My first, real love

Pearl Jam. I remember being a young man, absolutely obsessed with all things Pearl Jam. I can remember spending HOURS in our one cool record shop in Columbus,OH - Singing Dog Records - scouring the import section, looking for anything new from Eddie and company. I am embarrassed to say how many insanely overpriced, poor quality bootlegs I bought in those days. Cheaply made albums that were recorded by some drunk guy in the 300th row at some Pearl Jam show somewhere...discs that were no doubt pressed in some guys basement in Europe, then shipped to the US to be sold to stupid kids like me.

One of the millions of reasons I still love Pearl Jam is for the fiercely fan friendly approach to the music business. I was SO thrilled when the band starting offering soundboard recordings of EVERY show they played, double discs that were sold for an oh so reasonable price of lik3 $11.99. I bought a ridiculous amount of those too, but didn't go totally broke doing so. I think I have seen 10 or 11 PJ shows, and it is so great to have recordings of most of those shows...they make a wonderful audio time capsule.

Enough waxing nostalgic, here are four of my favorite PJ covers...some Radiohead, Tom Waits,Cat Stevens, and Tom Petty.





1 Response to "My first, real love"

  • Anonymous Says:

    same shit for me in NY, getting ripped off on the bootlegs. awesome post. The nostalgic shit was the best part, keep going.