thought it was sort of NOT...but I think my track record proves that understanding what women want to hear is NOT something I excell at.

(Editors Note - I HATE zany FM morning radio teams...but the song selection on this one was getting tough)

Some Zany FM Morning Radio Team(you can tell because they think they are HILLARIOUS)

1 Response to "Missed Connections musical dedication of the day"

  • Anonymous Says:

    Cougar may have started out as a derogatory term years ago. But there are many older woman and some younger men like myself who are doing our best to bring out the truth about cougars and their younger mates. Our website will give you a glimpse as to what I am talking about. www.cougarandthecub.com