Missed Connections musical dedication of the day

Cara at Starbucks - m4w - 45 (clifton)

Reply to: pers-687164983@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-05-19, 6:16PM EDT

I see you when I get my coffee in the morning and you are always so cheery and loud, in a good way. I always look forward to when you are working so I can see you smile at me. Also, I saw you with your sister? once outside and you two were so hot together. Want to have a threesome? I'm the tall thug that winked at you. Hit me back if you want to hook this up. You can serve me up that loud cup of coffee in the bedroom.


What kind of self respecting 'thug' hits up the local Starbucks everyday?? He is SO gangsta! And I thought it was a pretty classy move to ask for a threesome with the girl and her sister for the first date.

Trick Daddy - 'I'm A Thug'

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